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Utilization of Bacillus subtilis as Bioflokulan to Gandong River in Magetan

are Contaminated Wastewater Tannery

By : Dyanita Neswari Setyawan

Abstract: Gandong river is one of the rivers in Magetan classified as polluted

rivers of liquid industrial waste processing animal skins. The pollution causes the
appearance of bad smells from the river Gandong, according to some studies that
have been done, which has been polluted river water can be purified by utilizing
the microorganism Bacillus subtilis. The bacteria when placed in contaminated
water can result bioflukulan that can bind pollutants. Binding of pollutants is done
by forming flock - flock can cause pollutants to the bottom so that there is a
separation between the crystal clear water pollutants. This study can be used as a
solution to restore the water quality of the River Gandong contaminated waste. In
this article the data obtained from several studies that have been done about
Gandong River.

In the Government Regulation No. 35 of 1991 on the river is mentioned
that the rivers are the places and containers as well as water drainage networks
ranging from the spring to the estuary with restricted right and left and
pengalirannya along the demarcation line. Each river has the potential to
experience water pollution. Water pollution, according to Government
Regulation No. 82 of 2001 is the introduction of living creatures, substances,
energy, and other components into the water or changing the order of water by
human activities, so the quality of the water changed as a result of human
activities, causing water quality decreases to a certain level so that water can
not function again for this purpose (Mulia in Sutriyana, 2005). Contaminated
or failure of a river can be seen from the quality of the river water According
Efendi (in Sutriyana, 2003) the quantity of water can be expressed by physical
parameters (temperature, turbidity, dissolved solids, etc.), chemical parameters
(pH, dissolved oxygen, COD, BOD , levels of metals and others) as well as
biological parameters (where plankton, bacteria, fish and so on).
Gandong river is one of the eight largest rivers in Magetan which has a
length of 180.10 km which stretches along six districts, namely of districts
Plaosan, Poncol, Magetan, Sukomoro, Bendo, Jiwan until Mangunharjo.
Gandong river is one of the rivers in Magetan classified as polluted rivers. The
river was polluted because the river has become a dumping ground of liquid

industrial waste processing unprocessed leather to the fullest. The pollution

causes the appearance of bad smells from the river Gandong, besides bring bad
smells, Gandong river surface is also covered by foam - white foam. According
to some studies that have been done, which has been polluted river water can
be purified back by utilizing microorganisms. One such microorganism is a
bacterium Bacillus subtilis. The bacteria when placed in contaminated water
can result bioflukulan that can bind pollutants. Binding of pollutants is done by
forming flock - flock can cause pollutants to the bottom so that there is a
separation between the crystal clear water pollutants.


Gandong Gandong river classified as polluted rivers in Magetan. This
assumption is reinforced by the presence of several studies that have been
conducted by several researchers. According Dwitanti (2014) has a numeric
calculation Gandong River FBI (Family Biotic Index) of 6.82 while the river
normal threshold is 5.00, the highest index number is derived from Gandong
River area located in District Ringinagung.
Table 1. Interpretation of the FBI to Assess Water Quality
Family Biotic

Water Quality

0.00 to 3.75


3.76 to 4.25

Very kind

4.26 to 5.00


5.01 to 5.75
5.76 to 6.50

Somewhat worse

6.51 to 7.25


7.26 to 10.00

once polluted

Pollution Levels
Not polluted
Organic materials
Slightly polluted
Organic materials
some organic
Quite a bit much
polluted many
polluted very
Poor weight
organic materials

Research conducted Dwitanti took water samples from three different

Gandong River area that is in Ringinagung village, sub-district and district

Magetan, Magetan. Then Gandong River is divided into three stations

representing upstream, middle and downstream. Based on research conducted
obtained average - average river flow velocity Gandong 0.21 m / s, turbidity of
28.42 cm, DO of 6 mg / L temperature of 260C and a pH of 7. The area
containing the highest score in two parameters ( turbidity and DO) are
upstream (station I) which Ringinagung village which is the center of the
process of tanning animal skins in Magetan.
Table 2. Results Dwitanti February till June 2014 in the River District
Gandong Magetan
The flow of

Station I

Station II

Station III

0,19 m/s

0,16 m/s

0,29 m/s

29,5 cm
6,1 mg/L
25 0C

27,38 cm
5,8 mg/L
26 0C

28,4 cm
5,9 mg/L
25 0C

0,21 m/s
28,42 cm
6 mg/L

In addition to research conducted by Dwitanti in February 2015, also

measured levels of COD, BOD and sulphide content of the river Gandong by
the District Health Office Magetan.Based on the measurement results obtained
COD 75.2 mg / L and BOD by 31 , 4 mg / L, and sulfide levels of 0.306 mg /
L.Nilai COD and BOD Gandong river also exceeds the predetermined
threshold government in the Government Regulation (PP) No. 82 of 2001 on
Management of Quality and Water Pollution Control, which amounted to 50
mg / L for COD and 6 mg / L for BOD. Levels of sulphides contained in this
river also exceeds the specified threshold, namely the Government of 0.002 mg
/ L. High content of sulfide which is what causes the pungent smell that can
arise causing nausea and dizziness from Sungai Gandong.Based on these
studies we can conclude that the quality of water contained in Gandong River
to belong to the class - IV when compared with the table.

