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Romanian Design Week este cel mai
amplu eveniment dedicat industriilor
creative din Romnia i unul dintre cele mai relevante evenimente
multidisciplinare de pe scena cultural local, reuind s reuneasc
i s promoveze cele mai recente
i relevante lucrri din mai multe
domenii creative: arhitectur, design
grafic,design vestimentar, design
de produs i design de obiect, dar i
proiecte hibrid,multidisciplinare, la intersecia mai multor interese, metode
i practici.
Ajuns la cea de-a patra ediie, Romanian Design Week, un proiect iniiat
de The Institute i organizat n parteneriat cu ING Bank, are loc n perioada 20 mai - 5 iunie, iar Expoziia
central este gzduit de Piaa Amzei
i va prezenta peste 200 de proiecte,
realizate n ultimul an de ctre peste
150 de designeri i arhiteci romni.
n urma celor trei ediii de pn
acum, Romanian Design Week a
reuit s se impun printre cele mai
importante evenimente din Romnia,
devenind cea mai ampl platform
de promovare a designului romnesc. nc de la nceput, ne-am setat
ca obiective promovarea industriilor
creative, coagularea unei comuniti
a specialitilor din diverse ramuri ale
designului, apropierea unui public
ct mai larg de domeniile pe care ne
propunem s le acoperim, dar i generarea contextului necesar dezvoltrii
acestor discipline n Romnia. Anul
acesta adaugm noi perspective cu
misiunea asumat de a contribui la
modernizarea Romniei prin promovarea industriilor creative, declar
Andrei Gavril-Borun, CEO The
Selecia lucrrilor din Expoziia central Romanian Design Week 2016
a fost fcut de ctre organizatori,
alturi de un board de consultani din
care fac parte: Adrian Soare, Arhitect
Partener SYAA, Domnica
Mrgescu, director de mod Elle,
Maurice Munteanu, editor de mod
Elle, Mihai Gurei, director de creaie i
Owner Intro, Ovidiu Hrin, graphic designer, tefan Barutcieff, director de
creaie la Pilotfish, Mnchen, i Attila
Kim, care semneaz arhitectura
expoziiei pentru al patrulea an consecutiv.

Expoziia rilor invitate,

Danemarca, Finlanda, Islanda, Norvegia, Suedia,
A turn for the better

Romanian Design Week is the largest

event dedicated to the creative industries in Romania and it represents
one of the most relevant multidisciplinary events in the local cultural
context. It manages to bring together
and promote the most recent and
relevant works belonging to various
creative fields, architecture, graphic
design, fashion design, product design, craft design and it also includes
hybrid and multidisciplinary projects
which meet at the crossing of many
interests, methods and practices.
Having reached its fourth edition,
Romanian Design Week is a project
initiated by The Institute, organised
in partnership with ING Bank and it
takes place from the 20th of May
until the 5th of June. The Main Exhibition is hosted by Piaa Amzei and it
will display more than 200 works, all
of them created within the last year
by over 150 Romanian designers and
As a result of the last three editions
so far, Romanian Design Week is
one of the most important Romanian events and the largest platform
promoting Romanian design. Not only
have we aimed from the very beginning to promote the creative industries and build a strong community
of specialists belonging to different
areas of design, but we also intended
to bring a vast public closer to the
specific areas we cover and therefore create the necessary context for
these disciplines to evolve. This year
we are bringing forward new perspectives as we are fully committed
to contribute to Romanias modernization using the power of the creative
industries, says Andrei GavrilBorun, CEO The Institute.
The selection of works to be exhibited in the Main Exhibition of Romanian Design Week was made by the
organisers along with a board of
creative consultants: Adrian Soare,
Partner Architect SYAA, Domnica
Mrgescu, fashion director Elle, Maurice Munteanu, fashion editor Elle, Mihai Gurei, creative director and owner
Intro, Ovidiu Hrin, graphic designer
Synopsis:, and tefan Barutcieff, creative director at Pilotfish in Munchen,
and Attila Kim, who is for the 4th
consecutive edition in charge with the
design of the main exhibition.

Danemarca, Finlanda, Islanda, Norvegia i Suedia, rile invitate la cea

de-a patra ediie a Romanian Design
Week, prezint n cadrul expoziiei A
Turn for the Better cinci propuneri
de dezvoltare urban create de arhiteci, urbaniti i activiti din rile
scandinave. Expoziia este organizat
cu sprijinul ambasadelor Danemarcei, Finlandei, Norvegiei i Suediei n
Romnia i cu aportul financiar al
Fondului Cultural Nordic.
Vernisaj, cu acces pe baz de invitaie
20 mai/19:00
Program 21 mai - 5 iunie/10-22 // de
Noaptea Muzeelor, deschis pn la
01:00, ultima intrare la 00:30

A turn for the better,

exhibition presented by
the guest countries Denmark, Finland,
Iceland, Norway and
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway
and Sweden, the guest countries at
the fourth
edition of Romanian Design Week,
present the exhibition A Turn for the
Better, curated by Daniel Golling
and Gustaf Kjellin of the independent
architecture and design initiative
Summit. The exhibition is organized
with the support of Embassies of
Denmark, Finland, Norway and
Sweden in Romania and with financial assistance of the Nordic Culture
Opening night, invite only 20
Program 21 May - 5 June/10-22 //
for the Night of the Museums, open
until 01:00, last entry at 00:30

Expoziia Typopassage
Proiectul aduce n prim plan designul
grafic, arta tipografic i diversitatea
cultural contemporan, punnd
accent pe educarea i pe dezvoltarea
culturii vizuale a audienei,
printr-o abordare participativ.
Misiunea asumat este aceea de a
articula dialoguri vizuale ntre designeri (typo)grafici contemporani, nume
consacrate sau figuri emergente ale
scenei internaionale i autohtone, ale
cror lucrri acoper ntregul spectru
stilistic de azi (formule artistice, clasice i experimentale) i influeneaz
semnificativ comunitatea de design.

RDW Main Venue

Piaa Amzei

Expoziia Central
RDW 2016

Main Exhibition
RDW 2016

Expoziia central, gzduit de Piaa

Amzei, reunete anul acesta lucrrile
a 150 de designeri i arhiteci romni,
cele mai bune proiecte de design din
ultimul an n domeniile: Arhitectur,
Urbanism i Arhitectur de interior,
Design de obiect, Design Hibrid, Design grafic i ilustraie, Design Vestimentar i Design de produs.

The Main Exhibition will present the

best Romanian design projects in the
last year, signed by 150 designers
and architects. They cover different design disciplines: Architecture,
Urbanism and Interior Design, Craft
Design, Hybrid Design, Graphic Design and Illustration, Fashion Design
and Product Design.

Vernisaj, cu acces pe baz de invitaie

20 mai/19:00
Program 21 mai - 5 iunie/10-22 // de
Noaptea Muzeelor, deschis pn la
01:00, ultima intrare la 00:30

Opening night, invite only 20

Program 21 May - 5 June/10-22 //
for the Night of the Museums, open
until 01:00, last entry at 00:30

Vernisaj, cu acces pe baz de invitaie

20 mai/19:00
Program 21 mai - 5 iunie/10-22 // de
Noaptea Muzeelor, deschis pn la
01:00, ultima intrare la 00:30

Typopassage exhibition
The project promotes graphic design,
typography and contemporary cultural diversity
with a focus on educating the audiences visual culture through a
participatory approach. Our mission

is to create visual dialogues between

(typo) graphic designers, famous
names or emerging talents on both
national and international scene,
whose projects cover the entire
stylistic spectrum today (artistic,
classic and experimental formulas)
and significantly influence the design
Opening night, invite only 20
Program 21 May - 5 June/10-22 //
for the Night of the Museums, open
until 01:00, last entry at 00:30

Piaa Amzei/etaj 1
Show off prezint o serie de proiecte
speciale, curatoriate, care ofer
contextul perfect n care brandurile i
companiile creative i pot mprti
viziunea lor asupra designului.
Show off reunete nou dintre cele
mai creative branduri care neleg
valoarea designului pentru viaa de zi
cu zi: A list Magazine, Amber, Assamblage, Burn, Gift Shop The Institute,
Grolsch, Illy, Philips, Sony.
Vernisaj, cu acces pe baz de invitaie
20 mai/19:00
Program 21 mai - 5 iunie/10-22 // de
Noaptea Muzeelor, deschis pn la
01:00, ultima intrare la 00:30

Piaa Amzei/first floor
THE SHOW OFF consists of a range
of curated special branded projects,
which offer a place were creative
brands&companies can talk about
their approach on design.
THE SHOW OFF brings together nine
of most creative brands that value
the role of design in our everyday
life: A list Magazine, Amber, Assamblage, Burn, Gift Shop The Institute,
Grolsch, Illy, Philips, Sony.
Opening night, invite only 20
Program 21 May - 5 June/10-22 //
for the Night of the Museums, open
until 01:00, last entry at 00:30

La pia, despre pia

Piata Amzei, nr. 13
21 mai, de la 12:00 la 00:00 // 22
mai, de la 12:00 la 20:00
Urboteca este un laborator mobil
pentru participare public n planificarea urban. La RDW 2016 v
invitm s explorm mpreun un tip
de spaiu urban cunoscut de toi dar
prea puin analizat: pieele agroalimentare i rencarnrile lor contemporane.

In the market, about the

Piata Amzei, no. 13
May 21, 12pm to 12am // May 22
12pm to 8pm
Urboteca is a mobile laboratory exploring public participation in urban
planning. At RDW 2016 we invite you
to explore another type of urban
space, known by all but hardly ever
analysed: the food market and its
contemporary reincarnations.


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TASTEmakers by
Nuit Sociale
Piaa Amzei, nr. 13

TASTEmakers by
Nuit Sociale
Piata Amzei, no. 13

28 mai // de la 15:00 la 23:00

May 28 // from 3pm to 11pm

TASTEmakers by Nuit Sociale se va

desfura smbt, 28 mai 2016, pe
terasa Pieei Amzei. Muzica va fi semnat de Life on planets (SUA/live&DJ
Set), Oktopus & Matei Chebeleu.

TASTEmakers by Nuit Sociale will take

place on Saturday (28th of May) on
the terrace of Piaa Amzei. Music will
be signed by Life on planets (SUA/
live&DJ Set), Oktopus & Matei Chebeleu.

Mesteshukar Butiq. Conferina se va

desfura n limba englez.

The designers new skin

29 mai/12:00

Max Fraser- jurnalist i colaborator London Design Guide, alturi de

Lucas Verweij, jurnalist
i Mihai Gurei, Director de creaie i
Fondator Intro, vor explora limitele
designului ntr-o conferin-spectacol
despre puterea i limitrile creativitii. Discuia va gravita n jurul
evoluiei designerului-antreprenor
i a creativilor multi-talentai, care
activeaz n mai multe domenii, dar
i pe importana meteugurilor i a
aptitudinilor individuale ale specialitilor. Conferina se va desfura n
limba englez.


Why is design
so popular?
29 mai/13:30

Lucas Verweij de la Dezeen va

prezenta provocrile i declinrile
designului, cu accent pe conceptul
de gndire specific designului i
pe expertizele necesare n aceast
industrie, dar i pe dezvoltarea
acestui domeniu, care se bucur de
o popularitate extraordinar n ultimii
ani. Conferina i propune s explice
aceast popularitate fr precedent.
Conferina se va desfura n limba

How gamedesign is
changing your life
1 iunie/19:00

Design for Change


oroiu -NOIDOI Design Studio, Mihai

Gurei - Director de creaie i fondator
Intro, tefan Barutcieff - Director de
creaie la Pilotfish, Drago Moticfondator i designer Ubikubi. Conferina se va desfura n limba englez.

A turn for the better

Mapping the change/o

conferin realizat n
parteneriat cu Gala Societii Civile

The Institute
Institute, The Caf Strada tirbei
Vod, nr. 104-106

22 mai/orele 12:00

Conferina va aborda subiecte legate

de planificare i dezvoltare urban i
va propune soluii locale la probleme
globale. Aceasta va fi susinut de
ctre reprezentaii celor cinci studiouri de arhitectur i proiecte implicate
n expoziia nordic din cadrul Romanian Design Week: Dissing +Weitling
architects (Danemarca), Uusi Kaupunki Collective i Studio Puisto
(Finlanda), Krads Architects (Islanda),
By-Bi, urban beekeepers (Norvegia) i
municipalitatea din Helsingborg (Suedia).Parcrile pot fi transformate n
loturi construibile?, antierele abandonate pot deveni cartiere urbane
pline de via?, Cum arat arhitectura apicol?, Cum atragem atenia
publicului asupra proceselor de
planificare urban i cum convingem
navetitii s aleag bicicleta n locul
mainii? toate aceste ntrebri vor
gsi un rspuns n cadrul conferinei
A Turn for the Better. Conferina se
va desfura n limba englez.

