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Sandy Sayegh

Inside The Brain

ESC 301
1. Teenagers are similar and different from babies in their brain development. Babies at one
week old can recognize their mothers voice. Dramatic growth happens when a baby is
development developing and yet again brain development happens right before the child
becomes a teen. Thus the baby and teen both experience changes. In a baby the brain is
growing and developing in basic form yet as a teen the brain becomes more complex and
branches out like a tree growing branches.

Comment [LU1]: Excellent

2. People mistakenly believe that in teens brain development is not still growing and has
already finished in first few years of life when the brain is developing. In reality, a child
transitioning into a teen has brain development also occurring. The Frontal Cortex
develops right before puberty and a second wave of production, as quoted from the
video, is occurring.

3. Teenage brain development also happens as a child becomes a teen. The Cerebellum
which is the part of the brain that changes the most during the teenage years happens and
continues to grow until around the early twenties. The brain of a teenage continues to
grow during the teenage years. The Pre-Frontal Cortex for example is not fully developed
during the teenage years thus why teens engage in risky behavior. Teens also use the
emotional region of their brain more. The teenage brain grows like a tree and during

Comment [LU2]: Very Good

teenage years starts to grow more and more branches. Due to the lack of development in
the Pre-Frontal Cortex it is difficult for teens to read emotions in others.

4. The Pre-Frontal Cortex is very important because it deals with such functions as planning
behavior, use of strategy, and organization skills. During the teenage years the PreFrontal Cortex is not fully developed and that is why teens act out and engage in risky

5. There is a difference between adults and teens in reading emotions in others. Teens use
different part if their brain when reading emotions because the Pre-Frontal Cortex region
is less in teens than adults. Teens use more of their emotional region in comparison to
adults. Teens are moody and can change emotions quick. It is wrong when most think
that a brain of thirteen years old responds to emotion the same way as an adult for
example. Teens are not able to read the emotions in adults expression. Thus this is why
adults and teens have miscommunications and even respond differently.

6. The role of the Cerebellum is to coordinate our thinking process. The Cerebellum is part
of the brain that changes the most during teenage years and even does not finish growing
until early twentys. An example is the cerebellum navigates the social life of a teen and
processes it smoothly.

Comment [LU3]: Also movement

7. As a child before a teen there is seen to be relation to sleeping patterns and learning in
teens. Most teens get about seven and half hours of sleep and they should be getting at
least nine hours. The lack of sleep the teen is getting affects the learning in class and
affects their mood, and how they reaction appropriately.

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