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KUTILANG JERAWAT Banana Skin Remover Acne

Acne is a skin disease that can lower a person's level of confidence, especially in
adolescents who experience puberty (Anggraeni, 2012). In Indoenesia, record Cosmetics
Dermatology Study Group Indonesia, shows that there are 60% of acne sufferers in 2006 and
80% in 2007. The incidence of acne 80-100% in young adults, the age group of 14-17 years
in women, and 16-19 years in men (Yuindartanto, 2009). Factors cause of acne is hormonal
changes and abnormalities in the production of sebum (Corwin, E.J, 2009) as well as lack of
keep the body. It can trigger the development of acne bacteria is acne bacteria
Propionibakterium and Staphylocaccus epidermidia bacteria. (Wasitaatmadja, 1997).
Reduction of acne in general use of antibiotics. However, long-term use have side
effects, namely resistance, irritation, organ damage, and immunohipersensitivitas.
(Djajadisastra, 2009). Another disadvantage of the drug the drug is not to have antiinflammatory and antioxidant activity that play a role in accelerating the healing of acne.
Hence the need for alternative other drugs. Some natural substances which contain alkaloids,
flavonoids, saponins and tannins possess antibacterial activity, anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant. The compounds found in many banana skins (Salau, et al., 2010).
Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of banana peel extract (Musa balbisiana) inhibit
the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and Proteus mirabilis (Ighodaro, 2012).
According Fatoni, et al (2014), the flavonoid on a banana skin can act as anti-inflammatory.
This is because flavonoids inhibit fibroblast growth so that the wound care can be a
maximum (Hidayati, 2014). In addition, the content of steroid saponins on banana peel can
also serve as an agent to cope with inflammatory injury (Fatoni et al, 2014) because it serves
as an anti-inflammatory steroid saponin while functioning as an antioxidant and accelerate
Treatment uses the more appropriate acne topical preparations. Gel is a topical
preparation that is widely used for the treatment of acne. This is because the election
preparations have advantages can be prolonged contact with the skin, the water content in the
gel can reduce the high risk of further inflammation due to the buildup of lipids in the pores,
because it is a food lipid acne bacteria (Lieberman, 1997). Moreover, the application of gel
just leaving the film is transparent, so it is more comfortable to wear and elegant (Lachman,
Based on an idea that appears, use banana peels kepok as "KUTILANG JERAWAT"
banana skin acne removal. This study is expected to create an innovation in the treatment of
acne and contribute to the development of science.

Formulation of the problem

Based on the above, the formulation of the problem in this research are:
a. Is kepok banana peel extract has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus epidermidis
bacteria that cause acne?
b. Is kepok banana peel extract has antioxidant activity?
c. Is kepok banana peel extract has anti-inflammatory activity?
d. How formulation kepok banana peel extract in gel dosage form?

Research purposes
The purpose of this study is:
a. To determine the antibacterial activity of banana peel extract against bacteria that cause
b. To determine the antioxidant activity of banana peel extract.
c. To determine the anti-inflammatory activity of banana peel extract.
d. To formulate anti-acne gel formulation of banana peel extract and determine the activity of
antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory preparations.
Phytochemical screening
Antibacterial activity test
Axtract activity test

Evaluation of the physical gel

Preparation simplicia
Banana peel

Antiinfamatory activity
activity test

A. Preparation of Crude
Bananas are washed and then peeled and cut into small pieces. Furthermore, in a
blender with 100 mL of distilled water and then squeezed with a cloth, do it
repeatedly to remove the banana juice. Dry skin bananas with the way in an oven at a
temperature of 45oC. (Dita F. Al Ethiopia, 2014)
B. Ektstraksi
The skin is dried bananas do macerated with 90% ethanol for 3 days. And to refine
them repeatedly until the color maserat clear. Then the whole maserat obtained
concentrated by rotary vacuum evaporator at a temperature of 45 C to obtain a thick
extract ethanol 90% (Saraswati, 2015).

