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· 1/19/2010

· fastest thing in this world. If there is thunder somewhere, we can see the flash within a
second, because the speed of light is very fast. For example, a bicycle is very slow, and an
airplane is much faster. Everyone knows that the speed of light is very fast, but Buddhas and
Bodhisattvas are faster than light. However, they never need to move physically
A Buddha is even faster, so that ordinary people
Meditation is like refueling and recharging a car to keep it running; or it's like having to eat to
gain energy to keep working. Since we have to eat as much as we can every day to remain
healthy and be able to go on working, we should also recharge our souls with energy so that we
can do great things. Why do we want to do great things? It's not because we want fame or regard
ourselves as a big deal, but because we see too much injustice in this world. Some people suffer
too much. Some people can't enjoy human values or even the basic dignity of being human.
People treat each other like savages. That's why we want to help the world. In order to help the
world, we have to cultivate ourselves first, practice diligently and be strict on ourselves, then
we'll know how to do it. Otherwise, we won't be able to do it even if we wish to
Enlightened Masters' doesn't mean you just sit there like a statue. You have to really
reconnect with God first; then that's the true meditation. Once that's taken place, your
being is changed forever.You become a peaceful example of a walking God on this
planet. ; every millennium is a golden millennium. It depends on what we feel inside and
how we see the world outside. When we develop our wisdom eye, we see things
differently. Every age is a golden age. If it's not, we are not developed spiritually, and
every age is a dark age. No problem; for us, the golden millennium is already here.
I don't know if we can help much. We can only do what we can, what our ability and time
allow. The world is really big, and the suffering is so great, but even if we can only do a
little bit of something, it's better than nothing. And if every one of the world's people does
a little bit, like we do, then the world will really become a paradise. No one will be
hungry at all
it's already too late to reverse the wheel of karma. But we can minimize them, lubricate
them by being enlightened, by meditating on the perfection of the Father every day
through the guidance of a teacher, through initiation. Then, we can minimize a lot of
things. well spirituality, our karma will be erased, and we'll naturally recover from our
illnesses. That's long-lasting magical power. I've also taught you about virtues, precepts
and the vegetarian diet, and that's even more everlasting magical power, which will better
and forever protect the body and spirit, and we'll not have to suffer many illnesses. So I
hope you'll erase your own karma through your spiritual endeavor, and then many of your
obstacles and ailments will diminish naturally!
hole world to do it. We should do it first, and if other people do it, then it's even better. It's very
easy! Our group is very small. If such a small group as ours can do things like that and everyone
in the bigger group does it and the whole world does it, then it's no problem, really. We'll have no
fear and no need to go to Heaven.The best way to help is to get yourself enlightened, and once
you're enlightened, ifr you have relatives and friends, you can even pray for them better. Because
you can tell God what you want. God also knows what you want, but you don't know God. You
don't know what God wants. That's the problem. That's why many prayers are not answered. God
answers but we don't hear because God talks in a subtle language. We have to quiet down in
order to receive it. We call this meditation, contemplation or quiet prayer. But we have to open
our contact with God first. We have to plug back in, reconnect the telephone. Then we can talk to
Hirm, and we can receive the answer. Now God tells us to do one thing, and we do another.
Because we aren't connected, that's the problem in this world.
u don't do anything, people see you and they feel peace. They want to be around you. They want
to take advice from you. They want to learn from your example. And that's how the world will
become peaceful. It's very logical, nothing mysterious. places are not far from you -- they're
inside you. Just concentrate on the inner world, and one day you will see better.see their actions
when they come and go. Thus, we call them tathagatas. Therefore it is said, Zen is within
walking, living, sitting, and sleepingTherefore, a balanced life is the Tao; an ordinary mind is the
Tao. We should not crave for anything. Craving to become a Saint quickly is also a kind of
greediness. We ought to be moderate in whatever we do. How can you demand a newborn baby
to ride a bicycle? You may be anxious to see him grow up and become a capable person, but you
must not rush him. He cannot even walk steadily, so how can you ask him to run? Even if he
forces himself to run, he will soon fall down. When a toddler learning to walk tries to run, won't
he fall down in just a few steps? As a result, he will break his nose and injure his body, all
because he is too anxious.see their actions when they come and go. Thus, we call them
tathagatas. Therefore it is said, Zen is within walking, living, sitting, and sleepingreach the top.
