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Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 659667

A new approach to predicting multiple damage states in

composite laminates with embedded FBG sensors
S. Yashiro a, N. Takeda a, T. Okabe


, H. Sekine

Departement of Advanced Energy, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Mailbox 302, 5-1-5, Kashiwanoha,
Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8561, Japan
Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, Tohoku University, Aoba-yama 01, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Received 2 March 2004; accepted 22 September 2004
Available online 21 November 2004

We propose a new approach to predicting multiple damage states in composite laminates using embedded ber Bragg grating
(FBG) sensors. FBG sensors are sensitive to a non-uniform strain distribution along their longitudinal direction, and the eects
appear in the power spectrum of the reected light from the gage section. In this paper, we propose a numerical model to predict
both the damage process of the laminate and the change of the reection spectrum from the FBG sensor. The proposed approach is
then applied to explain the results of a quasi-static tensile test for a notched CFRP cross-ply laminate with an embedded FBG sensor. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach is useful for predicting multiple damage states in composite laminates.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: A. Smart materials; FBG sensor; C. Finite element analysis; C. Notch

1. Introduction
Structural health monitoring has recently been
attracting much attention for enhancing structural
integrity or validity [1]. Sensing technologies that integrate sensing ability into structures have also been investigated. Among various sensors for intelligent structure
systems, optical ber sensors have excellent features like
small size, high sensitivity and no electric/magnetic
induction. Therefore, many attempts to detect internal
damages have been conducted using various types of
optical ber sensors [2].
Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have the greatest
advantages such as high-accuracy and multiplexing
capability. FBG sensors have already been adopted
to measure strain or temperature in various civil struc*

Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +81 22 217 6984.

E-mail address: (T. Okabe).

0266-3538/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

tures [3,4]. Recently, Takeda and his colleagues also

applied these sensors to detect transverse cracks [5]
and delamination [6] in CFRP cross-ply laminates.
These studies proved that FBG sensors have high-sensitivity to non-uniform strain distributions due to internal damage.
The engineering application of structural health
monitoring needs to couple sensing technologies with
damage analysis. In particular, the stress concentrated
sections in structures must be monitored. Many
researchers have experimentally and numerically studied
the damage extension of composite laminates containing
stress concentrations, and have reported that the damages around such regions include splits, ply cracks and
delaminations [710]. Such a complicated damage state
cannot be monitored by just measuring the average
strain around the region. We suggest that the reection spectrum of the embedded FBG sensor, which includes information on strain distribution, is useful for


S. Yashiro et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 659667

monitoring the damage state. Therefore, this study

mainly seeks to link the multiple damage states of the
laminate directly to the complicated reection spectrum
in a numerical model.
The proposed approach has two key advantages over
the previous studies [5,6]. First, this analysis can represent various damage states including the occurrence
and extension of these damage states by a detailed damage analysis. Second, the direct linkage between the
damage analysis and the optical analysis enables us to
predict damage states and reection spectra at any loading condition.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a
numerical model is proposed to obtain detailed strain
distributions around the damaged region and an optical
analysis to convert the strain distribution into the reection spectrum of the FBG sensor. Section 3 describes the
tensile test of a notched CFRP cross-ply laminate with
an embedded FBG sensor. We then correlate the proposed approach with the experimental results, and conrm the validity of the proposed approach in Section 4.
Finally, we discuss the eects of various damages on the
reection spectrum of the embedded FBG sensor in Section 5.

2. Analysis
This paper investigates notched CFRP cross-ply laminates, where multiple damages may easily occur. We
propose a numerical approach to calculate the reection
spectrum of the FBG sensor embedded in the composite

laminate. The proposed approach consists of two parts:

damage analysis based on the nite element method that
calculates the strain distribution of the laminate and an
optical analysis to calculate the reection spectrum of
the FBG sensor using the obtained strain distribution
in the gage section.
2.1. Damage analysis
We used the layer-wise nite element model to represent various damage states in a composite laminate. A
double-edge-notched (DEN) cross-ply laminate is investigated, and the nite element mesh used in this analysis
considering the symmetry of the model is shown in Fig. 1.
The model is separated into two nite element layers
that represent 0 plies and 90 plies. The 4-node isoparametric Mindlin plate elements are used for these layers
to include the out-of-plane deformation. An optical
ber is also built into the 0 layer as the 2-node line
In this analysis, three types of damage states (i.e.
splits, transverse cracks and delamination) are considered based on the previous study [710]. Cohesive elements representing the occurrence and extension of
such damages are assigned to regions where damage
may occur, as also shown in Fig. 1. Splits are expressed
by cohesive elements in the 0 layer, which are located
at the notch tip along the tensile (x) direction. Other
cohesive elements for transverse cracks are introduced
in the 90 layer at equal intervals of crack spacing in
the transverse (y) direction. The cohesive elements for
splits and transverse cracks consist of four nodes, a

