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Importance of Assessment in Education System:

Proper assessment is the key to success for learning, image a piano teacher who just sits
there and goes on and on and on with the piece and the students keep on playing it and the
teacher just lets the students playing it, without bothering to find out anything at all, about
the students weakness and about strengths. So if this approach is taken further I believe it
would be totally disastrous for the students, bad habits would be practiced and as those bad
habits would keep on being practiced they will be sediment in other words it would be
impossible to break them down as time goes on. Hence assessment is like this, you have to
see the bad things and cut them off and nip it in the bud and encourage the good stuff. For
example: If a student is writing something and is facing difficulty in the approach in which he
is writing, then the teacher must stop the student there itself and help the student in writing
it in other way and if that does not work then she must try another way. But you cant just
stop and ignore the things that need to be addressed immediately.

So for me assessment is simply finding out where the student is, what does she/he know, it
can also mean trying out different instructions and strategies. If one takes this approach you
can expect a better understanding of the problem. When we are looking at the assessment
we must ensure that there is a conformity with the values enshrined in the Constitution, the
all-round development of the child happens which could be categorized as physical and
mental abilities to the fullest extent as it helps in building up child's knowledge, potentiality
and talent also. Assessment must be designed in such a way that children learn through
activities, discovery and exploration in a child-friendly and child-centered manner; the child
finds himself free of any kind of fear so that the child can express his views freely.
The academic authority must clearly identify the class-appropriate learning level so that this
can be monitored and assessed in order to ensure each child is receiving high quality
education that at least meets a common minimum standard.

Since I had been working with Azim Premji Foundation for the last 6 months I have witnessed
the learning levels of the children in Government school and the transaction that the teachers
do in the classroom. I believe that if there is little change that could be brought in the
classroom transaction through the teachers along with the students then I think that the
results of the over education in India would see changes in the upcoming years. I would like
to share few things that I found could be worth sharing and would also answer to the
question why I would like to work in the field of learning assessment.
Clarifying, understanding and sharing learning intention
The teacher must show examples of work with different qualities, and the lesson with an
evaluative question so that the children can form an idea of what she was explaining to them.

There are certain major skills of the curriculum that a teacher is expected to inculcate in the
children through her teaching, hence she must ensure that the analytical, conceptual,
information management, communication and meta-cognitive skills do develop in all her
Engineering effective classroom discussions, tasks and activities that would elicit evidence
of learning.
Multi-participant question:
Students could answer questions simultaneously on mini-white board or multiple choice.
Flipped classrooms:
Summaries the content of the lesson in film clips which the students watch to prepare for
the lesson. Lessons are used for conversations and dialogue between the teacher and the
students about the content of the lesson.

Providing feedback that moves learners forward

The teacher must ensure that she uses examples to support the arguments. Examples could
be such that would focuses on two things that the student has done well and one area which
needs to be improved. The best feedback is not the feedback given to student, but the one
given to the teacher. The teacher could ask the students to give feedback on how is she taking
the classes and then collect and read them, and then plan and adjust your next lesson to
meet the students needs.
Activating students as learning resources for one another
We can ask the students to use checklist that they could use to give feedback to one another:
For example the teacher is teaching about colors, green, yellow and red, have the students
demonstrate how well they understand the content of the lesson.
Green, few students understand and can explain

Yellow, few students have difficulty in understanding it

Red, couple of students have not understood at all
The teacher in this scenario should take a break for a while so that the students who have
understood Green could help other students who have not understood the color Red, while
the teacher in the mean while explains Yellow to the rest of the students who had. Doing this
the teacher is preparing the students to get the feel of a facilitator that would help them in
building leadership skills.
Activating students as the owner of their own learning:
Inform students to always check with three different sources before asking help from the
teacher as this would help them in becoming independent.

Teachers could ask the students to keep a log book with them in which they can reflect on
their learning which would help the teacher to identify which students need her help most

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