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Group 10

Eka Ferawaty


Nursuci Arfiany


Pendidikan IPA Reguler 2015

The advancing teacher professionalism for

education projects.
Professionalism comes from the base word "profession" that
means the field of job that arises from the education of expertise
(skills, vocational, training, etc.). In English, profession means
recognize, recognition, states capable or expert in carrying out certain
work. While what is meant by professional is requires a special skill to
run. If professional words ended with a 'isme' then became the
professionalism which contain the meaning of the nature of
professional, where a professional has self quality or quality and also
have the characteristics of the professional. Education project is a
collaborative effort that often involve research or design that is
planned to achieve a particular purpose.
Many of the underlying reasons why the professionalism of the
teachers need to be improved because it is directly related to the
effort to improve the quality of education. If you want a quality
education outcomes then all components associated with such
education must also be improved one of them is a teacher. The
importance of advancing teachers professionalism capabilities can be
observed from different angles.
First, reviewed from the development of science and technology.
Along with the development of science and technology rapidly,
various methods and new media in learning has been successfully
developed. Similarly to the development of the material in order to
achieve the target of the curriculum must be in line with the
development of science and technology. All of that must be controlled
by the teachers and principals, so it is able to develop the learning
that can bring students become graduates of high quality. In order to
the professional improvement of teachers need to be done in a
continuous fashion along with the development of science and
technology education. An example, as there are so many teachers use

the LCD media in teaching and learning activities, when teachers are
not mastering the technology and he will be left by the teachers who
indeed dominate science and technology, he only writing on the
board and then the students wrote. In addition, in the era of this as
many of the information presented via the internet. When a teacher
does not know the technology and he will miss the information that
should be required he know.
Second, reviewed from customer satisfaction and moral of work.
Actually increased capacity of teachers professional is the right of
every teacher. This means that every employee is entitled to the
construction of a continuous, whether in the form of supervision,
comparative studies, learning tasks or in other forms. The fulfillment
of these rights, when done with the best teachers are not only
increasingly capable and skilled in carrying out the tasks of
professional schedules, but also more satisfied, have moral or high
morale, and disciplined.
Third, reviewed from safety. Many of the learning activities in
the school when not designed and done carefully by teachers contain
the risks are not small. Learning activities that contain the risk of
many found on the subjects of Natural Science, especially on the main
topics that in the learning process requires emphasize student and
teacher or the use of chemicals. When the learning is not designed
and implemented professionally, does not close the possibility
happened the existence of certain accidents, like blasting chemicals,
touched the electricity network, etc. In order to reduce the accident or
guarantee the safety of the construction of the teachers need to be
done in a continuous.
Fourth, upgrading professional skills of teachers are very
encouraged within the framework of improving the quality of schoolbased management. As affirmed that one of the characteristics of the
implementation of the improvement of the quality of school-based
management is the independence from all stakeholders in the school,
one of the teachers. The independence of the teachers will grow
whenever there is increasing professional ability to himself.
The implementation of the attitude profesionalime teachers can
be known of how a teacher is able to apply the method of learning is a
way to render, describes, gave an example and give the exercise to
the students to achieve a particular purpose which is the process of
learning effective and efficient. Many learning methods that can be

used in presenting the lessons to the students such as lecturing

method, discussion, question and answer, demonstrations,
appearance, independent study method, Programd learning activities,
exercise their peers, simulation, study tours, induction, deductions,
simulation, case study, troubleshooting, incidents, seminar, role
playing, projects, practice, and others.
To further support the achievement of improvements in the
professionalism of teachers, the government in this case the
Department always periodically to facilitate activities through:
1. The improvement of the quality of teachers through the
implementation of equalizing construct at every levels of
2. The ability to increase the professionalism of teachers through
training activities/training working with the institutions of
reasoning/logic or training.
3. Regulatory adjustments / equal distribution of teachers in
various numbers of studies / subjects to meet the needs of the
4. Subsidize the help of teachers and fostering the quality of
teachers in the schools, especially private schools.
5. Do the construction of the appropriate
career guidance
teachers according to functional position of teachers.
6. Periodically try to increase teachers through a variety of ways or
Efforts to increase professionalism of teachers must be done
systematically, in the sense of a planned cautiously, conducted
obedient basis and evaluated objectively. Should that do the efforts to
increase the professionalism of teachers is not only the head of the
school and the government but the most determine the teacher.
Although has been included in the training or is being supervised
without the willingness and the awareness of the teacher, then all the
activities to be carried out will be in vain.
The Professionalism of the teachers is needed in the
improvement of the quality of education, because the teacher is one
of the components that are very important in the learning process.
When the teacher can be with professionals carrying out their tasks
and the quality of learners will also be good. Every teacher must know
how the teacher said to professionals, Because with the knowledge of
the teachers can adjust the situation on himself in the sense that
when the teacher felt himself less professional then expected it will

attempt to improve keprofesionalisme himself. Improving the

professionalism of the teachers are very important for realization of
resources reliable quality. A teacher who professional can be seen
from its implementation in the use of learning methods in teaching
and learning kegiata process. The professionalism of teachers can be
improved through various efforts both through the seminar activities,
training for certification, through extension activities and others.

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