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------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guide: Battle System and Translation

Version 0.95
By marmando17 <>
Date Started: January 26, 2014
Last Updated: January 31, 2014
------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION UPDATES
0.5 Wrote everything until Battle Act
0.6 Added Skills section, edited Introduction and Armitization Artes section
Revised Armitization and Battle Difficulty section
0.7 Added Skills and Bonus Skills section
0.8 Added List of Skills and Bonus Skills, Equipment Fusion Rules
Added Battle Strategy section
0.9 Revised some sections to improve layout and appearance
0.95 Added some new Bonus Skills
---------------Copyright(C)2015 by Marco Armando (marmando17)-----------------All Rights Reserved. This guide is only for private & personal use. Actions
such as reprinting, reproducing, or copying parts or the entire content
in any form, by means of electronic recording, physical copying, or others,
are considered as theft. Use of this guide for sales and promotional purposes
is strictly prohibited. Quoting and distribution of contents shall not be done
without permission to prevent plagiarism. This FAQ/Guide is hosted only by
GameFaqs. If you find this guide being posted on other sites, please dcontact
either the guide creator or Gamefaqs immediately.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. Introduction...........................................................[INT]
2. Battle Controls........................................................[CON]
3. Combat.................................................................[COM]
3.1 Combat Introduction
3.2 Spirit Chain (SC) and Blast Gauge (BG)
3.3 Combat Features
3.4 Enemy Weakness
a. Damage Display
b. Status Relations with Elements
c. Unbalanced/Knocked-Down Enemies
4. Battle Artes...........................................................[ART]
4.1 Basic Rules
4.2 Tokugi/Base Artes
4.3 Ougi/Arcane Artes and Tenkyoujutsu/Seraph Spells
4.4 High Rank Artes and Spells
4.5 Hi-Ougi/Mystic Artes
5. Armitization...........................................................[ARM]
5.1 Armitization Guide
5.2 Armitization Artes
5.3 Recovery Arte
5.4 Banish Blast
6. Battle Act.............................................................[ACT]
6.1 Battle Act Introduction
6.2 Battle Act List (Support)
6.3 Battle Act List (Control)
6.4 Battle Act List (Defense)
6.5 Battle Act List (Technical)
6.6 Battle Act List (Blast)

6.7 Battle Act List (Armitization)

6.8 Battle Act List (Banish)
6.9 Battle Act List (Mystic Arte)
7. Skills.................................................................[SKL]
7.1 Equipment Skills and Fusion
7.2 Skill Board
7.3 Bonus Skills
1. Same
2. Elm
3. Union
8. Tactics................................................................[TAC]
8.1 Battle Call
8.2 Battle Strategy
9. Battle Difficulty......................................................[DIF]
1. Introduction
Welcome to my guide for the Battle System of Zestiria. Basically, what I wanted
to do is just helping people who have difficulties in playing Tales games that
are still in Japanese. Sometimes, people have to debate about how the system
works because of limited understanding of Japanese. So I decided to make this
guide because I live in Japan and my understanding of Japanese is quite enough
to interpret almost all the in-game explanation about the battle system.
Despite my advanced Japanese skill, it is always difficult to make a correct
localization of arte names. So I will still use the Japanese spelling for the
artes, for example Majinken (not Demon Fang), Dankuuken (not Vortex), etc.
It would be helpful if you are able to read basic hiragana and katakana. If
you are not, I can imagine how difficult it is for you when reading 'Dankuuken'
here and you don't know how to find which skill is Dankuuken in the game
screen selection.
Please do take note that this is not a guide for Arte List. This is a guide for
battle system. I added a list of Battle Acts just for the sake of explaining
how they affect the battle system.
You may not use this guide for sites outside GameFaqs, but you are always
welcome to quote the content as long as you have my permission. Before doing
anything, be sure to contact me first, I will be happy to chat with you. :)
If there is any mistake in this guide, you are also welcome to contact me and
give me corrections and advices. Pardon my English too for I am not a native
speaker of English. This is actually my very first guide, I tell you, despite
my 20 years of gaming experience and having defeated all of Tales mothership
titles all the way from Phantasia to Xillia 2. Anyway, have fun reading this
and thanks a bunch!

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