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Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5PM
Sunday: 8AM & 10AM
12 Noon (Spanish)

December 11, 2016

Served by:
Fr. Anthony R. Lipari, FCM

Franciscan Community of Mercy

Fr. Miguel Fernandez, N/FCM

Associate Pastor

Fr. Drew Miller

Associate Pastor

Sr. Donna Lombardi, N/FCM

Pastoral Associate
Family Faith Formation

Karen Suter

Parish Administrator

Wendy and Mike Melly

Parish Council Leaders

An All Inclusive Independent Catholic Community,

Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place

A Shepherds View
December 11th
5pm Deceased members of our parish
8am For Pat Kanes ordination 12/17
10am Elizabeth Brown

Ida Cone

12 noon

December 18th
10AM Peter Dudas
12 noon
Prayers for Pat Kane of St. Francis of
Assisi ANCC, Glen Ridge, NJ as
he will be
ordained a Deacon for the
National Catholic Church on
December 17th
at St. Francis of Assisi ANCC

Saints of the Week

December 12: Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 13: Saint Lucy, Virgin &
Martyr (+304)
December 14: St John of the Cross,
Priest & Doctor of the Church (+1591)

This is the Third Sunday

of Advent, called
"Gaudete" (REJOICE) Sunday from the first words of
St Paul's Reading. We see
the Pink (Rose) Candle lit to
remind us that we should
be a people of joy during
this seemingly dark time of
the year, our journey of Advent--a longing for
the coming of the Lord. Isaiah's words, too, bring
us joy in his words of hope. Sometimes there are
people during this season that are experiencing
darkness in their lives; illness, loss, loneliness etc.
But as St John of the Cross writes, it is through
the dark times in our lives that we can hope for
the light of Christ which illuminates our hearts in
any dark night of the soul!
In today's Gospel Reading we are called
to become messengers of joy! We must prepare
the way for the Lord. Not just with gifts, packages, bows, decorations and the like....but with the
joy of the Good News that lives in our Hearts,
Minds and Souls! We can embrace our lives as
followers of the Lord and send that energy
throughout the world! The Love of God cannot
be quenched. Let us offer it all, REJOICING, so
that in the dark night of our struggling world, the
illumination of love shines forth!!

Live Jesus in our hearts,

Franciscan Reflection

Welcome to our parish family

Abigail Joan Hendrickson

"Let us desire nothing else, let us

wish for nothing else, let nothing else please us and cause us
delight except our Creator and
Redeemer and Savior, the one
true God!" ~St Francis of Assisi

3rd Week of Advent

Justice Challenge
holy ones who have gone before us, we
long once more for the coming of
Jesus, Your Word made flesh. Utter
your Word anew in our world at once
beautiful and wounded. Open our
hearts to listen to your voice as the
human family cries out for justice and
hungers for meaning. Wait with us,
accompany us, work and pray through
us for the unfolding of your promise, for
the fullness of your dream this Advent
and always.

Bible Study
with Fr. Drew
Friday evenings at 7PMdownstairs
All are welcome!

Sundays Gospel has Jesus answering

the question of who he is by stating:
Go back and report to John what you
hear and see: the blind recover their
sight, cripples walk, lepers are cured,
the deaf hear, dead men are raised to
life, and the poor have the good news
preached to them
(Mt. 11:2-11). Jesus equates his very
identity with care for the poor and
Your challenge this week is to
identify the blind, the lepers, and the
poor in your life. Discuss one
particular person in need whom God
is calling you and your family to
serve. Select an action you can do for
this person, just as Jesus did.
Then . . . just do it!

Adult Faith Formation

with Fr. Anthony
Monday evenings at 7PM - downstairs
All are welcome!

Do you know anyone who could use a

visit from one of our Clergy during this
time of Advent homes, Nursing
Homes, hospitals?
Please call the church office at:

Please consider making

a $10 or $25 Donation to Good Shepherd ANCC for Christmas poinsettias
and flowers. Your support is appreciated!

