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Aidan Christopher Aluzan

4th Grade

Egyptians and Polynesians

I will be tackling in this essay about the expeditions about the Egyptians and Polynesians.
Not exactly a real football like tackle but a mental tackle. Let`s move on to the good stuff.
The Egyptians created some of the first boats in human history. The Egyptians had a big
river and land travel wasn't so easy at the time, what I think went through their brains is "If we
have a big river running straight through our land we can use that to visit & trade with our
neighbors along the Nile... And that is how they made the first boat out of a water reed called
Papyrus, which is also used to make paper. Then the Egyptians noticed as time passed by, that
the papyrus boats were too weak, so they started to improvise by building boats out of wood
planks held together by ropes and reeds. So they loaded their boats with goods and started to
trade. The Egyptians had a pretty strong Royal Naval Fleet as well, that acted as the military to
defend them from any outside attackers.
The Polynesians on the other hand, are said to be the first people who successfully
navigated to other islands like Hawaii and Guam by not using any kind of navigation. (If I did
that on Lake Lewisville I would be stuck in the middle). They had a unique way of traversing
from One Island to another through a method called "way finding". They used so many things
like "The North Star" ocean currents, the moon, wind patterns and, even wildlife that lived in the
shore or on the island. One thing I like about the Polynesians is that they had an extra hull called
an outrigger so, they can carry more people than a normal boat.





Hatshepsut around 1500 BC, the Egyptians traveled south into the Red Sea, to the land of Punt,
presently known as Somalia. On the other hand, the Polynesians were able to travel all the way
from Hawaii to Tahiti.

From what I have read, I think the Polynesians are the greatest because they developed a
complex but accurate way of navigating the great oceans far away from their homeland and up to
this day the art of sea navigation can be traced to the Polynesian culture compared to the
Egyptians who only focused in improving their vessels.

Auntie Sam's Draft

My essay talks about the expedition of the Egyptians and Polynesians. Not exactly like a real
football but a mental tackle about the topic.
The Egyptians created some of the first boats that were ever recorded in history. It was
dated as early as 6000 BC. This is mostly because they conduced most of their trade through the
Nile River and land travel wasn't so easy at that time. They made the first boat out of a water
reed called Papyrus which is also used to make paper. After some time, the Egyptians noticed
that the boats made out of papyrus were too weak, so they started to make boats out of wood
blanks held together by ropes and reeds.
The Egyptians had a pretty strong Royal Naval Fleet that acted as the military to defend
them from any outside attackers.
Meanwhile, the Polynesians are said to be the first people to navigate not to use a
compass and successfully navigated to other islands like Hawaii & Guam from their homeland.
Unlike what the Egyptians invented, the Polynesians made canoes with an additional hull
called as an Outrigger.
The Polynesians had a unique way of traversing One Island to another. They heavily
relied on the ocean itself, by looking at the currents, wind patterns, the moon & stars and even
the wild life that lived in the sea or near land. The method was known as way finding.

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