Routes to market
22 mai/orele 14:00

O conferin despre abordri n

design, care va pune accentul pe instumentele necesare dezvoltrii unui
brand, dar i pe metode de producie
i distribuie n aceast industrie i pe
posibilitile de poziionare pe piaa
de design. Conferina va fi susinut
de: Kathrine Lnstad & Cosmin Ci-

Amber Studio organizeaz conferina

How Gamedesign is Changing your
Life, susinut de Gabriel Stancu,
Head of Studio, i Francisc Apostu, Senior Designer, n cadrul creia
speakerii vor vorbi despre modul n
care jocurile video i pun zi de zi amprenta asupra vieii noastre.

Design for Change


The Institute
Institute, The Cafe tirbei Vod
Street 104-106

24 mai/orele 11:00

A turn for the better

Invitai speciali - Marc Andrews &

Christian Degen de la andrews:degen, coordonatorii proiectului
Mapping the city - vor vorbi despre
evoluia designului social, prezentnd
studii de caz i exemple de proiecte
care au reuit s foloseasc creativitatea i instrumentele specifice
designului n scopul dezvoltrii urbane
i sociale. Acetia vor prezenta rezultatele workshopurilor Mapping the
city, pe care le-au organizat n toat
lumea i care au ca scop explorarea
oraelor i folosirea gndirii i instrumentele specifice designului ca o
metod de cercetare i soluionare a
unor probleme punctuale.
n a doua parte a conferinei, un panel format din specialii n dezvoltare
urban i comunitar i conservarea
patrimoniului prin design contemporan vor dezbate despre rolul creativitii i a designului n contextul
dezvoltrii urbane, sociale i comunitare i vor prezenta proiectele pe
care le coordoneaz. Printre vorbitori
se numr Cristi Borcan i Alex
Axinte - Studio Basar, Vera Marin
Asociaia pentru Tranziie Urban,
coordonatorul proiectului Urboteca,
Anamaria Vrabie de la URBAN INC,
Teodor Frolu- Patzaikin, Loredana
Pana- Deltacraft, Andrei Georgescu-

22nd of May/12 pm

The conference will approach subjects regarding urban planning and it

will focus on local solutions to global problems. Architects and urban
planners from Dissing +Weitling
architects (Denmark), Uusi Kaupunki
Collective and Studio Puisto (Finland),
Krads Architects (Island), By-Bi, urban
beekeepers (Norway) and Helsingborg municipality (Sweden) will present five nordic proposals for liveable
cities: Can parking lots be turned into
buildable plots?, Can abandoned industrial sites be converted to vibrant
city districts?, What does architecture for bees look like?, How do we
increase public awareness in urban
planning processes and how do we
get commuters to choose the bike over
the car? all these questions will help
us make a Turn for the better. Talk in

Routes to market

bution in this industry and on ways

a designer can develop a brand.
Among the speakers: Kathrine
Lnstad & Cosmin Cioroiu - NOIDOI
Design Studio, Mihai Gurei Creative
Director and founder of Intro, tefan
Barutcieff Creative Director at Pilotfish, Drago Motic - founder and
designer of Ubikubi. Talk in English.

Mapping the change/a

conference in partnership with Gala Societii
24 th of May/11.00 AM

Special guests Marc Andrews &

Christian Degen from andrews:degen
will present results of their previous
workshops Mapping the city and
other inspiring examples of how social
design contributes to contemporary
social issues.
In the second part of the conference, a panel formed by specialists
in urban and community development or heritage preservation
through contemporary design will
debate about the role of creativity
and design in the context of urban,
social and community development.
Among the speakers: Cristi Borcan
and Alex Axinte - Studio Basar, Vera
Marin Asociaia pentru Tranziie
Urban, project coordinator Urboteca, Anamaria Vrabie from URBAN
INC, Teodor Frolu - Patzaikin, Andrei
Georgescu - Mesteshukar Butiq. Talk
in English.

The designers new skin

29th of May/12.00 AM

Max Fraser journalist and contribuitor at London Design Guide with

Lucas Verweij from and
Mihai Gurei, Creative Director and
Founder Intro, will explore the limits
of design in a conference about the
power and limitations of creativity. The talk will focus on the growth
of the entrepreneur designer and
multi-skilled designers who apply
ideas across multiple sectors but
also on how those designers rely on
highly-skilled individuals, which will
allow to emphasise the importance
of craftsmanship and specialist skills.
Talk in English.

Why is design
so popular?
29th of May/13.30

Lucas Verweij from Dezeen will talk

about why is design so popular lately,
with focus on the development of
the concepts of design process and
design thinking and will sum up what
are the challenges of the profession
nowadays. Talk in English.

How gamedesign is
changing your life
1st of June/7 PM

Amber Studio organizes the conference How Gamedesign is Changing

your Life, held by Gabriel Stancu,
Head of Studio, and Francisc Apostu,
Senior Designer. At the conference,
the speakers will talk about the way
the video games leave marks each
and every day in our lives.

22nd of May/2 PM

The conference will focus on approaches in the design market, on

methods of production and distri-


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Viziune i inovare
n design
Sponsor al categoriei
Design de Obiect
De peste 125 de ani, mbinm pasiunea pentru
design i abilitatea de a inova pentru a mbunti
viaa oamenilor.
Continum aceast istorie devenind Sponsorul
categoriei Design de Obiect din cadrul Romanian
Design Week, sprijinind astfel inovaia n design
i antreprenoriatul autohton.
Descoper cinci dintre cele mai apreciate produse
ale noastre, ctigtoare Red Dot Design Award,
vizitnd Capsula Inovaiei Philips din cadrul
expoziiei centrale RDW.

Altur-te celei mai cool echipe

de design de produs din lume.
Fii unul dintre cei 500 de designeri pasionai Philips care i pun
amprenta asupra felului n care arat lumea.
Dac vrei s faci parte din echipa de design Philips, Marian
ateapt un mail de la tine:


Ziar.indd 5

5/18/16 4:46 PM


cultural autohton printr-o instalaie

interactiv de bijuterii de autor semnate de designerii Andreia Popescu,
Adelina Petcan, Ioana Ardelean i
Otilia Mihalcea, alturi de proiecii
multimedia semnate de Black Horse
Gndit ca un omagiu adus unei
tradiii fabuloase, n parte uitat,
expoziia Found.Lost.Found este
o reinterpretare actual a formelor ncrcate simbolic ale tezaurului
dacic. Found.Lost.Found, curatoriat
de David Sandu, a fost prezentat
pentru prima dat ca parte din International Fashion Showcase Fashion
Utopias n cadrul London Fashion
Week 2016.


Diploma Selected

Casa Filipescu-Cesianu,
Sala Lapidarium
Calea Victoriei 151

22-29 mai//zilnic, 12:00- 20:00//

Vernisaj 21 mai, ora 18; deschis
de Noaptea Muzeelor, 21 mai, pn la
Pornind de la premisa c lucrarea de
diplom este cel mai elaborat proiect
al unui student din toat perioada
facultii, The Institute a creat DIPLOMA - un eveniment-expoziie prin
care ncearc s aduc n atenia
unui public ct mai larg proiectele
absolvenilor de faculti creative i
pe mpreun i aduce n prim plan
dialogul artistic ntre 12 profesioniti
din industriile creative i 12 proaspei
absolveni ai facultilor vocaionale,
ale cror lucrri au fost selectate
pentru expoziia-capsul.

Diploma Selected

Casa Filipescu-Cesianu,
Sala Lapidarium
Calea Victoriei 151

22-29 May//daily 12:00- 20:00//

Opening 21 May, 18; open for Night of
Museums, 21 May, until 01:00
Starting from the idea that the
most elaborate project of a student
throughout the university is the final
thesis, The Institute created DIPLOMA - an exhibition that seeks to bring
into attention projects realized by
graduates of creative and vocational
togetherness and focuses on the artistic dialogue between 12 seniors of
the creative industries and 12 recent
graduates of vocational faculties,
whose works were chosen for the
capsule exhibition.

Romanian Design
Week Classics

Institutul Cultural Romn,

Aleea Alexandru 38
25 mai - 8 iulie//L-V 10-17//Vernisaj
25 mai, de la 18:00
Expoziia Romanian Design Week
Classics reunete proiecte create de
4 designeri pentru cele 4 ediii RDW
i documenteaz dezvoltarea tehnicilor i a stilului lor de-a lungul anilor.
Designerii selectai i spun povestea
prin juxtapunerea unor idei, momente
i inovaii ce marcheaz evoluia lor.

Romanian Design
Week Classics

Institutul Cultural Romn,

Aleea Alexandru 38
25 May - 8 July//Mon-Fri 10-17//
Opening 25 May, starting 18:00
Romanian Design Week Classics
exhibition brings together works created by 4 designers for the 4 RDW
editions and documents the development of their techniques and style
over the years. The selected designers tell their own story by juxtaposing
ideas, moments and innovations that

mark their evolution. Join the exhibition and look out for these design
stars and their creative touches in
architecture, fashion, graphics and
product design.

004. Inspired

Vernisaj, cu acces pe baz de invitaie

20 mai/19:00
Program 21 mai - 5 iunie/10-22 // de
Noaptea Muzeelor, deschis pn la
01:00, ultima intrare la 00:30

Strada Nicolae Blcescu 17

26 mai 4 iunie //12:00-20:00 //
Vernisaj: 26 mai, de la ora 20:00 //
Finisaj: 4 mai, de la ora 20:00
Anul trecut obiectul a creat context.
Anul acesta contextul propune obiect.
n 2016 Instalart l prezint pe Mario Kuibu. Acesta invit ase nume
importante s interacioneze cu TUB:
Dorin tefan, Robert Marin, Corvin
Cristian, Mihai Popescu, tefan Barutcieff i Mdlin Gheorghe.

004. Inspired

Piaa Amzei 13/Main Venue, 1st floor

Found.Lost.Found rediscovers Romanias cultural and storytelling heritage
through an immersive installation of
contemporary jewelry by designers
Ioana Ardelean, Adelina Petcan, Otilia
Mihalcea and Andreia Popescu and
video projections signed by Black
Horse Mansion. As a creative homage
to a great, yet forgotten tradition,the
exhibition revisits the lost craftsmanship of the ancient artisans of Dacia.
Found.Lost.Found, curated by David
Sandu,was first exhibited as part
of International Fashion Showcase
Fashion Utopias during London
Fashion Week 2016.
Opening night, invite only 20
Program 21 May - 5 June/10-22 //
for the Night of the Museums, open
until 01:00, last entry at 00:30

//26 mai, de la 20:00

Night Shift

Last year the Object made the Context. This year the Context makes the
In 2016 Instalart gives you Mario
Kuibu. He invites six important personalities of the Romanian design
to interact with TUB: Dorin tefan,
Robert Marin, Corvin Cristian, Mihai
Popescu, tefan Barutcieff i Mdlin

//May 26th, starting 20:00

Make your own design

Business Results
by Smart Ideas

Strada Cpitan Gheorghe Bulugea 6

Strada Ion Cmpineanu 2-4

2 iunie // de la 19:00

Conceptul creativ Make Your Own

Design va da fru liber fiecrui
vizitator s-i exprime talentul sub
ct mai multe forme posibile: desen
pe tricouri, pictur pe perei, design
gastronomic, design de cocktailuri,
design al accesoriilor.
Activitatea cea mai atractiv va fi
pictura pe perei. Vor fi pui la btaie
pereii de pe scara cldirii i vizitatorii
i vor putea colora dup cum le va fi

Portobello Stradale este un manifest

pentru a scoate lumea n strad
- concept menit s atrag atenia
n privina lipsei zonelor pietonale i
a necesitii eliminrii traficului din
centrul oraului. Prima ediie din 2016
se va desfura n cadrul participrii
la Romanian Design Week a Instalart.

Stradale #9

de Publicitate

Nicolae Blcescu Street 17

May 26 June 4 // from 12pm to
8pm // Official Opening: May 26,
8pm // Closing Party: June 4, 8pm

Stradale #9

Assamblage Found.
Lost.Found exhibition

Make your own design

Business Results by
Smart Ideas

Ion Cmpineanu Street 2-4

June 2 // 7PM

Capitan Gheorghe Bulugea Street 6

Portobello Stradale is a manifesto to

get people out in the streets a concept that aims to raise awareness on
the lack of pedestrian areas and the
necessity of eliminating traffic from
the city center. The first edition of
2016 will take place within Instalarts
participation at Romanian Design

Business Results is encouraging

every talented visitor that will attend
the event to bring the best creative
ideas for the concept Make your
Own Design.
Any designing type is allowed: T-shirt
painting and drawing, accessories
design, wall painting, gourmet and
cocktail design etc. Come to express
your creative ideas through color and
lots of fun. The walls will be ready to
be painted, not by professionals, but
by any playful visitor.

Assamblage expoziia
Piaa Amzei 13/Main Venue, etaj 1

Project: Found.Lost.Found
redescoper tradiia i motenirea

Spune i tu DADA
Erka Synergy

oseaua Nordului 94 F

Invitaii vor descoperi o agenie de

publicitate n stil DADA-ist. n timpul
serii va exista un moment n care arta
i designul se vor mbina i pereii din
curtea interioar vor fi transformai
de ctre un artist grafic a crui oper
se va potrivi perfect cu tot contextul
de amenajare al curii, n stil DADA-ist.
n unul dintre birouri sau n curte
va fi organizat o mic expoziie de
obiecte din hrtie, materialul primordial n DADA-ism.

