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Written By: Callie Snow

The connection between gut microbiota and the human brain

What Is gut microbiome?

Gut microbiota is a complex community of micro-organism species that live within the digestive tract. It
is the largest reservoir of micro-organisms mutual to both humans and animals. The Gut microbiome
consist of as many as 1,000 types of bacteria. The microbiome also consists of as many as 10 times the
amount of cells and roughly as many as 150 times as many genes as the human genome contains. The
microbiome has a symbiotic relationship with its human host and it co-evolves. The gut microbiome is a
finely tuned eco-system, but its development depends on a number of factors, such as:

If a person is subject to anti-bodies

The food a person consumes
Which micro-organisms a person absorbs from the mothers birth-canal at birth
Genetic predisposition

Studies have shown that gut microbiota is involved in the regulation of many brain functions, such as:


The intestinal microbiome is in place at birth. It is initially influenced by the delivery and feeding, and
reaches a mature adult like state within the first few years of life.
The influence of the brain by gut microbiota
An increasing amount of research suggests, that the importance of the gut-brain axis for neurology and
indicates that the triggers for a number of neurological diseases may be located in the digestive track. It
is possible that the gut microbiome may in fact, influence the central nervous system as well as the
development of the nerve cells and the immune system. The gut brain axis refers to signaling taking
place between the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.
The Human gut microbiome is the aggregate of gut micro-organisms, consisting of all of its bacteria,
archaea, viruses, and fungi. It has previously been thought that the connection between the microbiome
and the possibility that it could also be responsible for processes outside of the digestive tract, were
unimaginable. However, more and more studies are revealing more in depth detail on the matter. While
scientist are working to prove the connection, it has been proven that the gut and the brain do in fact
communicate. They do this through multiple routes, such as, the vagus nervous system, the immune

system, the enteric nervous system and by way of the microbial metabolic system. An example of the
gut and the brain communicating, is the intestinal bacteria converting carbohydrates into short chain
fatty acids, in order to strengthen the connection of the cells and reinforce the blood brain barrier. The
blood brain barrier serves as a cell based wall to protect the brain from inflammation and infections.
Many of the studies involving the link between gut microbiota and the brain, are influenced by Autism
spectrum disorder. Research shows that approximately 90% of children diagnosed with autism spectrum
disorder also have severe to moderate gut issues. Studies have shown that those with Autism, had far
fewer types of bacteria, thus making the gut more vulnerable to attack for disease causing pathogens.
Studies have also noted that there was a difference in the bacteria found of those with Autism Vs. those
without. Discovering the connection between gut microbiota and the brain could help researches
discover what causes Autism and how to treat it in the future.

Microbiomes role in regulating the brain process

Neurologist firmly believe that the gut microbiome regulates important brain processes that are
necessary to the development of neurological diseases. The scientific research being conducted on gut
microbiome is, in all possibility, a door to discovering the cure for Multiple Sclerosis. The gut brain axis is
an emerging concept that could lead to developing new therapies and treatments for central nervous
system disorders by modifying the gut microbiota. The possibilities for evolving medical care are endless
within the research of gut microbiota and the brain.
The studies conducted are done so using germ free animals. The study then compares the germ free
animals to normal animals that were later exposed to pathogenic bacterial infections, probiotic bacteria
and antibiotics. Scientist then compare the differences of many aspects and functions in order to report
data and gain further information on the gut microbiota and brain function.
Gut microbiotas ability to communicate with the brain and effect behaviors is a progressive concept.
Microbiota interacts with the host forming essential relationships that govern homeostasis. Despite the
unique bacterial combination of each individual, there seems to be, a specific balance to reach in order
for it to be beneficial to our health. It is also suggested, that a decrease in the desirable gastrointestinal
bacteria will lead to deterioration in the gastrointestinal neuroendocrine, or immune relationships and
lead to disease.
Some research has suggested that probiotics, such as those found in yogurt, may alter the signals from
the gut to the brain when you are afraid or anxious. Studies have shown a dampened response from
people with depression, they exhibited muted response in areas involving processing and sensation. The
long term goal of studies such as this, is to determine if taking probiotic supplements or eating probiotic
yogurt, regularly can have a positive effect on the balance of bacteria in your gut and possible alter
emotional responses to negative situations. Like most areas focusing on the study of microbiota and the
human gut, far more research is still needed and quite possibly, under way.

The range of diseases linked to gut microbiota is vast, some of the effected diseases could range from
autoimmune disease, metabolic disease, gastrointestinal disease, brain disorders, type 2 diabetes,
psychiatric disorders and autism spectrum disorder, just to name a few. Thats not even counting the
other effects that microbiota could possibly have on the body such as: mood, learning, emotion,
appetite, satiety, and memory. The growing research that is being directed at microbiota and its
connection to the human brain could help provide many answers, therapies, and possibly even cures for
an outstanding amount of diseases and illnesses. The further research and scientific findings are a great
achievement for the scientific community and could mean many helpful steps forward for the coming
generations. Understanding how microbiota can affect our brain and contribute to so many diseases and
changes in the human body is a very hot topic across the scientific community and we can expect to see
more and more research and findings, as the curiosity continues to grow.

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