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November 15,2017

Literacy Block

Daily Kid friendly Targets:

I can name all letters and sounds.

I can name the beginning sound in a word.

I can count how many words are in a sentences and find the sentence stopper.

I can name the long and short vowel sounds for the letter A E & i.

Essential Questions
1. Name these upper and lower case letters?
2. What are the sounds of these letters?
3. What are the vowels?
4. How many sounds do vowels have?
5. What is the long and strong sound for A E & i? What is the short sound of A E & i ?
6. What is the beginning sound in this word?
7. How many words are in this sentence, and how do you know?
8. Where is the sentence stopper?
Performance Indicators
Students will name all the uppercase and lowercase letters and the matching sounds. (Including long and short vowels)
Students will name parts of a book and show understanding of concepts of print.
Students will name and create the beginning sound in words.
CCS Standards: Foundational Skills
Print Concepts

Long Term Targets

I can show how words are organized and used in a text.

Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic

features of print. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.1

Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by


Recognize that spoken words are represented in written

language by specific sequences of letters.

Understand that words are separated by spaces in print.


Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the


I can follow words from left to right, top to bottom and

page by page.
I can describe how words I hear can be written in letters.
I can identify spaces between words in print.
I can name all upper and lower case letters of the alphabet

Phonics and Word Recognition

Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound

correspondences by producing the primary sound or many
of the most frequent sounds for each consonant.

I can read words using different strategies.

I can match consonants with the sounds they make

I can say the long sound for each vowel.
I can say the short sound for each vowel.
I can identify which letters and sounds are different when
looking at similar words.

Associate the long and short sounds with the common

spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels.
Phonological Awareness

Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final

sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme
(consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words.1 (This does
not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.)

I can use sound patterns to read words

I can say the beginning, middle and end sounds of c-v-c


I can blend onsets and rimes in one syllable words

RSU #57 Long Term Goal

To meet the district goal of passing Developmental Reading Assessment level 3.
Emergent Readers: Grade Level Benchmark: Mid- to End of Kindergarten
Demonstrate left to right progression with one to three lines of text
Match spoken word to printed word (one-to-one correspondence)
Differentiate words and letters Know the sounds and names of most letters
Read patterned text using picture and oral language clues
Read familiar text with some support
Read new text with support
Locate and use known words to self-monitor
Can sometimes retell story including elements such as characters or events

___ip worksheet and line paper
books/Vowel books

Ii, dip, rip model for theraputty
Assessment Worksheet
Dr. Jean CD
Vowel card
Initial vowel game
Phonics dance worksheet
Targets on board

Lesson Procedure
Whole group instruction (10:30-10:45)

10:30-10:45 Juliana, Ava, Kamden, and Sophia will go with Mrs. Clockodile to work on initial sound fluency.

Phonics Dance
Mercedie will be my helper as I do phonics dance because she has trouble participating with phonics dance. Also, make sure
Reed is in his special spot. Remind students it is important that they stay in their own spaces.
Target: I can name all letters and sounds.

Make sure after the vowels you say: What is the long a strong sound? What is the short sound. REMEMBER to point
at the students and say is and they will respond with the letter.

We will be working on special letters in the alphabet today called vowels.

What are the vowels?
How many sounds do vowels have?
What are the vowels that we have practicing so far? A,E,I
What vowel are we focusing on today? I
Target: I can name the long and short vowel sounds for the letter i.
Today we will work on the vowel i. What is the long and strong sound for i? What is the short sound for i ?
Checking Understanding
Thumbs up if you know sound long and strong for A Thumbs up if you know sound for short A
Thumbs up if you know sound long and strong for E Thumbs up if you know sound for short E

Thumbs up if you know sound long and strong for I Thumbs up if you know sound for short I
(For each vowel call on a few students to say each long and short vowel)
Target: I can name the beginning sound in a word.
Say the words: zip, pig, rat, bet
Have students say the beginning sound and letter that corresponds with the sound.
Target: I can count how many words are in a sentences and find the sentence stopper.
Write on the board: Iggy loves his wiggy!
Ask the students :
How many words are there? How do you know how many words there are? Please put your finger on the sentence stopper.
Read the sentence together a few times together with the class. The have each student What is at the beginning of every
sentence and what is at the end of every sentence? (Ask different students to come up and answer concepts of print)