This path must include contemplation of the inner Light, and of the inner vibration that the Bible
calls the Word.
So, we get in contact with this Spirit, which is a manifestation of Divine Light and vibration, and
by doing so, we know God. In fact, it isn't really a method. It's the power of the Master. If you
have it, then you can transmit it. The Method is a transcendental one that cannot be described by
our language. Even if someone describes it to you, you won't receive the Light and the vibration,
the inner peace and Wisdom. Everything is transmitted in silence, and you'll see your old Masters
like Jesus or Buddha. You'll receive all that you need to follow in their footsteps, and little by
little you'll become Christ-like, and you'll become one with God.
I thought I would share with you a little secret technique that I've learned and mastered, and
maybe it can help you use your own greatest power to help yourself, your friends, your relatives,
your nation and greatest of all, the whole universe. Because I've seen with my awakened eyes
that all beings in the universe are linked together. We're all of the same essence, we're only one. I
haven't read it from books only; I've seen it. Therefore, if you think that you're still in misery,
that your life isn't smooth enough, that God has forsaken you, and that you haven't seen God with
your own eyes, then please let us help you find God
You can sit in a train, in a bus, in a park, anywhere, and you can be in tune with God's power.
You feel the protection and you can see God face to face. You may be in contact with Jesus,
Buddha or whomever you love most in your heart. They'll appear to you, and they may teach you
something, they may protect you, guide you and hold your hand so your life will never again be
lonely. But even this is not the highest state. The highest state is that you become like Jesus, and
then you have all the power to save the world and to be safe from the misery and the round of
birth and death. You become all-wise, all-knowing and omnipresent.concentrate yourself in order
to contact this Heavenly God power or Light within and hear the inner Word or the Word of God
within. That's basically the so-called method. But to do so I don't use any language. I may talk to
you and explain to you all different kinds of Heavenly scenery, or different levels of
consciousness, and so wherever you are, you may know what your level is. I may explain all
these outer things, but the method is transmitted in complete silence. When I'm silent, that's when
I transmit it to you, and then you'll see the Light and hear the Sound. And now that I'm talking,
you see nothing, and you hear nothing. So the method is actually no method. It's the transmission
of the inner power from person to person, from heart to heart. Therefore in Zen we call it "Ying
Hsin" (Chinese). It means "heart stamp." "Heart" means our power, our inner Wisdom, not this
physical heart. Therefore there's no method to talk about really, except that when you're in
contact with God, you can transmit it. He allows you to. But then whatever it is you see, you'll
get enlightened. You'll see the Light, you'll hear the Sound, you'll see some Heavenly abodes.
You may see Jesus, you may see Buddha. You may learn with them something of the ancient
Wisdom. And that's a benefit of the method, a success from the method, but the method itself is
no method. It's only the silent transmission of the Light.
Since time immemorial, music has been a must to humankind. Even animals feel attracted to
music and plants are supposed to grow faster with it. Thus, if the outer melody is so important to
all our lives, the inner Celestial, wondrous Sound is even more enchanting, and full of grace and
The fetus, while in the mother's womb eats nothing. Inside there's no air, no sunlight and he
doesn't seem to mind at all. The reason is that he's in contact with the inner wondrous Sound, the
source of all love, bliss and power. The fetus grows at an incredible pace under such conditions,
and if it were to continue, he would be as tall as the sky after he was born. But after his birth, he's
disconnected from this vibration, and he cries at the first contact with the outer world. No child
has ever been born laughing. It's because he feels a great loss as the Sound is severed from him.
