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Terminologies and taxonomies

Marie-Claude LHomme
Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte (OLST)
Universit de Montral

Abstract: This contribution describes the properties and organization of terminologies, i.e.
vocabularies used in communication about specialized knowledge. First, it presents some
naming principles defined in scientific disciplines to regulate the creation of terms and
their use in international communication. Then, it shows how similar principles are
applied in terminology with basically the same objective (overcoming difficulties raised
by the existence of different names for the same entity). In all specialized fields, naming
principles rely on a consensual classification of concepts. Secondly, this contribution
discusses some linguistic properties of terms that impede a straightforward application of
rigid naming principles. This part also underlines the fact that concepts and classifications
vary due to different perspectives on knowledge. Finally, it discusses how these two
approaches (applying naming principles and recognizing the linguistic properties of
terms) are dealt with in concrete applications of terminology work.

Keywords: term; science, technology, terminology; classification; taxonomy; concept;

relationship, variation, polysemy

1. Two opposing forces1

All fields of specialized knowledge have particular naming requirements. Entities
referred to by experts (e.g. a disease, a regulation, a micro-organism) should have names
free of vagueness and ambiguity. In an ideal world, specialized communication should be
clear and efficient and this should be reflected in the form of the terms used. This is the
reason why, over centuries, experts in many fields (biology, law, medicine) have gone to
great lengths to agree on and establish rules for naming specialized entities or to develop
criteria for standardizing existing terms. This is also an important focus of terminology.
This discipline, whose origin can be situated around 1930, devised a series of theoretical
principles that address these requirements. Until the 1990s, regulating the creation, form,
and use of terms were its main foci. As Felber (1984: 99) put it, in terminology, the fairplay of language would lead to chaos.
From Ancient Greece we know of preoccupations to give suitable names to items of
knowledge new to the world. Naming and classifying new discoveries became a major
concern from the 18th century onwards. We think of Linneaus and his Latin binomial
classification of plants based on ancient Greek precedents and Lavoisiers efforts to
develop a chemical nomenclature which would be adaptable to the vernacular languages
of learned societies of the time. With increasing industrialization and globalized
commerce in the late 19th century, technical languages were required which would serve a
much wider community than that of the scientific fraternities of botany or chemistry. The
International Electrotechnical Committee, created around the turn of the 20th century, was
one of the very first truly international organizations which set itself the task of
coordinating the essential vocabulary and, of course, the appropriate units of
measurement of electricity for the major industrialized countries. Only in the 1930s
were these various activities provided with a theoretical framework and given the name
terminology, i.e. the science of terms. The creation of terminology as a discipline is
attributed to Wster (1979). However, the principles presented further which fall under
the scope of the General Theory of Terminology (now often called traditional
terminology) result from Wsters ideas and changes that occurred in the years
following his first proposal (in the thesis he defended in 1931) as well as reinterpretations
made in translations of his writings.

I express my warmest thanks to Juan C. Sager who made extensive comments on a previous version of
this contribution. I would also like to thank John Taylor for his numerous suggestions.

Although establishing rules for naming specialized entities is necessary in specific

situations, it is a fact that all knowledge is mainly conveyed by means of language and
specialized entities are expressed in the form of linguistic units (i.e. terms) that appear in
sentences and as such comply with rules that apply to all linguistic units. Terms combine
with other words and like them are subject to variation, vagueness, and ambiguity. As
Sager points out:
[The] origins [of terms] in texts of genuine natural language must, however,
never be forgotten because terminologists use texts as their basic material and
the dictionary tools they develop are intended to explicate natural language
items or advise on the usage of terms in natural language contexts (Sager 1990:
Hence, while efforts are made to control linguistic phenomena that are considered to
impede efficient communication in science and technology, an opposing force is exerted
by natural language. This contribution examines how experts and terminologists have
dealt with these two opposing forces and suggested methods to find a balance between
naming requirements on the one hand and the fair-play of language in different kinds of
applications on the other.
2. Terms as means for naming specialized entities
In the 1800s, biologists felt the need to solve the communication problem raised by the
existence of various names or ad hoc naming conventions for species. In addition to
having different names in different languages, a species could have more than one name
in one and the same language. In zoology, for instance, a set of very strict rules were
defined which experts had to follow to identify a new animal (the rules are regularly
updated and a provisional final version was released at the beginning of the 1960s).
In zoology, naming conventions rely on principles of classification (i.e. taxonomy)
established in biology. According to these principles, species are organized in a
hierarchical system based on their natural relationships (shown in Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Classification of Ursus Arctos (commonly known as grizzly bear)

