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(Estted. under the Pnjab Univerasity Act VII of 1947-enacted by the Govt. of India)





EXAMINATIONS 2011 - 2012



B.Sc.(H.S.) First Year in Mathematics

Semester I

Preliminary English


Environmental Education



(common to all Hons. School)


Major Papers-2
Paper I :

Math 301S


Paper II :

Math 302S

Matrices and Theory of Equations

Subsidiary Courses-2


Paper I :

SC 101S

Probability & Statistical Methods-I

Paper II :

SCP 102S

Practicals of Statistical Methods-II

Anyone of the following subjects:

Chemistry, Economics, Geography, Geology,
Life Sciences, Physics, Philosophy

Semester II

Preliminary English


Environmental Education -do-


Major Papers-2


(common to all Hons. School)

Paper I :

Math 321S


Paper II :

Math 322S

Coordinate Geometry

Subsidiary Courses-2


Paper I :

SC 121S

Probability & Statistical Methods-II

Paper II :

SCP 122S

Practicals of Statistical Methods-II

Same Subsidiary as opted in Semester I

B.Sc.(H.S.)Second Year in Mathematics

Semester III
Major Papers-3
Paper I :

Math 401S

Number Theory

Paper II :

Math 402S


Paper III:

Math 403S

Ordinary Differential Equations

Subsidiary Courses-2


Statistics and Computational Methods

Paper I :

SC 201S

Applied Statistics-I

Paper II :

SCP 202S

Practicals of Applied Statistics-I

Same Subsidiary as opted in Semester I & II

The syllabus for subsidiary subjects will be available with the concerned

Major Papers-3
Paper I :

Math 421S


Paper II :

Math 422S


Paper III:

Math 423S


Subsidiary Courses-2


Statistics and Computational Methods

Paper I :

SC 221S

Applied Statistics-II

Paper II :

SCP 222S

Practicals of Applied Statistics-II

Same Subsidiary as opted in Semester III

The syllabus for subsidiary subjects will be available with the concerned departments.

B.Sc.(Hons. School) Third Year in Mathematics

Paper I

Math 501S: Algebra

Paper II

Math 502S: Calculus of Several Variables and Improper Integrals

Paper III Math 503S: Some Special Functions and Integral Transforms
Paper IV

Math 504S: Number Theory I

Paper V

Math 505S: Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory

Paper I

Math 521S: Linear Algebra

Paper II

Math 522S: Lebesgue Integration and Fourier Series

Paper III Math 523S : Partial Differential Equations

Paper IV Math 524S : Number Theory II
Paper V Math 505S : Numerical Analysis

Subsidiary courses being taught to the students of other Science Departments

B.Sc. (Hons.School) First Year

Semester I
(for students without background in Mathematics)
Math 105S : Algebra and Geometry
(for students with background in Mathematics)
Math 115S: Advanced Calculus & Geometry

Semester II
(for students without background in Mathematics)
Math 125S: Calculus
(for students with background in Mathematics)
Math 135S: Linear Algebra

B.Sc. (Hons.School) Second Year

Semester III
(For Students without background in Math.)
Math 205S :
(For Students with background in Math.)
Math 215S

Differential Equations, Fourier Series, Integral Transforms and

Complex Analysis

Semester IV
(For Students without background in Math.)
Math 225S

Vector Analysis, Differential Equations and Transforms

(For Students with background in Math.)

