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Outcome 2-Belief Platform

The purpose of schooling is the assurance that every student receives a meaningful
and purposeful education. Addressing the multiple intelligences and varied learning styles
bring the educational focus on the attainment of skills and knowledge while encouraging the
application and analysis of learning. Students should learn through a comprehensive,
multilevel, multisource process. By educating the family and community as well as the
student, learning can continue beyond the classroom. Curriculum should address the whole
child, focusing on reading and math while enfolding concepts of science, social studies, art
and music. The technological needs of students must be assessed on a continuing basis to
assure all that the learning remains current.
The teaching process should begin with dynamic leadership. Supportive and
coordinating leadership ensures an organized effort toward curriculum excellence. By
aligning district, school, and classroom curriculum, goals can be set unilaterally. The creation
a network of shared learning and shared materials builds a stronger teaching staff and lends
itself to symmetry in classrooms and learning. Ideally, every first grader should have the
same learning experience regardless of whose class he or she has attended.
The teaching and learning processes cannot be separate. They are linked not only
through the student but also through purpose. Every teaching moment should reflect a
reciprocal learning moment. Teachers have the opportunity to learn from their own teaching
and the teaching of others. Student learning begins with the anticipatory set and ends with
lesson closure. As educators, lets hope thats wrong. The learning process is continuous and
the best teachers understand this contiguous state and it is their students who flourish.

Outcome 2-Belief Platform

Educational practice should reflect not only the teacher's knowledge of subject matter
and diagnostic skills, but with the teacher's beliefs, conceptions, and methods about subject
matter, teaching, and learning. Our perceptions of knowledge and the process of attaining
knowledge provide the basis for educational practice. Some believe that learners passively
receive information and they make their priority in instruction the transmission of
knowledge. I believe that learners actively construct knowledge while building personal
perspectives. Students need learning to emphasize the development of meaning and
understanding. The focus of concern is not just the learner's cognitions, but the learner's
cognitions, beliefs, and conceptions of knowledge.
Educational planning should develop district coherence as well as to encourage
professional initiative. While I do believe that teachers should have a voice in a majority of
their professional development and PLCs, teachers are not free to choose every workshop or
to individualize all professional development. Correspondingly, those creating educational
planning topics should operate within a system of accountability. Educational planning
should address district goals meant to better the educational environment and the curriculum.
Training offered to all staff members and then never repeated, reflected upon, or enforced is
pointless. If teachers need to use particular programs or skills, offer a workshop on those
programs or skills. And then offer an advanced workshop. Supervisors should then peek into
a few rooms to see if your staff is using the program or skills. When new teachers are hired
in your district, make sure they receive instruction on the same program or skills. Continuity
of process, application of learning, and accountability in usage should follow all professional
development and educational planning.

Outcome 2-Belief Platform

Applying ones pedagogy builds a pathway to learning. The principles and methods
applied by the teaching and supervisory staff must be aligned. A belief that teachers and
students should work together creates an atmosphere of trust and open communication. A
need to develop language/literacy skills across the curriculum emphasizes a need for all
teachers to be teachers of reading. The content area subjects should include strategies and
learning similar to those taught in language arts and literature.
Connecting students lives to concept in the classroom links both the instruction and
the curriculum to students' existing experiences in home, community, and school. Engaging
students in challenging lessons maintains high standards for student performance while the
design of activities advances understanding and promotes higher levels of thinking on
Blooms taxonomy. A classroom environment needs to be alive and full of energy. A
stagnant classroom is like a dried up orange, you could squeeze as hard as you want but once
it dries up you cant get any juice from the fruit. You need to catch it when it is fresh and
make the most you can from what you have to work with. Quality teaching endorses not only
a specific curriculum but establishes principles for best teaching practices. An understanding
of the wants and needs of the administration, teachers, parents and students is key in the
design of any curriculum. The curriculum then guides not only instruction but also the beliefs
and methods used by the district and its educators and students.
We cannot expect to teach our students 21st century skills if our classrooms havent
made it out of the 20th century. The curriculum needs to incorporate technology into every
facet of its subject areas because todays student needs to be prepared to take on jobs that
havent even been created yet but we know that technology will play a pivotal role. Teachers
will need to act as a facilitator to this preparation and will need to incorporate the latest

Outcome 2-Belief Platform

technology into lessons so students will have the proper exposure to these concepts.
Educators need to be properly trained and be able to fuse together our experience about life
to new trends and concepts. That blend of tried and true experience and technology will help
better prepare the next generation of students.
I believe that the relationship between a supervisor and the teachers they oversee
should be a positive and supportive one. A supervisor should be fair, available, supportive,
realistic to expectations, knowledgeable, and leads by example. We cannot expect the staff
that we oversee to do their best if we arent on top of our game. I know that actions speak
louder than words and to be a successful supervisor one needs to follow through and let staff
know that they are on the same team. I feel that when a supervisor is respected, their staff
will work harder because they value their team. In my career, I have had great supervisors
and awful supervisors. I have learned a great deal from both of these types, especially when I
make note of what never to do.
My supervision platform is one that is constantly evolving because just like society
we are always changing. When I see a need for something, as a leader I will make the
changes necessary for those I am responsible for educating. I think that the staff that I
oversee needs to stay current in their thinking and knows the needs of a classroom.
Supervisors should thoroughly know the curriculum that teachers are teaching. In addition,
they should meet with teachers to see how curriculum is accepted by the teachers that will
have to teach it. Teachers should be given the proper professional development and have
purposeful teacher driven PLCs that are useful to them and keeps them current in their craft.
We cannot simply change curriculum, not educate our staff and expect that all will thrive.

Outcome 2-Belief Platform

We must ensure that we are all supporting each other to do what we vowed to do-educate our

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