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Properties of Matter

Dillon Lynch

Stage 1 - Desired Results

Properties of Matter Unit: Energy and chemical reactions change and affect the world
around us
Essential Questions
The students will understand that
What are the properties of matter
The world is made up of matter and
that determine what state it is in
can change based on the environment
What makes ice different from
around it.
Students will know
matter is anything that has mass
and takes up space
matter is made up of particles
the different states of matter as
solid. liquid and gas

Use the relationship between heat
and the motion and arrangement of
particles in solids, liquids and gases to
explain melting, freezing, condensation
and evaporation (
Students will be able to
identify the different phases of
describe the process of particle
arrangement as heat is added
Language Objective
SWBAT classify the different states
of matter verbally
SWBAT define the following terms:
Phase of Matter/State
of Matter

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
Exit Ticket
Turn and Talk
At the end of the class
Students discuss with
period, students will answer the
each other and then share out to
question: Based on your
the entire class.
observations, how did the Obleek
Lab Handout
behave like a solid? How did it
behave like a liquid Correct
answers indicate mastery of
learning target of the day. Teacher
can determine what materials need

Properties of Matter

Dillon Lynch

further explanation by observing

trends of where students are
struggling with lesson based on
incorrect answers.
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Pre-Assessment Drill (5 min)
Teacher: Directions for the drill are on the board along with the learning
target. The drill of the period is What is the difference between a solid liquid and gas
by their shape and the space they take up while the learning target states that I can
describe the states of matter and their particle arrangements. The teacher will
circulate, respond to questions, and monitor behavior to keep students on track.
Students: Students silently answer the drill questions and copy the
learning target on the next page of their science notebooks
Provocation: Oobleck Lab (30 min)-see attached for not handout:
Explains expectations for the lab. These include:
Show respect to our classroom. This is a
messy experiment and therefore requires you to show respect by having
appropriate behavior for the experiment. This means keeping the oobleck
in the bowl and following directions. The teacher will state that if the
oobleck lab becomes an issue than the lab will end.
The teacher will pass out the direction to the oobleck lab
and have students read over the directions out loud going over the background,
hypothesis, and procedures, pausing to make sure for understanding of
Once expectations and procedures have been completed,
teacher hands out pre-made oobleck to students. While students work on the
lab, teacher circulates, helps students and monitor student behavior.
With 5 minutes left, Teacher gets student attention and
have students begin to clean up their lab stations and finish answering
Students will silently listen to expectations and then share a
response as an entire class as to what respecting the classroom looks like.
Once materials have been handed out for the oobleck lab,
students will quietly work on the lab. While each student will have their own
oobleck, they can discuss the lab procedures as a group.
After the lab, students will be prompted to respond about
what they thought about the oobleck lab.
Describe the properties of oobleck which
make it like a liquid.
Describe the properties of oobleck which
make it like a solid.
Once the lab is done, students will throw away their oobleck
and return to their seats.
Procedure: Lab discussion

Properties of Matter

Dillon Lynch

Once the stations are clean, teacher will issue a call and
response to get students attention and have them stop talking amongst each
At this point, the teacher will begin to go over the lab,
specifically the conclusion amongst each other. These include asking the
following questions:
In what ways did the Oobleck act like a liquid?
Think about this in the way that the Ooblecks shape and how it would
take up space.
In what ways did the Oobleck act like a solid?
Think about this in the way that the Ooblecks shape and how it would
take up space.
What do you think the particle arrangement
would the Oobleck have?
Do you think that the oobleck could be
distinguished as just one state of matter? Why or why not? Do you think
this means that we need to make a new state of matter?
If students are having a hard time answering these
questions, remind them that these are conclusion questions on their lab. If need
be, a turn and talk may be needed to help stimulate further discussion.
Students sit silently during the discussion. If they wish to
share an answer they can silently raise their hand in order to be called upon.
Students should also have their lab handout in front of them to reference
If the teacher determines that a turn and talk is needed,
then students may discuss quietly (partner voice) with the people at their table.
Once the turn and talk is done, students voices are off and attention back
towards the speaker at the time.
Post Assessment + Closing: Exit Ticket (5 min)
Teacher will post on the board the exit ticket. The exit ticket
will be the following question:
Based on your observations, how did the
Obleek behave like a solid? How did it behave like a liquid? What do you
think its state of matter is?
Teacher will circulate, scaffolding and helping students who
are having difficulty answering the question.
Student will silently respond to the exit ticket question and
write a reflection on the day. Once completed, students will stay in their seats
until their table is dismissed by the teacher. The first student to finish will raise
their hand to collect the Oobleck lab handouts for each student and turn them
into the correct basket.
Stage 4 - Reflection

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