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Lesson Title:


Lesson #

Sharing Snowmen

Thomas Grenn



Art/ Literature


November 22, 2016



Rationale: (lesson context and reasons why lesson matters)

This is an amazing lesson that fits inside the larger winter unit in an amazing way. The values learned in
this lesson are very valuable and important. This lesson teaches about sharing and good behavior. It
talks about snow in a fun and exciting way. Students learn how to work with a partner and they
demonstrate coming together to create something amazing. They also learn about public speaking
when they speak to the class about the activity. They are able to express themselves artistically and
reinforce cutting and pasting. They learn about listening to a story and paying attention. The previously
learned bucket filler behaviors are reinforced here as well. They are able to learn information through a
wide variety of engaging and informative language arts techniques.
Curriculum Connections : (which can be: big ideas / learning standards /curricular competencies/core competencies)

Learning Standards
Grade One Arts Education: Explore elements, processes, materials, movements, technologies, tools,
and techniques of the arts.
Grade One Arts Education: Explore artistic expressions of themselves and community through creative
Grade One Arts Education: Experience, document and share creative works in a variety of ways
Grade One Language Arts: Using oral, written, visual, and digital texts, students are expected
individually and collaboratively to be able to: Use sources of information and prior knowledge to make
meaning, Recognize the importance of story in personal, family, and community identity, Identify,
organize, and present ideas in a variety of forms.
Grade One Science: Students are expected to be able to do the following: Demonstrate curiosity and a
sense of wonder about the world, Ask questions about familiar objects and events, Communicate
observations and ideas using oral or written language, drawing, or role-play, Transfer and apply learning
to new situations.
Big Ideas
Grade One Arts Education: People connect to others and share ideas through the arts.
Grade One Arts Education: People create art to express who they are as individuals and community.
Grade One Language Arts: Stories and other texts can be shared through pictures and words.
Grade One Language Arts: Through listening and speaking, we connect with others and share our
Grade One Science: Observable patterns and cycles occur in the local sky and landscape.
Core Competencies
Grade One Arts Education: Personal and social
Grade One Language Arts: Communication
Grade One Science: Thinking
Learning Intentions- (learner friendly language such as: I can ..)

I can learn about how to make a snowman. I can learn about teamwork and sharing. I can make a
snowman with a partner. I can learn about snow. I can share my snowman to the rest of the class.
Prerequisite Concepts and Skill :( for student success)

Students will need some knowledge about what a bucket filler is as discussed in previous classes. They
will need a general knowledge about snow and snowmen. They will also need to have some idea about

what teamwork is and what it means to work with a partner. They will also need to know how to talk in
front of their class.
Materials and Resources
Physical Resources

Paper Plates
Paper Clips
Hole Puncher
Pencil crayons
Cloth for scarves
Popsicle sticks
Snowman accessories sheet
The Biggest Snowman Ever book

Electronic resources

YouTube video:

Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations)

There will be a coloring sheet for students who are unable to complete the activity. Students who need
special assistance will be assigned a student teacher as their partner. Tasks are simple and easy to
Assessment and Evaluation: (formative and summative possibilities related to curricular connections)

Students will demonstrate what they have learned through the final display of the completed snowman
at the end of the lesson. They will also be asked questions to display what they know throughout the
lesson including a final question at the end of what have they learned.
Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

Using time management strategies and attention getting strategies already present in the embedded
classroom. Following the bucket filler example to judge good and bad behavior.

Possible Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning and

Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits,
and the ancestors.
Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on
reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place)
Learning involves recognizing the consequences of ones actions.
Lesson Activities:

Teacher Activities

Student Activities

Introduction (hook/motivation/lesson overview)

The teacher will gather everyone on the

carpet on their assigned spots and then
the lesson will begin. First we will go over
the learning outcomes which will be written
on the board of the classroom. Then there
will be a brief science lesson. Here the

The students will begin the lesson by

gathering on the carpet. They will listen
as the rules of the activity are explained
and remain silent during the learning
intentions. When they are called upon
they will raise their hands and respond to


10 minutes

teacher will explain where snow comes

from on a basic grade one level asking
questions to the students throughout about
the snow that they see in their
neighborhoods and if they have any
personal connections to snow. The
teacher will briefly talk about the seasons
and why winter is cold. There will also be a
brief YouTube video show at this point
explaining the science of snow. This will
be brief but it will be a hook for the rest of
the lesson. The teacher calls on students
with their hands raised and discourages
calling out and explains the rules of the

the teachers questions. They will be

attempting to accesses prior knowledge
and process the new knowledge that the
teacher is giving them. During the video
they will remain calm and watch the video
keeping their hands to themselves.