0o layer


Cohesive elements for splits

90 layer
Optical fiber
(line element)
y = 6.3


0 layer

Cohesive elements
for splits
y = 4.5
Cohesive elements
for delamination

Cohesive elements
for delamination


Cohesive elements for transverse cracks

Double node



Notch tip
y = 4.5 Notch

90 layer

4-node Mindlin
Cohesive elements plate element
for transverse cracks

Traction force


Mindlin element

Fig. 1. Layer-wise nite element model of the notched cross-ply laminate with an embedded optical ber: (a) schematic, (b) overview of the mesh, (c)
magnied view near the notch, and (d) cohesive element. The optical ber is built into this model by line elements. The cohesive elements for splits
and transverse cracks are also depicted in this gure. Cohesive elements are required to link these two layers and to represent delamination.

S. Yashiro et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 659667

pair of double-nodes at the interfaces of the Mindlin

elements. Furthermore, the cohesive elements are required to link the two layers and also to represent
delamination at the 0/90 layer interface as shown in
Fig. 1. These cohesive elements for delamination consist of eight nodes. It should be noted that we developed cohesive elements [11] to take mode III cracking
into account. This analysis employed the direct recurrent method to converge the displacement eld at each
applied displacement step [12].
2.2. Calculation of the reection spectrum
Once the strain distribution of the embedded optical
ber is obtained by the above mechanical analysis, the
reection spectrum of the FBG sensor can be calculated by solving Maxwells equations. An FBG is a reverse coupling module in the same waveguide. The
complex spectra of the forward and backward waves,
A(x) and B(x), obey the following coupled-mode equations, where x is the longitudinal direction of the optical ber:
ijB exp2iux;

ijB exp2iux;

neff  :


Here, k is wavelength, ne is the eective refractive index

of the core, dn is the depth of the refractive index modulation, and K is the grating period. The relationship between incident and transmitted waves can be derived
from the general solutions of Eqs. (1) and (2) for a uniform FBG, where the gage section is from x = 0 to x = l,
as follows:


a b

b a

e eal
u eal  eal
a expiul
eal  eal
a j2  u2 :

b i

For the non-uniform FBG sensor, the grating period

K and the eective refractive index of the core ne are expressed as functions of the longitudinal strain ef [13]
K 1 ef K0 ;
neff n0 Dn n0 

fp  mf p11 p12 gef :
2 12


In these equations, K0 is the initial period of the index

modulation, mf is Poissons ratio of glass, and p11 and
p12 are strain-optic coecients where indices 1 and 2
mean the axial and transverse directions of the optical
The reection spectrum can be calculated by the
transfer matrix method [14] using these non-uniform
FBG proles. Gratings within gage length L are divided
to many sets of small segments that are assumed to have
a uniform prole along the length. The mode coupling
through all segments is analyzed numerically under the
boundary conditions of A(0) = 1 and B(L) = 0 which
means no backward incident lights.

3. Experiment

where j is the mode-coupling coecient and u is the

detuning parameter which represents the phase matching condition
j dn;



The coecients a* and b* are the conjugates of a and b.

3.1. Materials and measurements

Quasi-static tensile tests were conducted for DEN
cross-ply laminates with embedded FBG sensors at
room temperature. CFRP T800H/3631 (Toray Industries, Inc.) was used in this research, and the stacking
conguration was [02/902]s. The optical ber was embedded in a 0 layer, and one end of the FBG sensor was
positioned near a notch tip. GFRP tabs were stuck to
the ends of the specimen. After fabricating the specimen,
we notched the coupon specimen with a ne cutter. The
FBG sensor (NTT-AT Co.) whose diameter was 150 lm
was coated with polyimide resin, and then the diameter
of glass core was 125 lm. Gage length of the sensor was
10 mm. Fig. 2 illustrates the dimensions of the DEN
The optical ber was embedded in a 0 layer in contact with 90 plies as depicted in Fig. 3. This embedding
can improve the sensitivity of the FBG sensor to various
types of damage that may occur in the laminate. The
matrix rich region around the optical ber is so small
that the host material can maintain its strength, and
the optical ber is hardly broken by the damage.
Fig. 4 presents a schematic diagram of the experimental setup. Specimens were loaded by the universal electromechanical testing system (INSTRON 5582, Instron
Corp.) at a cross-head speed of 0.25 mm/min. Tensile
strain was obtained by an extensometer (gage length
50 mm) containing the notches. The tensile load was
measured simultaneously with a load cell.