There are two kinds of sound: the worldly sound, and the supra-worldly Sound. The worldly
sound is very important to our sensual and mental comfort, but the supra-worldly Sound draws
us back to God.This Word or divine vibration is mentioned in all religions. We call it Yin, and
others call it the Celestial Music, the Logos, the Tao, etc. It vibrates within all life and sustains
the whole universe. This inner melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires and quench all
worldly thirst. It's all-powerful and all-love. It's because we're made of this Sound that contact
with it brings peace and contentment to our heart. After listening to this Sound, our whole being
changes, and our entire outlook on life is greatly altered for the better. The wondrous vibration
will cleanse off all undesirable traces of 'original sin' or what others call 'karma.' It's like a
mighty river carrying along with its current all ugly garbage
Divine Sound?
M. The Light is meant to show us the way back to God, and the Sound is meant to pull you
upward. It's like the light and the engine of a car; the light is to show you the road, the engine is
to take you on the road. Whoever asked this question must have some experience already.
Do you practice the Light and Sound? Who's your Master? Do you want to say? An Indian
Master? You don't know his name?
But what can I do for you? Why don't you bless yourself with your own God power and get the
blessing every day and forever, instead of just once by the blessing from my hand, my feet, my
eyes, or whatever? It's short-lived and it's borrowed. It is better to earn your own money, invest
it, and become a millionaire in no time. The best blessing is your own blessing. When you
develop yourself morally, in purity, and intellectually, then you will have wisdom. You will know
that God is within you. You can contact that God and get blessed every day, unasked, and in
plenty. If you get fed up with your blessing, then you can give it to someone else.
By practicing the Quan Yin Method, we change our spiritual condition, concepts and wisdom,
and also our bodily organs and cells, which become refreshed and purged of toxins. If we have
no time to meditate, these changes will not take place. If we are busy working hard for the
multitude, or when we are too exhausted, these changes are not discernible. Otherwise, each time
we meditate, all our cells are renewed; therefore, we say "return to childhood". We become
younger not only in mentality, but in body as well. We feel healthier, our body becomes more
supple, and our skin more tender. As all toxic substances are eliminated, we look better and
better each day
Our own inner Master has great wisdom. Hes knows what we should use and what we should
do to avoid causing harm to ourselves, intervening in other people's affairs, and messing with the
law of this world. This is different than the very limited miraculous power registered in our
minds. If we know certain miraculous powers, then that is all we have. If we derive miraculous
powers by practicing the Quan Yin Method, then these are inconceivable and we can use
different powers under different circumstances.
outside contact. Inside is when you meditate, you might see the Master helping, or you may see
light, and feel good, comfortable and blissful. You will feel your wisdom growing more and
more each day, and that your love expands to infinity. That is when you know that the method is
successful, is very useful. Otherwise, how do you measure it, if everyone tells you to do
something, to close your eyes and believe it, and offers you no proof? Proof, we must give you.
Proof, you must demand. And you will have it at the time of initiation, immediately and
continually afterwards, every day. You will experience miracles for yourself, when you are in
trouble, when you have an accident, when you have no one to turn to. That is when you know
God's power. That is when you know you love God. That is how you know that God is protecting
and loving you. Otherwise, how do you know? How do we know that God exists! What is the
use of God when we don't see Him, or don't see the protection and help when we are in need? We
must feel that someone is there. So, that is how you worship God, even more as a Christian, after
practising the Quan Yin method, because we will know what God knows, we see, we feel, we
experience the protection, the blessing power every moment of our life.
Anything can happen when you encounter a Master. For example, if someone sees a Master only
on the street and looks at the eyes for one fraction of a second, even just one fraction of a second,
then when that person dies, the Master will help him also. Beginning from that day, his karma
will slowly be changed; the Master tries to purify that person until death and then will take him
to heaven
M: Yes, it's true. Every Master says that. Jesus is the name of His body, and Christ is His title.