Do an overview of the centers. The dismiss students to their centers one team at a time.
Do an overview of the centers. The dismiss students to their centers one team at a time.
Remind students of their choices
Green Team will have the choice to of either theraputty or make a vowel book.
Yellow Team will have the choice to of either Ipads or make a vowel book.
Blue Team will have the choice to of either Ipads or make a vowel book.
*First dismiss the Red team stand up and quietly form a line at the door for Mrs. Clockedile

Literacy Centers (11:45-11:20)

Literacy Groups
Green Team

Blue Team

Red Team

Yellow Team





Miss M

Starfall ABCs or Make a book


Mrs. Clockodile

Initial Sounds or Letter match


Theraputty or make a book


Mrs. Clockodile

Miss M

Starfall Learn to Read or Make a


Miss Ms Group
Start with the target! I can name the long and short vowel sounds for the letter i
Lets do the phonics dance for i
*Start with phonics dance chant
I dot I dot
Iggy Love her wiggin and Iggy loves I!

What is the long and strong sound? What is the short sound?
Who can tell me what other vowels we have been working on? A, E, I
Ask students the long and strong sound and short sound for each vowel.
Formative assessment
Green Team & Red Team will be doing the assessment today (Yellow & Blue will have this assessment next week when it is my
day to meet with them)
With RED TEAM MAKE SURE YOU CONTINUALLY CHECK that they are writing in the correct boxes. I will have them each
put their finger on the number before saying the sound. I will do this to make sure they are writing in the correct box.
*You will model this example/ do it with them so students they have a clear understanding of what they are expected
to do.

In the first section I will say the short sound for A, E, & I and then the student will write the letter that goes
with the sound. For example: I will say the short sound I for number 1 then hopefully the students will recognize
the letter that goes with the sound and then write it in the box.
In the next part students will count how many words there are then write the number below. Then students will
circle the sentence stopper.
Below is the model that the students and I will do together.











Below is the assessment that students will do by themselves.












If time allows student will begin this initial sound fluency assessment. Students who do not finish will finish during
tomorrow's literacy block.

IPAD Center/ or Make a Vowel book

Blue Team & Yellow Team will have the option to either go on their Ipad or make a book.
Starfall Learn to Read

Starfall Learn to Read is for my higher level students. Yellow Team uses Starfall Learn to read because they have
mastered most of the letter names and sounds. This app focuses more on reading fundamentals where students
start to learn how to take the sounds they have learned and blend them together. There is also a lot of initial,
medial, and ending sound practice on this app. Students will work their way through the app where eventually they
can start reading mini books.
Starfall ABCS
Blue team will continue to use Starfall ABCs until they mastered more upper and lowercase ID as well as sound ID.
Starfall ABCs focuses on students learning the letter names and letter sounds.
Make a Vowel Book
Students will have a blank book where they put the upper and lowercase letter for each vowel on each page. On top
of each vowel they will draw a picture that goes with the vowel sound long or short. Students know that they will
need to put their name on the front because they are the authors and the title of the book. (Students can look at
my model as an aid)

Theraputty/Make a vowel book

Green team will have the option to make a book or do theraputty.
Make a Vowel Book
Students will have a blank book where they put the upper and lowercase letter for each vowel. Under each vowel
they will draw a picture that goes with the vowel sound long or short. Students know that they will need to put
their name on the front because they are the authors and the title of the book. (Students can look at my model as
an aid)

With theraputty students will be forming :

(The use of Thera Putty in this format will help students develop fine motor skills that will translate into written
language skills by developing finger strength and coordination.)

