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S.J.G Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital, P.G Studies & Research Centre, Koppal
P.G. Dept. of Panchakarma

Proposal for Pilot study: Management of Ardhita with Nasya,

Shirobasti & Physiotherapy

No. of patients 06

Mukhabhyanga with Karpasahastyadi taila

Nasya with Karpasahastyadi taila
Shirobasti with kseerabala taila
Treatment duration: Total 24 days
Procedure duration - 8 days
Follow up 16 days
1. cap. Vatapy 1-0-1
2. Tab. Triphala Guggulu DS 1-0-1
3. Tab. BVC 1-0-1
Total cost of the treatment: 9106/- (Excluding Procedure charge)
Karpasahastyadi taila 400ml X 6 = 2400ml = 150 X 12 = 1800/Kseerabala taila 1000ml X 6 = 6000ml = 520 X 6 = 3120/Cap. Vatapy 32 X 6 = 192 No = 5.4 X 192 = 1037/Tab. Triphala Guggulu 32 X 6 = 192 No = 3.4 X 192= 653/Tab.BVC with Gold 32 X 6 = 192 No = 13 X 192 = 2496/-

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