The rules for naming animals are regulated by the International Commission on
Zoological Nomenclature and can be found in the International Code of Zoological
Nomenclature (2000), henceforth, the Code. The Code determines what names are valid
for a taxon (an item in the taxonomy) at the family, genus, and species levels. Naming
conventions are based on a set of six principles: three are presented below since they are
related to observations that are made further in this contribution (other principles are
meant as guidelines to deal with competing designations for the same taxon).

Principle of binominal nomenclature. A species name is a combination of a

generic name and a specific name (Ursus arctos); a subspecies name has three
components (a generic, specific, and subspecific name); taxas names at higher
levels have one component (Ursus; Ursidae). Names are formed in grammatically
correct Latin and are used internationally; the issue of translation therefore does
not arise.

Principle of coordination. Within the family group, genus group, or species group
a name established for a taxon at any rank in the group is deemed to be
simultaneously established with the same author and date for taxa based on the
same name-bearing type at other ranks in the group (the Code 2000).

Principle of homonymy. The name of each taxon must be unique.

For obvious reasons, very few fields of knowledge have such clear guidelines as for
classifying and naming entities and the example of zoology can be considered to be a
success in that respect. We can also mention chemistry that resorts to symbols that reflect
the composition of elements and compounds (CO2 for carbon dioxide; Ti for titanium).
To assist international comprehensibility, medical terminology favors Greek and Latin
morphemes with specific meanings in the creation of terms (e.g. -pathy used to refer to a
disease as in cardiomyopathy for heart muscle disease). However, scientific disciplines
need to order or classify the items of knowledge they manipulate in order to better
understand them and prefer to use names that label them unambiguously. These needs for
classifying and conventionalizing names are partially reflected in terminology theory and
in the methods developed to describe terms in dictionaries, as will be seen below.
In terminology, items of knowledge are called concepts. These are defined as mental
representations that are assumed to be generalizations of extralinguistic entities, i.e. the
items of knowledge manipulated in science and technology (concrete objects such as
computer, bear, representational entities such as data, animates such as criminal
lawyer, activities such as surgical operation, etc.). Names for these concepts are
called designations. The combination of a concept with a designation is a term.
Traditional terminology theory postulates that concepts are the starting point of the
analysis of terms. This means that terminologists should start by identifying concepts and
then find or assign designations for them. Figure (1) illustrates the application of this
onomasiological procedure.


an input device that captures
movements on a flat surface and
translates these movements to control
a pointer on a graphical display


Concepts are delineated by methods of classification (similar to those used in

zoology). The representation of this classification in a subject field is called a conceptual
structure. For example, when defining the concept mouse in the field of computing,
terminologists must distinguish it from other neighbouring concepts. Figure 2 shows that
mouse is related to a generic concept, i.e. input device; that it shares a certain number

of characteristics with keyboard since it has the same superordinate concept; it also
differs from keyboard since they each have specific characteristics. Mouse subsumes
two specific concepts; they
inherit all the characteristics
attributed to the concept
mouse but have one or two
additional characteristics.
Finally, mouse also shares a
part-whole relationship with
button. This simple
conceptual structure illustrates
the two main types of
relationships dealt within
terminology (generic-specific

Figure 2: "Mouse" and related concepts in a miniature conceptual


and part-whole); however, as will be seen below, many more relationships can be
observed between concepts. When describing terms in dictionaries, terminologists
attempt to make these relationships explicit.2 Definitions written in specialized
dictionaries aim to capture the shared and distinctive characteristics of concepts (Rey
1995). Of course, the entire approach assumes that concepts can be defined precisely, at
least at a certain point in time.
The methods for delineating concepts and gradually unveiling conceptual structures
presented above are seldom applied systematically in everyday terminology work.
Terminologists are not experts in the field they are asked to explore and, hence, are not in
a position to precisely delineate the concepts. They usually apply an iterative analysis that
consists in reading texts and acquiring knowledge to gradually build up a conceptual
Another important principle in traditional terminology is that of biunvocit, or
biuniqueness. According to this principle, a concept should have a single designation;
conversely, a designation should be used to label a single concept. This means that
synonyms and polysemous lexical items should be avoided. Of course, this ideal situation

