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Speaking Assessment

Grade: First Grade

WIDA Level: Level 2 Beginning
At this level students, students can process, understand, produce or use:
general language related to the content areas
phrases or short sentences
Ask simple, everyday questions (e.g., Who is absent?)
Restate content-based facts
Describe pictures, events, objects, or people using phrases or short sentences
Share basic social information with peers
SOL : Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Change
1.7 The student will investigate and understand weather and seasonal changes. Key concepts
a) changes in temperature, light, and precipitation affect plants and animals, including humans;
b) there are relationships between daily and seasonal changes; and
c) changes in temperature, light, and precipitation can be observed and recorded over time.

1) Intensive Task:
Purpose: Guided with questions by the teacher or test administrator, students will be assessed
by providing a description based on what they see in a picture. Students will understand the
implications of nature and human activity in response to weather attributed to each of the four
seasons. They will be expected to use specific vocabulary (ex. "falling leaves, "snow," etc.) and
tie in what they have learned in class about each season's unique characteristics and of objects
commonly associated with them. Through this activity, students will show their proficiency in
making ake statements in the present tense about the four seasons through describing the
individual and aspects of nature pictured.
Directions: Look at each picture representing one of the four seasons. Based on what you
learned in class about the seasons and what you see in the pictures, answer the following set of
questions using the present tense.

Test-takers hear: These children live in a region of the United States that has all four seasons.
Test administrator points to the boy in the picture of the autumn season. What is floating around
Assessment items:
1. Test administrator points to the pumpkin in the autumn. What is this?
2. Test administrator points to Ben in the winter. What is Ben wearing on his hands,
and why?
3. Test administrator points to the boy in the spring. What is he holding in his hand?
4. Test administrator points to the flowers in the spring. What are these?
5. Test administrator points to the boy in the summer. What is he standing on?

2) Interactive Task:
Purpose: Partner activity in which students will orally make statements about weather with a
partner. Students will use simple statements along with non-verbal communication techniques to
exchange information so that their partner can identify the appropriate season. At the time of
the activity students will only be able to see the image that they are describing. This activity can
be used as a formative or informal assessment technique or the teacher can create

Directions (read to the student by the teacher): (Student 1 will describe pictures 1 and 4 to
their partner and student 2 will describe pictures 2 and 3). Tell your partner about the picture
you see. Your partner will guess what season you have. Then, let your partner share their
picture and you will guess what season they have.

Student 1: It is snowing. It is cold. There is a snowman.
Student 2: Is it winter?
Student 1: Yes!
Assessment items:
1. Spring

3. Fall

2. Summer

4. Winter

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