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Object Oriented Programming


P1 Concept of Object-Oriented Programming

P1.1 Features of Object-Oriented Programming
OOP is a type of methodology in which programmers define programs in modules that is partitioned in
memory areas which defines data type and its operations for the whole structure. This structure is thus
being called as objects which represent both data and functions. It allows bringing relationship between
one or more objects.
It overcomes drawbacks of procedural techniques and provides an advantage that allows programmers
to make program in modules and adds new object without any modifications in the existing module. So,
that new object can acquire feature of existing ones. Following are some features of OOP:

Importance is on data rather than actions.

Program is divided into parts and each module is called as objects.
It follows an approach of bottom-up.
Data and functions are combined in such a way that results in a data structure.
Characterization between objects is easy.
It allows hiding data and hence it cannot be accessed by external unauthorized functions.
Easy communication between objects through functions.
Flexible insertion thus allows easy addition of data and functions in program.
Maintains consistency in software development.
Improved concept of C programming Language.
Provides a way to make program with both techniques i.e. procedural and object oriented as
Mostly preferred in large projects.
In-built memory management feature performs good memory organization.

(, 2008)
(Taral, 2015)

P1.1.1 Classes and Objects in OOP

A class is a collection of objects that shows relationship between each other and thus shares common
functions. It describes object and these details can be called as plan or template of an object. It is defined
using a keyword called class. Below represents a class Record,
public class Record {
An object is a distinct entity that keeps data storage which then sends and accepts messages. Hence,
performs interrelated actions. An instance of a class is represented by an object. Below creates an
object of class Record objectRecord,

Record objectRecord = new Record(); The class contains data and functions or properties and methods.
Properties shows data of an object or its characteristic whereas methods represents the actions
performs on these data by an object. Below shows how these is represented in a class,
public class Record {
public int id, sal; // Properties in a class
public String name, designation , city; //Properties in a class
public void initialize(int id, int sal, String name, String designation, String city){;
//Methods in a class
public void display() {
Console.WriteLine(Student id=+id);
Console.WriteLine(Student name=+name);
Console.WriteLine(Student designation=+designation);
Console.WriteLine(Student city=+city);
Console.WriteLine(Student salary=+sal);
public class RecordMain(){
public static void Main (string args[]){
Record objectRecord = new Record();
objectRecord.initialize(101,Harshita, software developer,Jaipur,50000);

(, 2015)

P1.1.2 Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation and Polymorphism in

OOP Design
In order for a coding language to be object-oriented, it has to allow functioning with classes and
objects as well as the execution and usage of the essential object-oriented principles, that is,
abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.
Abstraction To reduce complexities and increase in efficiency, it allows a programmer to hide all the
important data about an object. It provides a way to easily maintain and understand objects by
decoupling it and its application. If there is any need to change in the operation we just require to modify
in the inner details. For example, we have a method to calculate studentpercent in student class which
has studentid as its parameter and results student percent in integer. This function can be reusable for
all the students.
Inheritance It is the facility of a new class to be formed through the extension of a current existing
class. The child class can access all the properties of parent class and this can be restricted through
access specifiers on it. Below shows inheritance example wherein EmployeeBasic is a base class and
EmployeeDetails is a derived class.
public class EmployeeBasic{
public class EmployeeDetails : EmployeeBasic{
Encapsulation It is the enclosure in a program object of all the properties to the code that modifies it.
It allows changing internal operation with no effect on the overall functioning of the system. It keeps
program features safe from outside interference. In what way and wherever the information is stored is
hidden from the user.
Polymorphism It is a general term that means many forms. It provides an ability to perform that the
same operations by a varied series of dissimilar kinds of things. Some of the polymorphism examples
are method overloading, operator overloading, and method overriding. Thus, it can be either static
(Overloading) or dynamic (Overriding). Read more about Dot Net Coursework Assignment Help