Relationships are also important in lexicographical work. Thesauri take into account relationships that we
mentioned in our mouse example in addition to other kinds of less well defined ones (such as associated
with). However, in traditional terminology, structures are built on the basis of concepts whereas
lexicographers attempt to identify relationships between words or word senses.

can seldom be observed and terminologists must create rules similar to those used in
zoology and adapt them to specific situations. For instance, the concept email defined
as an application that uses networks for exchanging messages in digital form can be
labeled with email, electronic mail, email program, emailer. Similarly, email can refer to:
1. the application (I sent the file by email), 2. a specific message in digital form (I just
read your email), and 3. a collection of such messages (Please check your email).
Situations where polysemy can be encountered are not as common as in general language
since terminologists concentrate on meanings within a special subject field; synonyms, on
the other hand, are quite frequent.
Even though rules such as those applied in zoology exist in very few subject fields,
some regularity can be observed in the terminologies of most fields of knowledge (Sager
1990). This is due in part to a willingness to use transparent (i.e. compositional) terms.
Transparent terms facilitate the understanding of new concepts and probably contribute to
the success of knowledge transfer. The forms of many terms reflect the concepts they
denote by stating some of their characteristics, such as their function, one of their
components, or their origin. For instance, wireless in wireless mouse or wireless modem
means that the device is not connected to the computer with a cord. Optical in optical
mouse refers to the way the peripheral captures movements (by means of an optical
sensor). Morphemes can have the same function: -ware in antispyware, adware,
courseware, demoware, gameware, and similar means that the term refers to a type of
software program. (In French, -ciel is used in terms denoting software: didacticiel,
ludiciel, graphiciel, etc.) Terms can also reflect the place of the concepts in a hierarchical
structure. This is illustrated by the examples in (2).
(2) Mouse > optical mouse > wireless optical mouse
nergie > nergie olienne > nergie olienne marine (Eng. energy, wind energy,
offshore wind energy)

Finally, the form of terms can instantiate a contrast between two concepts (e.g.
sustainable development <-> unsustainable development; download <-> upload).

Figure 3: Term record extracted from Termium Plus

The principles described above are applied directly or can be adapted by

terminologists, translators, or agencies responsible for recommending or standardizing
terms. In most terminology projects, information collected on terms is recorded, in a
specialized dictionary, a glossary, a term bank, or another kind of online resource.
Terminological entries differ from what can be found in general language dictionaries
since they adhere to the principles mentioned above. In a term bank (Figure 3), a record is
devoted to a single concept associated to a specific subject field and all terms (usually
in more than one language) used to designate this concept are listed (a result of the
onomasiological approach). A preferred term can be identified and others are labeled as
synonyms, variants, or deprecated forms (a mild version of biunivocit). A subject label
is used to distinguish concepts in specialized dictionaries containing terms related to
different fields. The information given concentrates on the explanation of the concept
(definition, subject field label). Linguistic information is often reduced to the indication
of the part of speech.
3. Terms as units of language
The principles applied in order to produce unambiguous naming conventions presented
briefly in the previous section have a number of linguistic consequences that are listed

Terms are viewed as canonical labels isolated from text. In extreme cases such as
zoology or chemistry where the naming conventions aim at yielding systematic,
official, and universal names, the result is a form of semi-artificial language that
serves as a reference in specialized situations. Of course, most units manipulated
by terminologists are not artificial and pertain to natural language; however, to be
standardized, terms must be defined according to the way they refer to a concept
(the concept itself being well-defined within a field) and not to the way they
behave in the language at large.

Terms are assumed to be linguistic labels that can be superimposed on knowledge

configurations. Subject field experts or terminologists build consensual or ad hoc
conceptual structures or taxonomies, such as those that appear in Figures 1 and 2,
and do this prior to reflecting on the linguistic forms used to express this
knowledge. By doing so, scientists or terminologists need to create categories or
concepts (and labels for them) that would not have been spontaneously proposed
if only natural distinctions had been at play. For instance, the order and
family categories in Figure 1 or the wireless peripheral category in Figure 2
appeared as a result of modelling in zoology and computing.

Most terms are nouns. This is a consequence of the focus of terminology on

concepts (most of them denoting entities). Even in cases where activity concepts
need to be taken into account (linguistically expressed by nouns or verbs), nouns
are still preferred. This is why specialized discourse is said to be predominantly
nominal in character.