Erka Synergy

Nordului Street, nr. 94 F

An agency in full spirit of DADAthis is what the guests will find. The
walls from the interior garden will be
decorated and will be transformed
into a piece of art and the agency will
organise an exhibition with designish

FCB Bucureti

Strada Barbu Vcrescu 137A

FCB Bucharest organizeaz petre-


Ziar.indd 6

5/18/16 4:46 PM

cerea cu tema blank. Pereii goi de

ciment din birourile ageniei ateapt
oaspeii s i coloreze. Sunt puse la
dispoziie stencils i sprayuri.

FCB Bucharest

FCB Bucharest organizes the party

with the theme blank. They offer
empty cement walls from their offices
and they will invite their guests to
colour them. Stencils and sprays will
be offered.

Strada Mtsari 21

6 lucruri de fcut i vzut la Media

Events : ateliere Creative Arts, reetele Adrianei (http://cristisiadriana.
ro/retete/), proiectul Cristina Mihaela
Rdulescu expune proiectul Crezi
c tu vnezi branduri i promoii?,
demonstraie de pictur n cafea
i degustare de ceai, expoziie de costume Creative Arts.

Design is everywhere
Media Events

Mtsari Street 21

6 Things to see and do at Media

Events: Creative Arts workshops,
Adrianas recipes (, the exhibition You
think you hunt brands and promotions? signed by the visual artist
Cristina Mihaela Rdulescu, demonstration of painting coffee, tea tasting, an exhibition of costumes made
by Creative Arts.

Minio Technology
Minio Studio

Strada Alizeului 3

Evenimentul i propune s i duc

oaspeii n viitor, cci vor descoperi
tehnologii spectaculoase: o imprimant 3D, printuri invizibile, o cabin de Gifuri 3D, dar i portrete 3D.
Vizitatorii vor putea intra n pielea
unor personaje, n cadrul Studioului
de Animaie.

Minio Technology
Minio Studio

Alizeului Street 3

The evening will take the guests into

the future, to discover many new and
spectacular technologies. They will
find here a 3D printer as well as an
invisible printer, a 3D Gif, but also a
3D portrait, amazing holograms, but
also transparent video. Guests can
select for themselves a different skin,
as part of the Character Animation

We are everywhere
Mullen Lowe

We are everywhere
Mullen Lowe


Constantin Marinescu Street 33B

At the 10 years anniversary, were

presenting the 10 sides of design.
Were waiting for you to celebrate
together and to discover the 10 sides
of design, as we experience it in our
agency. You will live experiences related to volume and proportions, you
will play with lines, you will interact
with fonts and you will be amazed by
The 10 years anniversary pastel
party is the place where design beats
on the rhythm of colors and dances on the sound of shapes. And, all
night long, pastel is the place where
10 years of experiences turn into 10
ways youre going to experiment

Grigore Alexandrescu Street 87-89,

Metropolis Bravo

Barbu Vcrescu Street 137A

Design is everywhere
Media Events

pentru a crea experiene digitale pe

toate platformele i pentru ntregul
drum al consumatorului.

Strada Grigore Alexandrescu 87-89,

Metropolis Bravo
Suntem pe Smartphone-uri, pe laptopuri, pe ecrane mari i mici. Suntem
oriunde te uii. Suntem MullenLowe
Profero i le oferim brandurilor pentru
care lucrm ceva pe care noi l numim
Unfair Share of Attention.
Suntem o permanent surs de
inspiraie i conectivitate, oriunde n
lume. i facem asta combinnd abiliti i specialiti n strategie, creaie,
tehnologie, UX i design interactiv

On Smartphones, on laptops, on big

screens and small screens. Were
everywhere you look. Were MullenLowe Profero and we offer our clients
brands an Unfair Share of Attention.
We inspire and connect in ways others cannot, everywhere in the world.
And we do this through uniquely
combining skills and specialists in
strategy, creativity, technology, UX
and interactive design to create
digital transformation across all
platforms and the entire customer

Hungry Creatives /
Food meets color

Rewind to the 90s

SCG - Smart Corporation

Strada Semicercului 4

Calea Vitan 23 C

Anii 90 n Romnia. Design i publicitate imediat dup Revoluie. Pai de

pitic sau de uria? Ce nsemna designul, cum artau reclamele ntr-o pia
proaspt deschis? Cum vd juniorii
industriei creative de azi atmosfera
de atunci? ncercm s rspundem
acestor ntrebri cu ajutorul unor
activiti caracteristice decadei,
ntr-un cadru de petrecere back in
time: muzic pe casetofon, oracol de
completat, sifon cu sirop, aperitive old
school etc. Punem vizitatorii fa n
fa cu designul din anii 90, pentru a
strni nostalgia celor mai n vrst i
curiozitatea celor mai tineri.

Omul de publicitate este ca un

buctar. Nu chiar chef, dar ndeajuns de pregtit nct s fac un fel
de mncare delicios. Cnd primete
brieful, primete de fapt o comand
de mncare de la client. Ca s ias
treaba bun, urmrete reeta strategiei i apoi condimenteaz totul cu
nite creativitate i culoare. La final,
campania este servit pe farfuria
Noi, cei de la Nuevo, admitem c
suntem Hungry Creatives. Nu numai
c ne place s preparm campanii,
dar ne place s devorm un design
artos sau un print delicios.

Hungry Creatives /
Food meets color

Rewind to the 90s

SCG - Smart Corporation

Semicercului Street 4

Calea Vitan 23 C

The Romanian 90s. Design and advertising in the years right after the
Revolution. Were there baby steps
or giant steps being made? What
did design mean back then, how did

The advertising man is like a cook. Not

really a chef, but equipped enough
to make a delicious meal. When he
receives the brief, its actually like getting a food order from a client. To get
the job well done, he follows the strategic recipe and then spices things up
with some creativity and color. At the
end, the campaign is served on the
consumers plate.
Here, at Nuevo, we admit that we are
Hungry Creatives. Not only do we
love cooking up campaigns, but we
also like to devour a savory design or
a delicious print once in a while.


Constantin Marinescu 33B

the ads look like in a newly opened

market? What do the juniors of todays creative industry think about
the way things were? We will try
to answer these questions with the
help of decade-specific activities at a
back in time party: cassette player
music, journals to fill in, soda drinks,
old school snacks etc. We will be
putting the visitors face to face with
90s design in order to stir nostalgia
amongst the older ones and curiosity
amongst the youngest.

Structura echilibrului


Strada Praga 3

Un design unic pentru o mic demonstraie: o colecie limitat de postere

al cror centru de greutate nu este n
centru, aa cum s-ar atepta toat
lumea, ci nspre margine. Oamenii
sunt ndemnai s-i testeze echilibrul
chiar n vrful degetului lor.
Pentru a duce lucrurile mai departe,
invitaii vor avea ansa de a interpreta cum vor echilibrul. Pentru asta,
gazdele au pregtit o serie de instalaii care trebuie completate cu piese
din burete negru de diferite forme.
Fiecare trebuie s aeze cte o pies
dup bunul plac, att timp ct st n
echilibru. Rezultatul? O mulime de
instalaii unice, perfect echilibrate,
care rmn pe terasa thegroup.

Structure of balance


Praga Street 3

thegroup will create a series of limited edition layouts that defy the laws
of physics and have their center of
gravity not in the center, but near the
edge, where nobody would expect
it to be. Guests will test its balance
using the top of their index finger.
To make things even more fun, the
hosts will ask the guests to show their
own vision of balance. Several setups will have to be completed with
different shaped pieces. Everyone
can put a part wherever as long as it
keeps its balance. The result? Lots of
unique, perfectly balanced set-ups,
that remain on thegroup rooftop.

La 10 ani, i prezentm cele 10 faete

ale designului @pastel
De Noaptea Ageniilor, pastel are
petrecere aniversar de 10 ani! Te
ateptm s srbatorim mpreun
i s descoperi cele 10 faete ale design-ului, aa cum l experimentm la
noi n agenie. Vei tri experiene legate de volum i proporii, te vei juca
cu liniile, vei interaciona cu font-uri i
vei fi uimit de contraste.
Petrecerea de 10 ani pastel este locul
unde designul pulseaz pe ritmul
culorilor i danseaz pe sunetul formelor. i, pe toat durata serii, pastel
este locul unde 10 ani de experiene
se transform n 10 moduri n care vei
experimenta design-ul.


Ziar.indd 7

5/18/16 4:46 PM


Ziar.indd 8

5/18/16 4:46 PM

Studiourilor de

in Canada.
An open talk about motivation,
courage and risks but also about
how to bring a new approach on the
Romanian architecture market. Find
out why for them sustainable is a
business model and not just a nice


//2 iunie, de la 20:00

Strada Doctor Mihail Obedenaru Gheorghiade 3

Night Shift

Laboratorul de arhitectur i cercetare Prodid i invit vizitatorii

s ia parte la naterea unui punct
muzeal n cadrul Conacului Carp de
la ibneti. Prima pies a acestui
spaiu va fi fcut n cadrul Nopii
Studiourilor de Arhitectur.
Va avea loc o demonstraie de
ipsosari i se va lucra o copie dup
bustul junimistului i omului politic Petre P. Carp. Evenimentul va fi
nsoit de proiecii de la atelierele de
arhitectur i meteuguri Batem
fierul la conac!, organizate de Prodid
n colaborare cu Asociaia Maria i
Fundaia Pro Patrimonio.

//June 2nd, starting 20:00

Pori deschise

Strada Ion Voicu 3

ADNBA i ateapt oaspeii n noul

sediu de lng parcul Ioanid. Casa
care gzduiete activitatea biroului
va fi, pentru o sear, spaiu de expunere pentru proiectele recente i loc
de socializare i de voie bun.

Open doors at ADNBA


Ion Voicu Street 3

ADNBA awaits guests in its new location, near Ioanid Park. The mansion
which houses the offices activity will
become, for one evening, exhibition
space for recent projects and a place
for socializing and good cheer.


Strada Sfntul Constantin 32

Life Design
City Project


Strada Mircea Vulcnescu 27

Doctor Mihail Obedenaru Gheorghiade Street 3

Wooden Nights i Linia Furniture.

Un brand care se ntoarce acas
din punct de vedere conceptual,
calatorete napoi n timp, ia fiecare
form i o definete printr-o poveste
Acum ai ansa s vezi ce-i creeaz
designerii pentru ei, ce le place i cum
le place, colecia de mese de lemn i
proiectele, aa ca poi s intri n intimitatea unui birou de arhitectur n
bezn, s te ghidezi doar dup lumina
lumnrilor ntr-o noapte dedicat

Wooden Nights
de Arhitectur

Evenimentul se va desfura sub

numele de Life Design. Noile vrfuri
n materie de design i tehnologie
vor fi prezentate de firmele Sensio i
Chairry Contract Furniture, Diseno i
Concept 5, Top Wood, Bose.
Studenii la arhitectur vor fi invitai
s participle la concursul lansat n
parteneriat cu facultatea de arhitectur de interior a Universitii Ion
Mincu. De asemenea, ei vor avea
posibilitatea s i expun proiecte
realizate n cadrul facultii.
Bijuteria contemporan va fi prezent prin platforma Autor i invitatul
special va fi sculptorul Adrian Ilfoveanu, care i va expune piese din tema

Meet the Architect

Republic of Architects

Plantelor Street 27
The event will be presented under the
name Life Design. High end technology and design pieces will be presented by close partners: Sensio and
Chairry Contract Furniture, Diseno
and Concept 5, Top Wood, Bose.
Architecture students will be invited
to participate in a contest, developed
in partnership with the interior architecture faculty from the University Ion
Mincu. Also, they will have the opportunity to exhibit their projects.
The contemporary Jewellery will be
present through the platform Au-

Meet the Architect

Republic of Architects

Theodor Burada Street 7

Latitudine 53 este un birou de arhitectur deschis de doi tineri n 2016

dup experiena Manasc Isaac Achitects n Canada.
O discuie liber despre motivaii,
curaj i riscuri, dar i despre cum
aduci o abordare nou n businessul
arhitectural din Romnia. Aflai de ce
pentru ei sustenabil este un model
de business i nu doar un concept

Republic of Architects is opening the

office and the beautiful courtyard for
the first event from a series of future
meetings where they wish to discuss
about the potential that the traditional areas of the city have for the identity and quality of life in Bucharest.
Meet the Architect sessions promise to create complex connections
between the creative community, the
technical one and the close proximity

RIZI & ZEST Collective &
LTFB Studio

Hristo Botev Blvd. 27

Latitudine 53 is an architecture studio

opened by two young architects in
2016 after working at Manasc Isaac

RIZI & ZEST Collective &
LTFB Studio

Popa Petre Street, no. 23

FLOW is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an

activity is fully immersed in a feeling
of energized focus, full involvement,
and enjoyment in the process of the
This is the defining mindset of the
passionate community at Popa Petre
23. Three architecture and design
studios RIZI, ZEST Collective and
LTFB Studio activate here alongside
MKBT Make Better, Sailo, Mucca
Production & Advertising and Traian
The event will include a special projection from UrbanEye Film Festival, installations and a musical trip
around the sounds that make our
imagination burst.

