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Layout techniques with special reference to buildings:

Layout of a building or a structure shows the plan of its foundation on the ground surface
according to its drawings, so that excavation can be carried out exactly where required and
position and orientation of the building is exactly specified. It is set out according to
foundation plan drawings and specifications provided by the engineer or an architect.
Technical terms related to this job which are described below:
A baseline is a straight reference line with respect to which corners of the building are located
on the ground. It may be outer boundary of a road or curb or boundary of the area or simply a
line joining any two points.

Horizontal controls are the points that have known co-ordinates with respect to a specific
point. These points are then used to locate other points such as corners of a layout using
various techniques. There should be plenty of control points so that each point of foundation
plan can be located precisely on the ground.


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In order that design points on the works can be positioned at their correct levels, vertical
control points of known elevation relative to some specified vertical datum are established. In
practice, 20mm diameter steel bolts and 100mmlong, with known reduce levels driven into
existing steps, ledges, footpaths etc. may serve as vertical controls.


Once points specifying the layout are located on ground pegs are driven in the ground at that
spot. Once excavations for foundations begin, the corner pegs will be lost. To avoid these
extra pegs called offset pegs are used. Batter boards are normally erected near each offset peg
and are used to relocate the points after the excavation has been done.


Starting from a baseline (line AB in Figure 4-1) that is parallel to
construction, establish the maximum outer borders (AB, CD, AC, BD) of
the building area.
Suppose we know the co-ordinates(x,y) of the points X with respect to
point A then we can locate it by measuring their x distance along line AB

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and y distance along line AC and BD respectively to locate them. These
two points can be joined to make line XX. To locate point G and H, straight
line are set out using 3-4-5 triangle rule and distance XG and XH which is
known is marked on those lines. After the four corners (X, X, G. and H)
have been located, drive stakes at each corner. Dimensions are
determined accurately during each step.


Where the outline of the building is other than a rectangle, the procedure
in establishing each point is the same as defined for laying out a simple
rectangle. However, more points have to be positioned, and the final
proving of the work is more likely to disclose a small error. When the
building is an irregular shape, it is sensible to first lay out a large rectangle
which will includes the entire building or the greater part of it. This is
shown in Figure 4-2 as HOPQ When this is established, the remaining
portion of the layout will consist of small rectangles, each of which can be
laid out and shown separately. These rectangles are shown as LMNP
ABCQ, DEFG, and IJKO in Figure


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Since the corner pegs of the building are to be removed during excavation these points are
transferred outside that periphery by extending lines and driving pegs in the ground. The
following procedure applies to a simple layout as shown in Figure 4-4, page 4-4, and must be
amended to apply to different or more complex layout problems:
Step 1: After locating and dipping stakes A and B. erect batter boards
1, 2, 3, and 4. Extend a chalk line (X) from batter board 1 to batter
board 3, over stakes A and B.
Step 2: After locating and dipping stake C, erect batter boards 5 and
6. Extend chalk line Y from batter board 2 over stakes A and C to
batter board 6.
Step 3: After locating and dipping stake D, erect batter boards 7 and
8. Extend chalk line Z from batter board 5 to batter board 7, over
stakes C and D.
Step 4: Extend line O from batter board 8 to batter board 4, over stakes D and B.
Where foundation walls are wide at the bottom and extend beyond the outside dimensions of
the building, the excavation must be larger than the laid-out size. To lay out dimensions of
this excavation, measure out as far as required from the building line on each batter board and
stretch lines between these points, outside the first layout.


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ork Methodology
In the layout plan you will observe the size of construction in the plot and
also the distances which should be left out of construction from the
boundaries. This is called set back distance from the boundary wall. This is
clearly shown in the layout plan.
It is required to draw line on the ground of the proposed construction. It is
done by putting lime powder along a string stretched along the proposed
line of construction. These lines extend at least one meter away from the
actual end lines and they are called reference lines. They remain even after
the earth digging or cutting is over for foundation work.
A bench Mark pillar is also constructed at site which gives the level of plinth
and foundation etc. permanently. Water level marks are used for this purpose.
This bench mark is required to be secured till the end of the construction.
The map will be kept in proper orientation with respect to the site. Generally
the longest wall of the building is considered as base line.
Now after leaving the set back distance from the first wall limit from the
, the line parallel to wall will be plated on the ground depending

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upon the set back distance. In this fashion all the four sides of the building
will be laid on the ground.
After plotting the first corner other remaining corners are also plotted on
the ground.
For plotting the 90o angle on the ground either cross staff is used or
Pythagoras Theorem is used (3, 4 & 5).
After this all the centre line will be extended up to 1.0 to 2.0 m as per the
direction of the Engineer and guide pillars are required to be constructed.
The height of the masonry pillars will be equal to the height of the plinth. The
level of the floor is called plinth level.
All the lengths and distances are measured with the help of standard chain or
tape (steel)


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