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Nowadays, there are too many environmental issues caused by human activities and
processes to the world globally such as greenhouse effect, acid rain and global warming. We
choose acid rain as our subject for investigation and we need to identify and propose solutions
for the acid rain. Acid rain is rain or other precipitation with a high concentration of acids
produced by sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other such gases that result from the
combustion of fossil fuels. Before that, we have to study the effect of acid rain toward human
being, animals and environment so that came out with the best solution. Acid rain can affect our
health, harm forests and damage lakes, streams, buildings and objects.
Therefore, we need to find the solution for this problem so that acid rain in Malaysia can
be reduced or eliminated. Based on our research, we found out that acid rain can be controlled by
conserve energy and minimize the miles. However, these methods have their own advantage and
disadvantages. Disadvantages for these methods due to individual commitment or cooperation.
Hence, solution of this problem is only effective when government, non-government
organization (NGO) and people give fully commitment and cooperation. Hopefully this problem
can be solved so that our next generation will live in peace and have better environment..

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