Skaarchitects, Tactic,
Kub Planning,
Amprenta Studio

Square One


Strada Smrdan 9

Strada Nuferilor 50-52

Petrecere pe teras, cu vibe-ul potrivit, butur i poveti faine.

Republic of Architects deschide biroul

i frumoasa curte pentru primul
eveniment dintr-o serie de ntlniri
viitoare, n care i doresc s discute
despre potenialul pe care zonele
tradiionale ale oraului l au pentru identitatea i calitatea vieii din
Bucureti. Sesiunile Meet the Architect promit crearea unei legturi
complexe dintre comunitatea creativ, cea tehnic i cea a vecintii

Bulevardul Hristo Botev 27

Latitudine 53
by Manasc Isaac

Strada Theodor Burada 7

Wooden Nights and Linia Furniture. A

brand which takes home all the concepts, LABORATORUL DE ARHITECTUR travels far away in time, takes
every shape there is and defines it in
a postmodern tale.
Now is your chance to see what
designers create for their own sake,
pleasure and taste, the wooden table
collection and projects. So we turn off
the lights and we guide you by candle
light in a night dedicated to wood.

Latitudine 53
by Manasc Isaac

The architecture and research laboratory Prodid invites its visitors

to take part to the birth of a great
museum point inside of Conacul Carp
from ibneti. The first piece will
be made at the Architectures Night
They will organize a plastering
demonstration, proposing to make
a replica of the junimist bust and the
politician Petre P. Carp. The event will
be accompanied by projections from
the architecture and crafts workshops at Striking iron at the mansion!, organized by Prodid in collaboration with Maria Association and Pro
Patrimonio Foundation.

Mircea Vulcnesc Street 27

Strada Plantelor 27

Life Design
City Project

tor and the special guest will be the

sculptor Adrian Ilfoveanu who will
invite us into his world Clamatoria.

Wooden Nights
de Arhitectur

FLOW este starea de energie focalizat, de trans activ pe care o d

implicarea total ntr-un proces care
ofer plcere i mplinire.
Este starea care definete comunitatea de la Popa Petre 23 unde
activeaz cu pasiune 3 studiouri
de arhitectur i design: RIZI, ZEST
Collective i LTFB Studio mpreun
cu MKBT Make Better, Sailo, Mucca
Production & Advertising i Traian
Seara va fi animat de o proiecie
special UrbanEye Film Festival,
instalaii i o cltorie sonor prin
stilurile muzicale care ne stimuleaz

Square One


Nuferilor Street 50-52

Square Squad is throwing a rooftop
party. They already have the nice
vibe, the beverages and the cool

Stardust &
Nod Makerspace


Splaiul Unirii 160, corp C3-Filatura,

etaj 2, Industria Bumbacului
Stardust architects* i vor deschide
cu drag biroul i v ateapt cu entuziasm la elixiruri cu petale de flori i
biscuii n form de corpuri cereti.

Stardust &
Nod Makerspace


Splaiul Unirii 160, building C3-Filatura,

2nd floor
Stardust architects* will open their
studio and they are enthusiastically
inviting you over for elixirs with flower
petals and celestial bodies shaped

Strada Popa Petre 23


Ziar.indd 9

5/18/16 4:46 PM

Studio Insign

Strada Sfinilor 7,
n incinta Palatului Noblesse


Strada Ion Brezoianu 23-25

Birourile Studio Insign sunt gzduite

n cadrul Palatului Noblesse, o cldire
monument istoric restaurat i amenajat de acelai studio.
n cadrul evenimentului, casa va fi
deschis pentru vizitare. Peste 30 de
interioare amenajate n diferite stiluri
vor putea fi descoperite de pasionaii
de design interior.

Studio Insign

All possible realities

Tegmark & nEAT
& Unulaunu



Sfinilor Street 7,
in the Noblesse Palace
The offices are located inside Palatul
Noblesse, a historic building completely
restored by Studio Insign team.

All possible realities

Tegmark & nEAT &


Splaiul Unirii 160, building C3, 1st floor


The collective that started six years

ago on Leonida 7 is entring a new
phase in its evolution: All possible
realities. Tegmark will be leading the
ceremony opening the doors to its
new offices and launching a brand
new website. UNULAUNU will show
models and nEAT, the new office, is
ready to meet you.

Splaiul Unirii 160, corp C3, etaj 1, Industria Bumbacului

Colectivul care a nceput acum ase
ani pe Leonida 7 intr ntr-o nou
faz evolutiv: Toate realitile posibile. Tegmark va da tonul inaugurnd
noul birou i lansnd un nou website.
UNULAUNU scoate machetele la vedere i noul birou nEAT va fi pregtit
s v cunoasc.

Aprindem lumina!


Strada Pechea 32-36

Echipa WIGWAM | a Kei Development

Division i invit oaspeii s discute
despre proiectele la care lucreaz i
despre cum decurge activitatea n
biroul lor.

Were turning
on the light!


Pechea Street 32-36

The team of Wigwam | a Kei Development Division invites its guests to talk
about their latest projects and about
their daily work routine.

We need to talk
Wolfhouse Productions
@La firul ierbii

(@La firul ierbii) evenimentul We need

to talk o sear relaxat pentru socializare i idei privind teme relevante
pentru ora. Fiecare din cei patru
parteneri ai biroului de arhitectur i
urbanism contribuie cu o ntrebare/
observaie pe subiectul evenimentului, pentru a servi astfel ca pretext
pentru dialog. Cadrul muzical i vizual
va fi asigurat de Glue Eyes (DJ/VJ),
iar n spaiu vor fi puse n lumin
rezultatele dezbaterii electorale
din aceeai zi, atelierele recente de
placemaking cu locuitori ai cartierului i vor fi expuse informaii despre
proiectul La firul ierbii.

We need to talk
Wolfhouse Productions
@La firul ierbii


Splaiul Unirii, no. 160, building C32nd Wing

Wolfhouse Productions organizes
(@La firul ierbii) the We need to talk
event: a relaxed evening for socializing and ideas on topics relevant to
the city. Each of the four partners will
contribute with a question/observation on the subject of the event, to
serve as a pretext for dialogue with
their guests. Within the event, the
music and the video projections will
be provided by Glue Eyes (DJ/VJ).
The space will exhibit the outcomes of
the electoral debates hosted by La
firul ierbii and the recently placemaking workshops with the neighbourhood residents. Also, the La
firul ierbii project will be creatively

Splaiul Unirii, nr. 160, corp C3-Aripa 2,

Industria Bumbacului
Wolfhouse Productions organizeaz

Foto: Studio Insign


Ziar.indd 10

5/18/16 4:46 PM

Bikes vs. Cars

Ambasada Suediei
n Romnia

Cinema Europa - Calea Moilor 127

27 mai // de la 18:00 la 21:00

Swedish Embassy in Romania

Europa Cinema - Calea Moilor 127
May 27 // 6pm to 9pm

The event will include the screening of

the NY Times Critics Pick film Bikes
vs. Cars, by Swedish director Fredrik
Gertten, and will be followed by a
roundtable discussion about the bike
as a tool for urban change, urban
planning, infrastructure, and sustainable development.

Bucharest Fashion
Film Festival Preview

Bucharest Fashion
Film Festival

Strada General Eremia Grigorescu 10

27-29 mai/3-5 iunie // de la 11:00 la
22:00// Deschiderea oficial: 27 mai
- ora 19:00
Primul festival din Romnia plasat
la intersecia dintre film, mod i
branding i anun ediia pilot, programat pentru toamna anului 2016,
prin expoziia The Many Folds of an
Exquisite World, ce prezint o mostr
de cinema experimental din arealul
scenei de mod internaionale.

Bucharest Fashion
Film Festival Preview

igloo 10 - AB_D
architecture book
in debate
igloo media

Proiecia filmului Bikes vs. Cars,

regizat de suedezul Fredrik Gertten,
va fi urmat de o dezbatere despre
biciclet ca instrument de schimbare
a mediului urban, urbanistic, infrastructur i dezvoltare sustenabil.

Bikes vs. Cars

The Ark hosts an exhibition of 35

paintings representing historical
monument buildings in Bucharest,
seen through the eyes of tomorrows
artists, Laurentiu Dimisca and 5 debuting artists.
An event by Outsider Art Foundation
and Rhabillage Association, with the
support of the Administration of the
National Cultural Fund.

Bucharest Fashion
Film Festival

General Eremia Grigorescu Street 10

May 27-29/ June 3-5 // 11am to
10pm// Official opening: May 27
The first festival in Romania at the
crossroads of film, fashion and
advertising is announcing its pilot
edition, programmed for fall 2016,
through the exhibition The Many
Folds of an Exquisite World, set to
present a sample of experimental
cinema from the international fashion

igloo 10 - CA_D
cartea de arhitectur
n dezbatere
igloo media

Strada General Eremia Grigorescu 10

27 mai 5 iunie // L-S: de la 14:00
la 20:00 // Dezbatere: 27 mai, de la
igloo 10 - CA_D cartea de arhitectur n dezbatere este o conferin cu
expoziie care chestioneaz critic i
constructiv statutul, condiia i viitorul
crii de arhitectur i design din

General Eremia Grigorescu Street 10

May 27 June 5 // from 2pm to 8pm
(Monday to Saturday) // Debate: May
27, 6pm

CASA OTZEDADA Design Collage

Dare to Rug & The FAB Squad

Strada Oetari 6B
25 mai // 18-22

igloo10 - AB_D architectural book in

debate is a conference and exhibition
that questions critically and constructively the status, actual conditions
and the future of the architecture and
design books in Romania.

CASA OTZEDADA este un colaj de

designeri, arhiteci, fotografi i artiti
vizuali care i doresc s introduc
publicul n mood-ul DADA n timpul
Romanian Design Week 2016.

O fereastr ctre arta

grafic spaniol: afie de
film din anii 50, 60 i 70

CASA OTZEDADA Design Collage

Dare to Rug & The FAB Squad

Ambasada Spaniei
la Bucureti

Oetari Street 6B
May 25 // 6pm to 10pm

Strada General Eremia Grigorescu 10

21 mai 5 iunie // de la 11:00 la 2:00
(doar n weekend) // Vernisaj: 21 mai
ora 18:00
Ne ndreptm privirea spre designul
grafic i spre filmul spaniol, prin prisma unei expoziii alctuite din diferite
afie de film spaniol din perioada

CASA OTZEDADA is a collage made

up of designers, architects, photographers and visual artists who wish to
invite the public to get into the DADA
mood during Romanian Design Week

Centrul Naional
al Dansului Bucureti
i mobileaz curtea

A window to Spanish
graphic design: Movie
posters in the 50s, 60s
and 70s

Centrul Naional al Dansului


Bulevardul Mreti 80-82

30 mai 5 iunie // Colectare materiale: de la 17:00 la 21:30 // ntlniri: de
la 18:30 la 21:30 (31 mai, ntre 2 i 4

Spanish Embassy
in Bucharest

General Eremia Grigorescu Street 10

May 21 June 5 // 11am to 2am
(weekends only) // Official Opening:
May 21 6pm

Centrul Naional al Dansului organizeaz o colect de materiale reciclabile i o serie de ntlniri cu coregrafi i dansatori, arhiteci, designeri
i prieteni, n intervalul 30 mai - 5
iunie, cu scopul de a amenaja curtea
Slii Stere Popescu n cadrul unui
antier performativ, ntre 6 i 12 iunie.

We invite you to take a look at the

Spanish graphic design and movie,
through an exhibition composed by
several Spanish movie posters in the
50s, 60s and 70s.

Bucuretii de azi.
Viziunea artitilor
de mine

The National Dance

Center in Bucharest
is furnishing its yard

The Ark Bursa Mrfurilor


National Dance Center


Mreti Blvd. 80-82

May 30 June 5 // Collecting Materials: 5pm to 9:30pm // Talks: 6:30 to
9:30 (on May 31, June 2-4)

The Ark, Strada Uranus 150

21 mai 5 iunie // de la 9:00 la 21:00
// Vernisaj: 21 mai, de la ora 19:00
The Ark gzduiete expoziia de 35
de tablouri reprezentnd monumente
istorice din Bucureti, vzute prin ochii
artitilor de mine, Laureniu Dimic
i 5 artiti debutani.
Eveniment realizat de Fundaia
Outsider Art i Asociaia Rhabillage,
cu sprijinul Administraiei Fondului
Cultural Naional.

The National Dance Center is hosting

a collection of recyclable materials
and a series of meetings with choreographers, dancers, architects,
designers and friends, between May
30th and June 5th, with the purpose
of furnishing the yard of the Stere
Popescu Hall within a performative
building site, from June 6th to June

Bucharest today.
The vision of tomorrows

Color me smart!