S. Yashiro et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 659667

(FBG sensor)




0.15 (Optical fiber)

Unit: mm

Fig. 2. Dimensions of the double-edge-notched (DEN) specimen. The stacking conguration was cross-ply [02/902]s. The FBG sensor was embedded
1.8 mm apart from the notch tip.

The specimen was then unloaded, and the damage state

of the specimen was observed by soft X-ray
3.2. Experimental results

Fig. 3. Cross-sections of the cross-ply laminate containing a polyimide

coated optical ber. The optical ber was embedded in a 0 ply in
contact with 90 plies.

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. Reected lights

from the gage section of the FBG sensor were measured by the optical
spectrum analyzer.

The optical ber was illuminated by a broadband

light source (AQ4310(155), Ando Electric Co., Ltd.),
and the power spectrum of the reected light from
the embedded FBG sensor was measured using an optical spectrum analyzer (AQ6317, Ando Electric Co.,
The spectrum was measured at intervals of about
0.1% tensile strain, while the load was held constant.

Fig. 5 presents the observed X-ray photographs of

damage states in DEN specimens at several strain levels.
Three main damages are visible in these photos: splits in
0 plies, transverse cracks in 90 plies and delaminations
at the 0/90 interfaces. The initial damage was small splits
and transverse cracks, both from the notch tips as
shown in Fig. 5(b). As the load increased, the splits extended, and more transverse cracks appeared. Furthermore, 0/90 interfaces were delaminated at the notch
tips as depicted in Figs. 5(c) and (d). As the load increased, the damage grew larger while the delaminations
kept its shape; Figs. 5(e)(g).
Fig. 6 shows the measured spectra of the reected
light from the FBG sensor embedded near the notch
tip. These spectra correspond to the damage state in
Fig. 5. The initial spectrum of the embedded FBG sensor (Fig. 6(a)) had a narrow spectrum width. As the applied strain increased, the spectrum shifted to a longer
wavelength and broader because of the stress concentration of the notch tip. Although small splits and transverse cracks occurred, their eects did not yet appear
in the spectrum shown in Fig. 6(b). The spectrum had
some disturbed peaks when the initial transverse crack
penetrated in a transverse direction (Fig. 6(c)). When
the delamination appeared at the sensor region, the
spectrum shape changed drastically (Figs. 6(d) and
(e)). High peaks that were not visible at lower strain levels appeared at longer wavelengths.

4. Simulations
4.1. Damage state of the laminate
We correlated the proposed approach with the experimental results using the DEN model shown in Fig. 1.

S. Yashiro et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 659667


Fig. 5. Typical damage extension of the [02/902]s DEN specimen. The pictures on the left are the soft X-rays used in the experiment, and the right
gures are the simulated results obtained in the damage analysis. Both in the experiment and in the simulation, splits and transverse cracks are
observed at lower strain; delaminations occur at the notch tips as the load increases.

The material properties used in this analysis and the

parameters of the optical ber and the FBG sensor to
calculate the reection spectrum are listed in Tables 1
and 2. Table 3 presents parameters for cohesive ele-

ments. The values of the maximum stresses for cohesive

elements are experimental or catalog values, while their
energy release rates are tted to explain the experimental


S. Yashiro et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 659667

Normalized intensity




1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552
Wavelength, nm
Stress free






1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555
Wavelength, nm
0.21 %




1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557
Wavelength, nm
0.35 %






1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558
Wavelength, nm
0.45 %

Normalized intensity

Normalized intensity


Normalized intensity

Normalized intensity






1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560
Wavelength, nm
0.57 %

Fig. 6. Spectra of the FBG sensor embedded in the DEN specimen measured in the experiment (black lines) or simulated by the proposed approach
(gray lines). Each strain level corresponds to one indicated in Fig. 5. The reection spectrum became broadband and had some peaks when initial
damages occurred, and then a high peak appeared at a longer wavelength when the ply interfaces were delaminated.