Math 235S

Integral Transforms and Complex Analysis


(25 Hrs. course)
1. Environment Concept
Introduction, concept of biosphere lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere; Natural
resources - their need and types: Principles and scope of Ecology; concepts o f
ecosystem, populat ion, communit y, biot ic interactio ns, biomes, eco logical,
successio n.
2. Atmosphere:
Parts of atmosphere, components of air: pollution, pollutants, their sources,
permissible limits, risks and possible control measures.
3. Hydrosphere:
Types of aquatic systems; Major sources (including ground water) and uses of
water, problems of t he hydrosphere, fresh water shortage; pollution and
pollutants of water. permissible limits, risks and possible control measures.
4. Lithosphere:
Earth crust, soil - a life support system, its texture, types, components. pollution
and pollutants, reasons of soil erosion and possible control measures.
5. Forests:
Concept of forests and plantations, types of vegetation and forests, factors governing
vegetation, role of trees and forests in environment, various forestry programmes
of the Govt. of India, Urban Forests, Chipko Andolan.
6. Conservation of Environment:
The concepts of conservation and sustainable development, why to conserve,
aims and objectives of conservation, policies of conservation; conservation of
life support systems - soil, water, air, wildlife, forests.
7. Management of Solid Waste:
Merits and demerits of different ways of solid waste management - open
dumping, landfill, incineration, resource reduction, recycling and reuse.
vermicomposting and vermiculture, organic farming.
8. Indoor Envi ron ment:
Pollutants and contaminants of the in-house environment; problems of the
environment linked to urban and rural lifestyles: possible adulterants of the food:
uses and harms of plast ics and polythene: hazardous chemicals, solvents and
9. Global Environmental issues:
Global concern, creation of UNEP; Conventions on climate change,
Convention on biodiversity: Stratospheric ozone depletion, dangers associated
and possible solutions.

10. Indian Laws on Environment:

Indian Laws pertaining to Environmental protection: Environment (Protection) Act,
1986; General information about laws relating to control of air, water and noise
pollution. What to do to seek redressal.
11. Biodiversity:
What is biodiversity, levels and types of biodiversity, importance of biodiversity,
causes of its loss, how to check its loss; Hotspot zones of the world and India,
Biodiversity Act, 2002.
12. Noise and Microbial Pollution:
Pollution due to noise and microbes and their effects.
13. Human Population and Environment:
Population growth and family welfare, Human Health, HIV AIDS, Human Rights.
14. Social Issues:
Environmental Ethics : Issues and possible solutions, problems related to lifestyle,
sustainable development; Consumerisms and waste generation.
15. Local Environmental Issues:
Environmental problems in rural and urban areas. Problem of Congress Grass &
other weeds, problems arising from the use of pesticides and weedicides,
smoking etc.
Depending on the available facility in the college, a visit to vermicomposting
units or any other such non-polluting eco-friendly site or planting/caring of
vegetation/trees could be taken.
Note: Above 15 topics to be covered in 25 hour lectures in total, with 2 lectures in each
topics from 2 to 11 and one each for the topics 1and 12 to15..
Examination Pattern:
Fifty multiple choice questions (with one correct and three incorrect alternatives
and no marks deduction for wrong answer or un-attempted question)

All questions compulsory i.e. no choice.

Qualifying marks 33 per cent i.e. 17 marks out of 50.
Total marks : 50
Duration of Examination: 60 minutes.
Spread of questions: Minimum of 2 questions from each of the topics 1
and 12 to l5. Minimum of 4 questions from topics 2 to 11.

Outlines of tests syllabi and courses of reading for B.Sc. (Honour School)
First Year English Subsidiary ( Semester System )

Fluency in English
Units-I, II,III,IV

20 Marks


Shorts Stories
Unit Ito VI

10 Marks


Unit I to IX

20 Marks

Writing and Grammar

Paragraph Writing

12 marks


Formal Letters and E-mails

10 marks


Applied Grammar:
-Types of Sentences
-Sentence Linkers
- Correction of Sentences

20 marks


Fluency in English

20 Marks


Short Stories
Unit to VII to XII

10 Marks


Unit X to XVIII

20 Marks

8 marks

Writing and Grammar

Resume Writing

10 Marks


Prcis Writing

8 Marks


Report Writing

12 Marks


Applied Grammar

20 Marks

- same word as different part of speech

- Formation of words
- One Word substitution
- Idioms & Phrases


Fluency in English Eds. Mukti Sanyal & Tulika Prasad

Macmillam Publishers


Twelve Contemporary Shorts Stories O.U.P.