Stadio Restaurant cu Atrium

Strada Ion Cmpineanu 11
21 28 mai // Luni: 12:00-00:00 //
Mari - Duminic: 10:00-00:00

The Ark Bursa Marfurilor


The Ark, Strada Uranus 150

May 21 June 5 // 9am to 9pm //
Official opening: May 21, 7pm

STADIO i invit clienii s coloreze

pe un panou amplasat n Atrium,
fiecare avnd ocazia s fie designerul
propriului segment. Alturarea seg-

mentelor pe panou d natere unui

desen-mesaj care sugereaz puterea
oamenilor atunci cnd sunt unii.

Color me smart!

Stadio Restaurant cu Atrium

Ion Campineanu Street, no. 11
May 21 28 // 12pm to 12am (Monday) // 10am to 12am (Tuesday to

STADIO invites its clients to color on a

panel positioned in the Atrium, each
one having the opportunity to design
its own segment. Joining all segments from the panel would lead to
a drawing-message suggesting the
power of united people.

Design Delights

Manole Zece & Decoworks

Calea Moilor 88, scara B, et. 3, ap.

28 mai // de la 16:00
Manole Zece i DecoWorks invit
amatorii de design la un expo-event
unde vor putea descoperi o poveste
redesenat LOWE offices Alice in
Wonderland i Micul Prin, precum i
design pattern & instalaie de print
Wall-Possible-Paper (tapet). Delicatese oferite de Dolci di Fabio.

Design Delights

Manole Zece & Decoworks

Calea Moilor 88, entrance B, 3rd

floor, apt. 32
May 28 // 4pm
Manole Zece and DecoWorks invite
the design lovers to an expo-event
where they will discover a redesigned
story LOWE Offices Alice in Wonderland and The Little Prince, as well
as design patterns & print installation
Wall-Possible-Paper (wallpaper).
Sweet delights provided by Dolci di

Plastic Existence rearanjarea

structurii moleculare
a substanelor

Nsui collection & gallery

Institute, The Caf - Strada tirbei

Vod 104-106
25 mai // Curatorial talk: de la 12:00
la 13:00 // Prezentare expoziie: de la
12:00 la 18:00
Curatorial talk i prezentare expoziie
produs de Nasui collection & gallery.
Expoziie personal de sculptur Felix
Deac, produs de Nasui collection
& gallery. Sculpturile sunt rezultatul
unor cercetri de laborator. Materialele folosite sunt compui chimici
amestecai n reacii pentru a obine
noi forme organice.

Plastic Existence 8
the molecular structure
of substances
Nsui collection & gallery

Institute, The Cafe - Stirbei Voda

Street 104-106
May 25 // Curatorial talk: 12pm to
1pm // Presentation of the exhibition:
12pm to 6pm
Curatorial talk and presentation of
the exhibition produced by Nasui
collection & gallery
Solo sculpture show Felix Deac, produced by Nasui collection & gallery.
Deacs artworks are results of lab


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researches. The materials are compounds of chemical substances mixed

in chain reactions in order to obtain
new organic forms.

Creez design: 25 mai, de la 14:00 la

2:00 // Produc design: 27 mai, de
la 14:00 la 2:00 // Cumpr design
romnesc: 3 iunie, de la 14:00 la 2:00

Design local
pe scena global

Evenimentele Dizainr s-au axat

mereu pe interaciunea dintre creatorii, productorii i cumprtorii
de design, iar anul acesta viziunea
lor face nc un pas nainte. n cadrul
RDW, Dizainr srbtorete designul
romnesc prin 3 petreceri tematice:
27 mai i 3 iunie.

Asociaia Identitate Cultural

Conceptual Lab - Strada Dionisie
Lupu 56
24 mai // de la 19:00

Are Romnia puterea de a oferi pieei

internaionale branduri create local,
ce reuesc pe piaa internaional?
Ne propunem s vedem care sunt
avantajele/dezavantajele designului
local. Deoarece credem n puterea
resurselor locale, vrem s vedem n
ce msur putem avea un brand recognoscibil la nivel internaional.

Local design
in global context AICC

Conceptual Lab - Dionisie

Lupu Street 56
May 24 // 7pm

Is Romania, design wise, strong

enough on the international market?
This is the question we want you to
think about, and join us in one of a
kind event for professionals, and soon
to be creators of tomorrow. We start
a series of debates in which we want
to see what are the advantages / disadvantages of local design.

Design. Party. Repeat.

Magazinul Dizainr

Strada Puul cu Plopi 17


Design. Party. Repeat.

lui Geoffrey Chaucer Legenda bunei

femei i de povetile nepovestite
a apte femei menionate ca fiind
Doamne n ateptare. Este vorba
despre intimitate i legturi ntre trup
(social) i art i cum sunt ele regsite
att n spaiul public, ct i nuntrul
unui muzeu.

A solo show of Carmen
ARCUB Gabroveni

Lipscani Street 84-90

May 21 June 1 // 10am to 10pm //
Official opening: May 21, 6pm


Dizainr Concept Store

Puul cu Plopi Street 17

Create Design Party: May 25, from
2pm to 2am // Manufacture Design
Party: May 27, from 2pm to 2am //
Buy Romanian Design Party: June 3,
from 2pm to 2am

Influenced by Geoffrey Chaucers

poem The Legend of the Good Women, the concept of the exhibition is
gathered around the untold stories of
seven women reffered to as ladies-in
waiting. The major works in the exhibition explore the notions of boundaries and privacy, regarding the (social)
body and the work of art.

Dizainr has always put a lot of

weight on the interaction between
creators, manufacturers and buyers of design and this year they
have taken it to the next level. During
Romanian Design Week, you can join
them at 3 theme-parties where you
and BUY Romanian Design.

Doamne n ateptare/
A solo show of Carmen


male role in contrast to the traditional, stereotype parental role.

Swedish Dads

Swedish Embassy in Romania

ARCUB Gabroveni
Lipscani Street 84-90
May 21 29 // 2pm to 8pm //
Museums Night May 21: 2pm to 1am
Creterea copiilor este n mod
tradiional atribuit femeilor, ns un
numr din ce n ce mai mare de tai
din Suedia ncep s prefere concediul pentru creterea copilului . Expoziia de fotografie Swedish Dads
exploreaz modul n care prinii
suedezi vd rolul modern al tatlui, n
contrast cu rolul tradiional stereotip.

Swedish Dads

Ambasada Suediei
n Romnia

ARCUB Gabroveni
Strada Lipscani 84-90
21 29 mai // de la 14:00 la 20:00
// Noaptea Muzeelor 21 mai: de la
14:00 la 01:00


Child rearing has traditionally been

the preserve of women but a growing number of fathers in Sweden
have begun to see the advantages
of taking parental leave. The photo
exhibition Swedish Dads explores how
Swedish fathers view the modern

ARCUB Gabroveni

Strada Lipscani 84-90

21 mai 1 iunie // de la 10:00 la 22:00
// Vernisaj: 21 mai, ora 18:00
Conceptul este inspirat de poemul

Photo by: Johan Bvman

Obiectului Gsit


Latitudine53 by Manasc Isaac

Bulevardul Hristo Botev 27, et.1, ap.1

21 mai 5 iunie // de la 14:00 la 21:00
// Vernisaj: 21 mai, ora 18:00
Expoziia propune un cadru pentru
dialogul dintre obiectul de design
contemporan i obiectul gsit, acel


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Ziar.indd 15

5/18/16 4:47 PM

Ziar.indd 16

5/18/16 4:47 PM


Ziar.indd 17

5/18/16 4:47 PM

ceva care provoac amintiri, care

nelinitete n situaia unei posibile nstrinri, pe care l pstrezi n
spatele sertarului, l curei din cnd n
cnd i speri c l vei valorifica cumva,

of the Found Object


Latitudine53 by Manasc Isaac

Hristo Botev Blvd. 27, 1st floor
May 21 June 5 // 2pm to 9pm //
Official opening: May 21, 6pm

The exhibition stimulates the conversation between new design and

found object, that something that
triggers memories, that worries at
the opportunity of alienation, that
you keep in the back of the drawer,
you clean it once in a while and hopes
it will find a place in the spotlight

Evoluia metesugului 13
rom i a meteugarilor:
de la arhaic
la contemporan
Meteshukar ButiQ

Strada Edgar Quinet 7

28 mai 5 iunie // L-S: de la 12:00
la 19:00 / D: de la 12:00 la 17:00 //
Vernisaj: 28 mai, ora 18:00


Edgar Quinet Street 7

May 28 June 5 // 12pm to 7pm
(Monday to Saturday) / 12pm to 5pm
(Sunday) // Official opening: May 28,
Mesteshukar ButiQ is a network of
social economy enterprises that gives
new meaning to traditional Roma
craftsmanship. This exhibition is dedicated to the evolution of traditional
Roma craftsmanship, the products
and their makers, taking the visitor on
a path of understanding how modern
design can give new life to ancient


Asociaia Cultural Noblesse

Palatul Noblesse, Strada Sfinilor 7

21 mai 5 iunie // L-S: de la 9:00 la
18:00 // Deschiderea oficial: 21 mai,
de la ora 11:00 // Conferine: 21 mai,
28 mai, 4 iunie, de la 11:00
Fusion Arts este un proiect care
aduce n prim plan ideea de fuzionare
intre design interior cu piese statement de designer i art plastic n
spaii rezideniale. n completarea expoziiei, Biblioteka Hub for designers
organizeaz o serie de conferine pe
diverse teme conexe expoziiei.

Fusion Arts


Asociaia Cultural Noblesse

Palatul Noblesse, Sfinilor Street 7

Pe 29 mai la ora 18:00 n Grdina

Verona se lanseaz SEMN produsul
de design romnesc creat special
pentru cititori, imaginat de Bianca
Tman i generat de ROD Crtureti.

Fusion Arts is a project that brings

the attention on the ideea of mixing
interior design with statement pieces made by designers and artists in
residential spaces. The exhibition will
be completed by a series of conferences on the same subject that will
take place in Biblioteka Hub for

Hedonismul Artei
Efemere - Expoziie
de art comestibil

Launching of Semn
Underlining Romanian

Grdina Verona, Strada Pictor Arthur

Verona 13-15
May 29 // 6pm

Maison V

On 29th of May, the Verona Garden

will host the launching of SEMN
the Romanian designed bookmark
imagined as a helpful companian for
the avid reader. Designed by Bianca Tman and generated by ROD

Strada Dobrota 16
21 mai 5 iunie // L-V: de la 10:00 la
22:00 / S-D: de la 12:00 la 20:00
Maison V prezint o expoziie de art
comestibil care arat plcerea de
a consuma, n mod literal, o oper de

The Hedonism
of Ephemereal Art Exhibition of edible art

Lea Rasovszky
& Alexandru Petre
art-fashion experiment


Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta 40

21 mai 5 iunie // L-V: de la 11:00 la
20:00 // S-D: de la 10:00 la 18:00 //
Performance: 31 mai, ora 19:00

Dobrota Street 16
May 21 June 5 // 10am to 10pm
(weekdays)/ 12pm to 10pm (weekend)
Maison V presents an exhibition of
edible art objects showcasing the
pleasure derived from, quite literally,
consuming art.

Cabina de Fericire ZOOT Cimigiu

va deveni un spaiu experimental,
la grania dintre mod i art, printr-o instalaie creat de artitii Lea
Rasovszky i Alexandru Petre. Pe 31
mai, ora 19:00, devoratorii de creativitate romneasc vor participa la un
performance artistic realizat pe un
suport absolut neateptat.

n cutarea identitii 16
Workshop de ceramic.
Nicolae Moldovan

Lea Rasovszky
& Alexandru Petre
art-fashion experiment

Strada Grigore Alexandrescu 42

Workshop 1: 26 mai, de la 17:00 la
20:00 // Workshop 2: 2 iunie, de la
17:00 la 20:00

Regina Elisabeta Blvd. 40

May 21 June 5 // 11am to 8pm
(weekdays) // 10am to 6pm (weekend) // Performance: May 31, 7pm

Atelier Anda Roman gzduiete un

workshop de ceramic al crui invitat
este ceramistul / sculptorul Nicolae
Moldovan. Workshop-ul este un prilej
de a intra n contact cu sinele ntr-un
demers onest de cutare a identitii.
Participanii vor modela lutul ntr-o
tehnic neolitic special.

In Search of Identity
Pottery Workshop.
Nicolae Moldovan


ROD Crtureti


Anda Roman creator

de ambian

Meteshukar ButiQ

Fusion Arts

Grdina Verona, Strada Pictor Arthur

Verona 13-15
29 mai // de la ora 18:00

Maison V

Meteshukar ButiQ este o reea de

ntreprinderi de economie social
care a revalorizat meteugul rom,
reunind tehnici vechi cu designul
contemporan n colecii de lifestyle.
Expozitia este dedicata evoluiei
i miestriei meteugarilor romi
care au reuit s conceptualizeze un
produs prin mentoratul designerilor

Evolution of Roma
crafts and craftsmen:
from archaic
to contemporary

May 21 June 5 // 9am to 6pm

(0Monday to Saturday) // Official
opening: May 21, 11am // Conferences: May 21, May 28, June 4

During Romanian Design Week, ZOOT

Cimigiu Try&Buy store will become
an experimental space, between
fashion and art, through a structure
designed by Lea Razovszky and Alexandru Petre. On May 31st, 7 PM, the
passionates for romanian creativity
are invited to an artistic performance
by the duo of artists.


