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10 animals that came back from extinction

Number 1: Przewalski's horse

Przewalski's horse are known as the only true wild horse in the world. The species has 66
chromosomes as opposed to the 64 chromosomes that common horses have. Originally, the
Przewalski's horse live off of the Mongolian planes. They are moving gradually to the
outskirts of the Gobi Desert where they were last seen in 1969. They were believed to have
become extinct due to a loss of genetic diversity, hunting, loss of habitat, and loss of water
sources to domestic animals. About 1,500 exist today, a large number living in zoos, but
many also making up herds that have been reintroduced at several sites in Mongolia. Thanks
to ambitious breeding and conservation programs by Netherlands-based Foundation, the
Przewalski's horse are back to driving.

Number 2: coelacanth
The strange-looking coelacanth are the large and long living fish believed to have become
extinct during the cretaceous period. An era that goes back about 65 million years, human
first encountered the coelacanth as a passel in 1938. The discovery of one of these animals in
the Columbia river in south Africa proved that the coelacanth has come back from extinction.
The fish swims in water as deep as one hundred metres below surface and has two pairs of
fleshy pins that resemble limbs. When swimming these lambs move ultimately much like
hind legs and fore legs. Coelacanth were believed to be the ancestors of four-legged land
animals and may hold the key to better understanding how animals moved from water to

Number 3: clarion night snake

The clarion night snake was believed lost forever but was discovered on one of the island of
revolution Revillagigedo, Mexico recently. Before this the only known specimen was
preserved back in 1936 after which no new sightings were reported in spite of subsequent
expeditions to the islands. The recent search proved successful after the participating team
tried to replicate the conditions of the previous search that is the timing and season to ensure
a better likelihood of finding the night snake. Part of the snakes charm is its coloration it has
dark sports on the neck and head that help it bend well with its surrounding.

Number 4: monito del monte

This tiny marsupial is descended from a lineage that has gone extinct millions of years ago. It
is one of the most impressive animals that came back from extinction because it is the sole
surviving member of that lineage, diminutive and slightly bigger than the common mouse.
The monito del monte used its appendages and its prehensile tail to climb. It stores fat in its
tail and goes into hibernation in winter.

Number 5: takahe
Takahe is a stout stocky flightless bird native to New Zealand. It has blue and green feathers
and a large red beak. The takahe was believed extinct until 1948 when it was rediscovered in
the Murchison Mountains in Fiordland. In spite of habitat destruction predators and hunting,
takahe has survived although it is still critically endangering. The conservation effort remains
focused on helping this creature thrive.

Number 6: Bermuda petrel

The long - winged Bermuda petrel was believed lost forever for over 300 years until eighteen
pairs of nesting birds were discovered in 1951 in castle harbour. With conservation efforts
there eighteen pairs grown to a 71 pairs by 2005. Although, there is evidence of an increase in
its population the Bermuda petrel remains endangered due to predation, loss of habitat and

Number 7: pygmy tarsier

The tiny pygmy tarsier barely registers on the weighing scale and just two ounces. The last
known sighting of this marsupial occurred in the nineteen twenties and it was believed to be
lost until its rediscovery in 2008 in Indonesia. Cuddly cute the marsupial has large eyes, long
fingers with claws and can turn its head 180 degrees.

Number 8: Laotian Rock Rat

Appearance wise the Laotian rock rat is a cross between a rat and a squirrel. Long thought
extinct it was rediscovered in the meat market next to the Mekong river of all places. It is
nocturnal, has a great body, long whiskers, puffy black eyes, a bulbous nose bridge and thick
tail. It was so named because it tends to live around limestone rocks, it is slow moving and
quite docile.

Number 9: Cuban Solenodon

The Cuban Solenodon is one of the rare animals that came back from extinction. Resembling
a long-haired rat, the selenodon is rare so much, so that less than forty of these animals have
been caught. First discovered in 1861, The solenodon remained hidden from sight from 1890
until 1974. In 2003, a solo Cuban solenodon spotted, the event prompted researchers to name
the elusive creature Alessandria toe as a way to celebrate its continuing presence. In spite of
its size and familiar appearance the animal can inject venom via its saliva.

Number 10: the Caledonian crested gecko

The Caledonian crested gecko was first described in the eighteen sixties but since it was not
seen for many years it was considered extinct, it was rediscovered in 1994. It derives its
named the lettuce from the fringe like crest, its boards over its eyes that resemble eyelashes.
Although, its popular as a pet, wild crested geckos are banned from exploitation. It remains
endangered, its numbers greatly threatened by the fire ant which preys on the crested geckos.

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