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What is mechanical engineering?

engineering deals with the design and
manufacturing of various types of mechanical
systems. Friction is a force that opposes the
motion of one surface across another surface.
Work and power Two different people may do
the same amount of work in a different time
interval. The rate at which work is done is
called power. The fundamentals - Physics The
importance of physics for mechanical
engineers By applying physics principles,
future mechanical engineers get ready to
Branches of mechanical engineering
Aerospace or aeronautical engineering it
deals with designing, developing and building
aircraft and spacecraft.
Naval architecture is concerned with the
design and construction of ships, boats and
other, marine vessels, such as oil tankers,
cargo ships, passenger ferries, warships,
submarines, workboats, yachts etc.
Railway engineering is about designing and
constructing all types of railway systems,
maintaining tracks, railroad bridges etc.
Industrial engineering deal with the processes
and systems that improve quality and
productivity. Automotive engineers are
involved in engineering, design, test and
development of vehicles such as
automobiles, buses, trucks and motorcycles.
Biomedical engineering Biomedical engineers
can work
Energy There are many forms of energy in
the universe, such as mechanical, kinetic or
potential energy, light, heat, nuclear, solar,
the energy of the wind, etc. All these forms of
energy can be transformed into another form.
It cannot be created or destroyed, it can only
change forms. Forms of energy Mechanical
energy It is the energy a body possesses by
virtue of its position or its motion. Electrical
energy It can be defined as the energy of
moving electrons in an electric conductor.
Nuclear energy is produced during atomic
fission when the nuclei of atoms such as
uranium or plutonium are split. Sources of
energy Energy comes from various sources,
such as wood, water, plants, gravity, sun,
fuels, and others. Non-renewable energy
sources. Fossil fitels. Fossil fuels are based on
carbon. They comprise coal, oil and natural
gas. Fossil fuels were formed over millions of
years by the decomposition of plants and
animals. Hence, they are generally
considered non-renewable.
Alternative/renewable energy sources.
Renewable energy sources are those that can
be regenerated in the sense that the source
cannot run out or that it can be
The importance of newton life and works for
todays science Isaac Newton was a
mathematician and a physicist who lived in
the 17th century. He discovered the three
laws of motion. First Law is the law of inertia
and is probably his most known law. It
basically states that an object at rest remains
at rest or an object in motion remains in
motion unless if an outside force acts upon it.
Newtons Second Law is probably the least
known, and basically states that an applied
force on an object is equal to the rate of
change it its momentum, the equation is
F=ma. Newtons Third Law competes with the
first law in popularity, and famously states
that for every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction.He was also the first to
describe the force of gravity. He developed
the laws of mechanics that are used today for
most applications, he also discovered that
visible light has a spectrum. zakljucak:
Physics would be no where without Newton.
He was so important in physics that he have
an entire unit of measurment for forces
named after him newtons. These discoveries
completely changed how people had
previously viewed the worlds and the

tackle the 21st century engineering

challenges. The key concepts of physics
Force can be defined as a push or pull
upon an object that is the result of the
object's interaction with another object.
Motion. When objects move they cover a
certain distance at certain speed.
Translation is a type of motion where all
points of the body move with the same
velocity and same acceleration. Rotation is
a type of motion in which a body revolves
or turns around a central point.
in manufacturing, universities, hospitals,
research facilities of companies and
educational and medical institutions.
Newton's laws of motion Isaac Newton was
a mathematician and a physicist who lived
in the 17th century. Newton's three laws of
motion count as the basic principles of
modern physics. The first law, law of
inertia, it states that a body stays at rest or
continues to move at a constant velocity
unless a resultant force acts upon it. The
second law is force and acceleration. The
acceleration of a body is directly
proportional to the force acting upon it and
inversely proportional to its mass. There is
a formula F=m*a. The third law, law of
action and reaction. deals with the forces
acting upon two bodies. It states that when
one body exerts force on the second body.
replaced. Hydro energy. Hydropower is the
most widely used renewable energy
source. The oceans also have an incredible
energy potential. Solar energy. Solar
energy or the energy of the Sun is captured
by solar collectors. Solar collection can be
either active or passive. Passive solar
design refers to the use of the sun's energy
for the heating, cooling and lighting in
homes. In active solar collection, solar
ponds and reflectors are used to collect,
store and convert solar energy. Wind
energy. Wind turbines are used to change
the kinetic energy of the wind/the moving
air into electricity. Windmill blades capture
the energy of the wind and then turn
around the rotor, which then spins a
generator which produces electricity used
for various purposes. Geothermal energy.
Geotherthal resources include steam, hot
water and magma in the Earth's crust.
Biomass. Biomass includes wood products,
dried vegetation, crop residues, The energy
stored in biomass fuels originally comes
from the Sun, trapped inside the plants as
chemical energy. Wood is the most widely
used biomass fuel.
Advances in mechanical engineers in the
21st century Mechanical engineers are
generally optimistic about their ability to
solve major global problems over the next
two decades Overall, respondents expect
the fields of energy, biomedical,
computers, electronics, nanotechnology
and water to be the most cutting-edge
engineering disciplines over the next
twenty years. Success will require
engineers to continually update and
improve their interdisciplinary skills to
bemore competitive.
The possibilities of using renewable energy
everyday Renewable energy is generated
from natural resources, such as
sunlight,wind, rain, waves and geothermal
heat, which are renewable. Technologies of
renewable energy sources include solar
energy, wind power, hydropower, biomass
heat and biofuel. Almost all renewable
energy comes from the Sun. We have Nonrenewable and renewable energy sources
(sa tog papira napisi ostalo)
Energy sources in the modern world
(sastavi sa onog papira gde si pisao o
Mechanical engineering branches and
opportunities (sa papira gde je ta lekcija)

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