P1.1.3 Advantages of OOP Principles

Benefits of Abstraction

To recognize and resolve difficulties and connect their explanations with the processor in some
specific computer language
Reduction in complex solutions without modifying in the basic case

Benefits of Inheritance

It allows child classes to receive the features of existing parent class

Easily add new properties and methods with existings refinements
Improves extensibility, reusability and removes redundant code

Benefits of Encapsulation

Ensures the changes easily without affecting rest application code

Reduces complexity through hiding information
Easily maintained

Benefits of Polymorphism

Provides code reusability

With no worry on the cases of classes it can be reused easily even after tested and implemented
Provides lightly coupled code

P2 Design Object-oriented programming solutions

P2.1 Identification of objects, data and file structures required to
implement a given design
The given problem Student Information Management System states to design a system which keeps
track of student, tutor and admin details in the school over a network. It is able to store available courses
information. This system manages students registration and their fee details. After the students
enrolment, for each class in enrolment, the administrator generates classes in this system and assign
date, time and tutor.
At this class tutors are able to upload their working criterias, lesson materials and lesson schedules.
They can also upload data sheets for the students homework. Students can download these materials
or can read online. This system also manages students attendance and their progress reports in a
particular course. It also gives ability for recorded parents to login and checks their students complete
report for academic and attendance as well. After the enrolment of a student he or she gets an email
and their parents to alert them about their classes timetable, if there is a successful enrolment of the
student with all the prerequisites. Read more about Principles of Java Programming Assignment
The System is responsible for managing following information about:

Result Scores
Student Grades
Student Enrolment in course
Fee Structure
Course calendars

The system must execute a safe log-in system with the following kinds of user access level:

Admin Responsible for all the UI management in the system

Data Entry Enters information in the database
View Parents and Tutors can view the students reports and student can view their course

File Structure

Clients For user interface business logic, the two files that are: Executable user interface and

active X .dll
Server The Access database exists on the server by way of an active X .dll and which the client
side .dll access the database.

P2.2 Design an Object-oriented solution to a given problem

UML class diagram describes kinds of objects used in a system, its properties and their relationship. It
provides complete overview to a particular concept. All its diagrams form a systems model. If the
abstraction is not consistent in the diagram then it can cause confusion to the target audience. The UML
class diagram box is divided into sections namely name, attributes or properties and methods or
operations. Below is a class diagram describes model of student information management system:

programming solution



P3.1 Implementation of Student Information Management System

The designing phase of the system requires the front-end tools and back-end tools with some hardware
and software requirements. Each of them contains some or other specified roles. This is done using the
C# language which is responsible for the coding part. The IDE that is used to run the applications is
Visual Studio which helps in generating limited time to code some module. It brings the flexibility onto
the webpages that runs on the server. And also provides very powerful tools.
We implement our Student Information Management System (SIMS) object oriented solution centered
on the following key units:

Administration Module
Registration Module
Reports Module

Each of these is divided on the basis of their task performance. The task signifies what the component
does regarding the code. Administrative module manages all information based operations insert,
update, remove and view and web page operations for admin profiles. The Registration Module is
responsible for all information-oriented operations insert, update, remove and view and web page
operations for student individual data and course registration. Whereas the Reports Module is
responsible for all report generation functions and web page functionalities. To achieve these
responsibilities, the essential menu selections are specified and the authorized users provide access to
the system built on their rights and duties. Read more about Java Programming Assignment Help

P3.2 Relationship






Below shows type of relations in class-diagrams:

Association When two classes shows a connection between each other in any way. It is represented an
association. It can be directed or undirected. For example,

Multiplicity It shows relation with star sign i.e. one-to-many, many-to-many etc. For example,

Aggregation When a class is made as a group of other classes, it is termed an aggregation relationship
between them. For example,

P3.3 Implementation of object behaviors to meet the design


Administrator: Admin is liable for handling student details.

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Use-case: Logs in to website with authentication.