Every Master should have His Christ power; therefore, in a sense, Jesus never died. Jesus works
through all the Masters throughout the centuries, throughout the ages, to liberate and enlighten
us, the ignorant, who are still left behind. Jesus alone cannot enlighten us if He is gone. Of
course, He can to some degree, but we are human. We can't get in touch with Him when He is in
a higher sphere; therefore, a physical Master is necessary. But the Christ power works through
any physical Master who is destined or posted to be at that time; therefore, when Jesus said He
was the only way and the only one, He spoke the absolute truth, but so does any Master, when
the Master is alive.

M. Initiation is the moment of connection with God within you. Afterward, you
are always connected and see God every day
So your body, speech and mind you should adjust according to God's virtue, what
He means, because you want to become God, you want to become I and my Father
are one. Now you may wonder if God gambled or God drank any liquor or God
had any, so many terrible adulteries or, how to say, all kinds of lower desires, yeah?
If we want to become one with God, of course we have to lift our own body,
speech and mind to match His. So, this is the condition. You should be vegetarian,
that's all, and be chaste in speech, body and mind, be loving and not violent That's
fight with yourself.
Think like a Buddha (Enlightened Master), behave like a Buddha, and speak like a Buddha, and
you are a Buddha
A: All through our previous lives, our mind has recorded many dark thoughts and wrong
conceptions that cannot be erased in a short time. In fact, we have two kinds of forces within.
One is positive, and the other is negative. This is the cause of our inner struggles. We practice the
Quan Yin Method to develop our positive power. As long as we can practice methodically and
persistently, and communicate with the highest Power every day, the God Power within will
bless us and cleanse all our dark thoughts
We might have fear, we might have emotion, but we can withdraw it anytime, or we can make
use of the fear or emotion for the benefit of other beings. After enlightenment, all the feelings or
the emotions are still there because we are made to have these in order to use them to understand
other brothers and sisters. If you have no feeling, no emotion, how can you understand human
beings? How can you help them? But the fears of the Masters are different
: The same thing that makes you equal with other great masters makes me equal. All of us are
equal. You are as great as Jesus and Buddha - if you want to be, if you know where your
greatness is. I know; that's what makes me great. If you don't know, okay it's fine. If you want to
know, you will be as great as any.The so-called "magical powers" imply chanting mantras, hand
mudras, willpower, or curing illness by touching certain parts of the body. These are still at the
level of the body, speech, and mind. Magical power at any level derived from the body, speech
and mind still consists of the "ego" and is within the three realms. When these magical powers
within the three realms are being exercised, only one phenomenon or one response can be
affected each time. For example, when you ask for the wind and rain you will only get the wind
and rain. You can only cure a sickness when you want to cure one. However, when the Master is
blessing, there isn't any concept of "I am blessing you." Everything is being generated naturally
and without any deliberate action, just as naturally as having a meal and drinking water. But all
those who are blessed will receive a corresponding response of enlightenment according to their
needs. This is the "egoless" magical power of the Master
If what you want has anything to do with political or social change in the world, it's a little bit
difficult. But concerning your own ambition or your own fun, it's not that difficult, really. Just do
it with all your sincerity and all your wish to succeed, and then you'll get it. Most of the time,
we're miserable because we can't succeed in what we want to do and because we have fear.
Sometimes you love a person but you say, "Oh, he's too handsome for me." Who knows? Maybe
you're too beautiful for him! You never know. I don't encourage you to chase around with boys.
But, you see, that's what makes our lives miserable: We don't believe in ourselves, and we don't
M: Do what you can that's within your power. When you meditate, of course you generate good
will and blessing for your country, and then after you get out of meditation you still have the
blessing from the samadhi; so whenever orÿwherever you go people will feel peace and harmony
affecting them such that in turn they will react with the next person in harmony and peace. That's
how the planet will become better and better and the country will become better and better, but of
course, everything takes time. It's good that you love your country, very good! We're doing our
best everywhere
The most important things in this life, in our principles of spiritual practice, are loving others,
loving ourselves and being liberated from all hatred, prejudice, criticizing attitudes and negative
thinking. And once you're already liberated in this lifetime, you'll surely go to a higher level.