Fig. 5 depicts the results of simulating damage states,

which are distributions of the completely damaged cohesive elements. These results correspond well to the
experiments as indicated below:
1. Small splits and transverse cracks occur at the notch
tip at lower strain.
2. Splits and transverse cracks extend in the ber direction in each layer, while more transverse cracks and
small delamination at the notch tip appear as the
applied strain increases.

3. Damaged regions spread toward the tensile and

transverse direction, and delamination expands in
an elliptical shape.
Thus, the damage analysis explains the experiments
suciently. Although the occurrence of this damage
agrees approximately with the experiment, the initial
damage state is less reliable. This may be improved by
adjusting the parameters for the cohesive elements. Consequently, we found the following damage process in the
DEN cross-ply laminate. First, splits and transverse

S. Yashiro et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 659667

Table 1
Material properties of CFRP T800H/3631 [5] and the optical ber used
in damage analysis
CFRP T800H/3631
Longitudinal Youngs modulus (GPa)
Transverse Youngs modulus (GPa)
In-plane shear modulus (GPa)
Out-of-plane shear modulus (GPa)
In-plane Poissons ratio
Out-of-plane Poissons ratio
Longitudinal thermal expansion coecient (106/K)
Transverse thermal expansion coecient (106/K)


Optical ber
Youngs modulus of glass (GPa)
Youngs modulus of coating (GPa)
Thermal expansion coecient of glass (106/K)
Thermal expansion coecient of coating (106/K)



nation appears within the gage length, high peaks appear in the longer wavelength as shown in Figs. 6(d)
and (e), because longitudinal strain is high in the delaminated region.
These results suggest that the FBG sensor should be
embedded at the position where the longitudinal strain
reacts to each damage in order to distinguish damage
types and to identify the degree of damage. Splits cause
strong stress concentration at their tips, and the FBG
sensor detects the split tip if the damage is close to the
sensor. We detected the transverse cracks as disturbed
peaks in the reection spectrum by embedding the
FBG sensor near the 90 plies.

5. Discussion
Table 2
Parameters of the optical ber and the FBG sensor used to calculate
the reection spectrum
Gage length (mm)
Initial center wavelength k0 (nm)
Initial refractive index of the core n0
Strain-optic coecients p11
Strain-optic coecients p12


The strain-optic coecients p11 and p12 are quoted from [15].

Table 3
Parameters for cohesive elements used in the analysis
For splits and transverse cracks
In-plane tensile strength (Mode I, MPa)
In-plane shear strength (Mode II, MPa)
Out-of-plane shear strength (Mode III, MPa)
Energy release rate (Mode I, J/m2)
Energy release rate (Modes II and III, J/m2)


For delamination
Strength for delamination (all modes, MPa)
Energy release rate (all modes, J/m2)


The maximum stresses are experimental or catalog values, while energy

release rates are tted to the experiment.

cracks are generated around the notch tips, and these

cracks cause local out-of-plane bending of the layer.
Delamination may then be induced by inter-layer shear
deformations and out-of-plane deformations due to
these damages.
4.2. Reection spectrum of the embedded FBG sensor
Fig. 6 compares calculated reection spectra to measured ones. The spectrum becomes broader as the applied
strain increases (Fig. 6(b)), because of the gradual strain
distribution due to the notch tip. In Fig. 6(c), the calculated spectrum has more peaks than the experimental
one. Local strain changes due to transverse cracks cause
the dierence in the spectrum shape. When the delami-

