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I am passionate about teaching to the needs of all students, specifically applying

differentiated learning and providing the highest possible learning goals for my
students. I am knowledgeable about various teaching and learning strategies, as
well as the strengths and weaknesses in each, and strive to utilize both my
education and psychology background to engage and excite students about their
own learning.
University of Redlands
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
April 2016
Breadth and depth of knowledge in psychology, with an emphasis in
differentiated teaching for exceptional learning outcomes.
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
December 2016
In-depth knowledge of educational practices and curriculum. Understanding
of Common Core California State Standards.
South Eugene High School
International High School Diploma
June 2012
Understanding of multiple subjects with an international focus.

S t u d e n t Te a c h i n g | Fr a n k l i n E l e m e n t a r y i n R e d l a n d s , C A
September 2016 December 2016
Experiential learning of teaching practices, curriculum implementation, and appropriate
A s s i s t a n t Te a c h i n g | K i d s D o w n S o u t h P r e s c h o o l i n E u g e n e , O R
August 2010 June 2012
Planning and preparing lessons, activities, and meals. Interacting individually and
collaboratively with children, teachers, and parents.
J a s p e r s C o r n e r Tu t o r i n g | U n i v e r s i t y o f R e d l a n d s i n R e d l a n d s , C A
September 2013 May 2014
Providing one-on-one lessons and learning support with a variety of curriculums and grade
Big Buddies Mentoring | University of Redlands in Redlands, CA
September 2013 May 2014
Establishing positive and meaningful connections to young students and providing extra
curricular support.
Admissions Host | University of Redlands in Redlands, CA
September 2014 April 2016
Interacting with and speaking in front of a group of people, while providing tailored
information and advice
Child Care Provider | Edison Elementary in Eugene, CA
September 2008 June 2012
Working with the Edison Elementary School teachers, staff and parents to provide childcare
for school events such as parent meetings and curriculum nights.
S u m m e r C a m p C o u n s e l o r | T h e S c i e n c e Fa c t o r y i n E u g e n e , C A
June 2011 August 2011
Practice of behavior management strategies and implementation of science lessons for
various grade levels.

Designing, planning, and implementing differentiated learning
Conducting and evaluating formative and summative assessments

Stacy Kaiser

Relationship: Master Teacher

Title: Kindergarten Teacher at Franklin Elementary
Address: 850 E Colton Ave, Redlands, CA 92374
Phone: (951) 204-0750

Sayjal Waddy
Relationship: Supervisor of Admissions Host Team
Title: University of Redlands Admissions Counselor and Director of Admissions Host
Address: 1200 E. Colton Ave, Redlands, CA 92374
Phone: (800) 455-5064

Marilyn Cooley
Relationship: Supervisor at Kids Down South Preschool
Title: Director of Kids Down South Preschool
Address: 400 E. 19th Ave. Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541) 790-8069

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