Designations tend to be complex (consisting of derivatives, compounds, or

multiword units). This is the result of the preference for transparency and clarity
in scientific communication.

In recent years, the perspective proposed by traditional terminology has been

questioned from many different angles (Bourigault and Slodzian 1999; Cabr 2003;
Gaudin 2003; Temmerman 2000). Most critics attack the implicit assumption that terms
are analyzed outside their linguistic context and highlight the fact that terms appear in
running text and behave like other linguistic units. The following subsections discuss
recent terminology research that challenges a more traditional view of terms and the
concepts they designate.

3.1 Terms are not the same for everyone

Terms are defined against the background of a special subject field and this was already
underlined in traditional terminology. However, it has been increasingly emphasized that
they are also defined relative to the application that uses them. Terms are manipulated by
experts in special subject fields (who view them as items that convey knowledge), by
specialists involved in different forms of information management (for whom terms are
descriptors of the content of documents), by translators (who need to find adequate
equivalents of linguistic units that are unfamiliar), and, of course, by terminologists (who
identify units that are likely to be recorded in specialized dictionaries). Recently,
knowledge engineers have also reflected on terms and the way they should be represented
in knowledge structures, more specifically, in ontologies (Montiel-Ponsada et al. 2010).
Each category of experts has different needs triggered by specific applications and this
inevitably has an impact on the way the notion of relevant term is defined.
Estop (2001) showed the differences between the perspectives of experts,
information managers (more specifically indexers), translators, and terminologists. The
author demonstrated that, when asked to identify linguistic items that correspond to terms
in a medical text, these different categories of experts compiled lists that varied both in
length and content. Terminologists produced the longest lists; indexers, the shortest.
Experts, translators, and terminologists identified terms that belonged to different parts of
speech (although most were nouns); indexers focused exclusively on nouns and noun
These observations imply that a more flexible definition of term is needed which
takes account of different applications (standardizing terms, the main application of
traditional terminology and certain scientific disciplines, could be one of these
applications, but not the only one). According to Bourigault and Slodzian (1999 : 31):
Le terme est un construit, cest--dire quil rsulte de lanalyse faite par le
terminographe : cette analyse prend en compte la place occupe par le terme
dans un corpus, une validation par des experts et les objectifs viss par une
description terminographique donne.3

The term is a construct, i.e. it results from the analysis carried out by a terminologist: this analysis
takes into account the place of the term in a corpus, a validation by an expert, and the objectives of a
specific terminological description (my translation and emphasis).

3.2 Some concepts are envisaged from different perspectives

Concepts can be considered from different viewpoints and classified differently in
different fields of knowledge. For instance, tomato in biology belongs to the category
of fruit since it shares with other fruits the same natural characteristics (it starts as a
flower, carries seed that can produce new plants, etc.). This classification, although it
relies on sound scientific criteria, is not applicable in the food industry. The class fruit
exists but is defined in order to group other types of food that are sweet and often used in
the preparation of desserts or for making jam. Tomato is classified in a different class,
that of vegetable, which has no status in biology and which comprises other types of
food such as onions, carrots, cabbages, and cucumbers (another fruit for biologists).
The example of tomato is by no means an exception. Many other concepts can be
defined and classified differently. This implies that a single universal classification
cannot be imposed in all areas. In knowledge modelling, more specifically in ontology
development, these different perspectives are recognized as a fact and can lead to distinct
conceptualizations provided that each conceptualization is consensual (Guarino et al.
3.3 Concepts can change over time
Concepts are not always clear-cut entities which, when defined by a scientific discipline,
remain the same once and for all. They can be further specified or completely redefined
as knowledge in a scientific area evolves.
Consider the concept of atom, which until the 1800s was defined as an indivisible
entity but which has evolved considerably since then. (The word atom derives from
Greek atomos whose meaning is, precisely, indivisible.) The atom was first broken
down into three specific parts: electrons, protons, and neutrons. More recently, other
elementary particles, i.e. quarks, were isolated and the structure of the atom could no
longer be described in terms of three subatomic particles. Recent theories propose new
elementary particles, such as types of bosons and leptons.
The changes in the conceptions of atom are now recognized and well established.
In addition, this is a case where scientists had to react rather quickly in order to adjust a
universal definition. In many other fields of knowledge, concepts and the linguistic
expressions used to label them can go through considerable instability before experts
agree on a definition. For instance, the series of phenomena affecting climate in the world
were originally labelled as global warming. More recently, experts tend to agree on a