The Silver Lute Macmillam Publishers


The book Twelve contemporary Short Stories is meant for discussion

and evaluation purposes.
Mode of Testing: All the questions of Section A would have Internal
choice. Question 1 and 2 Essay type. Question 3 and 4 from poems
based on central idea or summary.


A textbook of grammar and composition Eds. S.C. Sharma, Pankaj

Sharma et al Mcmillan.
A Practical Eng Grammar Ed. Thomsan Martinet, Oxford, India.

B.Sc.(Honours School) 1st Year in Mathematics 2011-2012

Semester I
Major Papers
Paper I
MATH 301S:

(7 hrs/week (including tutorials)/Marks: 100)
Time : 3 hrs.

Note : 1.

The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
All questions carry equal marks.

Differential Calculus
- definition of the limit of a function. Basic properties of limits. Continuous functions
and classification of discontinuities. Differentiability. Applications of Derivatives.
Asymptotes. Test for concavity. Points of inflexion. Tracing of Curves.
(Scope as in Chapters 1,2,3 of Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas and Finney,
Ninth Edition)

Integral Calculus
Integration of functions. Reimann sum and definite integrals. Properties, Area and the
Mean value theorem, The fundamental theorem.

(Scope as in Chapters 4 of Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas and Finney,

Ninth Edition)
Part II
Integral Calculus
Applications of integrals. Areas between curves. Finding volumes by slicing. Volumes
of solids of Revolution-Disks and Washers. Cylindrical Shells. Lengths of plane curves.
Areas of surfaces of revolution.
(Scope as in Chapters 5 of Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas and Finney,
Ninth Edition)

Infinite Series:
Limits of sequence of numbers. Theorems for calculating limits of sequences, Infinite
Series. Bounded and Monotonic sequences, Cauchys convergence criterion. Series of
non-negative terms. Comparison tests. Cauchys Integral test. Ratio tests. Alternating
series. Absolute and conditional convergence. Lebnitz Theorem, Convergence of Taylor
Series, Error Estimates. Applications of Power Series.
(Scope as in Chapters 8 of Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas and Finney,
Ninth Edition)
Suggested Readings

Thomas and Finney: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Ninth Edition.

Liefhold, Louis: Calculus and Analytic Geometry.
Lipmen Bers: Calculus.

Paper II
MATH 302S: Matrices and Theory of equations
(7 hrs/week (including tutorials)/Marks: 100)
Time : 3 hrs.
Note : 1.

The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
All questions carry equal marks.

Matrices, Algebra of Matrices, symmetric, skew symmetric, Hermitian and skew

Hermitian matrices. Elementary operations on matrices, Inverse of a matrix, Linear
independence of row and column matrices. Row rank, column rank and rank of a matrix.
Equivalence of row and column ranks. Eigen values, eigen vectors and the characteristic
equation of a matrix. Cayley Hamilton theorem and its use in finding the inverse of a
matrix. Application of matrices to a system of linear (both homogeneous and non
homogeneous) equations. Theorems on consistency of a system of linear equations.
Polynomials, Euclids Algorithm greatest common divisor, unique factorization of
polynomials over a field F of numbers (statement only), Fundamental theorem of Algebra
(statement only), roots and their multiplicity, Irreducible polynomials over Q, R, C.
Relationship between roots and the coefficients, Fundamental theorem of symmetric
polynonmials (without proof) Evaluation of symmetric functions of roots. Rational roots
of polynomials with integral coefficients. Descartes rule of sign, Strums theorem
(statement only) Solution of cubic equation and biquadratic equation.
1. Higher Algebra: A. Kurosh (Moscow Mir Publisher 1972).
2. Theory of Equations. (Lecture notes for inter University Leadership project in
Mathematics by R.N. Gupta, Surjeet Singh and R.J. Hans-Gill.



