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Semana del 29 de Agosto al 02 de Septiembre de 2016 (SPTIMO B)


T.1 - Piensa 4 reglas que t crees

deberamos incluir en el reglamento de
grupo y antalas en tu cuaderno para
compartir en clase. Escrbelas
utilizando verbos en modo imperativo,
infinitivo o indicativo. Revisa muy bien
la acentuacin de cada palabra.
Tarea 1: Convierte las siguientes
fracciones a numero decimal.

Tarea 2 : Convierte los siguientes

decimales a fracciones y simplificalos:




No Hay




Tarea 3: Dibuja una recta numrica de 12

cm, y dividela en 4 partes iguales (de 3cm
cada una) y en ella ubica las siguientes
cantidades: 3/4, 1/2, 1/8, 1/3, 0.5, 0.1,
0.25, 0.6, 0.8, 0.75, 0.15

No Hay
Assignment 2: Investigate, via the internet,
the percentage of people who die in
Mexico from tobacco use each year. How
does this compare to the United Sates.
(remember that about one half million die
in the U.S from tobacco related illnesses
each year)

Assignment 1: Write about a person you

know, or have heard of that has died from
tobacco use (if you do not know anyone
personally, you can discuss a famous
person). Describe what type of tobacco
the person used, and how they died.
Investiga que es la Cultura de la legalidad
y cules son sus propsitos. Al final anota
una opinin personal de la importancia
que tiene para una sociedad el vivir
inmerso en una Cultura de la legalidad.

Cultura de la


T.3 Pregunta a tres integrantes adultos de

T.2 - Investiga la definicin de la palabra tu familia cules reglas u obligaciones
creen que deben ser bsicas en el
"esquema", escrbela en tu
reglamento de un saln de clases?
cuaderno; despus busca tres
anota sta pregunta y sus respuestas
diferentes tipos de esquemas y
en tu cuaderno. Con base en las
cpialos a tu cuaderno
respuestas de tus familiares, piensa en
5 obligaciones para los alumnos.

Assignment 1: Name the five themes of

Geography and add respectivily a brief
definition includiing examples

Assignment 2: Name and define the

geographic notions "valley", "volcano", "
Canyon", "Plateau" and "oasis"

Assignment 3: Exploring satellite imeges:

Explain in a short pharagraph (40 words)
what you can learn about Earth from
studying satellite images.

Artistic autobiography. Elaborate an

autobiograhpy in an artistic way using
technologic or didactic material. You will
have to expose your autobiograhpy to the
class. You may use images or videos.
Google Art Project may be a good tool to
get some ideas.
Estudiar y memorizar los 10
Assignment 1: Students are given an
object which they have to do some
research on google and find information Assignment 2: Students go to google and
about it, then they have to answer the
find a list of irregular english verbs and a
wh?questions (where, who, when, why,
list of regular verbs and print them, and
what ) about the object, students have to
bring them to class.
read the info and memorize it and present
it in class (oral practice)

Assignment 3: Students will take the time

to answer activities 1-3 from the workwook
pages 6-7.note students must answer the
exercises COMPLETE.


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