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1. What are essential components
to writing a story?
2. What makes a good story?
3. What can a writer include in his
or her writing to make the story
vivid in the readers mind?
Students will write a personal
narrative of a real moment where you
remember a significant change in
attitude or mentality about someone or
something, telling the story in one
significant moment or turning point.
A Preliminary Exercise:
Show a clip of the Sandlot. After showing
an episode, ask the students to describe
what happened. Tell them to give details
about the setting, the characters, the
event, and the outcome.
Show Dont Tell Picture Exercise:
After lesson on sensory words and detail
imagery, have students create a sensory
rich story around several pictures. Share
short story writing with the class.
Students Self-Assessment:
Students will assess their narrative
essay using the writing rubric.
Graphic Organizer:
Students will fill out a mind map that
organizes the significant elements in a
narrative story. In addition, students will
fill out a sensory chart that will that
serve as a guide to a revision of the
narrative essay.
Using the students self-assessment
scoring guide and students graphic
organizer, instructor will provide
additional advice and feedback on how
to make writing improvements.
Final Essay
Writing Reflection:
Students will write a
reflection on what major
changes were made in

their narrative and how

these changes effected
the story.

In this unit, our assessments start with a survey. The Narrative Essay Survey provides me
insight unto your attitude towards writing essays and your prior knowledge on narrative
essay writing. It is important that you provide honest and thorough answers as it helps me
gage your level and adjust the pace of the class accordingly.
There are 5 components to the Narrative Essay Unit that will build your skills for narrative
writing. The Preliminary Exercise and Show Dont Tell Picture Exercise are short
application exercises following the lecture. The bulk of the lesson will focus on building and
revising your narrative essay. This will consist of a Student Self-Assessment where you
will score your own writing according to the writing rubric. The purpose of this exercise is for
you to become familiar with what writing components graders are looking for in an essay. As
a part of the revision process, you will fill out the Graphic Organizer which will help to
organize and incorporate sensory rich language that you have learned. During One-onOne, I will provide feedback to aid with your final draft.
In the last component of the Narrative Essay Unit, you will showcase all that you have
learned by writing a polished Final Essay. You will also revisit the Student SelfAssessment and give yourself a final grade. In addition, you will write a reflective
explanation of where you believe you have made the most improvements in your writing.

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