Neo Studio.
A Programme for Bright
Young Students and

Anda Roman creator

de ambianta

Grigore Alexandrescu Street 42

First session: May 26, 5pm to 8pm //
Second session: June 2, 5pm to 8pm

NeoGalateca Gallery Shop

Strada C.A. Rosetti 2-4

21 28 mai // Ma V: de la 12:00 la
20:00 / S: de la 11:00 la 19:00

Atelier Anda Roman is hosting a

pottery workshop conducted by the
ceramist / sculptor
Nicolae Moldovan. The workshop will
help participants get in touch with
their inner self in the quest of searching for their own identity. The participants will be modelling clay in a
special Neolithic technique.

Neo Studio. A Programme for Bright

Young Students and Trainees continu colaborarea Neogalateca
-Universitatea Naional de Arte cu o
dubl expoziie: InPSYme, coordonat
de prof. Univ. Ioana Sanda Avram
(Secia Mod) i Decantri, organizat de prof. Univ. Dr. Dorina Hortu
(Secia Textile).

Lansare Semn Design

romnesc nsemnat
ROD Crtureti

Neo Studio.
A Programme for Bright
Young Students and

NeoGalateca Gallery Shop

C.A. Rosetti Street 2-4

May 21 - 28 // 12pm to 8pm (Tuesday Friday) / 11am to 7pm (Saturday)
Neo Studio. A Programme for Bright
Young Students and Trainees continues the partnership with the National
University of Arts with two student
exhibitions, InPSYme organised by
prof. Univ. Ioana Sanda Avram (Fashion Department) and Decantations
coordinated by prof. Univ. Dr. Dorina
Hortu (Textile Department).

Cu ochii pe design
Galeria Galateca

Strada C.A. Rosetti 2-4

3 iunie // de la 19:00 la 22:00
IKEA va aduce inspiraia n centrul
oraului. Oamenii vor fi Cu ochii pe
design n timpul unui eveniment de o
noapte, care va aduce n prim-plan
poveti, activri, content video, designeri IKEA i spirit liber. Este vorba
despre trei colecii, complet diferite
fa de orice altceva disponibil n
magazinul IKEA.
GILTIG este o colecie care atrage toi
ochii i rezultatul unei colaborri cu
designer-ul Londonez de mod masculin Katie Eary. Odat cu lansarea
GILTIG, IKEA intr ntr-un nou teritoriu:
colecia este prima dintr-o serie de
colaborri cu designeri de mod.
GLDANDE este o colecie limitat
creat n colaborare cu designer-ul
de mod Walter Van Beirendonck. ntreaga colecie e bazat pe o poveste
a personajelor Wondermooi cinci
creaturi care locuiesc n nori i au
personaliti diferite care se reflect
n produsele GLDANDE.
IKEA ART EVENT 2016 este o colecie
de fotografie de art creat de 11
artiti din toat lumea. De la abstract
la figurativ, colecia reflect diversitatea bogat i inspiraia din fotografia de art contemporan din toat

All Eyes on Design

Galateca Gallery

C.A. Rosetti Street 2-4

3rd of June// from 7 pm to 10 pm
IKEA will bring inspiration into the
heart of the city. All eyes will be on
design during a one-night event
which will bring together stories, activations, video content, IKEA designers
and a daring spirit. Its all about three
new collections, unlike any others sold
in the store before.
GILTIG is an eye-catching collection
and the result of a unique collaboration with London-based menswear
designer Katie Eary. With the launch
of GILTIG, IKEA enters all new territory: the collection is the first in a series
of collaborations with fashion designers.
GLDANDE is a limited edition collection developed in collaboration with
fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck. The entire collection is based
around the story of the Wondermooi
five cloud-dwelling creatures whose
distinct personalities weave their way
through all GLDANDE items.
IKEA ART EVENT 2016 is an art photography collection by 11 artists from
around the world. Spanning from the
highly abstract to the figurative, the
collection reflects the rich and in-


Ziar.indd 18

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spiring diversity in contemporary art

photography worldwide.

Pizza Party Gallery

TILT de Richard Scott

Animaletto Pizza Bar

Galeria Galateca

TILT de Richard Scott este o meta-expoziie care investigheaz

natura formelor i structurilor ce dau
contur existenei noastre. Pornind
de la dihotomiile plin-gol, lichid-solid,
lucrrile experimenteaz perspectiva i refleciile care induc n eroare
i parcurg noiunea de singularitate
versus reprezentativitate.

TILT by Richard Scott

Galateca Gallery

C.A. Rosetti Street 2-4

May 21 - 28 // 12pm to 8pm (Tuesday Friday) / 11am to 19pm (Saturday)
TILT by Richard Scott is a meta-exhibition that investigates the shapes
and materials that form and contour
our existence, pointing out several
factual and abstract dichotomies,
such as empty-full, liquid-solid, and
illustrating how reflection and perspective generate our daily realities
and illusions.


Excesivul e noul normcore i ginul,

noua cup de ampanie. Lets drink
& gossip despre influena n online,
marca personal cu alonj i curajul
de a fi diferit n bastide-ul MORODAN din centrul Bucuretilor, n
prezena ncnttoarei Ana, gazda
domniilor voastre din salonul aristocraiei mileniste.



Bulevardul Dacia 68
27 29 mai // de la 12:00 la 20:00
Joaca cu obiectele: iubitorii de design
sunt invitai s ia parte la un exerciiu ludic de design interior, folosind
selecia COMBIC de obiecte pentru
cas, ntr-un spaiu dedicat, n showroom-ul COMBIC. Studenii la arhitectur, design sau arte plastice sunt

Playing with objects


Sear de film UrbanEye

Nod makerspace
Splaiul Unirii 160
25 mai // 19:30

Seara de Film UrbanEye invit publicul s vad ce nseamn acas pentru

civa dintre cei mai influeni arhiteci
ai momentului din ntreaga lume, prin
filmul Where Architecs Live (Francesca Molteni, 2014, 78).


Dacia Blvd. 68
May 27 - 29 // 12pm to 8pm

UrbanEye Film Night

Nod makerspace

Playing with objects: Design lovers

are invited to take part in a three
day-playful exercise of interior design
styling, using COMBICs selection of
beautiful objects for the home, in a
set space within COMBICs showroom. Architecture, art and design
students are most wanted! Prizes to
be won!

Splaiul Unirii 160

May 25 // 7:30pm

UrbanEye Film Night invites the public

to see what does home mean for
the most influential architects in the
world. The film Where Architecs Live
(Francesca Molteni, 2014, 78) will be



de Barna Nemethi

Strada Negustori 26
27 - 29 mai // de la 11:00 la 20:00

The Brewery Rental Studios

The Brewery, Strada Logoft Tutu
68A, et. 2
28 mai // de la 10:00 la 19:00

Mansarda Simbio va gzdui evenimentul Recipe for Design, care

aduce mpreun designeri i obiecte.
Alina Gavril-Borun, Eliza Yokina i
Adrian Oianu vor propune trei soluii
de amenajare a spaiului de luat
masa, exemplificnd trei concepte
diferite i folosind obiecte semnate
de artiti romni i internaionali.

Recipe for Design

Simbio Kitchen & Bar

Un workshop despre cum se poate

integra stilul, intenia, referinele i
consistena n metodele deja existente de lucru. Se adreseaz fotografilor de orice nivel, de la nceptori la
profesioniti, care vor s exploreze
latura creativ i artistic a fotografiei i nu doar pe cea tehnic.


by Barna Nemethi

Negustori Street 26
May 27 - 29 // 11am to 8pm

The Morodan Offices

and Showroom

Aurel Vlaicu Street 137

May 21 June 5 // 10am to 6pm
Excess is the new normcore and gin,
the new champagne. Lets drink &
gossip about online influence, strong
personal branding and about having the courage to be different in the
MORODAN bastide in the centre of
Bucharest, in the presence of enchanting Ana, your ladies and gentlemens host, waiting in her millennial
aristocracys salon.

Animaletto Pizza Bar

Visitors have the opportunity to

see, touch and test a series of objects, materials, installations and the
makersdesign exhibition. Crafts will
be present by the exhibition Design
origins- a collaborative product of
designers from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary versus
craftsmen and folk artists.

Simbio Kitchen & Bar

Strada Aurel Vlaicu 137

21 mai 5 iunie // de la 10:00 la 18:00

Pizza Party Gallery


Recipe for Design

The Morodan Offices and


Never EXPLAIN The charm of digital
aristocracy and its
incredible Romenglish.

Splaiul Unirii, no. 160

Open doors: May 21, 2pm to 2am //
Official Opening Design Origins: May
21, 6pm (visiting hours: May 22 27,
4pm to 8pm) // Preview La firul ierbii
+ Urban Inc: May 21, 8pm

New place in town, Animaletto Pizza

Bar, opens its doors for Romanian
Design Week. For one night only it
becomes a contemporary art gallery
hosting several artists.

Joaca cu obiectele


Strada IC Visarion 10
2 iunie // de la 20:00 la 02:00
Animaletto Pizza Bar i deschide
porile la Romanian Design Week.
Pentru o noapte, Animaletto devine
galerie de art contemporan i

Between the 27th and 29th of May,

Simbios attic will host Recipe for
Design, an exhibition that brings together designers and objects. Three
designers will create three table
settings, following different concepts
and using objects of their choice
both Romanian and international.


Nod makerspace


Nod makerspace


IC Visarion Street 10
June 2 // 8pm to 2am

Strada C.A. Rosetti 2-4

21 28 mai // Ma-V: de la 8:00 la
20:00 / S: de la 11:00 la 19:00

Never EXPLAIN armul aristocraiei
digitale i incredibila
lor romglez.


gzduiete o serie de artiti.


The Brewery Rental Studios

The Brewery, Logoft Tutu Street
68A, 2nd floor
May 28 // 10am to 7pm

A workshop on how to integrate style,

intention, references and consistency
into our already developing method
of work. It is addressed to photographers at any level, from beginners to
pros, who want to explore the creative and artistic side of photography, not just the technical one.


Splaiul Unirii 160

Open doors: 21 mai, de la 14:00 la
02:00 // Vernisaj Design Origins: 21
mai, ora 18:00 (program vizitare:
22 27 mai, de la 16:00 la 20:00 ) //
nceput La firul ierbii + Urban Inc: 21
mai, de la ora 20:00

Simplu. MakerShop
Obiectul ca form
de exprimare


Simplu. MakerShop, Strada

Popa Nan 82, parter

Vizitatorii au ocazia s vad, s

ating, s testeze o serie de obiecte,
materiale, instalaii i o expoziie a
tinerilor makeri. Meteugurile vor fi
prezente prin expoziia Design-ul la
origini, produs colaborativ al designerilor din Polonia, Republica Ceh,
Slovacia i Ungaria versus meteugari sau artiti populari.

25 mai // de la ora 20:30

Evenimentul Simplu. MakerShop are

ca tem obiectul - manifest care
se exprim prin util i estetic versus ocant prin dificultatea formei.
Noutatea este prezentarea obiectului

lipsit de culoare, ntr-o form exagerat ca mrime, dar interactiv vizual

i tactil prin ecrane interactive si
video mappare 3D.

Simplu. MakerShop The object as a form

of expression


Simplu. MakerShop, Popa Nan

Street 82, ground floor
May 25 // 8:30pm

The event Simplu.MakerShop focuses

on the object that expresses itself as
useful and aesthetic vs. shockingly
complex. The brand new fact is the
presentation of the colorless object, in
a form that is exaggerated, but visually stimulating thanks to the interactive screens and maping in general.

The Brunch Affair

prezint Petrecerea
din Grdin


The Brunch Affair

Strada Barbu Vcrescu 164

21 mai // de la 16:00 la 02:00
Cine spune c la dans se poate iei
numai seara? Nu ei!
The Brunch Affair i ndeamn publicul s fie diferit i s petreac alturi
de cei care la fel ca i ei cred n exces
i glamour. Pe 21 mai, The Brunch Affair prezint Petrecerea din grdin.
Nu este un brunch obinuit, ci petrecerea pe care toi o ateptau.

The Brunch Affair

The Garden Party


The Brunch Affair

Barbu Vcrescu Street, no. 164

May 21 // 4pm to 2am
Who says people can only go dancing during night-time? They dont!
The Brunch Affair dares people to
be different and party with those
who just like themselves, believe in
glamour and excess. On the 21st of
May, The Brunch Affair presents The
Garden Party.
Not a regular brunch, but the party
everyone has been waiting for.

Fashions Night Out

Party *Irina Marinescu


Fashions Night Out Parties,

by BURN&URBN Supply CO.

