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Lesson Title:

Lesson #

Bucket Filling

Thomas Wesley Grenn


EDTE 520


October 29, 2016


Rationale: (lesson context and reasons why lesson matters)

This lesson describes multiple different methods of presenting a lesson. It shows a translation of understanding
where it begins with teacher based activities and ands with student based learning. This is a lesson that is able to
teach topics that go beyond the constraints of the course. It teaches about the larger idea of morality which was an
essential skill for everyone to know. It also is an activity that continues outside of the classroom and one that
continues further throughout the year. It gives the students essential for the rest of the kids lives.
Curriculum Connections : (which can be: big ideas / learning standards /curricular competencies/core competencies)

Language Arts Grade One. Use sources of information and prior knowledge to make meaning. When reading the
story we will be asking the students questions so that they can make further connections to the story and so that
they can think of how other things relate to this topic.
Language Arts Grade One Elaborations: personal stories and experiences. We ask students to share personal ideas
and thoughts so that they can connect personally to this story. When mentioning bucket fillers and dippers students
will be making personal connections here as well.
Language Arts Grade One Stories and other texts can be shared through pictures and words. Describing the story
through use of pictures and using pictures in the worksheet.
Language Arts Grace One Using illustrations and prior knowledge to predict meaning. Transforming from text to
pictures with the same meaning given behind the images shown.
Learning Intentions- (learner friendly language such as: I can ..)

I can tell the difference between a bucket filler and a bucket dipper. I can make somebody happy by being kind to
them. I can display bucket filling behaviors throughout my life inside and outside of the classroom. I can identify
whether an activity is a good or bad.
Prerequisite Concepts and Skill :( for student success)

Students will need some prior knowledge about what is good versus what is bad. They will need to have basic
comprehension skills in order to listen to and understand a story. Students will also need to be able to understand
simple worksheets and be able to cut and paste them.
Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

Bucket Filling Poster
Bucket filling activity sheets
Have you filled your bucket today- Book
Bucket filler and dipper examples
A whiteboard
White board markers


Pencil crayons

Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations)

For this activity we had some alterations that could easily be made to the activity sheets to make them more
inclusive. There is no part of this lesson that someone would be physically unable to complete.

Assessment and Evaluation: (formative and summative possibilities related to curricular connections)

Students will have an activity sheet to complete to demonstrate that they understood the subject matter of the
lesson and that they can present the information in a different way. Students also give feedback and share their
ideas throughout the lesson. At the end of the lesson there will be several cumulative activities where students will
share what they have learned throughout the entire lesson and present it to the teachers.
Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

We are using existing classroom management techniques that the teacher already uses to make the integration with
this lesson to the students as seamless and possible. We are transforming the activity where first the teachers
demonstrate the activity working towards the students doing work on their own. We are using a structured lesson
building from a hook and emphasizing the learning intentions for the group.
Possible Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning and

Learning involves recognizing the consequences of ones actions. By recognizing what is a good and bad thing
students are able to recognize the consequences of actions. They are able to name whether something is either a
bucket filler or a bucket dipper. From this they are able to recognize the cost of each action and what to do in their
Ve the ancestors. The skills learned in this lesson are lifelong skills that will affect students far outside of the
classroom and the knowledge gained affects all of these areas.
Lesson Activities:

Teacher Activities
A teacher will gather the students together on
the carpet in order to introduce the lesson.
First the teacher will fully discuss the learning
intentions with the class. Then the teacher will
ask the students several questions that will
introduce the topic to come. The purpose of
this will be to access prior knowledge. At this
time the classroom rules will also be explained
and the expectations for the lesson.
As the students remain gathered of the carpet
the teacher will lead the class in the telling of
a story. First the teacher will ask several
background questions to establish some
general ideas about bucket filling. Then the
teacher will begin reading the story pausing
after each page to reflect on the meaning of
the story and get the kids to share their
personal thoughts on each page. Afterwards
the teacher will ask several follow up
questions about the meaning of the story.
Cut and paste
From here the activity is introduced by the
teacher with all elements being explained to
the students as they remain sitting on the
carpet. Then the teacher directs the students to
move to the table which have been prepared

Student Activities


Students will sit silently and gather together

on the carpet as instructed. They will raise
their hands when called upon and answer the
questions to the best of their abilities. They
will begin to think about the topic discussed
and what it means to be a bucket filler and a
bucket dipper.

5 minutes

Students remain on the carpet and answer the

teachers questions about the story. They
raise their hands when they have questions
and always follow the teachers instructions.

10 minutes

20 Minutes
Kids will remain on the carpet as the activity
is explained. They will learn the rules and
respond to the teachers prompts. Then the
kids will move to the tables as they are
assigned. From here they will cup out the

with all necessary supplies. They will be

directed to a pre assigned spot and the
students will begin their activity. The teacher
will circulate and assist any students with
questions or problems. When the majority of
the class is finished the teacher will collect the
work and direct the students back to the

When the students have returned to the carpet
the teacher will introduce the bucket filler
poster. They will explain how it works and
how it relates to the worksheets. Then the
student will give several examples of bucket
dippers and fillers calling upon the students
for help in determining which is which.
Bucket dippers and fillers will be placed on
the poster. The teacher will then ask for
several examples from the students personal
experiences. Next the bucket will be discussed
and students will pull out examples from this
bucket and place them on the poster in the
corresponding buckets.

Wrap Up
Finally the teacher will explain how we can be
bucket fillers in our lives. The teacher will
direct a few questions about this topic. Then
the teacher will explain how we will use this
in the class and the lesson will be over. The
learning objectives will be reiterated and the
students will demonstrate one thing that they
learned about in the lesson.

squares from one activity sheet and paste

them in either the bucket filler or dipper
section of worksheet number two. If they
have any questions they will raise their hands
and the teacher will answer. If the student is
completed this before others they will be
asked to silently color on the worksheet until
the rest of the class has caught up to them.
When they have completed this assignment
they will hand it in to the teacher and return
to their place on the carpet.
10 Minutes
Now on the carpet students will listen
carefully as the teacher explains the bucket
filling poster. They will continue to follow
the rules laid out previously and raise their
hands if they have any questions. When the
teacher asks the class questions they will
raise their hands and wait to respond. The
students will think of examples of bucket
fillers and dippers in their own lives and then
share them with the rest of the class. When
the bucket is passed along and they are chose
the students will reach into the bucket and
retrieve an example to share with the class.
Then they will place that example on the
board under the category of either bucket
filler or bucket dipper. They will rely on
their fellow students to help them answer this
question. After they have placed the example
on the poster they will return to sitting on the
5 minutes
Remaining on the carpet, the students will
listen to the teacher discuss further learning
for this subject. They will then share one
think that they learned in the lesson and the
lesson will be over.

Reflections: (over)

This was a very successful lesson that can be continued and made into a full unit of bucket filling ideas. The
children responded to the lesson very positively and they understood the objectives of the lesson. All of the
learning intentions were met and it is a lesson that I would definitely teach again.

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