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"Gender equality is progress for all," says UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon. This statement has been supported by numerous academic studies
around the world, and in business gender equality begins to be placed at the
center of the agenda. ()The commitment to work for equality between men
and women at the international level arose in 1945, seeking to equalize the
legal and civil rights of men and women. Legal equality, however, did not
represent a sufficient mechanism to guarantee full equality nor to achieve
the full participation of women in social, political, economic and cultural life.
()We know well that it is not enough to decree equality in law if in reality it is
not a fact. For this to be the case, equality must translate into real and
effective opportunities both socially and at work ()The struggle for the
human rights of women in the 21st century requires new paradigms in order
to understand that gender inequality affects us all in different ways.

The above is nothing more than a consequence of; On the one hand, many
companies, perhaps the majority, do not have internal policies that
encourage the promotion of women to senior positions and, on the other
hand, for many women, professional success and family life are
irreconcilable because of the high commitment they both demand. This as
the woman occupies higher positions faces the challenge of balancing family
and work life.
However, gender discrimination occurs when people are treated unequally
according to their gender. This problem is not based solely on gender
differences but also on how people are treated differently, affecting both
men and women. It is evident in
Situations where there are preferential treatment according to the gender of
Employees or an employee receives a lower salary or
Work due to gender bias and unfair stereotyping.

Gender equality should be a reality because it would benefit us all in
different aspects:
According to the IMF, gender inequality has an impact on macroeconomics.
Because, in rapidly aging economies, women can drive growth, mitigating
the impact of a declining workforce. This is also suggested by Mckinsey &
Company's study, "The power of parity: How advancing women's equality
could add $ 12 trillion to global growth", which indicates that the benefits of

advancing gender equality would translate into more than $ 1 trillion in The
next decade, this being the second highest potential gain globally. Given the
current context of low growth in the region, this opportunity represents an
important added value. Closing the gender gap would not only imply
significant advances for the development of Latin America, but would also
generate significant economic benefits. () In addition to representing one of
the pillars of any public development policy, gender equality is also an
invaluable engine of economic growth. In fact, a significant part of the Latin
American economic boom at the beginning of the century is explained by
the incorporation of some 70 million women into the labor market, which
contributed, among other things, to reducing poverty, boosting national
markets and reducing inequalities.

Inequality is one of the main problems faced by modern societies and
affects different dimensions of people's lives, such as economic inequality,
social inequality or inequality of opportunities. And there is only one solution
for this, it is called EDUCATION, Education from home, in school, in the
media; Education for equality and respect for all as human beings, citizens
and people regardless of gender or social status. Without education, our
country is destined to continue making the same mistake: without
undermining, the institutions created for women (which I celebrate), the
more specialized centers, prosecutions and laws, the further the solution to
this serious problem will be. Let us educate in equality.

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