Because these are the negative things, the burdens that bind us to this physical world or within
the Three Worlds. If we have none of that, we're liberated while living. That's most important,
not visions or sounds. These are only the food to support our well-being.

We have such a business mind that the Master has

to cut a deal with us, and say "Okay" like in business, "You go up here and you will have this;
you go up there and you have that." But if we really are practitioners, we care for no levels. We
just know that we are very sincere and we work for our improvement so that we become a noble
being, a real being. We need to be a noble and real being, very good, loving, compassionate, and
wise. That's what we need to be. And the more we work at our homework, the better and quicker
we become that being. That's all there is; levels and positions are only for outside people. We
have no need to worry about that. So it's not just the Holy Names that bring you to the Kingdom.
It's the soul. If the person really wants it, then the Master can do anything. Even without
initiation, the Master can take them. They don't need initiation. People with the Convenient
Method can go up to Heaven. For people who just see the Master one time and then are praying
in their heart at the time of death, the Master comes
So it's not just the Holy Names that bring you to the Kingdom. It's the soul. If the person really
wants it, then the Master can do anything. Even without initiation, the Master can take them.
They don't need initiation. People with the Convenient Method can go up to Heaven. For people
who just see the Master one time and then are praying in their heart at the time of death, the
Master comes

we should keep our minds simple and we should not crave an unattained level to avoid such
obstacles. Remember to silently recite the Holy Names at all possible times. Focus your attention
on the wisdom eye, recite the Holy Names, and ask the Inner Master for help if you are
disturbed. Before you meditate, make sure there are no uninitiated people around and recite
aloud the Holy Names for about an hour. No matter what you think, do, speak or hear, make sure
it is only good and noble. Have positive and bright thoughts, and then you will attract only
goodness to yourself. If you meditate more seriously, it will help you to exceed the low level
influences more quickly. = I once told you a story about an Indian woman who received
immense blessings. Perhaps she had just returned from a seven-day retreat. She remained elated
every day. Whenever she was making chapatis (round Indian flat bread), she fell unconscious;
her soul would fly out and leave her body behind. The flour would fall all over the place and her
whole body would be stained with flour and become white. Things were strewn around, the pan
in front and the chopsticks behind. You know that kind of situation. Or maybe no one does
= When we practice spirituality, we should check on ourselves, instead of keeping our eyes on
others. We should look after how much courage we have, and whether our faith is strong. We
don't have to look at how well or poorly others are practicing. It is enough already to look at
ourselves. Each day we take care of our courage, our conduct as a great human, and our faith in
the spiritual path (Tao), not allowing them to diminish, waver, or be destroyed. This is our
= If any fellow practitioner puts the Truth first and this mundane world second, he will be
liberated for sure, no matter how quickly or slowly he progresses in his spiritual practice, or how
much or less his experiences are. This is the best way to measure it. The world exists only for the
purpose of tying us down. All the pleasures, anger, grief and happiness in this world are there to
test our confidence and courage, our attitude as great humans, and our faith in the Tao.
= So if you want to be a Saint, you should clearly understand that any unfavorable condition is
there to test us. We should live on bravely. Even if it is very painful, things will get better in a
couple of days. The darkest and longest night will only last till the next morning. The night
cannot last forever; neither can our suffering. We must have learned this lesson as a child, that no
painful situation will last forever. Even the most painful situation will not last too long. The
happy situation will last even less time. So this world offers nothing for us to hold on to, nothing
for us to become attached to!

We shouldn't and we don't have to change our way of life. We just have to adjust to a correct way
of life. We just have to add more light into our spirit. It's just like now, we add electric lights to
our daily use. Once we have discovered electricity, we can use it in many, many ways. We can
have television, radio, light, refrigerator, etc. Everything we want, it is available.
