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Week Four

It significant to get a different experience in many different schools. This semester I want to the
huge school with different grades. Name of my school is Al Resalah American International
School, it located in Al Rahmaniya 6 area. It near to my home. They have different levels of the
grades, its from kindergarten classes until grade 12 classes. I am in KG section, especially in
KG 2-A. there are 23 students in the classroom, 10 boys and 13 girls. This week was the last
week in my school. I will discuss my journals every day in the week from Sunday to Wednesday
because in Thursday I must be in the college.

Day One
On Sunday 6 of November. A new day in the week. this Sunday was the last Sunday to me. I
arrived at my school at 7:30. Students arrived at school until 8:45 and in this time students had
Quran lesson. At 8:00 MST came and welcomed students, then she gave them science lesson.
She teaches them the size, colors and the skins of the different animals, then the teacher lets
students write on their school book. After that around 9:20 am the teacher students to eat their
breakfast and after the breakfast, she took the students to the playground to play. 10:15 the
teacher let students sit in the playground and read a story for them, but before that she plays
games with them. Students felt happy and enjoy.
Then we came back to the classroom (students, teacher and me). in the classroom the teacher let
students write in their books. At 11:00 Arabic teacher came and taught students new Arabic
letter. Most students understand the letter. Arabics teacher explains for students the lesson, then
she let students write in their book. Most students left before 12:30. While they are arriving I was
sitting with MST and discuss tomorrow because I will teach students and MCT will come and
observe me. It was normal day to me and I felt happy with my smart students. I left the school at

Day Two
On Monday 7 of November. The second day of the week. this day was my first observation day
by MCT. I arrived at my school 7:27, it not too much early but it is okay because I was
preparing for everything. At 7:45 students had Quran lesson, then they came back to the class
and students had Arabic class. In Arabic class the teacher completes the letter that she gave
students yesterday. At 9:15 she let students eat their breakfast, actually there are no time for the
breakfast but almost around 9:15 am to 9:20 am.
Then they want to the playground to play there. My lesson was on the playground at 10:30. My
college teachers came (Ms. Antoinette and Ms. Maryam). I was preparing for my lesson and my
lesson was Science subject specially about five sense. it was good lesson and MCT like y
activities. I do most of what I wrote in my lesson plan. After my teaching I site with my two
teachers from the college to listen to my feedbacks.
My feedbacks almost were good and I should improve some of them. After my teaching MST
teaches students and let the to write in their school book. Buss students lefts the class at 12:10
and cars students lefts from 12:10 to 12:30. I left my beautiful school at 12:45. It was the
nervous day I dont know why, but I think because of my teaching.

Day Three
On Tuesday 8 of November. It was the third day of my last week in the school. I was in my
school at 7:30 am. Students want to the Quran lesson at 7:45 am. At 8:00 am students came back
to the classroom and they had English class. The MST teaches students two letters and lets them
write in their books, the letters were W and Y. students wrote those to letters in their book. After
the lesson, students had Watermelon party. Students brought watermelon and ate together. Most
of the students like to eat watermelon and enjoy in part. After the party students ate from their
lunchbox. Then the teacher took them to the playground. At 10:30, students came back to the
class and I teaches them Science and specially about plants.
At 11:00 Arabic teacher came and taught students Arabic class until 12:00, then MST came and
put the different video for the students. Cars students left the classroom at 12:10 and bus students
left from 12:10 until 12:30, while students left the classroom I was sitting with MST and took
about my lesson and she really likes the lesson, then I remind her that tomorrow will be my last
day. She shocked because she forgets that, she told me that it was a short time and I really hope
that enjoy and learn with us.

Day Three
On Wednesday 9 of November. I was at the school at 7:30. I want to my classroom KG 2-A. I
was playing with students who came early to the school and communicate with them. At 7:45
students and I went to the Quran lesson to learn and read Quran. We came back to the classroom
at 8:00. MST was in the classroom and she teaches students English specially the letters of the
week she explains to them then they wrote in the school book. While students wrote I came up
and said I want to tell you something that will make some of you sad. I told that today would be
my last day and I will give you all a gifts, the gift was oreo cookies because the day before
children told me that we need oreo cookies, but before that I told MST can I speak to them or not
she said yes.
At 9:15 it was breakfast break, students ate their breakfast and some of them bought from the
canteen of the school, after the eating students, MST and I went to the playground. We came
back to the classroom at 10:30, MST let students complete there from if they not finished. At
11:00 Arabic teacher came and completed the lesson for the students. When Arabic teacher
finished MST came and she told the students about me and today will be the last day for MS.
Some of the students came up and hug me. Also they said dont go sit with us. I really love the
children. Bus students left the classroom at 12:10 and other left from 12:10 to 12:30. I was sitting
with MST and she told me I hope you learn from me and I hope your life to be better. I felt
happy and enjoy with my children, they were helpers with me. I will never forget the days in the
work weeks. I hope to get more experience and improve my skills next time.

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