more general designation, i.e. climate change. But climate change has not yet been
defined as clearly as atoms and is still being debated in different circles.
The examples presented in this section and many others show that knowledge is
construed gradually and undergoes change over time. Terminologists and organizations
involved in the standardization of terms must adjust to the changes that occur when new
items of knowledge appear in a discipline. Changes must be taken into account in
definitions and in the choice of designations. In addition, experts involved in knowledge
modelling must accept that even a consensual conceptualization will probably be
modified in the future.
Temmerman (2000) takes this issue a step further and argues that in the life sciences
most concepts do not in fact lend themselves to a clear-cut and straightforward
delimitation. She suggests adopting the notion of unit of understanding rather than
concept. Units of understanding result from a cognitive process according to which we
capture knowledge in a field and are best defined in terms of prototype structure.
Relationships between concepts are diversified and complex
Knowledge representations (conceptual structures or ontologies) illustrate how concepts
are related to each other with explicit links. Figures 1 and 2 show that taxa and peripheral
devices are related in terms of generic-specific (taxonomic) relationships. Peripheral
devices can also share part-whole relationships with other concepts (button vs.
mouse). These relationships are those that naturally apply to entities (animals,
machines, instruments, etc.) and frequently appear in conceptual structures. Some
prioritize taxonomic relationships (e.g. types of peripheral devices or vehicles); others
favour part-whole relations (e.g. human or animal anatomy).
However, when other types of concepts (processes, properties) are taken into
account, many different relationships emerge. The examples in (3), taken from Sager
(1990: 34), illustrate this diversity. Figure 4 shows that a single concept in the field of the
environment can be related to other concepts in many different ways.


is caused by
is a product of
is a property of
is a quantitative
measure of
is an instrument for
is a counteragent of


Figure 4: Relationships between "hurricane" and other concepts in the field of the environment
(Buendia and Faber 2012)

The extent to which these relationships are represented depends on the special
subject field and the conceptualization it implements.

3.4 Variants do not occur accidentally

One of the main criticisms addressed to traditional terminology is that it considers the
existence of synonyms or variants as something that is accidental and often undesirable.
The existence of variants is quite common in all fields of knowledge and may be caused
by one or a combination of the following factors.

Level of specialization: Specialized knowledge can be conveyed in many different

forms (reports, peer-reviewed journals, lectures, conferences, etc.: Sager et al.
1980) and involves different kinds of participants (experts to experts; experts to
laypeople: Pearson 1998). This diversity of forms, addressees, and producers
inevitably results in different choices of terms. For instance, a medical doctor,
while compelled to use cardiopathy in a scientific journal, may use heart disease
or alternate between cardiopathy and heart disease if speaking to a wider
audience. Even in extreme examples such as those given for zoology or
chemistry, official names or symbols usually coexist with non-official ones (e.g.
popular names for animals and plants) used in less formal situations. One of the
first alternative approaches to traditional terminology, namely socioterminology
(Gaudin 2003), highlighted that the same concept could be labelled differently
according to the category of experts referring to it. For instance, in a
manufacturing plant, engineers, technicians, and managers can refer to the same
process with different designations. Socioterminology suggests that these different
terms should be collected and better understood rather than suppressed by
imposing a single label for everyone.

Regional differences: Differences may occur in the same language spoken in

different parts of the world. This phenomenon, which has long been recognized in
common language, also prevails in specialized languages. Speakers of French in
France and Qubec use different terms to refer to concepts in the field of
computing: FR. spam vs. Qc. pourriel. This also applies to usage in Spain and
some South-American countries: Sp. ordenador vs. Mex. computadora (for
computer). When recommending or standardizing terms, agencies since many
adopt regulations at the national level can promote different terms as standards
since they focus on usage within their own jurisdictions.

Historical evolution: Changes in science and technology mentioned in Section 3.3

have repercussions on the designations used to label concepts. Dury (1999) shows
how the concept ecosystem evolved since it was first created and the different
terms that have been used in English and French since the first half of the 20th
century. In English, for instance, different competing terms were used by experts:
community, biotic community, biosystem, etc. (some of them covering slightly
different concepts) before ecosystem was finally established. The instability
accompanying new concepts can also be reflected in competing designations. For
instance, when Internet chatting became a popular activity, different names were
used in English (chat, chatting, Web chat, etc.) as well as in French (chat, tchat,
barvardage en ligne, cyberbavardarge; clavardage).