C. Screening Phytochemicals
Phytochemical screening banana peel kepok powder (Musa Balbisiana) class of
compounds includes examining alkaloids, glycosides (MOH 1978), steroids /
triterpenoids (Harborne 1987), flavonoids (Farnsworth 1996), saponins, tannins and
anthraquinone glycosides (MOH 1978)Skrining fitokimia serbuk kulit pisang kepok
(Musa Balbisiana) meliputi pemeriksaan senyawa golongan alkaloida, glikosida
(Depkes 1978), steroid/triterpenoid (Harborne 1987), flavonoid (Farnsworth 1996),
saponin, tanin dan glikosida antrakinon (Depkes 1978).
D. Antibacterial Activity Test
Antibacterial activity test carried out by the paper disc diffusion method
(Jawetz et al., 2006). The results of antibacterial power test is based on measuring the
Regional Diameter Inhibition (DDH) growth of bacteria that form around the paper
disc. In each of the extracts with different concentrations, taken as many as 20 mL and
dropped on sterile paper disc, and then wait until it becomes saturated (Ning, 2013).
Test bacterial suspension taken as many as 100 mL poured evenly on a medium
Nutrient Agar (NA) using spread plate method (Aziz, 2010). Wait a while until it
dries, then put the paper discs that have been dried with 20 mL of 96% ethanol extract
kepok yellow banana peel waste with a predetermined concentration (100,000 ppm,
50,000 ppm, 25,000 ppm, 12,500 ppm, 6,250 ppm and 3,125 ppm). Negative control
(blank) used is 96% ethanol by 10 mL saturated disc sterile and used as positive
control antibiotic clindamycin paper disc 30 mL / disk. Media which already contains
the test, negative control, positive control, and discs that have been saturated with the
test solution, incubation at 370C for 24-48 hours. Inhibitory Regional Diameter
(DDH) is formed around the discs after 24-48 hours, was observed by using a caliper.
Tests were carried out with three repetitions (Ning, 2013).
E. Antioxidant Activity Test
A total of 0.5 ml of the extract solution with added 1.5 ml of 1.1 -difenil-2picrylhydrazyl later in the vortex. The changing color of the solution from purple to
yellow indicates the efficiency of free radical scavengers. Furthermore, in the last 5
minutes before the 30 minutes are incubated and then absorbance was measured at
517 nm using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Activities free-radical scavengers are
calculated as a percentage reduction of DPPH color using the formula:

Activities antidote raddikal free (%) = 1 -

absorbanceof the sample

absorbance of control

x 100%

(Dita F. Al Habsyi, 2014)

F. Antiinflamatory Activity Test

The principle involved is the determination of red blood cell membranes induced rat
hipotonis cause the membrane becomes lysis. The calculation of the levels of
impurities consisting of 1 ml of phosphate buffer (pH 7.4; 0,15M), 2 ml Hiposalin
(0.36%), 0.5 ml of red blood cell suspension (10% v / v) to 0.5 ml extracts of crude
drugs and drug standards Sodium Diclofenac with various concentrations (50; 100;
250; 500; 1000; 2000 ug / ml) and control group (distilled water in lieu of liquid
hiposalin to menghassilkan 100% hemolysis) that has diinkubassi at a temperature of
370C for 30 minutes and was centrifuged respectively. The content of suspense
hemonglobin estimated using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 560 nm.
Presentation haemolysis of red blood cell membrane can be calculated by the formula:
absorbance sample
% Hemolysis = a bsorbance control x 100%
% Protection = 100 (

absorbance sample
absorbanceco ntrol

x 100%)
(Seema, 2011)

G. Gel Formulation
Gel preparation using banana peel ethanolic extract at a concentration of 1%. then in a
separate container Carbopol 940 enter into distilled water mix until homogeneous
(mixture 1). In another container insert methyl paraben, propylene glycol and most of
the extract into 5 ml of distilled water (mixture 2). Mix 1 was added to a mixture of 2
and stir until blended. Finally add propylene glycol and triethanolamine and
measuring the pH to 6.8-7.
(Grace, 2015; Khan, 2012)
H. Evaluation of the Physical Gel
The parameters used for the evaluation of the gel formulation is as follows: the color
and odor, PH, I scatter, and adhesion.
(Khan, 2012)
I. Analysis Discutions
Analyzing the ability of antibacterial activity, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and
evaluation of the physical properties of the gel obtained from the ethanol extract of
banana skin and compared the results with the standards set by the existing literature.
J. Conclutions
It was concluded from the research that is the ability of antibacterial, antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, and physical properties of the gel that is optimal to address and
eliminate acne

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