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Jomhuri-ye Eslmi-ye rn

[domhuije eslmije in]

Esteqll zdi Jomhuri-ye Eslmi
Unabhngigkeit Freiheit Islamische Republik

Das ozielle Motto 1 Irans ist die sog. Grenpreisung 2 (Takbr 3 , arab.

) , d. h.

, DMG allhu akbar Gott ist am grten). Auf der

das Allhu akbar sagen (
Flagge Irans erscheint der Satz 22 mal. 4 Festgelegt ist das Motto (persisch: [ or])
in Artikel 18 der Verfassung der Islamischen Republik Iran von 1979. 5
Auch auf der Flagge des Irak steht die sog. Grenpreisung; auf der Flagge Afghanistans steht dieselbe unter der Shahadah ( , ahdah), dem islamischen Glaubensbekenntnis: [ l ilha ill llh(u), muammadun raslu llh(i)]
= Es gibt keinen Gott auer Allah, Mohammed ist der Gesandte Allahs; die Schiiten
fgen hinzu:
(wa aly walyu llh(i)] = und Ali ist der Freund Allahs.

Jeroen Temperman, State-Religion Relationships and Human Rights Law, Leiden 2010, S. 87: A state

motto is a national slogan that expresses in one short phrase some of the main characteristics of a
nation.; Bakri H. S. Al-Azzam, Certain Terms Relating to Islamic Observances: Their Meanings with Reference to Three Translations of the Quran and a Translation
of Hadith, 2008, S. 211: Magnication. Verbalnomen des arabischen Verbs kabbara ( ;
laut s. v.: 1. to enlarge, to make something bigger. 2. to say the takbir
( allhu akbar, God is greatest)). Vgl. Muhtar Holland, The Duties of Brotherhood in Is(
lam. Translated from the Iy of Imm Ghazl , Markeld, Leicestershire, UK, 2007 (1975) Anm.
14: Takbr is the exclamation, Allhu akbar!, meaning God is Most Great! Arabic derives its vocabulary from roots of three consonants, so from the k-b-r of akbar, for instance, it forms a verb kabbara,
meaning, he exclaimed God is Most Great!, and a noun takbr, meaning the utterance of the exclamation God is Most Great!. This is an indication of the pregnant character of much Arabic writing,
and of the allusive capacities of the language.
Im englischsprachigen Wikipedia-Artikel Flag of Iran heit es im Abschnitt Kuc script: Written
in white and repeated eleven times on the inner edges of each the green and the red band is the phrase
Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) in a stylized version of the kuc script. This symbolizes the calls
of Allahu Akbar on the night of 22 Bahman [, the eleventh and penultimate month of the Iranian
calendar] (11 February 1979) when the national radio of Iran broadcast: From Tehran, the voice of
the Islamic Republic of Iran and marked the unocial beginning of the Islamic Republic (with the
ocial day being 2 May). This writing renders the ag non-reversible. The Ocial Flag of Iran
is composed of green, white, and red colors, with the special emblem of the Islamic Republic, together
with the State Motto God is the Greatest.

Was die Bezugnahme auf Gott in der Verfassung anbelangt, hat die Verfassung der Islamischen
Republik Iran mit ber 20 Bezgen weltweit mit Abstand den Spitzenplatz inne; vgl. J. Temperman,
l. c., S. 77. (Constitutional Acknowledgement of God).

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