Next the teacher will introduce the story

The Biggest Snowman Ever. The teacher
will ask the students to predict what is
going to happen in the story and make any
personal connections that they can to what
the story may be about. The teacher will
reinforce the rules of the class and ask
about bucket filling and if the students
remember it. Then the teacher will read
the story pausing after each page to ask
questions and point out things in the story.
Afterwards there will be a brief discussion
about what took place in the story and
what the kids thought of it. The teacher will
ask bucket filler questions about the
characters in the story as well. The
teacher will ask about what it means to
share and what they know about partners
Everyone will remain on the carpet.

The teacher will now explain the craft that

the students will be completing. The
students will be splitting into partners and
together they will complete a snowman.
The teacher will assign partners from a
predetermined list and one person will be
making the head of the snowman while the
other will be making the body. Partners will
be moved to the tables and the teacher
will distribute supplies. The snowmen will
be made out of paper plates and brought
together with paper clips. There will be
several items that will need to be cut out
and pasted on the snowman as well as
some coloring that will need to be done.

Remaining on the carpet the students will

respond to the teachers questions and
try to make personal connections to the
story. They will stay in their spot on the
carpet and raise their hands if they have
any thoughts. They will participate in the
post reading discussion and think about
the bucket filling activity but they will also
try to stay calm and listen to the teacher
at all times.

Students will go with their partner and

head to the tables as assigned. At the
table there will be a pile for partner A, and
a pile for partner B. Both partners will
write their names on the back off their
plates. Partner a will build the head of
the snowman. He will design the face and
cut and paste the hat. Partner B will
make the body. He will add the popsicle
stick arms and make the buttons for the
body. He will also glue the scarf on to the
body. The two partners will be making
sure that they are always working
together. When the pieces are finished
they will join the two halves of the

15 minutes

20 minutes

When a group has finished their snowmen

and they are done before others they will
be allowed to complete the coloring sheets
that are provided to them. When the class
has completed the craft they will return in
partners to the carpet.

snowman together with the paper clip.

The students will make sure that they
fully color their snowman until they are
both happy with him. If they are done
before other groups they may use the
coloring sheets. When all the groups are
finished they may return to the carpet in
partners ready for the next activity.

Snowman show

In partners the students will come to the

front of the class with their snowmen and
explain what they made. They will all
explain who the snowman is and give him
a bit of a personality. The teacher will lead
this display and make sure that the class
is on task. When everyone has shown off
their snowmen the class will continue
sitting and move into the wrap up
activities. At this point the teacher will
collect the snowmen to be displayed
together later.

Closure ( connections within lesson or between

lessons, sharing successes, summaries)

Remaining on the carpet the teacher will

lead a wrap up discussion of what took
place in the lesson. This will be shown in
the form of the students sharing what they
have learned in the lesson. The students
will each have a chance to speak and
share. The teacher will go over the
learning intentions of the class once again.
Then the class will transition to the next
lesson and it will be complete.

Reflections: (over)

In partners they will makes sure that they

have decided on a name for the
snowman. When they are called upon a
partnership will come to the front of the
class and show off their snowman. They
will tell the class who the snowman is and
why they made him. They can get him too
dance a little and put him on parade.
When they are finished they will hand the
snowman to the teacher to be hung uo in
the class later.

Students will continue to sit in their

partnerships and listen to the teacher.
Each group will share something that
they learned in the lesson and they will
be quiet and listening to the person who
is talking. After they have finished the
learning intention they will silently
transition to the next activity in the day.

10 minutes

5 minutes

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