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Case Study #4: The Saga of the Great Apes

Questions for Reflections

1. The issue comes down to Is it right that they are being essentially mocked?
While they seem to enjoy the attention, it seems to be simply because they are
responding to peoples positive reactions. While the people are reacting positively
to the spectacle for the chimps preforming and wearing silly costumes. I think
that this should not continue because, if the chimps were aware on a level that
they were being mocked and ridiculed, they would not react as favorably. It is
known that chips, when antagonized, can act very violently. It is my belief that if
they were fully aware of their situation, there actions would be very similar to
those as if they were being poked and prodded.
2. It seem that it would only be justifiable in the most extreme of medical
circumstances. If the procedure has a certain amount of good that exceeds the
moral threshold of consent for these animals. I do not know what that level of
good would be, but I believe that there is a circumstance where it would be
morally acceptable. However, this must only pertain to medical and life or death
situations. Cosmetics testing is inhumane and should be ceased
3. With current advances in artificial organ culturing, I believe that the forceful
donation from one being to another in morally unjustifiable. We are now able to
grow hearts and other important organs in a lab rather then taking them from
someone else. If for some reason it was the only way, I believe that the animal
must already be dying or in critical condition in order for such a process to be
4. We are under no moral duty to enhance the lives of another species. While it is
our duty to not interfere with or damage their habitat, we have not moral
imperative to care for the other species of planet earth. Apes are no exception to
this rule. Our protection is only a factor due to the extensive damages we have
wrought to their communities and ecosystems.
5. Wars between different groups of chimpanzees are a common occurrence in the
natural world and it is not our place to involve us in there natural existence.

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