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Card 1

Climate is an average measurement

of temperature, wind, humidity,
snow, and rain in a place over the
course of years.

Card 2
Climate is different than weather.
Weather is considered as changes in
an atmosphere that occur on a daily

Card 3
Card 4
Polar climates are cold and dry, with Boreal (cold coniferous) forests lie
long and dark winters.
south of the tundra, stretching
across much of northern Canada,
Scandinavia and Russia.

2014 Brilliant Classes by Piyush

Page 3

Card 5
Card 6
On mountains, the temperature Temperate climate has warm
decreases with the altitude and summers and cool winters with
many high peaks are always covered year-round rain or snow.
in snow.

Card 7
Card 8
A Mediterranean climate is found in Deserts are hot and dry year-round
the and usually receive less than 10 in
Mediterranean Sea and in Australia (250 mm) of rainfall a year.
and California.

2014 Brilliant Classes by Piyush

Page 4

Card 9
Card 10
Dry grasslands are found in the Dry grasslands have hot summers,
where cold winters and little rainfall, so
temperature variations are extreme. very few trees can grow there.

Card 11
Card 12
Tropical grasslands such as the In Tropical grasslands the climate is
African savanna, lie between desert hot all year, but with a distinct wet
areas and tropical rainforests.
season and dry season.

2014 Brilliant Classes by Piyush

Page 5

Card 13
Card 14
Tropical rainforests are found in In Tropical rainforests, the climate is
regions near the equator.
hot and wet all year with
temperatures remaining

Card 15
Five factors which affect climate.
They are summarized below:
Distance from the sea

2014 Brilliant Classes by Piyush

Card 16
Temperature range increases with
distance from the equator. Also
temperature decreases as you move
away from the equator.

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Card 17

Card 18
If winds are warm then they have
Temperature decreases with height. been blown from a hot area which
The air is less dense and cannot hold increases temperatures.
heat as easily.

Card 19
Card 20
If winds have been blown from cold Land heats and cools faster than the
areas, they will lower temperatures. sea. Therefore coastal areas have a
lower temperature range than those
areas inland.

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Card 21
Card 22
Slopes facing the sun are warmer Slopes facing north in the southern
than those are not. Thus south hemisphere are warmest.
facing slopes in the northern
hemisphere are usually warm.

Card 23
Card 24
On the coast winters are mild and Mountain climates are usually
summers are cool.
wetter and windier than lowland

2014 Brilliant Classes by Piyush

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