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PSIII Professional Growth Plan


Kristen Holt

Review Date

September 10, 2016

December. 2, 2016

Goal #1
Lesson Planning and Instruction
Incorporate multiple instructional strategies in my units and lessons throughout the duration of my
practicum. I want to integrate numerous teaching strategies to engage each and every student.
Related KSA(s)
KSA 5 Teachers identify and respond to learner differences.
KSA 9 Teachers use a broad range of instructional strategies.
In other practicums, I found myself relying on direct instruction primarily when teaching lessons. I
want to integrate other teaching strategies because I recognize that there is a benefit to students
working with one another and learning through a variety of methods. Using different teaching
strategies also allows for novelty and freshness in lessons, rather than redundancy.
- Use at least five different teaching strategies through the practicum
- Feedback from Mentor Teacher, Principal and University Consultant
- Refer back to notes from Curriculum & Instruction class about various instructional strategies
Indicators of Achievement
- Various lesson plans and unit plans demonstrating a variety of instructional strategies.
In Physical education, so much of the learning is based on Kinaesthetic learning, and
being physically involved in the process to achieve the outcomes. Direct Instruction is frequently
used when demonstrating and teaching a new skill to students. Throughout this practicum I still used
direct instruction quite frequently, as it is very effective in the PE setting. I tried to keep instruction
short and simple, in order to get the kids moving as fast as possible, and for as much of the period
as possible. I did find that as I progressed, I began utilizing the whiteboard more frequently when
giving instructions. This was helpful for students who struggle with auditory learning, and gave a
reference to those who would forget what the next step or instruction was. I tried to incorporate the
students more in demonstrations as well, and demonstrated rather than told what I was looking for
during certain activities.
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU) is another great instructional strategy to use in
physical education. Breaking down a game to its simplest form, and making it more complex
throughout an activity allows students to practice certain basic skills before utilizing all their skills

within an actual game. Its a great way to build up skills and rules for an activity. A good example of
this was in our basketball unit, we started the unit off with the fundamentals of passing so rather than
jumping right into a game of 3 on 3 basketball incorporating all the fundamentals of basketball, we
began with 3 on 3 games that involved only passing, which built off our previous unit of Ultimate
Frisbee. From there we added additional skills and rules to the games until we were able to play full
court basketball games during the last few days of the unit. I also
Guided Discovery / Experiential learning is a tool I often find myself using in activities. I will
teach and demonstrate a skill so that the students have the knowledge, and then allow the students
to go off and practice the skill on their own. I often use this with a variety of skills to build up a
students ability within an activity. I find this is a great way to teach skills as it allows the students to
practice on their own accounts. This also allows me an opportunity to observe students and figure
out who needs additional one on one instruction.
Peer Teaching is an instructional strategy I really like to use, and I would like to incorporate more
in the future. I used this with my Basketball, Volleyball, and Ultimate Frisbee activities. I really like
using peer teaching, because it provides stronger students with leadership roles in the PE class. I
love seeing students helping one another, and encouraging each other. The students sometimes had
more knowledge and experience than I had with certain activities as well. Alternatively, it allowed
students to take ownership for their learning and provided different perspectives on the subject
matter. Again, it provided leadership opportunities to students who excel at a certain sport and
engaged them at a higher level, rather than having them bored with basic skill drills they have
already mastered.
Within Phys. Ed John Ware implements a modular system. Running a program like this allows
students to participate in a diverse number of physical activities. It increases student engagement
and participation in activities, as students sign up and participate in activities that they are actually
interested in. It also provides another opportunity for student choice in their education. The Fitlog
portion was another avenue that allowed for more guided discovery. Students were given the
direction and instruction, and were then free to test out the exercises and make decisions that best
suited their abilities.
I have also used instructional strategies like Think Pair Share, and Key Questioning for prior
knowledge assessment when beginning an activity in Phys. Ed, as well in our Health discussions. I
had students brainstorm in groups, and share their thoughts in discussion which was a dominant
strategy utilized in the facilitation of the health activities. I definitely feel that this is still an area of
growth for me, and I will continue to look for alternative ways to engage the students and lead the
physical education lesson.

Goal #2
Relationships and Positive Environment within the Classroom Build a positive rapport through
relationships with my students. I want to create an atmosphere where students feel welcome, safe,
and willing to participate in Physical Activity.