Mensaje del Padre Miguel

Queridos hermanos ,la Iglesia celebra
este tercer Domingo de Adviento el
Domingo de la Alegria o Gaudate y
se debe a que toda la celebracion nos
anuncia a Jesucristo como causa de
nuestra alegria. Como cantabamos la
semana pasada en la misa ,Vamos Cantando al Senor : El es nuestra
alegria. La antifona de entrada de hoy nos lo anuncia,
estad alegres en el Senor; os lo repito estad alegres. El Senor
esta cerca el profeta Isaias anuncia: se alegrara el paramo
y la estepa. El adviento nos trae la Buena Nueva de la
Salvacion, nos trae a Jesus. El Adviento habla tambien sobre : el tiempo de gracia, el dia de salvacion. El adviento nos
muestra que es Jesus el verdadero esperado de los tiempos y
que es la promesa cumplida. La salvacion se obra para bien
de la humanidad; los cojos andan, los ciegos ven, los sordos oyen es el cumplimiento de la profesia de Isaias.
Nuestra alegria debe ser de una alegria para gozar internamente asi que al igual sea la labor de nosotros de anunciarlo
francamente directo a Dios que es nuestra Fortaleza. Ten
Valor! y esperanza!.
Nuestra alegria debe ser tambien de testimonio. La Navidad
que ya se acerca, nos invita a vivir con hermandad y de amor
fraterno. Pero no de un amor fraterno falso sino de un amor
sincero que hace real el amor de Dios. Eres tu? o Hay que
esperar a otro?...Jesus responde con su obrar. La Felicidad se
debe reflejar en obras concretas, reflejo de Cristo, nuestro
Salvador, en nuestra vidas, en medio de nosotros y en los
Milagros que ocurren. Hay que dar testimonio hermanos.
El Evangelio de hoy les repito es el anuncio de una inmensa
alegria. Como decia en el pasado domingo sobre la conversion ha de ser sincera , que el fruto fermentara de un Nuevo
mundo, de una nueva persona, que relucira por la transformacion dentro si, en el hogar y en la comunidad donde
vives. Donde veras que los ultimos seran los primeros, los
cojos andaran, los ciegos veran y a los pobres se les anuncia la Buena Noticia. Buena Noticia para todos, porque todos somos pobres de espiritu.
Finalmente, un misterio de alegria. Hermanos se acabaron
las caras tristes, celebraciones serias y rutinarias. La Fe es
una fiesta. Que se viva!. Que se nos note!. Que nuestra
alegria no sea falsificada. La verdadera alegria no se compra
en nuestras tiendas, ni se encuentran en nuestras salas de
fiesta o en la calle. Es un dar de si. Brota de dentro. Pero eso
solo puede ser si nosotros colaboramos en dicha transfromacion, los cambios no se dan por si solos; los Milagros
son los que Dios hace a traves de nuestros corazones y
nuestra fe en Dios. Dios nos ama con un inmenso amor.
Viva Cristo Jesus!.
Hoy ,quisiera invitarlos a celebrar la Vigilia en honor a
Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Vengan!

Time is running out . have you reserved

your place at our Second Annual Christmas
Party? NEXT Sunday, December 18th
2PM to 6PM
The Park Pavillion
(Above the Sawmill)
Seaside Park
For more information or to make a reservation contact:
Karen at: 732-279-6837 or via email at:


During the next few weeks of Advent, rather than take a treat each day, place one
food item per day, as you are able, into a
grocery bag.; then ...

bring your filled bag(s) to mass

the weekend of 12/17-12/18 only
Your donations will be delivered to:
Ocean Monmouth County Food Bank

The following items are the most needed:

Canned Tuna, Chicken, Salmon (in water)
Canned Fruits (packed in juice or light syrup)
Natural unsweetened applesauce
Brown, Wild, or White Rice
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Pasta (whole grain preferred)
Canned or dry beans, peas, lentils
100% juice boxes
Healthy snacks
Unsalted Nuts
Hot & Cold Cereal (low sugar preferred)
Cooking Oils
Ready-to-eat canned meals

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