Attempts at differentiation: Experts can deliberately create new designations for

existing concepts. They might also wish to introduce a new distinction and show
that the concept to which they are referring differs somehow from an existing one.
For example, complementizer was introduced in generative grammar to refer to
what is called a subordinating conjunction in traditional grammar. Companies
might want to create new terms for existing concepts to establish their own
standard or promote a new product or process (several examples exist in the
computer and the pharmaceutical industries).

An effort to vary phrasing in a text: Authors of specialized texts may want to vary
the ways they refer to entities or phenomena. This can be done to introduce a
nuance or simply for stylistics purposes. For instance, in a French text on global
warming, the following expressions may be found: rchauffement climatique (lit.
climatic warming), rchauffement du climat (lit. climate warming),
rchauffement global (lit. global warming), rchauffement de la plante (lit.
warming of the planet), etc.

Variants are phenomena that must be described in all applications where terms are
identified or produced in text. Translators, for instance, must be able to recognize that the
same meaning can be conveyed by different forms. They can decide to standardize the
target text by using a single equivalent for source language variants or, conversely, use
similar variants in the target language. Some variants those recognized as true
synonyms are also listed by terminologists in term records (cf. Figure 3) but often one

of them is identified as preferred. In knowledge modelling, variants are also often taken
into account. But here again, a standard form serves as the reference and others appear as
other possible linguistic
forms for the expression
of the concept, as shown
in Figure 7.
Typologies of term
variants are available in
different languages.
Variants are often
classified into the
following formal
categories (some of which
Figure 7: Variants in a conceptual structure

may not apply to all

languages): orthography (meter vs. meter; tool box vs. toolbox); inflection (entity vs.
entities; Fr. changement climatique vs. changements climatiques); permutation (data
processing vs. processing of data); morphology (climate change vs. climatic change);
surface syntax (coffre outils vs. coffre doutils (toolbox)); and morphosyntax (data
processing vs. to process data) (Daille et al. 1996). Different techniques have been
developed to process variants automatically (Jacquemin 1996).
3.5 Knowledge is conveyed by different types of linguistic units
The emphasis placed on concepts and conceptual structures in terminology, but also in
other endeavours concerned with knowledge modelling, tend to give more importance to
entities linguistically expressed by nouns.
However, other concepts refer to activities and properties and these are not
prototypically expressed by nouns (although they can be). Events and processes can be
expressed by verbs (e.g., configure, constitutionalize, pollute) and properties are often
designated by adjectives (sustainable, dynamic). In knowledge modelling they are often
considered as variants of nouns. For instance, if clicking is considered a relevant activity
in computing, to click and click (as a noun) will be considered two linguistic variants that
refer to the same concept.
However, Estop (2001) noted that experts, translators, and terminologists identify
other parts of speech as relevant terms (cf. Section 3.1). The study does not state whether

the units of other categories convey meanings that are otherwise expressed by nouns. In
another small study (LHomme 2012), it was shown that non-experts and experts, when
asked to read sentences and decide whether verbs are specialized or not, unanimously
classify some verbs as specialized and hesitate with others. Examples of such sentences
are reproduced in (3).
(3) [Informatique] Avec ce type de connexion, vous pouvez naviguer rapidement dans Internet.
([Computing] With this kind of connection, you can browse the Internet rapidly.)
[Environnement] L'extraction ou la rcolte de ces ressources peuvent galement polluer le sol,
l'eau et l'air. ([Environment] Extracting or harvesting these resources can also pollute the soil.)