Electricity was not the invention of mankind. It was just a discovery. Similarly,
enlightenment is not an invention of Buddha or Christ or it's not a gift from any master. It
is a birth-right, it is an inheritance within all of us. Each moment we want to have it,
provided we have an experienced friend to show us the first time how to do it, then we
have it; and we can have it all the timespiritual power or different energy from different
people. Sometimes you go out to eat in some restaurant or somewhere, and even though it
looks cl o ean, you still feel dirty. That is the energy; there's some blessing power that's
missing. So a lot of people bring food to the temple or to the church to ask the priest or
the commissioner, the nun or the monk, to bless them. This does have some effect, even
though these monks and nuns, maybe they are not really practicing Quan Yin or anything.
But they are sincere, they're pure and they have some blessing power. So it does work, to
some extent, but not as well as with an enlightened person, of course. But it's better than
nothing, like the Japanese scientist showed. And when you say to someone, "Oh, bless
your heart!" or, "May God bless you," it really has an effect. So, do say these things. Do
wish people well.
. If we truly know how to reach Hirm within and ask for Hiers help, Hes will help us in every
aspect. Hes will try all kinds of methods to help us, through many people and various situations.
Most people only look for God from the outside, so they have not found the real God. Therefore,
their prayers aren't answered. All the teachings and stories that I tell you are the personal
experiences of me and my disciples. I don't get them by reading books or the scriptures. I have
already experienced the greatness of God; I have found out where Hes is; I can see Hirm every
day. Therefore, I can guarantee that all these things are genuine
when they go out to fight in battle, do you know what kind of music they give to people?
It's not "I love you!" or anything like that, but "Bong! Bong! Bong! ... Boom! Boom!
Boom!" All kinds of deathly tunes and aggressive melodies are given to the soldiers. So
they just march and march and then die blindly. Because that's the time when they want
to kill, they're in the mood to kill. So music is very important, of course.. If you kill him,
his wife might kill you, or his daughter or son. It will continue forever. So we'd better
love our enemy. It's the best way to kill him! (Laughter) If you love your enemy, he or
she becomes your friend. Then the enemy's gone for good. And you have more friends:
from his family: his wife, his kids, his relatives and his friends as well. Make one friend
and you have many friends. Make one enemy and you make many enemies. So we ¡¥lose
business' if we hate the enemy.
It's like seeing God walking all over the country. This doesn't only affect your country; it
will affect the whole world. There will be no more war. There will be more love, more
peace, more abundant food and more necessities for everyone, not just for this nation.
The blessings will be shared more equally. So even if this country is very prosperous and
peaceful, we still should think more of the world.We must be connected with this God
power first. Then whatever we think will come true, whatever we want will come true. At
the moment, we want something but we don't have anything to back it up. Just like we
want to buy a dress, or we want to buy shoes, but we don't have money in the bank. Have
money in the bank first, then anything else you wantwe should share the good
atmosphere obtained through practice to help purify the hearts of others. Therefore we
should not mind that our relatives and spouses are not initiated, but rather we need to
show more love and patience, sharing with them any merits we have gained from our
spiritual practice. It will be fine for us if we meditate more. If we only care about our
level of practice and do not have compassion and love for even our dearest relatives, then
we are no longer Truth practitioners.
. Kill the enemy by making them become a friend, and then they are an enemy no more.
There's no one in this world you can't overcome with kindness and love unless they're
cuckoo or something. But they will still feel your kindness and love. So that's the only
way we can return their attack: with kindness, love, reciting the Holy Names and prayer.
when you love God. Then you love without attachment because there is nothing to be
attached to. You don't gain what we gain materially as in this world. You just gain bliss,
happiness and contentment. You cannot be attached to something when there is nothing
there. The more you love God, the more relaxed and non-attached you become. But still
you can love people in this world because your heart is large. A heart that is large can
include anyone, even enemies; otherwise, it is difficult to love your enemy. . Our speech
should only concern moral things that guide people to goodness. In our minds, we should
wish for the well being of others and pray for world peace.
, we should concentrate our attention on our wisdom eye in the center of our forehead,
and meditate or pray before retiring. Then we can cleanse the contaminated atmosphere
that we have gathered during the whole day, and protect ourselves in peace the whole
night through.

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