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Article 1:
Author: David P. Diaz and Ryan B. Cartnal
Title: Students' Learning Styles in Two Classes: Online Distance Learning and Equivalent OnCampus

Year published: 2010

Article 2:
Author: Alfred P. Rovai, Mervyn J. Wighting, and Jing Liu
Title: SCHOOL CLIMATE: Sense of Classroom and School Communities in Online and OnCampus Higher Education Courses: [1]

Year published: 2005

Article 3:
Author: Lawrence A. Beard, Cynthia Harper, Gena Riley
Title: Online versus on-campus instruction: Student attitudes & perceptions

Year published: 2004

In the article, Online versus on-campus instruction: Student attitudes & perceptions the
authors talk about the attitude of the students towards online vs on campus classes. Distance
education has brought learning from the classroom to the home which helps all students from all
different walks of life receive the same opportunities. Online instruction helps students spend
less time in the class room and more time completing the class work on their own time. In
addition to all of these benefits, less time is spent on travel as well as less money. Another

advantage is that more seats are able to be filled in an online class so students usually do not
have to worry about not getting into their online class. While there is advantages to online classes
there is also disadvantages.
Distance education has its disadvantages, one of them being that many students learn the
best through face to face interaction. Online classes tend to make learning and course work less
personal. Another disadvantage deals with students who may not have access to the internet,
therefor they have to spend time and money driving to the library to access the class. Despite the
disadvantages, many schools have made distance education a class that students enjoy to be a
part of. For example, Jacksonville State University provides opportunities through a web-based
server software called Blackboard. Many universities have this advantage including the
University of Arkansas. Blackboard provides a format for teachers to post content, assignments,
and grades that is easy for the student to see and access.
Virtual chatrooms and discussion boards also help make distance education more
personable and sociable. Studies have shown that even if students prefer on campus classes that
doesnt mean that they are opposed to taking online classes every now and then. Some students
prefer online specifically because of the convenience and the fact that they can do the course
work on their own time. Students who work half time or even full time prefer online classes
because they cannot make it to the on campus classes due to conflicting schedules. While some
students express concern at the lack of student teacher interaction with online courses, others see
no concern at all. The opinion of online classes comes down to each students needs and personal

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