Related KSA(s)
KSA 7 Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student learning and
understand student needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security.
KSA 8 Establishes relationships with students that respect human dignity.
I am aware of the diverse demographics at John Ware Junior High, and the varying capabilities
among the students. Junior High tends to be a crucial time when students often feel uncomfortable
or unwilling to engage in Physical Activity. By creating a comfortable, welcoming environment,
students will be willing to participate and give their best effort.
- Learn students names for every activity/module
- Have regular conversations with students and take interest in their activities inside and outside
of school.
- Ensure their needs are being met through discussion and observation.
- Being inclusive
- Coming to work every day with the same outlook and attitude
- Watch and build off experience when working with other professionals in the field
Indicators of Achievement
- By establishing a comfortable working relationship with students, who will confide in you
beyond academics and classroom material.
Forming relationships with students and other teachers can be difficult when you are teaching
Physical Education. Seeing every student in grade 7 and 8, while also staying in one area of the
school are factors in the ability to form deep, personal relationships. With so many students to
know, and teach, I really wanted to make an effort to get to know my students as much as
In the first class of an activity, when I go through the sign-up sheet to take attendance, I make
sure that I pronounce names properly. I always checked with the students who have names I
might mispronounce, or if a student has a nickname they would rather be called by, I made sure to
make a note of it. I made sure to learn students names within the first class of an activity. I took
every opportunity to try and have conversations with students about their interests or outside
hobbies, how school was going, about their family etc. This typically took place while transitioning
outside or in between classes. During a lesson, there was much less time, if any, for conversation
with the students that didnt have to do with what we were currently working on. I also liked to
utilize my time in the beginning of the period while we waited for everyone to join us from the
locker rooms to engage the students in conversation about their weekends, or anything they
wanted to share with me. I always used the students names in class and made sure they were
aware that I knew who they were. Using names is a great way to show that you see them, and
their presence is recognized in class. I also found just being myself and joking around with the
students created a professional, yet relaxed atmosphere which strengthened my relationships with

Within the larger school, I tried to say hello to students while passing them in the hallways, ask
how they are, how their weekend was etc. I also got involved with coaching multiple school
teams which further expanded my relationship with students outside of my classroom. It allowed
me to work daily with a group of ladies that I have yet to teach as I did not teach grade 9 girls. It
also allowed me to bond early on with some grade 7 and 8 girls. Many of my students felt very
comfortable coming to me and confiding in me if they needed to. I think the best indicator of
success in building relationships with students is when students take time out of their day just to
come down to say hello and talk. When reflecting on myself, I feel that building relationships with
the students is something I am strong at, but there is always room to grow especially when trying
to reach students who dont connect with others as easily. I made sure I talked to those students
frequently, and made them feel welcome in my class. I would like to think that I have a positive,
comfortable, and professional relationships with all of my students.

Goal #3
Time/Classroom Management I want to improve my time management skills and awareness
during lessons to ensure all elements are being met and I stay on track. This will also require
management of students so they do not go off track, or interrupt others learning.
Related KSA(s)
KSA 15 Teachers engage in assessing the quality of their teaching.
Management of time and the classroom often go hand in hand, although they are quite different. In
PE, I often feel that during my lessons there are so many things going on and I become very focused
on my instruction and delivery, or management, to the point where I sometimes lose track of time.
This can impact students and other teachers if uncorrected.
Staying on track and making sure that there is enough time for proper closure to each lesson
Keeping track of time consistently throughout lessons
Effective use of time for activities
Effective management strategies and plans
Proficient planning that leads to strong lessons
Indicators of Achievement
- Smooth lessons, that include all planned elements
- Ability to be flexible and change things when needed planning for uncertainty should always
be kept in mind
- Reflect after lessons and decide whether or not it went as planned and if so, how I could
improve for next time

Physical Education is different from other subjects in that a lot of management elements that
have to be dealt with on a daily basis. This could be dealing with students who need gym strip,
students who are injured and cannot participate, students who are sick, students who get hurt during
class, or simply those who are unwillingly to participate or engage on a particular day. Making sure
students are given time to change at the beginning and end of the class is very important, especially
with the junior high students. I did feel that I made progress with my time management skills, and I
was able to gage lesson activity durations much better by the end of my four months. I found that
things often take much longer than I anticipate, especially when dealing with larger numbers in the
PE setting.
I ensured I always had my watch with me, and monitored the time frequently to ensure I was
staying on track. At times, I had to become flexible and change things throughout a lesson if
something took less or more time than I had planned for. It was also very beneficial that I was often
teaching similar lessons multiple times throughout the day. This gave me the chance to refine or
change elements for the following lesson if things did not go quite as smoothly as I had anticipated.
On some days, by the time I reached my third or fourth lesson, my transitions and activities were
quite different and I was able to see from experience what did/did not work for the students.
John Ware already had a good management plan in place for students who were sick or injured, and
thus could not fully participate in PE. We had lower body, upper body, stretching, and full body
exercise sheets that students were expected to work on during class to ensure that they were not just
sitting out on the side, doing nothing.
In the outside environment, my voice does not travel well, so I made sure I had my whistle with
me at all times. I also implemented the five strategy, which means the last student in when I blow my
whistle has to do five push-ups, sit-ups, or jumping jacks. This technique was very effective, and if
students did hustle in I did not make them have a punishment. This was more so for those students
who blatantly took their time, and did not make an effort to be fast. Initially, I struggled with my
authoritative voice and punishments, however I became much more confident throughout my
practicum in dealing with misbehaviour and finding my comfortable level of firmness that the students
Overall, I do feel that I have improved significantly in regards to my management, timing, and
planning. This was something I felt least confident in as it requires a lot of multi-tasking, and constant
awareness (although teachers should already be very good at this). I feel that this is something I will
continue to work on, and it will be an ongoing process that I will strive to improve upon.

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