Initial sounds Dip worksheet/or Initial letter match

Yellow Team will be getting a worksheet where they make words by placing the beginning sound on ___ip.
Example: dip
Once students are finished creating words on their bell worksheet they will then write the words they created on a list.
*Remind students to use the alphabet to help them create words.


Students will cut the initial sound and past it to the correct image. Then they will write the word.

*If students finish early

May do activity below or read a book.

Mrs. Clockedile
Initial Sound Fluency Group: (10:30-10:45)

( Juliana, Ava, Kamden, and Sophia) d

id not meet their goal for DIBELS Initial sound fluency. So, they will go with Mrs.
Clockodile to work on initial sound fluency. (Unfortunately they will be missing the whole class activator but we only have
literacy support for a small portion of the day so we do not want to lose that time for support)
INF Resources Mrs. Clockedile uses (vary day to day)
ISF sound bag/balls
Alphabet soup
Red Team: 10:45-11:00
Mrs. Clockedile will be filling letter and sound gaps that are described below.
All four students ( Ava, Sophia, Turner, and Dylan) are missing lowercase f, g, j, m, w, and y. They are also missing uppercase
letters D, G, M, and Y.
All four students missed long vowels, hard g, h, j, and n. Three missed hard c, short e, f, soft g, m, q, r, w, and y.

Blue Team: (11:05 -11:20)

Mrs. Clockedile will be filling letter and sound gaps that are described below.
All students (Julianna, Emily,Cooper, Dawson, and Meria) missed all long vowels, hard g, h, j, and n. Three of the

students missed hard c, short e, f, soft g, m, q , r, w, and y.

Resources Mrs. Clockedile uses (vary day to day)

Review letter names and sounds
Focus on target letter using a worksheet that models letter formation and illustrations that reinforces letter name.
Letter ID/sound games-opps!, fiddle sticks, fishing, and popcorn.

Summarizer (11:20-11:25)
heck students understanding
What vowel in the alphabet did we work on today?
How many sounds does I have?
What's the long and strong sound ?
What's the short sound?
What other vowels have we practiced so far? (A,E & I)

Call on different a students to review the long and short sounds for A, E, and I
Then do the phonics dance for A,E, and I

Play Vowel song: Everybody Happy, Vowel sounds by Dr. Jean # 14 on the CD
As the song is playing hold up corresponding letters card











Ask student what summarizer game that they would rather play
Sound Game (Check students understanding)
What vowels have we been practicing? A E and I
We are going to play a game and you really need to have your listening ears on.
In sign language I want you to sign yes if your hear the same sound. If you hear sounds that are not the same I want you to
sign no.

How do we sign yes?

How do we sign no?

Initial sounds letter Hanging Game
They are pictures for each letter of the alphabet. I will grab a picture, for example: a cat. I will call on a student and the
student will say what the picture is and the beginning sound. Then the student will hang the image under the correct letter.
So, if the picture was of cat they would hang it up under the letter C.
Formative Assessments
What students can name the letters when I point to them during phonics dance
I will be assessing Read Team and Green Team on concepts of prints. I will be assessing if they can correctly identify
how many words are in the sentence and if they can locate the sentence stopper. As well as if the can correctly
match the sound I say will the correct vowel.
During the sound game I will be taking note of students that can differentiate from the sounds A E I and who
can not. Or if we play the hanging game I would be noticing if students can match the image with the correct

I make accommodations for my students because I group them based on ability level (or what they need to learn
next). That way I will be able to target students specific needs to help them reach the long term goals at their

readiness. For example, the blue and red teams need more support on letter ID and sound ID before they can
move on to blending sounds. So, I grouped red and blue teams based on similarities what they need to work on next.
As described above:
Red Team: 10:45-11:00
Mrs. Clockedile will be filling letter and sound gaps that are described below.
All four students ( Ava, Sophia, Turner, and Dylan) are missing lowercase f, g, j, m, w, and y. They are also missing
uppercase letters D, G, M, and Y.
All four students missed long vowels, hard g, h, j, and n. Three missed hard c, short e, f, soft g, m, q, r, w, and y.

