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JMU Elementary Education Program

The following information should be included in the header of the lesson plan:
Paige Reaman
Sunflower Elementary School (pseudonym)
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016 11:05am
(Include the title of each of the following sections in your written plan.)
A. Knowing the Planets, Creating a Solar System Hat!
What pre-assessment did you do that tells you the students readiness, interests, and/or learning
What pre-assessment did you do that tells you the students readiness, interests, and/or learning
preferences? I had the students complete a KWL chart that allowed the students a chance to write and
discuss what they already knew about plants and their basic life processes. Through partner, followed
by class discussion, we were able to come up with a substantial list of ideas and concepts that the
students already understood. They shared what they wanted to know next and the last column will be
left blank until after the conclusion of the lesson. Those that were more engaged during the discussion
portion, tended to not have a lot of items written down on their paper. This informed me that these
students will need more discussion-based and hands-on activities when going into the standards of the
Why is this an appropriate activity for these students at this time?
I believe that this activity was appropriate for these students at this time because it gave them a chance
to reflect on their own before they compared their ideas to their peers. Sometimes after a student
would share their ideas with another, it would spark more previous knowledge, thus increasing the
length of the ones list under the K and W portions of the chart. This activity didnt require the students
to have conducted any investigation ahead of time, it only called for them to reflect back on what they
already knew and form connections. It also prompted them to think deeper into the ideas that they
know and form questions for things that they want to be answered after the conclusion of the lesson.
How does this lesson fit in the curriculum sequence?
This lesson follows the VA Standards of Learning to a tee and will strategically be taught in an order
that makes sense. The order will be concluded after the Unpacking Process because it will give the
instructor a better idea of what each standard requires and which activity would effectively teach that
particular part of the standard.
How does this lesson fit with what you know about child development?
This lesson will fit with my previous knowledge about child development because based on their
grade level, the standard will require a denser level comprehension of the material. Thus, activities
will need to be selected that support the age, while also providing challenges for the students.

I understand that the type of
atmosphere a plant has is determined
by is position from the sun.

I will know the order of the planets
from closest to farthest from the Sun

I understand


I know

I can construct the planets of the
Solar System in order from closest to
farther from the sun.
I will understand that the type of
atmosphere a plant has is determined
by is position from the sun.
I can

What will your students do and say, specifically, that indicate every student has achieved your
objectives? Remember every objective must be assessed for every student!

Learning Intention and Success


Opportunities to Respond


I will understand that the type of

atmosphere a plant has is determined
by is position from the sun.

1. Drawing of labeled Solar

2. Drawing of each planet
3. Discuss planet adaptations

1. Students correctly place planets

on paper strip headband
2. Students currently identify
picture of planet and its correct
3. Listen into discussion for
correct key concepts

I will understand that the order that

the planets are aligned plays a part in
the environment that resides on it.

1. Group work to construct a

diagram of the Solar System; with
planets labeled in order
2. Discuss which environments
that a planet could have

1. Present pictures to the class with

a corresponding rubric (show
model of completed headband)
2. Listen to discussion for correct
key concepts and correct
environment identification
1.Provide a completed example to
each table group to check for
understanding of the order of the
planets & the shape of each planet
in correspondence to one another
1. Children will check each others
understanding using the interactive
notebook rubric notes that they
completed the day before

I will understand that a terrestrial

planet requires specific qualities in
order to classify it as so.

1. Discuss what makes a planet

terrestrial with their shoulder
partners; report out to class for
whole group discussion

I will understand that a gas giant

planet requires specific qualities in
order to classify it as so.

1.Interview a classmate about a

specific planet and whats its
atmosphere is like. Students may
extend this question to ask what
type of life is seen on each planet
(if any)

F. MATERIALS NEEDED (I will be providing all of the needed materials)

-Strips of black construction paper (30 total strips)
-Planet cutouts worksheet (30 copies)
-Colored pencils (23 sets)
-Scissors (23 pairs)
-Glue sticks (23 total)
-Computer and projector (to display instructions)
-A completed hat (to serve as a model)

