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What is the main focus of this lesson?
Introduce the idea and act of prayer
Briefly describe the context of your lesson. How long have students been studying this particular topic and/or how does it tie
into a unit?
This is the first lesson of the unit on prayer. So, this is the intro to the unit on prayer. The purpose of this lesson is to have the
students think about what prayer is, how it is done, and for what reasons we prayer. students will reflect on some questions and
will then record their thoughts now (at the beginning) and at the end of the unit writing an essay on how their view of prayer
has changed or grown.

What are your objectives for this lesson? Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.
(If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.)
Have students create an idea about prayer that they may accept, reject, or grow in this unit as the lessons progress.
Introduce what prayer is.
Have students engaged about the topic of prayer and questions that surround the idea and act of prayer.
Look at different famous prayers. Look at words, phrases, questions and statements in them.

II. Before you start
Reading, writing, knowledge from prayer pre-assessment
Prerequisite knowledge and skills.

I will assess the students of creating an idea of prayer by having them write down in
their faith journals about their original thoughts on prayer. (baseline, no right or
wrong answers, not graded)
I will assess the students engagement with the four corners game. Are they involved
(formative and summative)
and have a reason as to why they answered the way they did.
I will assess the students by listening to them talk about the famous prayers. Are
they analyzing them or just looking at words.

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)



Multiple Means of Representation

Multiple Means of Expression (Action)

Multiple Means of Engagement

Options for Perception

Provide concrete objects such as books,
handouts, and paper

Options for action/interaction

Students will be going through the bible
looking a different verses and students
will be creating a poster and presenting it

Options for Language/Symbols

All words or symbols in lesson should be
understandable. But we have access to
dictionaries and chromebooks.

Options for Expression

Students will be giving a report on a few
bible verses. Students can talk, draw, or
could do a skit

Options for recruiting interest

Another lesson in prayer. Students will
have a few options as to what they will be
creating on poster.

Options for Sustaining Effort &
Students will present poster so they will
have to create one.

Materials-what materials (books,

handouts, etc) do you need for this
Technology utilized?

Journals, pencils. Bible textbooks

Computer, overhead projector, overhead screen

Do you need to set up your

classroom in any special way for
this lesson? If so, describe it.
Groupings Utilized?


III. The Plan
Time Parts


Class can be in groups or in rows. Most of the work done in this lesson is individual.

The description of the lesson, teacher activities and student activities

Who are you and what are you doing here? What is your purpose; do you even know your purpose?
How do you think you will find your purpose?
Watch Christopher Duffley singing open the eyes of my heart Lord.
-as students watch have them journal about their thoughts about purpose.

Lets think about prayer. When you have prayed, why have you prayed and for what things
have you prayed?

-In a moment we will be playing the four corners game. (Four corners game as a different response
(answer) in relation to the corners of the room. The corners represent strongly agree, agree, disagree,

and strongly disagree. Teacher or student poses a question and the students go to a corner if they
agree or disagree. Once at the corner a few students are called on to share their thoughts.


Remember to
Take out your faith journals and respond to these questions. Ask the students to date this
be intentional
entry (Showed on a ppt slide on the overhead screen.) Ask students to be as thorough as
about planning
possibly. Write as much as you can about these questions. The more they write now the more
they will help themselves out later.
o What is prayer?
Integration into
o Why do you pray?
your lesson






How do we pray?
Is prayer real?/ Does it really make a difference if we pray or not?
What does God want from us when we pray?

Give the students ample time to think about these. These are loaded questions and may take students
some time to formulate an answer.

After students have responded to these questions set up for four corners. During our unit of prayer
students will learn more about these questions and what the Bible says about them.
Ask the students to move according to:
o Prayer is important in everyday life.
o Prayer does not really work.
o It takes faith to pray.
o God wants something from us when we pray.
o There is a specific way in which we should pray.
o Some prayers are more effective then others.
o God grants what we ask for in prayer.
Ask few students to share their thoughts throughout the game.
Read the Why Pray? Section on page 498 in teacher manual.
Have students take out their Chromebooks and lookup famous prayers of people. Ask if any of
them have heard of them before.
o Have students look at the structure of each prayer, what things are said in it?
Thanks? Wants?
o How should we pray?
o What is the theme of the prayer?
o Do any of these prayers ask anything of us?

What have others asked for in prayer? How did these people pray?
Ask if one of these prayers sounds like a hymn that they may have sung in church.
o Make me a channel of your peace
o if time class may listen to this song and look for parallels between it and the prayer

Ask students to store and remember what they have written about prayer. They will be looking at
these things later in the unit.
Have students put away their bible books and transition to the next class.

Teacher Intern Post Observation Reflections

On a scale of 1-10 how well do you think your lesson went?
1=not well at all

10=it couldnt have gone any better!

What about your lesson went especially well? What strategies were effective? Did the students learn what you intended them to
learn? What specifically would you change if you were to teach it again?
Devotions went especially well. Class was engaged while being asked about purpose and some had questions or comments
about what others purposes or how they can find their purpose in life. When asked to write about their thoughts on prayer they
all wrote for 7 minutes answering the prompt. Some wrote up to 12 minutes. All of them had a few sentences down for each
question. This morning a lot of the students appeared to be tired. When students first walked into the classroom previous days
they will all sit on the couch and talk. It takes 2 or three calls to get them to their seats. Today it took just one and the talk on

the couch was quiet and could not be heard from the front of the room. So I planned my devotions with this in mind. Students
thought and wrote in their faith journal about the topic and listened to the video. During the four corners game students had to
get out of their seats. Every student participated with each question and each student shared his or her opinion when asked.
Towards the end of the lesson when we looked at different prayers I think that I lost some of the students attention. They were
all looking at the prayers but they were not responding to statements in regards to the prayer. We ran out of time so I could not
introduce the point of this lesson to them. We will pick this up tomorrow. If I were to teach this lesson again I would introduce
the questions before students looked at the famous prayers.

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