Blue Team: (11:05 -11:20)

Mrs. Clockedile will be filling letter and sound gaps that are described below.
All students (Julianna, Emily,Cooper, Dawson, and Meria) missed all long vowels, hard g, h, j, and n. Three of the
students missed hard c, short e, f, soft g, m, q , r, w, and y.
Initial Sound Fluency Group: (10:30-10:45)
Additionally Mrs. Clockedile will work on sound fluency with (Juliana, Ava, Kamden, and Sophia) These students did
not meet their goal for DIBELS Initial sound fluency. So, they will go with Mrs. Clockodile to work on initial sound
fluency. (Unfortunately they will be missing the whole class activator but we only have literacy support for a small
portion of the time so we do not want to lose that time for support)
Where the yellow and green teams are ready to move on to more initial sound practice and cvc blending with less
support. So, by having different teams I am able to move at a pace that matches the students specific needs and

abilities. If I had the whole class grouped together I would not be able to go at a pace that meets all the needs of
my students. The yellow and green teams would be bored and ready to move on, and the red and blue teams would
still need that extra support. Also, by having small groups I will be able to help students more on a one-on-one
basis. It is also easier to check students understanding in smaller groups. With a smaller groups of 4-6 students it
is easier to monitor students because they are in smaller focused groups.
Also, when examining my data I saw that the majority of the class struggled with identifying short vowel sounds
and long vowels sounds so before we move into centers I will be doing a whole class lesson on short vowels and long
vowels throughout my two week unit.
Students will Distractions and following directions:
Students will be up and moving every 15 minutes. By rotating every 15-20 minutes students will be up, moving, and
engaged in a new task before they lose focus. Mercedie will be doing phonics dance up with me. Reed will be in his
own special spot during phonics dance. My directions will be chunked out and I will be doing checks for
EC speech language IEP was retained in kindergarten this year. I have met with the speech specialist in our school.
She has recommended with EC that I chunk my directions out and use visual aids, as well as frequent checks for
understanding. Also, when EC is doing an assignment make sure she has started it correctly.
During the assessment I have the students put their finger on each number that way I can make sure they are in
the right spot.


you meet your target? What is your evidence?

A large gap in the data from our Kindergarten Jumpstart and DIBELS data was vowel letter ID and sound ID. That is why my
two week unit is focused on vowel letter ID and sound ID (long and short). My assessment that I did in the lesson with the
Red and Green Teams will help me see what students have grasped A, E, I, O, and U. I have not done a focused lesson on the
letter O or U so going into this assessment I knew some students may struggle with O and U. But because we do
phonics dance every day I wanted to see if the students have picked up on identifying the short sound for the letters O and
U. I was very happy that the majority of the students was able to identify the short sounds for the letters o and u.
Green Team
On the first section of the worksheet all students on the Green team got all of the sounds/letters correct. As well as
identified the correct number of words in the sentence and the sentence stopper. All students got all of the initial sounds
correct for the initial sound picture match besides, Zach. He got one wrong: For the owl picture he circled the letter e
instead of o. So, during morning work I will meet with him and clear up his misunderstandings and do some one-on -one
practice on long and short o. I am not overly concerned because we have not done focused lesson O yet. We will start
focused lessons on O tommorrow.
Red Team
On the first section of the worksheet Ava and Sophia struggled with identifying the letter that goes with the sound I said.
Ava was able to get correctly ID #1, #3, and #6. Ava struggled with identifying the letter e, O, and u. Sophia was able
to correctly ID #1 and #4. Sophia struggled with identifying the letter e, I, and u. Dylan got all of the sounds besides
#2 which which was E. Turner go all 1-6 correct. (Turner has been making great gains so I may be moving him up to the Blue
team. I will know more once I re-assess him on DIBELS and KJS if I want to move Turner to a different group. (Again i'm not
overly concerned that Ava and Sophia did not correctly ID o or u because we have not done focused lessons yet on those
vowels. But Dylan, Ava, and Sophia should have correctly identified A,E,I because we have had focused lessons on those
vowels. So, I will be pulling them during morning work to give them feedback and clear up their misunderstandings.
On the second part of the page all students were able to identify the correct number of words in the sentence and the
sentence stopper besides Ava. So, I will be doing one-on-one extra practice with her.
On the initial sound match part of the assessment I was very impressed with how the students did. Turner correctly matched
all of the letters/sounds with the correct image. Dylan had two errors : On the owl picture he circled the letter i instead of