G. DIFFERENTIATION (things to keep in mind)

Always Teach Up with the lesson. This means we approach differentiation with the mindset that ALL
students can learn and that we must use methods that meet them in their zone of proximal development. Its important
to never Water Down the content. This means we never view students as deficient and incapable of challenging
learning. Instead, we provide appropriate levels of challenge for all students. The bottom line is all students must have
access to the gen. ed. curriculum. All differentiated instruction must be equally engaging. These differentiated
activities have the same skill, same concept, but different vehicle to get the child to success.
Anticipate how your students will respond to the tasks and activities of the lesson. Identify the possible
misconceptions or alternative conceptions about the lesson content. Where do you think students will have
difficulty? What questions will you pose or changes will you make to help nurture student thinking and
understanding of the content?
Students may misconceptualize the order of the planets because they are more familiar with certain plants over
others. For example, they may think that the Earth is right next to the sun because we have seasons, but that isnt
correct. Constructing an activity like this one will visually show students what the Solar System looks like. Some
questions that I will pose to help nurture student thinking and understanding of the content will include The brightest
object in the sky is the sun; next comes the moon. The third brightest object is a planet. Name that planet. (Venus). In
the solar system, which planet would be the hottest one to live on, and which planet would be the coldest one to live
on? (Venus hottest, Neptune coldest) Students are going to have difficulty in remembering the order of the plants.
Constructing a diagram (the hat) is a fun and interactive way for them to order (Blooms Taxonomy) the planets. My
Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas is a great and easy pneumonic for students to use to remember.

& Time (in

Engage Introduction

Event 1


Event 2


Event 3



Procedures and management

Step-by step procedures including questions and
main points visualize what you are going to say Describe what the students
to the students. It might be helpful to script out will be doing as a result of
what you are going to say, although during the
your instructions
lesson you do not need to use this language
The students will actively
Go through the Solar System PowerPoint. Use the
engage in a PowerPoint
slotted notes that appear every 4-5 slides, to check
presentation about the parts of
comprehension and engage classroom discussion.
a plant. They will be involved
Apply hand motions when discussing the planets and
with movement and activities
their distinctive size. Have children using their shoulder
that promote cognitive
partners to discuss content that needs elaboration.
Students will work at their table groups and construct
1D diagram of the planets and their distance from the
sun. The students will need to cut out the planets fromStudents will collaborate with
the Planets worksheet that will be provided to them. their peers to successfully
They can color them if they wish to show distinctive organize the planet cut outs
features between each planet. Encourage them to try do into their correct order from
to this based off of memory from the Power Point. Theycloset to farthest from the sun.
can refer to their interactive notebooks, using the
slotted notes, for reference if they are really stuck.
Have the students High Five 6 of their peers. Stop
Students will actively engage
after about 20 second (regardless of the number of
with their peers in a relaxed
high fives given). Have the students return back to
and informal atmosphere. The
their own seats after this Brain Break. Play music in
goal is to find a partner for the
the background. Instruct each set of partners to find a
following activity.
place in the room.
The students will work on their
comprehension and deeper
Now that the students are back in their seats, they are
going to glue their planets onto a black strip of paper.
checking to make sure their
This paper will serve as the base for their Solar
ordered planets are correct.
System Hats. Before they start gluing, encourage them
This will create an exciting and
to refer back to their interactive notebook to check their
relaxing atmosphere for the
answers. Once they are positive their answers are
students to think creatively,
correct, they can start constructing their hats.
especially as they are gluing
and coloring their planets.
Playing music again, have the children take 25 steps Students will actively engage
around the classroom. Where ever they land when the with their peers in a relaxed
music stops, regardless of the number of steps theyve and informal atmosphere. The
taken, the person closest to them will be their partner goal is to find a partner for the
for the next activity.
following activity.
The students will actively
engage with one another to
share what they have created.
With their new partners, the students are going to share
They will be involved with
their Solar System Hats.
movement and activities that
Playing music again, have the children quickly and Students will collaborate with
quietly find their seats. Once they get back to their their peers to successfully draw
home table groups, they have to high five each of theirand label the parts of the
table mates before sitting down for the wrap up activity. plants.
Students will reflect on what
they modeled today and give
Give students a Fill in the Blank Exit Ticket slip for feedback
them to fill out and turn in on their way to lunch.
comfortable they are with the

Think about this! It may help you avoid an embarrassing situation. This CANNOT include fire
drills, interruptions due to announcements, weather, or other emergencies.
In case of a life happens moment, its important to have a flexible lesson. This means putting the events of
the lesson in such an order that if we were to have had to skip one, the students would still be able to understand our
overall objective at the end of the lesson. I made sure that all of our activities supported the learning intention, rather
than spending time teaching something completely new. That way if I dont have time to teach one of them, the
students one feel out of context, they just wont be exposed to as many exercises. Another extenuating circumstance
that could potentially cause us problems is the computer not cooperating the day of my presentation. Keeping this in
mind while planning, I kept the information that will need to be projected to a minimum. I am also printing out our
slides so that key information can be written on the board, or pass them around if there is a picture to be shown. I have
secured enough items to continue our presentation, whether or not I will have technology to work with or not. It will be
saved on a flash drive and emailed to myself for an additional backup. The technology aspect of this entire presentation
is meant mainly for the instructions of the assignment and to showcase the slotted notes that the students took the class
before for reference. Most of these items can be broadcasted in other ways, like written on the board or passed out in a
hard copy format. Hard copies will be made for backup.

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