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Elizabeth Campion

Sedita, BPS #30

Site Supervisor: Ms. Dawn DiNatale

Location: Frank A.
Summer, 2015

I am proposing my internship during the 2015 summer months with
Ms. Dawn DiNatale at Frank A. Sedita, Buffalo Public School #30. The
intended audience for my internship is Dr. Darlene McDonough, and the
faculty within the Educational Leadership Program at St. Bonaventure
In keeping with the mission of St. Bonaventure, I believe this internship
will prepare me to be a highly effective educator and continue to develop a
respect for diversity. Frank A. Sedita is located on the West Side of Buffalo,
situated within a neighborhood rich in the Hispanic culture and newly
immigrated students. School #30 is a bilingual school with over 30
languages currently being spoken. It will be necessary to keep ELLs needs
in mind when planning and implementing projects and policies. In addition, I
will be collaboratively working with both the principal and assistant principal
to improve practices within School #30. Included in the core values of St.
Bonaventure University is to use a reflective model to improve professional
practice and create learning environments based on best practices. During
my internship, I will constantly and consistently reflect on action plans and
policies to insure best practices.
I will be working directly with the principal, Ms. DiNatale, and the
assistant principal, Mr. Strickland preparing for the upcoming 2015-16 school
year. I will design several projects including a grading policy that will be
utilized in grades 3-8th. This will give me the opportunity to collaboratively
work with other members of the staff. In addition, I will be in charge of the
Parent Involvement Committee. This committees purpose is to improve
parent involvement and improve communication from home to school. We
have many immigrants and bilingual families and it is crucial to reach out to
these parents. More specifically we need to make them feel welcome and
safe within the school. The schedule of my internship has been informally
established, but will determined mostly on need and training sessions. I plan
on attending School Leadership trainings and principal trainings that will give
me experience that I can utilize in the future.
The tasks and activities will comply with the seven (7) Educational
Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) standards for educational leaders at
the building level (see the attached, Matrix for the Internship). These tasks
will be evaluated upon completion by my site supervisor.
My internship will be evaluated according to the following sections:

Examination of interns reports (weekly, and may also include daily

Conferences with University Supervisor
Conferences with Site Supervisor
Self Assessment Inventory
Site Supervisors evaluations
University Supervisors evaluations
Final report analyzing the total internship experience. This will include
reflections about each target competency area.

In summary, my internship will directly impact school achievement and

improve teacher practices. Improving procedures and having policies in
place from the beginning of the year will prove to have a positive impact on
the learning environment and increase student achievement. Creating a
staff handbook that includes these policies will create a school culture that
clearly identifies expectations for both faculty and student. This will insure a
smooth transition for the new school year. In addition, these policies will be
available electronically. A consistent grading policy that is thoughtfully
created and designed based on research will also prove to be effective.
When students are aware of the criteria and rubrics that they are being
evaluated on, there is no room for doubt or questioning of the grading
I feel that being part of the leadership team this summer, will provide a
large amount of experience in setting up an entire school for a new year.
Within five years, I would like to be in a leadership role within the school as
an administrator. This will give me that core experience in the school with
the day to day operations that will reap benefits as a leader.

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