In this section, we discuss the eects of the three damage states on the reection spectrum with respect to the
following four cases: (a) without damage, (b) with splits
only, (c) with transverse cracks only, and (d) with
delamination only.
Fig. 7 depicts continuous changes in the simulated
reection spectrum for varying amounts of damage. In
all cases, the reection spectrum shifts to the longer
wavelength as the load and damages increase. In Fig.
7(a), the reection spectrum becomes broad due to the
stress concentration of the notch tip, although no damage occurs. Fig. 7(b) depicts the reection spectrum with
respect to the length of splits. The spectrum at each given split length is similar to the one of no damage. This
implies that the splits have little eect on the spectrum as
long as the FBG sensor is embedded at the current position (1.8 mm apart from the notch tip). In contrast, as
shown in Fig. 7(c), transverse cracks signicantly aect
in the spectrum. Although the whole spectrum shape is
always similar to the spectrum shape from an undamaged specimen, the shape of each peak changes when a
new crack occurs. When delamination occurs, the spectrum shape is distorted as the delaminated area grows.
We can roughly divide these spectra into two large
peaks, and the peak at the longer wavelength becomes
larger as the delamination extends, as shown in Fig.
Fig. 8 compares the strain distributions of the FBG
sensor for these four cases at 0.5% applied strain. The
strain is distributed gradually when only splits occur
and is similar to the strain distribution for an undamaged sample, possibly because the FBG sensor is far
from the splits. Therefore, the spectra of these two are
almost the same. Since transverse cracks cause local
strain disturbance, the spectrum shape of each peak
changes but the rough shape is still similar to that of a
sample with no damage. On the other hand, the strain
distribution changes rapidly when the delamination occurs near the FBG sensor. A high peak at the longer

S. Yashiro et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 659667















1552 1554
Wavelength, nm




in, %













1552 1554
Wavelength, nm








, mm


1552 1554
Wavelength, nm



th, m












1552 1554
Wavelength, nm





Fig. 7. Comparison of the continuous changes of the reection spectrum related to the amount of damages for the cases of: (a) no damage, (b) splits
only, (c) transverse cracks only, and (d) delamination.

Consequently, the eects of the transverse cracks and

delamination are obviously observed in the reection
spectrum measured in the experiment (Fig. 6). These
are disturbed peaks at lower strain level for transverse
cracks, and a large peak in longer wavelengths associated with higher strains for delamination.


Strain, %


6. Conclusions


Position, mm


Fig. 8. Longitudinal strain distributions of the embedded FBG sensor

at 0.5% strain for the cases of: () no damage, (h) splits only, (m)
transverse cracks only, and (s) delamination. The distribution when
only splits occur is almost the same as the distribution for no damage.
Transverse cracks cause high local strain, and higher strain is observed
in the delaminated regions.

wavelength corresponds to delamination that causes a

higher strain concentration in the gage section of the
FBG sensor.

This study proposes a new approach to predicting

multiple damage states in notched CFRP cross-ply laminates using an FBG sensor embedded in the laminate.
The following conclusions were obtained in this study:
1. A procedure for damage analysis of stress concentrated sections has been developed based on the layer-wise nite element method including cohesive
elements. This analysis uses the layer-wise approach
for Mindlin plates to consider the out-of-plane deformation, and uses cohesive elements to represent damages. We found that splits and transverse cracks
occur at lower strains, and that the delamination
appears and grows from the intersection points of
splits and transverse cracks as the load increases.

S. Yashiro et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 659667

2. An optical analysis to calculate the reection spectrum of the FBG sensor is directly connected with
the damage analysis mentioned above. The direct
linkage enables us to calculate the reection spectrum
of the embedded FBG sensor considering the damage
process of the laminate.
3. A quasi-static tensile test was performed for a CFRP
cross-ply laminate with an embedded FBG sensor
with notches on both edges. We conrmed that the
proposed approach could explain the damage process
and the changes in the reection spectrum.
4. The eects of three types of damages on the reection
spectrum of the embedded FBG sensor were studied
using the proposed approach. We found that the
reection spectrum was strongly correlated with the
longitudinal strain distribution of the FBG sensor.
Transverse cracks (delamination) corresponded to
disturbed peaks (a high peak at longer wavelength).
These phenomena were observed in the experiment
when the all damages occurred simultaneously, and
the change in the reection spectra was accurately
predicted by the proposed approach.

This work was performed as a part of the project of
Civil Aviation Fundamental Technology Program-Advanced Materials & Process Development for Next Generation Aircraft Structures under the contract of
NEDO (New Energy and industrial Technology Development Organization) founded by METI (Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry), Japan. T.O. acknowledges the support by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan under
Grants-in-Aid for Scientic Research (No. 14750078).
One of the authors S.Y. was also supported through
the 21st Century COE Program, Mechanical System
Innovation, by the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology. The authors thank
Mr. M. Nishikawa (The University of Tokyo) for cooperation in the experiment, and also Mr. T. Mizutani


(The University of Tokyo) for great eorts in the optical


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