Table 3. Water Quality Criteria Based on Class according to the Indonesian

Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 on Water Quality Management
and Water Pollution Control






ion 3


from the state of


If naturally
outside of that






range, it is
determined by








minimum limit

River pollution in gandong river is physically also marked by the

appearance of bad smell and the foam - white foam covering the surface of the
river water. The odor is more pungent when the dry season arrives. Gandong
River pollution is caused by waste from tannery of WWTP (wastewater
treatment plant), that has not been filtered to the maximum. According to some
trusted sources Gandong River pollution is the case due to lack of wastewater
treatment facilities owned by WWTP are in LIK (Small Industrial

Environment) located in Magetan. This resulted in not all wastewater from

prodeuksi skin that can be processed, so a few liters of wastewater directly
discharged in the river Gandong, waste disposal is usually held at night.
Gandong River pollution is physically marked by the emergence of bad
smell and the foam - white foam covering the surface of the river water. The
odor is more pungent when the dry season arrives. Gandong River pollution is
caused by waste from tannery of WWTP (wastewater treatment plant) that has
not been filtered to the maximum. According to some trusted sources River
pollution Gandong This happens due to lack of means of wastewater treatment
which is owned by the WWTP is in LIK (Environment Small Industry) in
Magetan resulting from the processing of liquid waste discharged from WWTP
still contains chemicals in levels above government decree, waste disposal is
usually held at night.
Leather tanning process is the process of preservation of the animal
skin by using various chemicals helper process. On the LIK (Small Industrial
Environment) located in the district Magetan leather tanning process is divided
into 3 stages: (1) the stage of pre-tanning , (2) the stage of tanning and (3) the
stage of pre-tanning (Nurmandito: 2011). Pre-tanning leather begins by soaking
in water for one night, then remove the fur by immersion in lime water and
sodium sulfide, to preserve the leather using salt solutions and sulfuric acid for
acidification until a certain pH. The tanning process is done by using chemicals
Chromium Sulphate. Chrome Sulfate is used to stabilize the protein tissue
.Post-tanning process includes the pressing to remove moisture fresh skin,
shaving, skin coloration which have been tanned using oil emulsion
(fatliquoring) and the last is the coating surface and buffing (finishing).
After going through the process - the process will certainly generated
waste in solid and liquid form. Solid waste generated from the process - the
process in the form of flakes of skin, fur, salt and dirt, while the wastewater
coming from the tanning process used water containing auxiliary process
chemicals, fats, proteins and other organic materials. Liquid waste will then be
entered into the WWTP and processed through three stages: (1) the process of

grouping the waste of the characteristics of adjacent, in this process the waste
is channeled into one channel towards the well waste collection to perform pretreatment (to remove the content of chromium, solids, fats or oil and for
neutralization of waste). (2) the process of pumping wastewater to the pat-pit
for the separation of fats and oils contained in the waste, separate oil removed
from the system, while the wastewater still contains chromium will be
separated using klafier, and the latter is (3) control characteristics waste. After
going through three processes, wastewater into the WWTP. In WWTP effluent
is processed again through several stages of sewerage into the integrated
WWTP. In the first stage of waste put into equalization tank in this tank waste
will be stabilized its characteristics.
Based on Astutis research conducted in the River Gandong Magetan in
2009 obtained haasil pH of 7.5, BOD amounted to 115.6 mg / l, COD is 274.1
mg / l, TSS of 58 mg / l, amounting to 0.432 Sulfide mg / l, ammonia amounted
to 1,872 mg / l, Krom of 0.314 mg / l, oils and fats of 5.1 mg / l ", based on
these studies we can conclude that the levels of BOD5, COD, oils and fats and
ammonia levels still exceed the limit threshold set by the Government of East
Java through the Java Guvernor Rule No.52 2014. Improprieties results of this
liquid waste is also supported by laboratory tests conducted by the
Environment Agency (BLH) Magetan on February 24, 2015 which confirmed
that the quality of effluent WWTP LIK District Magetan does not comply with
existing standards.
Table 4. Tabel Astutis research in Gandong Research


The total of
chromium (Cr)
Oils & Fats
Sulfida (sbg S)

Measurements on the

The maximum levels allowed

results of WWTP

under the East Java Governor

effluent LIK

Regulation Number. 52 2014

(mg / L)

(Tanning use Krom) (mg / L)