Aim in context: To access and maintains website easily.
Brief Explanation: This is used when the administrator needs to access the website to perform

modifications in the personal details of the student.

Prerequisites: He/she must be logged in the website to start.
Basic Flow: The Website asks the administrator for the user name and password. The Then
enters the user name and password and verifies the password and sets the users approval. The
Administrator is agreed access to the Website to do his tasks.
Other Flow: The administrator enters unacceptable username and password then he will not be
permissible to enter the website.

Use Case: Show student information

Aim in context: View the data of a student
Brief Explanation: This is used when the administrator needs to understand the private details

of the students exists in the database.

Prerequisites: The Administrator must be registered into the system in demand for the use case
to initiate. The particulars of the student must exist in the database. The student id must be
come in properly.
Basic Flow: He or she logs on the System. He then examine the student from following means
i.e. Student id, name, registration date, status. The System enables for the student detail from
one of the above means. This detail is then displayed on the screen.
Other Flow: If student not found, the system pops-up an error message.

Use Case: Update student information

Aim in context: Update the information of a student

Brief Explanation: When the administrator wants to update the private information of him/her

already existing in the database.

Prerequisites: The Administrator must be registered into the system in demand for the use case
to initiate. Student details must be registered in the database.
Basic Flow: Admin logs in the System. The Admin can update following means: name, gender,
DOB, contact no, qualification, city, email, address, description. The Website edits the database
according to updated information. The student information is updated in the database.

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Use Case: student enrolment

Aim in context: enrolment of a student
Brief Explanation: This is used when the student enroll himself/herself in the database online.
Prerequisites: The user id must be distinctive and typed properly.
Basic Flow: He or she enters in the website. The student enters his/her information from the

following means:- student id, password, name ,status ,gender, DOB ,contact no, qualification
,city ,email1,address , description , resume , image . The System information is added to the
Other Flow: If the user id typed is not distinct then it will display an error message.

Use case: Logs in to the website

Aim in context: To access and maintains website easily.
Brief Explanation: This is used when the student needs to access the website
Prerequisites: The Administrator must allow the specific student on to the website in order to

Basic Flow: The website pops the student for the user name and password. The Student types

the user name and password. The website validates the password and groups the users
authorization. The Student is specified access to the website to do his tasks
Other Flow: The Student inserts wrong username and password then he will not be permitted
to go in the website.

P4 Testing and Documentation

Information Management System



P4.1 Critically Review and Test Object Oriented Solution For Given
Case Study
Expected test results are usually mentioned in requirement specification document that must behave
after testing the functionality of an object oriented solution. Actual test result is what we get from
running the actual test. As per the case study and the designed object oriented solution, following table
shows their results: See Also Data Models Assignment Help
Expected Results

Actual Results

Administrator can view and update the information of

any students


Students can view their information


Students can update their information


Administrator can logs into the system


Tutor schedules their lesson on system


Admin can update student details to the database


Admin searches for a particular student


Admin can access all the student information


Student can upload his/her image


Email is sent to parent and student after enrolment


P4.2 Evaluation of Independent Feedback and Recommendations for

Student Information Management System can be improved to include some extra feature such as
student attendance management, their aptitude management of students based on their act
assessment can be added. Connected class functionality can be added. Functionality of conversation
and messages can be added. Online exam feature can be added. Online resume constructor feature can
also be added.
Read more about Computer Programming Assignment Help

P4.3 Design Documentation for support and maintenance of

developed Object-oriented solution
This document supports in powering the existing physical system. It can be observed and managed
remotely. It decreases the man power needed. It provides exact information. All time together collected
data can be kept and can be accessed at any period. The information which is kept in the store system

helps in taking bright results by the management. So it is well to have an object oriented Student
Information Management system. This must be updated and managed time to time in context to
hardware and software.


com, (2008). Object Oriented Programming Concepts CodeProject. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 19 May 2015].
com, (2015). Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts (OOP) and More
CodeProject. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2015].
[Accessed 19 May 2015].

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