All respondents agree that naviguer is specialized whereas polluer is classified as a

specialized verb by only half. These observations raise the issue of the role of verbs in
knowledge communication. Some answers to these questions are provided in the
literature, but there is no general agreement as to how verbs (or adjectives) should be
processed in terminology.
Some authors have suggested factors according to which verbs seem more or less
specialized (Condamines 1995; Lerat 2002; Lorente 2002). Some verbs can only be found
in one special subject field (this would apply to the verb download in computing); while
others acquire a new meaning (this applies to the French naviguer in computing; its
original meaning is to sail).
Some work has focused on defining linguistic criteria for deciding which verbs
should be included in specialized dictionaries (LHomme 1998). One criterion takes into
account the nature of arguments. If arguments are expressed by terms, then the verb is
likely to be a term. For instance, the fact that the verb install combines with computing
terms (as in a user installs a program on his PC; the word processor can be installed on
your laptop), makes it a likely candidate for terminological status.
3.6 Polysemy and ambiguity
Some lexical items may have more than one meaning even when considered from a
single subject field (cf. email in Section 2). Examples can be found in many other fields
of knowledge. Aerosol can refer to a suspension of solid or liquid particles in a gas or
a chemical substance that is dispersed in the air for different purposes. Law can be
defined as a discipline or a specific regulation. In specialized term banks and dictionaries,
these meanings are usually described in different entries. In multilingual terminology

work, meaning distinctions in one language can lead to the recording of different
equivalents in the other.
Some polysemous terms can become ambiguous when used in text. For example, in
the field of computing, download can convey an activity, i.e. the act of downloading,
but also a result, i.e. a file that can be or has been downloaded. In some sentences, each
meaning can be clearly identified (e.g. a download that never finishes; the download is an
executable file); in others, the distinctions cannot be made as easily (e.g. The user sends
back brief instructions and waits for the next download).
Another form of ambiguity affects multiword terms. This problem, called structural
ambiguity, is caused by the fact that the syntactic and semantic relation between the
components of a noun phrase cannot be properly identified without extralinguistic
knowledge. For instance, to understand main fuel system drain valve, one needs to know
that main applies to fuel system, not to fuel or drain valve, and that (the expression)
refers to a valve whose function is to drain the main fuel system. (Lehrberger 2003: 213)
3.7 Terms do not reflect knowledge organization perfectly
Traditional terminology (as well as some applications of knowledge modelling) is based
on an implicit and very strong assumption that there is a perfect correspondence between
knowledge representations and terms. In other words, there should be a linguistic
expression for each concept identified in specialized knowledge.
There are a number of indications to the contrary. First, scientific classifications or
conceptual representations result from the application of criteria that take into account
only part of the characteristics of the concepts involved. For instance, in zoology, birds
are defined as animals that have feathers and lay eggs. Flying, a natural activity carried
out by most birds, is not considered as a relevant characteristic from the point of view of
classification. However, it will often be expressed in language. The same applies to
whales that live in water but are not classified as fish. Knowledge in a field is usually
much more complex than can be captured in taxonomies or ontologies. In addition, some
categories in knowledge representations are created solely for the purpose of classifying
entities and linguistic labels are created afterwards.
Although it is assumed that both knowledge and language have an underlying
structure, these structures obey different rules and are subject to different constraints
(Hirst 2009). Hirst was referring to everyday language, but the differences also apply to
terminologies. LHomme and Bernier-Colborne (2012) compared the contents of two

ontologies with that of a specialized dictionary and found that only a few linguistic items
could be found in both repositories.
4. Concluding remarks
This contribution first discussed the importance of defining naming conventions in
specialized subject fields. While these efforts are necessary in specific communication
situations, they are also difficult to put into place. Any attempt at regulating the creation
and the use of terms (even in very specific special subject fields) requires a great deal of
effort. It also underlined the fact that advocates of these naming conventions (experts and
terminologists) have probably underestimated or overlooked the linguistic properties of
the terms they were regulating or replacing with a more standard or universal name.
The theoretical models and methods first devised by terminology were clearly
defined for the purpose of standardizing terms. It is now recognized that the principles
were too inflexible and that they should be redefined (partially for some; completely for
others) in order to take into account the linguistic expressiveness of terms and their
behaviour in text.
As of today, no generally accepted model has imposed itself as a way of dealing with
the two opposing forces at play in specialized knowledge communication. Some
proposals, however, seem to point in that direction. In 1990, Sager described terminology
as a set of activities that can be considered from three different perspectives: cognitive
(concepts and relations between concepts), linguistic (formation of terms and relations
between designations and concepts), and communicative (the purpose for which
terminology work is undertaken). The Communicative Theory of Terminology (Cabr
1999) proposes a model in which terms are viewed as polyhedrons and, as such, can lend
themselves to different kinds of analyses (cognitive, linguistic, or communicative), each
shedding a different light on the properties and functioning of terms.

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