6,0 - 9,0


Bacillus subtilis has a rod shape, and classified as gram-positive
bacteria, motile, which can produce spores. These bacteria normally resistant to
heat and are aerobic (some species are facultative anaerobes), catalase positive,
and oxidation varies. Each species is different to use sugar, partially
fermentation and some do not perform fermentation (Barrow in Yusufa, 1993)
Added Claus and Berkeley (1986) genus Bacillus having physiological
properties were attractive because each type has different capabilities
depending, among others: (1) capable of degrading organic compounds such as
proteins, starch, cellulose, hydrocarbons (2) is capable of producing antibiotics;
(3) role in nitrification and detoxification Denitrification; (4) nitrogen-fixing;
(7) are khemolitotrof, aerobic or anaerobic fakutatif, acidophilic, psikoprifilik,
or thermophilic.
Bacillus subtilis can produce poliglutamat acid (PGA). Poliglutamat
acid is a constituent component capsule of Bacillus subtilis. Each bacteria
Bacillus subtilis can produce between 20 to 50 g / L of liquid culture.
PGA having a molecular weight of between 0.1 sd 1x106 g / mol with a
degree of polymerization 700-7000. In the form that is not ionized, the PGA
has a right-handed helix structure stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen

bonding between the CO and NH 3 of each amide bond. PGA is water soluble
and highly hygroscopic, it can lead to concentrations in solution although at
low concentrations. PGA is known to have a high affinity for metal ions as
electrons silence has. Basically, the PGA is used as a flocculant, the water
cleaning method called flocculation.
Flocculation is a combination of mixing and stirring or agitation that
produces aggregation will settle after the addition of flocculants. Flocculation
included in the physical processes that lead to increased interparticle collisions
that trigger the formation of large particles, in this process polluted water be
stirred and within 1 to 2 hours of large particles will settle. This process occurs
slowly, but occurs continuously during particles suspended in the water mix, so
that larger particles will move towards the process of sedimentation. Efforts to
reduce the pollutants contained in the water can be achieved by flocculation.
The basic idea of flocculation is to precipitate floc - floc with the addition of
Flocculation cause an increase in the size and density of the coagulated
particles,so it is resulting the deposition of particles floc faster. The rate may
be further accelerated by the addition of flocculants. Flocculant is a compound
that is used to form a compound of pollutants that easily settles or compounds
which have a larger size with a chemical reaction. Flocculants are typically
used in the process of flocculation is alum (Al2 (SO4) 3, lime (CaO), and
polyaluminium chloride (PAC). Flocculants can also be a polyelectrolyte such
as polysaccharides and sour poliamino produced or excreted by bacteria during
the growth of the bacteria. Roles PGA as bioflokulan also be able to bind
pollutants in the water (BOD and COD) resulting in water with good quality.
The use of alum, lime and PAC as flocculants has several drawbacks, namely:
(1) the use of alum and PAC, causing the water to become acidic due to the
formation of sulfate in water of 550 mg / L which can impair human health if
consumed. acids can also result in corrosion of objects of metal, (2) the
formation of acid resulting in the need neutralizing, ie NaOH, becoming more
so as uneconomic, (3) chalk can make the water hardness due to calcium ions.

Besides being able to precipitate flock - flock non metallic pollutants,

PGA also can be bioflokulan heavy metal ion binding mechanism by the PGA
of heavy metal ions can be through two ways: (1) binding chemically and (2)
binding of physics. On the binding of chemical, heavy metals in the water
would quickly be dissolved by forming positive ions and form compounds with
anions such as carbonates, sulfates, and sulfides. PGA is a compound that can
be dissolved in water to form anions. PGA has a high affinity for metal ions, so
as to replace the anions or ligands which bind heavy metals. PGA reaction with
heavy metal ions will form a large molecule that is easy to be precipitated
(floc). The process of formation of floc-floc which is then followed by the
deposition process can be accelerated by stirring. In the process of bonding
physically PGA is an anionic polyelectrolyte. An anionic polyelectrolyte is able
to adsorb heavy metal ions in water and form a bridge. The bridge is formed
when two or more metal ions adsorbed along the polymer chain. The bridges
will be formed during the flocculation process, ie while stirring. The size of the
bridges that exists will continue to grow until it can easily be moved.Bacillus
subtilis can be isolated from tannery wastewater to obtain bacterial adaptive
with tannery wastewater pollutants in Magetan, which can be done mass
propagation bacterium Bacillus subtilis.


The river is one of the important components of the supporting
ecosystem. One indicator that determines a river is polluted or not water
quality, these include the quality of measurement in physics, chemistry and
biology. Gandong river is one example of a polluted river in Magetan, one of
the causes of contamination of rivers Gandong is processed waste disposal
unprocessed leather tanning to the maximum by the WWTP(wastewater
treatment plant) LIK Magetan centered in the village of Ringinagung. Returns
River water quality Gandong This can be done by utilizing the bacterium
Bacillus subtilis which has a capsid containing acid poliglutamat (PGA) that
can be bioflokulan to purify contaminated water pollutants, with the PGA in

water containing pollutants, water will undergo flocculation process, in This

process water will have petumbukan interparticle thus triggering the formation
of particles - large particles, and particles - large particles will undergo
precipitation, besides using these bacteria do not cause side effects in the water
as it caused when using alum. It is expected Magetan Government can do more
research on this bacterium Bacillus subtilis so as to overcome the problem of
water pollution in Gandong River.
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