o & for the glasses image Dylan circled v instead of G. ( I may group Zach and Dylan up during morning work to go over
the one they got wrong and to practice sounds. Since they both got the owl match wrong.)
Ava and sophia struggled with this part of the assessment so I decided to send Turner and Dylan back to their seats to
continue to do this assessment independently. I then did the initial sound picture match with Ava and Sophia together.
Fillinging in Gaps
I will be grouping Dylan and Zach together and work with them to fill in gaps I saw on their assessment. I will go over the
ones they got wrong and practice sounds with them. I will also do more vowel sound practice with them.
Sophia and Ava I will be working with them every spare minute I can. I will also be recommending them for tier 2 intervention.
Mrs. H and I have complied enough data to show that Ava and Sophia need extra support. I will meet with Mrs. Clockedile to
see if she has any openings in her schedule to take Ava and Sophia until they get picked up for tier 2 services. Even if it is for
10 minutes to work on long and short vowel sounds it would really benefit Ava and Sophia.
Zachs Work

Not all of my students have met today's targets. But the majority of the students have. I have devised plans to fill in the
gaps for the students that have not yet met the targets.
How did you pre-assess, activate prior knowledge or build on prior knowledge?
I pre-assessed prior knowledge by using Kindergarten Jumpstart upper and lower ID assessment and sound ID assessment.
As well as DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) on initial sound fluency and letter name fluency. I also
used data from the NWEA on foundational skills. I have also been doing observations/formative assessments to inform

In my lesson we review sounds every day through phonics dance. (Phonics dance also goes over the vowels.) We also go over

concepts of print every day and initial sounds. I also keep reviewing concepts of print even though we have been working on
this target since the beginning of the year. Also, in my activator and summarizer I review what vowels we have learned in the

previous lessons and play a game to review the vowels.

How did you adjust the lesson during instruction? Why?
During the assessment I noticed that Ava and Sophia were struggling. So, I decided to have Dyland and Turner go back to
their seats and continue to do the assessment independently. Then I did the the second part of the assessment with Sophia
and Ava together rather than having them do it independently.
What did you learn for next time?

I gave the students another choice besides their regular centers. Some of the students really enjoyed the having
the choices; where others felt overwhelmed and not sure what they wanted to pick. I had one student break down
and tears and said I want to do both. So, though choice was great for some students, others were overwhelmed.
So, I told the students that wanted to do both that they could pick the activity they did not have a chance to do
during choice centers at the end of the day. After I made that modification all the students were happy and were
intrinsically motivated. Also, students really were excited about choosing either the hangman game or the sign
language game. So, next time I have a choice activity I will make it clear that if they want to do both they can do
the other activity at the end of the day. So, for example if they choose the make a vowel book and wanted to still
so IPADS at the end of the day at choice centers they could.
Also, if a student was off task during centers he or she really responded to me when I called them up to my desk
rather than calling their name across the room. Though it took a minute from the group I working with it was
better for the student that needed redirecting. A student in particular responded to it better than me calling his
name out across the room. So, I will continue to do this throughout lead teach week.
Also, I have been doing well with a particular student after talking with my mentor teacher about dealing with her
breakdowns. The way to handle students breakdowns are vastly different from student to student. MLH is a
student that if you back her in a corner she will continue to respond back. She also does it to seek attention. So,
after talking to my mentor she said really pick your battles with the student. Ignore the bad behavior and respond
to the good behavior. That way she will learn that by acting out she wont get attention but if she does what is

expected of her she will get positive attention. This has really worked for the most part. There have been some
off days but it has worked.

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