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Megan Pulley

EDU 4010

Intra-Act Method

Intra-Act Method
For this assignment, I decided to modify one of the lessons from my unit plan
(below). If incorporating the Intra-Act Method into this lesson, I would have it take place
during the guided practice portion of the lesson plan. The Intra-Act Method would
occur as follows:
1. Comprehension. During this phase I will give background information about Mark
Twain and his family, because we will be reading one of his speeches. I will ask students
to make predictions based on the title of the speech, Stage Fright. I will put students in
groups of 4 and assign a leader for each group. After reading the text, the team leaders
will lead a discussion that summarizes the text.
2. Relating. The team leaders must then shift their discussion from important ideas to
the other group members reactions to what they read.
3. Valuation. Each student will be given a game sheet containing the following
Everyone struggles with stage fright.
Stage Fright can only occur when someone is on a big stage.
Mark Twain did not like being on stage.
Mark Twain taught his daughter how to sing.
4. Reflection. The game sheet will be scored. Each student takes a turn revealing his/her
responses to the statements. I will be acting as facilitator during this time, making notes
about how students are responding.

Megan Pulley

EDU 4010

Intra-Act Method

Lesson Sketch Day #1

Name: Megan Pulley
Grade Level & Subject: Sixth Grade English Language Arts
Brief explanation of how this lesson connects to assessment(s) or instruction from the previous day:
I decided to do create this unit with a focus on biographies/autobiographies because they are
currently in the beginning stages of a biography unit in 6th Grade Language Arts at Vance Charter School.

Lesson Objective(s)

Materials Teacher Needs

Students will distinguish between

facts and opinions.
Students will cite various facts and
opinions found in the text and explain
their reasoning.

Textbook for reading passage: Stage Fright

by Mark Twain
Technology to show BrainPop video on Fact
and Opinion

Materials Students Need

Worksheet for fast finishers.

Textbook for reading passage: Stage Fright
by Mark Twain

Anticipating Student Needs

Literacy Journals
Students who finish early will be given
additional work.
Mrs. Pervis, the EC teacher, will come in the
classroom to see if support is needed during
independent work.

Instructional Sequence / Procedures: What activities will take place

during this lesson? (Note: Use bullet points to outline your ideas.)

Hook / Warm-up: How will you set the purpose for the lesson?
Introduce Unit, letting students know that each day they will be
reading some form of biography or autobiography.
Make sure they know what a(n) biography/autobiography is.
Let students know that at the end of the unit they will write their
own autobiography.


10 minutes

Megan Pulley

EDU 4010

Intra-Act Method

State the learning goals for the unit, and which one today will
focus on.
Tell students what they will be reading today.

Modeling: What will you show students how to do?

I will model the ways in which it is appropriate to interact with a text as I
lead them in discussion of the text.
Guided Practice: What will you engage in together as a class or

40 minutes

small group?

Together, we will read Stage Fright by Mark Twain from the

I will ask students to volunteer to read each paragraph.
After each section is read, I will promote discussion by asking
questions about certain vocabulary words, language used, etc.

I will lead discussion about the difference between a fact and an

opinion, giving appropriate examples of each. Discuss key words
that are clues for a statement being an opinion.

Play BrainPop video on Fact and Opinion

Independent Practice: What will students do on their own?

Summary / Closure: How will you wrap-up the lesson?

To wrap it up, I will allow students to share some of what they

wrote in their journals.

Formative Assessment: How will you know what students learned /

if they met the lesson standard(s) and objective(s)?

20 minutes

In their literacy journals, students will record all the facts and
opinions that they can locate within the text that we read. They
should be able to explain their reasoning for each one as to why
they believe it is a fact vs. opinion.

I will view students literacy journals and make anecdotal notes

about their accuracy in determining facts and opinions. Code for
proficient, needs some support, needs lesson retaught.

10 minutes

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