URBN Supply CO. Strada Cldrari 3

25 mai // de la 19.00
Irina Marinescu va fi gazda primei
petreceri Fashions Night Out - o
serie de petreceri realizate de BURN
i URBN Supply CO.. Petrecerea
Belvedere va gravita n jurul ultimei
colecii semnate de Irina, o colecie
care vorbete despre libertatate:
cele mai recente inute, elemente din
procesul creativ din spatele acestei
colecii, precum i o linie melodic
asortat la vacan i invitaii speciali
ai designerului vor transforma URBN
Supply CO. n cel mai ic loc din centrul Bucuretiului.

Fashions Night Out
Party *Irina Marinescu

Fashions Night Out Parties,

by BURN&URBN Supply CO.

URBN Supply CO. Cldrari Street 3

May 25 // 7pm
Irina Marinescu will host the first


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Fashions Night Out party, signed by

BURN and URBN Supply CO. Belvedere Party will focus on the designers latest collection: the fashionable
clothes, the creative process behind
them as well as the desingers own
playlist and guests will transform
URBN Supply the coolest place
in town.

Fashions Night Out

Party *LANA&Julien

Fashions Night Out Parties,

by BURN&URBN Supply CO.

URBN Supply CO. Strada Cldrari 3

4 iunie // de la 19.00
O petrecere-colaj, suprarealist,
colorat, n care muzica aleas de cei
doi creativi va dictata ritmul i rima
distraciei, iar hainele semnate de
LANA vor deveni dress-code obligatoriu. Vei putea admira cele mai
recente proiecte ale celor doi, ntr-o
atmosfer relaxat, plin de energie
furnizat de BURN.

Fashions Night Out

Party *LANA&Julien

Fashions Night Out Parties,

by BURN&URBN Supply CO.

URBN Supply CO. Cldrari Street 3

June 4 // 7pm
A surrealist, colorfull party, where
the playlist will set the mood and the
latest collection signed by LANA will
become a must-have dress-code. You
will be able to admire Lana&Julien
latest projects, in a relaxed, layedback atmosphere, full of energy,
provided by BURN.

Fashions Night Out

Party *Ioana Ciolacu

Fashions Night Out Parties,

by BURN&URBN Supply CO.

URBN Supply CO. Strada Cldrari 3

28 mai // de la 19.00
Petrecerea All Things Nice este
inspirat de copilrie i de filmul La
Strada al lui Fellini, la fel ca i cea
mai recent colecie a Ioanei Ciolacu, care a fost prezentat n ianuarie
2016 n cadrul Sptmnii Modei de
la Berlin i care poate fi vizitat n
expoziia central Romanian Design
Week@Piaa Amzei. All Things Nice
face parte din seria de petreceri
Fashions Night Out , petreceri realizate de BURN i URBN Supply CO.

Time Delusion
Adelina Ivan

KUBE Musette - Calea Victoriei 114

23 mai 5 iunie // Vernisaj: 23 mai
ora 19:00

Time Delusion
Adelina Ivan

National Theatre Bucharest: Nicolae

Balcescu Blvd, no. 2
May 21 - 29
The Unfinished Bucharest Festival of
Visual Arts continues to present the
World Press Photo 2016 exhibition as
one of its main pillars but also expands into video installation, interactive and VR storytelling and computational art through partnering with
major artists and production studios
across the globe.


KUBE Musette - Calea Victoriei 114

May 23 June 5 // Official opening:
May 23 7pm

V rugm nu v aezai
#2 Design romnesc 33
de sine stttor

The works of Adelina Ivan explore the

overlap of time, space and memory
using deconstruction into textile fibres
and three-dimensional objects.

Ubikubi back
to nature

ROD Crtureti

Crtureti Carusel, Strada Lipscani 55

21 mai 5 iunie // de la 10:00 la
22:00 (luni-miercuri) / de la 10:00 la
00:00 (joi-duminic)



Strada Dionisie Lupu 46

26 mai // de la 18:00 la 23:00

O nou ediie cu scaun la cap de V

rugm nu v aezai- expoziie de
design romnesc de sine stttor, cu
scaune mndre i mini luminate.

Ubikubi invit pasionaii de design

la o petrecere cool n gradina Casei
Universitarilor, unde compania i
va lansa noua colecie de mobilier,
corpuri de iluminat i accesorii pentru

Ubikubi back to nature


Please do not sit here #2

Romanian design you
can lean on
ROD Crtureti


Crtureti Carusel, Strada Lipscani 55

May 21 June 5 // 10am to 10pm
(Monday to Wednesday) // 10am to
12am (Thursday to Sunday)

Strada Dionisie Lupu 46

May 26 // 6pm to 11pm
Ubikubi invites design aficionados to a
cool garden party, in the mesmerzing
garden of Casa Universitarilor, where
the company will exhibit their new
collection of furniture, lighting and
home accessories.

A new edition of Please do not sit

here showcasing an eclectic selection of the best Romanian designed
chairs out there, ready to be taken

as they are objects of design and


Steff Chelaru


Molecule F

Promenada mall - Calea Floreasca

246, etaj 1
23 mai // de la 19:00
Lansarea coleciei lui Steff Chelaru la
Molecule F concept store din Promenada mall.

Steff Chelaru


Molecule F

Promenada mall - Calea Floreasca

246, 1st floor
May 23 // 7pm
Launching Steff Chelarus collection in
Molecule F concept store from Promenada mall.

Rochia-hit a verii


Band of Creators Concept

Strada Benjamin Franklin 14
28 mai // de la 11:00 la 19:00

15 designeri din Band of Creators

reinventeaz rochia perfect de var.

High summer hit dress


Band of Creators Concept


Benjamin Franklin street 14

28th of May // from 11 am to 7 pm
15 designers from band of Creators
portfolio create their version of high
summer hit dress.

Festival of Visual Arts 31
Fundaia EIDOS

Piaa Universitii (zona Statui)

21 29 mai
Publicul este invitat la o serie de
proiecii, conferine i concerte live
n cadrul primei ediii UNFINISHED
Bucharest Festival of Visual Arts.

Festival of Visual Arts 31
EIDOS Foundation
University Square
May 21 - 29

For its first edition, UNFINISHED Bucharest Festival of Visual Arts invites
its public to a series of projections,
conferences and live concerts.

URBN Supply CO. Cldrari Street 3

May 28 // 7pm

Festival of Visual Arts 32

The partyAll Things Nice, as well

as Ioana Ciolacus latest collection
is inspired by childhood and Fellinis
La Strada. The collection has been
presented at Fashion Week Berlin in
January 2016 and you can admire
it in the Main Exhibiton of Romanian
Design Week@Amzei Market. All
Things Nice is part of Fashions Night
Out party concept, signed by BURN
and URBN Supply CO.

EIDOS Foundation

Lucrrile Adelinei Ivan exploreaz

ntreptrunderea timpului cu spaiul i memoria, prin deconstrucia i
transpunerea lor n fibre textile i
obiecte tridimensionale.

Fashions Night Out

Party *Ioana Ciolacu

Fashions Night Out Parties,

by BURN&URBN Supply CO.

Festival of Visual Arts 32


Fundaia EIDOS

Teatrul National Bucuresti:

B-dul Nicolae Blcescu, nr. 2
21 29 mai
Festivalul de Arte Vizuale Unfinished
va include expoziia de fotojurnalism
World Press Photo 2016, n acelai
timp extinzndu-se cu instalaii
video, storytelling interactiv, realitate
virtual i art digital, aducnd n
Bucureti creatori, colective de art i
parteneri recunoscui la nivel global.


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Strada Arthur Verona 2


Situat n spatele Ateneului, pe Str.

Arthur Verona, A3 e locul unde s-au
mutat, pe scurt, oamenii de la A1.
Selecie de vinuri internaionale, beri
provenite de la microbreweries, mic
dejun, supe, salate, reete elaborate
cu pete i fructe de mare, burgeri
clasici, virli transilvneni cu mutaruri blagoslovite, teras, cool pool,
ocazional party-uri i evenimente
Centrally located behind the Athenaeum on Arthur Verona Str., A3 is
where the people of former Bar A1
have relocated. Wide selection of
international wines & microbrewery
beers. Breakfast, soups, salads, elaborate fish dishes, classical burgers,
Transylvanian sausages blessed by
holy mustards, terrace, cool pool,
occasional parties and art related


Strada Actor Ion Brezoianu 4

L-J, D 12:00-01:00 / V,S 12:00-last

Fratellini Bistro

Fratellini este un bistro clasic, prietenos n nordul oraului, o alegere

natural, chic, pentru socializare, mic
dejun sau prnz, ceaiul de la ora
cinci, ntlniri de afaceri, brunch n
weekend sau o ieire dup birou, i
n general pentru petrecerea unui
timp de calitate cu prietenii i familia.
Conceptul mbin lumina natural
abundent, linia clasica cu elemente
moderne de design minimalist, senzaia bistro-urilor franceze i italiene,
ntr-o atmosfera relaxant ce ncant
simurile. Oaspeii pot savura cafeaua Fratellini, un brand propriu, n
interiorul locaiei, la pachet, sau pe
terasa spaioas, nsorit, care este i
ncalzit pe vreme racoroas.

The Uanderful story begins long

before the pencil in the architects
hand ever drew the very first line on
sketches. Born from within the heart,
fueled with care, energy and passion,
leveraged by dedication and craftsmanship, benchmarking premium


With a unique design and carefull

attention for details, from color fusion
to the alchemists tubes on the hallway, everything is put together in a
geometrical comforting combination
of shapes and mood, dim lights that
know how to get playful, wavy sounds
and music intruments and chillax
sitting areas. Uanderful is open daily,
12:00-15:30 and 18:00-02:00

Fratellini Bistro is the uptown friendly

classic bistro, newly launched in 2015.
The bistro is a naturally chic choice
for day socializing, serving breakfast
or lunch, five oclock tea, business
meetings, weekend brunch or afterwork drinks, spending quality time
with family and friends.
The concept blends details from natural abundant light, classic line with
modern minimalist design elements,
authentic French and Italian bistros
feeling, into a unique atmosphere,
relaxing and indulging senses. The
location has a unique Fratellini Coffee
brand, that guests may serve indoor,
to go or on the spacious sunny terrace of the Bistro, also heated during
chilli days.


Intrarea Bitolia 4

FRUDISIAC este un spaiu n care

gseti cafea de specialitate, mncare sntoas, sucuri proaspete sau
reviste speciale i ntlneti oameni
cu interese comune: preocuparea
pentru o via sntoas i dragostea pentru cafea i design.
Proiectul a fost realizat de un studio
din Londra (Not A Number Architects)
i include referine din designul scandinav: fatad neagr din metal, perei
placai cu lemn i un interior minimalist, monocrom, cu linii simple i cateva
accente de culoare care confer
spaiului un aer modern.
Din efortul comun al arhitecilor i al
unor meteri locali a rezultat cel mai
autentic spaiu de design scandinav
pe care il ofer Bucuretiul n acest
moment. Corpurile de iluminat atent
alese, instalaia realizat pe comand
de artistul danez Kasper Kjeldgaard,
cafeaua de origine adus din Stockholm i meniul ce include preparate
clasice precum Smrrebrd, ofer un
sentiment de autenticitate i subliniaz nc o dat conceptul Nordic ce a
stat la baza proiectului.

Calea Floreasca 240

//L-V 08:00-22:00 / S,D 10:00-22:00

Energiea, information and urban

experiment establishment, is equally a pub and an urban hub, a place
that combines the ease and relaxation of having a conversation over
a glass, with the energy of urban
artistic and cultural events and a
contemporary cuisine based on the
principles of a healthy gastronomy:
homemade dishes cooked without
using any artificial additives and/or
flavor enhancers, in a deconstructed
decor with a strong personality. In the
purest experimentalist spirit, Energiea
provokes and invites you to play, every day and every night. During RDW
20th of May 5 of June, the french
fries, lemonades and smoothies from
Energiea are take away goodies.

even further

Uanderful is a pledge for true values of quality time, sensorial indulgence through eclectic mix of food,
world-class cocktails and collection
wines from all continents, impecable
serving, food pairing and table sharing with friends, closeness, timeless
values making time stand still and
crushing the ever fast-forward rithm.


Energiea, stabiliment de informare i

experiment urban, este n egal msur un pub i hub urban, un loc care
mbin lejeritatea i relaxarea vorbelor lng un pahar, cu energia evenimentelor din zona artistico-cultural
urban, ntr-un decor deconstruit, cu
o personalitate puternic. Energiea
invit la socializare, completnd cu o
buctrie contemporan bazat pe
principiile gastronomiei sntoase, cu
preparate homemade, fr adaosuri artificiale. n cel mai pur spirit
experimentalist, Energiea provoac
i te invit la joac, zi de zi i noapte
de noapte. n perioada RDW - 20 mai
5 iunie, cartofii prjii, limonadele
i smoothie-urile de la Energiea sunt
ambalate special pentru take away.

ntre 12:00-15:30 i 18:00-02:00

Povestea Uanderful ncepe cu mult

nainte ca mna arhitectului s traseze prima linie n schi. S-a nscut
din suflet, cu mult atenie, energie
i pasiune, mbogit cu dedicaie i
miestrie, setnd noi standarde.

FRUDISIAC is a specialty caf, a

healthy eatery, a juice bar, a media shop and a place to meet with
like-minded people who share the
same interests: healthy lifestyle, exceptional coffee and love for design.
The architectural project was made
by an acclaimed studio based in
London (Not A Number Architects)
and includes obvious references to
Scandinavian design: dark metal
cladding faade, plywood walls and a
minimalist, monochrome interior with
clean lines and a few color accents
which add a striking photography
The joint work of the architects and
a group of local craftsmen resulted
in the most authentic Scandinavian
setting to be found in Bucharest.
The carefully selected light fixtures,
the custom-made art installation
created by the Danish artist Kasper
Kjeldgaard, the coffee which comes
from a roastery in Stockholm and
the menu which includes traditional dishes like the Smrrebrd, all of
these offer a feeling of authenticity
and underlines the Nordic concept

Uanderful este un legamant de valori

eseniale, precum timp de calitate,
experiene senzoriale ce combin un
mix culinar extins, cocktailuri rafinate
i o colecie de vinuri aduse din toate
continentele, servire impecabil,
recomandri culinare asociate buturilor servite i invitaia de a experimenta mai multe feluri de mncare
laolalt cu prietenii, toate dau o alt
msur timpului, zdrobind ritmul de
Cu o arhitectur unic i atenie
sporit la detalii, de la mbinrile de
nuane la tuburile de alchimie din hol,
totul este ncadrat n forme geometrice ce dau confort i inspir o
stare de bine, lumini calde care pot
deveni jucue, sunet curat, instrumente muzicale i mobilier relaxant.
Uanderful este deschis n fiecare zi

Buzeti 55-57 B

12:00-last client

Fumetto este un loc de relaxare, social hub i experiment urban, un loc n

care se mbin buctaria experimental napoletan cu atmosfera lounge,
ntr-un decor cu un stil italian vechi i
cu o personalitate puternic.
Ziua, Fumetto este un loc unde te poi
bucura de un prnz sntos iar seara
se transform ntr-un cocktail bar.
Fumetto is a place where you can
relax, a social hub and an urban
experiment, a place that combines
experimental Neapolitan cuisine with
a lounge atmosphere, in an old deco
style with a strong personality.
During the day, Fumetto is a place
where one can enjoy a healthy lunch
but in the evening, the place transforms into a cocktail bar.


Strada Lipscani 9

L-V 07:30-20:00 / S,D 09:00-00:00

Origo este un coffee shop cu prjitorie proprie. Conceptul este unul
simplu i se bazeaz pe un singur vis,
acela de a dezvolta domeniul cafelei
de specialitate n Romnia i de a explorea potenialul acesteia n gust. De
aceea urmrete cu pasiune ntregul
parcurs al boabelor: de la ferm, la
prjitorie i n ceac. Credem i vrem
s demonstrm c o experien complet i corect poate oferi o perspectiv nou n domeniul cafelei.
Rolul prjitoriei Origo este de a asigura cafea de specialitate proaspt
prjit pentru propriul coffee shop,
pentru comunitatea care s-a format
n jurul acestuia, dar i pentru cei care
s-au ndrgostit de cafea i vor s i
deschid propriile locaii. Prjitorul
folosit este un Loring Smart Roaster
i este considerat cel mai bun prjitor
din lume la ora actual. Cu ajutorul lui
poate fi controlat n detaliu profilul de
prjire al boabelor.
La apus, cetile de cafea se transform n pahare cu mixuri savuroase
sau cu vinuri autohtone. Pentru cocktail-uri, inspiraia este luat din ingrediente de sezon, mixate cu spirtoase
atent selecionate. Iar pentru ca
experiena la bar s fie ntotdeauna
uluitoare, preparatele sunt schimbate
la intervale de 1-2 luni.
Pentru partea de vinuri, exist o
selecie de soiuri romneti care
ncnt prin calitate. Acestea au alturi doua platouri de bunti locale,
foarte gustoase: unul cu brnzeturi i
altul cu preparate din carne.
Pasiunea pentru cafea este integrata
n designul locaiei: 276 de ceti stau
suspendate deasupra barului, iar
lmpile sunt create din echipamente
de brewing V60. Totul inspir simplitate, ntr-un loc n care cafeaua joac
rolul principal.
Origo is a specialty coffee shop with
its own roster, based on a strong
desire to develop the specialty
coffee in Romania and to explore its
potential in taste. Therefore, Origo
passionately follows the journey of
green beans: from farm, to roaster
and to the cup.
The team strongly believes that having a complete and accurate experi-


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ence will offer people a new perspective on coffee. Therefore, Origo aims
to convey to its clients, not only the
experience of taste, but also the passion and knowledge of coffee. With
enthusiasm, professional baristas
provide detailed information to each
client, for them to understand better
the process of coffee making, from
the roaster, to the cup. Every coffee
shop visit will be a rich experience,
generated by passion for coffee and
all that the process of its making and
serving involves.
The smell of freshly roasted coffee
is complemented by the surprising aromas found in the all natural,
carefully selected tea and infusions.
Guests can also enjoy this experience
at home, having the possibility to buy
their favorite specialty coffee and tea,
as well as all the necessary utensils
and professional equipment needed
when using the most popular brewing
methods today.
Come night time, the coffee cups turn
into cocktail glasses. For a few hours,
Origo becomes one-of-kind Bar,
welcoming its friends with a special
menu based on concept-cocktails
and Romanian wines.

Refresh Juice Bar

& Smoothie Shop

Calea Victoriei 122

L-V 08:00-22:00 / S,D 10:00-22:00

Un templu dedicat aromelor de pe
trmuri ndeprtate. Un ritual pentru oameni moderni.
La Refresh, stoarcem sucurile la
comanda ta, pe loc, folosind fructe i
verdeuri locale proaspete i cele mai

bune produse exotice.

Noi producem doar sucurile i
smoothie-urile cele mai proaspete i
complete din punct de vedere nutriional, un amestec exotic de enzime, antioxidani i vitamine prezente
n lapte condimentat, iarb de gru
sau shot-uri de ghimbir i curcuma,
superfoods, limonade active i multe
amestecuri de ceaiuri de plante.
Bucur-te. Rcorete-te. Triete

se vnd n aceeai zi n care au fost

RUE DU PAIN a fost prima brutrie
din ora care a avut laboratorul de
producie n aceeai incint cu spaiul
de vnzare, clienii putnd vedea
brutarii i patiserii n timp ce lucreaz.
Calitatea este cuvntul de ordine la
RUE DU PAIN: fina este adus din
Frana, la fel i untul care este un
produs certificat A.O.C. (Appellation
dOrigine Contrle).
RUE DU PAIN integreaz cu succes
mai multe funciuni, fiind n acelai
timp brutriepatiseriecofetrie artizanal i cafeneabistro cu specific
ncepnd din Octombrie 2011 RUE
DU PAIN este Furnizor oficial al Casei
Regale a Romniei.

A temple dedicated to flavours from

faraway lands. A ritual for the modern day people.
At Refresh we press our juices to your
order, on site, using fine fresh locally
sourced fruits & greens and the best
quality exotic produce.
We craft only the freshest, most nutritionally complete juices & smoothies possible, an exotic mix of enzymes,
antioxidants and vitamins within
spicy milks, wheat grass or ginger &
curcuma shots, superfoods, activated lemonades and many herbal tea
Enjoy. Refresh. Live healthy.

processes and prime ingredients (the

flour is imported from France, as well
as the A.O.C. certified butter).
We do not produce our breads elsewhere and deliver them by car every
morning to the bakery, where frozen
dough loaves are baked-off. In
our bakery everything is made from
scratch, and you can enjoy watching
authentic bread being made right
before your eyes, as we are the first
bakery in Bucharest with an in-house,
see-through laboratory.
RUE DU PAIN successfully integrates
different business areas, being an artisanal bakery as well as a caf-bistro
serving authentic French dishes.
Since October 2011 RUE DU PAIN
is the official purveyor of the Royal
House of Romania.

Social 1

Bulevardul Unirii 1

L-V 08:00-22:00 / S,D 10:00-22:00

Inaugurat la doi ani de la lansarea
noului restaurant Stadio, conceptul
Smart Casual este declinat la Social 1 ntr-un decor amuzant, bogat
n elemente de design inspirate din
cultura frumosului cultivat nainte
de 1989. Meniul de mncare continu povestea nceput la Stadio cu
reete reinterpretate din toate marile
buctrii ale lumii.

Rue du Pain Boulangerie Artisanale

Calea Floreasca 111-113

L-V 08:00-20:00 / S,D 08:00-18:00

RUE DU PAIN Boulangerie Artisanale a fost deschis n Septembrie 2009, fiind prima brutrie
franuzeasc din Bucureti care
utilizeaz tehnici artizanale de producie i folosete exclusiv ingrediente
La RUE DU PAIN produsele se
pregtesc la nceputul fiecrei zile
(nu se folosete aluat congelat) i

RUE DU PAIN - Boulangerie Artisanale opened its doors on September

2009, being the first French bakery in
Bucharest to use artisan production

Launched two years after the opening of the new Stadio, the Smart
Casual concept is continued at Social
1 through a funny background, rich
in design elements, inspired by the
beauty culture from before 1989.
The food menu continues the story
started at Stadio with reinterpreted
recipes from all over the world.


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Prima ntlnire a grupului

Romanian Design Council a fost
la Impact Hub Bucureti n
perioada 11-12 aprilie 2016.
Participanii au fost din mediile
academice (UAD Cluj, UNArte,
Arhitectur Mincu), profesionale
(iniiative de succes existente:
Romanian Design Week/The
Institute, Nod Maker Space,
Design Driven, Kort Studio i alii)
i din mediul guvernamental
(cabinetul Primului Ministru i al
Ministrului Educaiei).
Eti designer, antreprenor i vezi
nevoi sau soluii n contextul
actual? Putem aciona mpreun,
vino cu noi. Eti n business i
ai nevoie de design? Te putem
ajuta, contacteaz-ne.

Educaie + Inovaie + Comunitate + Policy-making

este propunerea RDC pentru integrarea holistic
a comunitii de design la nivel naional i creterea
pe termen lung a designului n spaiul Romniei.
Prin parteneriate externe la nivel european,
Design Council UK, Danish Design Council (i alii),
ne propunem s aducem know-how i metodologiile
prin care designul poate ajuta la maximizarea ROI
n procesele de business i administrative. Pe plan
intern, vom promova modalitile efective de integrare
a designului ctre public, administraie i mediul de
afaceri. Vom ajuta la revigorarea educaiei designerilor.
La nivel guvernamental, vom propune legi pentru
a integra designul n mediul afaceri i pentru a crete
valoarea produselor i serviciilor din Romnia. O prim
propunere este introducerea designului ca o categorie
business. Avem foarte muli pai de parcurs. Vom reui
doar mpreun. Vino i tu!

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The Institute promoveaz industriile creative din Romnia,
urmrind s contribuie la
modernizarea Romniei.
The Institute iniiaz i organizeaz evenimente de 17 ani
i a construit o comunitate ce
reunete antreprenori, profesioniti i publicul industriilor
creative din Romnia.
Prin tot ceea ce face, contribuie la construirea unei
infrastructuri puternice pentru
dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului creativ n ar, crete i
diversific audiena atelierelor,
designerilor, micilor afaceri,
ageniilor i manufacturilor,
promoveaz antreprenorii i
profesionitii creativi pe plan
naional i internaional.

The Institute promotes the

creative industries in Romania, aiming to help modernize
Romania. It has been initiating and organising events for
17 years, bringing together
entrepreneurs, professionals
and the public of these creative industries in Romania.
Everything it does helps to
build a strong infrastructure
for creative entrepreneurship
development in the country,
it brings up new audience
and also diversifies it for the
workshops, designers, small
businesses, agencies and
manufacturers. It promotes
entrepreneurs and creative
professionals on national and
international scale.

Echipa/The Team
Andrei Gavril-Borun
Cristina Vrabie
Dan erbulea
Florentina Loloiu
Ioana Prvu
Irina Florea
Maria Neneciu
Miruna Borc
Marian Apostolescu
Paul Horjea
Raluca Mirel
Roxana Zaharia
Silvia Floare
Sorina Descu Topceanu
Teodora Clin

Agenii de comunicare/
Creative teams
Gavril & Asociaii
Alina Gavril-Borun/
Andrea Nastac/Dan Popov/
Iulian Fecioru

Havas Worldwide ADDV

Dorian Pascuci/
Letiia Moldovan/Vali Oprea
Rusu+Borun Brand Growers
Anca Usctescu/Ctlin Rusu

Concept i design expoziie

central RDW2016/
Exhibition design
Attila Kim

Aplicaia de mobil
a fost dezvoltat de/
Mobile App Developers
Mind Treat Studios
(versiunea iOS)
mReady (versiunea Android)



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