K.B. Datta, Matrix and Linear Algebra. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain and S.R. Nagpaul. First course in Linear Algebra,
Wiley Eastern, New Delhi 1983.
Shanti Narayan & P.K.Mittal.A Text Book of Matrices, S.Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi,
Reprint 2002.
J. Gilbert & L. Gilbert . Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory, Academic Press.

Semester II
Major Papers
MATH 321S:Calculus-II

Note : 1.

(7 hrs/week (including tutorials)/Marks: 100)

Time : 3 hrs.
The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
All questions carry equal marks.

Vector Analysis
Vectors in the plane Cartesian Co-ordinates and vectors in spaces. Dot and cross
products. Lines and planes in space, Cylinders and Quadric surfaces. Cylindrical and
Spherical co-ordinates Vector valued functions and space curves. Modelling Projectile
Motion. Arc length and Unit Tangent vector curvature, Torsion and the TNB Frame. Line
and Surface integrals.
(Scope as in chapters 10, 11 and 14 of Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas and
Finney, Ninth Edition)
Multivariable Functions:
Functions of several variables. Limits and continuity. Partial derivatives.
Differentiability. The chain rule, Directional derivatives, Gradient vectors and tangent
planes. Extreme values and saddle points. Lagrange multipliers Double integrals. Double
integrals in Polar Form. Triple integrals in Rectangular co-ordinates. Triple integrals in
Cylindrical and Spherical co-ordinates.
(Scope as in Chapters 12 and 13 of Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas and
Finney, Ninth Edition).
Suggested Readings
1. Thomas and Finney: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Ninth Edition.
2. Liefhold, Louis: Calculus and Analytic Geometry.
3. Lipmen Bers: Calculus.


MATH 322S: Coordinate Geometry

(7 hrs/week (including tutorials)/Marks: 100)
Time : 3 hrs.
Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Part I
Pair of Straight lines: Joint equation of pair of straight lines and angle between them,
condition of parallelism and perpendicularity, joint equation of the angle bisectors, joint
equation of lines joining origin to the intersection of a line and a curve.
Circle: General equation of circle, circle through intersection of two lines, Tangents and
Normals, Chord of contact, pole and polar, pair of tangents from a point, equation of
chord in terms of midpoint, angle of intersection and orthogonality, power of a point w.r.t
circle, radical axis, co-axial family of circles ,limiting points.
Conic: General equation of conic, Tangents, normals, chord of contact, pole and polar,
of tangents from a point, equation of chord in terms of midpoint, diameter. Conjugate
diameters of ellipse and hyperbola, special properties of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola,
conjugate hyperbola, asymptotes of hyperbola, rectangular hyperbola.
Transformation of axes in two dimensions: shifting of origin, rotation of axes, the
second degree equation S=ax2+2hxy+by2+2gx+2fy+c=0, its invariants t, and O.
Reduction of the second degree equation into standard form. Identification of curves
represented by S=0 (including pair of lines)
Polar coordinates: Polar equations of straight lines ,circles and conics. Polar equation of
chords, tangents normals only.
Review of lines and planes in 3-dimension, change of axes, shift of origin, rotation of
axes, sphere, section of a sphere by a plane. Sphere through a given circle. Intersection of
a line and sphere, tangent line, tangent plane, angle of intersection of two spheres and
condition of orthogonality, power of a point w.r.t a sphere, Radical planes, radical axis,
radical centre, coaxial family of spheres, limiting points, Cylinder, Cone with vertex at
origin as the graph of homogeneous equation of second degree in x,y,z, cone as a surface
generated by a line passing through fixed curve and a fixed point outside the plane of the
curve, reciproval cones, right circular and elliptic cones, right circular cone as a surface
of revolution obtained by rotating the curve in a plane about an axis, enveloping cones,
ellipsoid, equations of hyperboloids, paraboloids in the standard form, tangent planes and

P.K Jain and Khalil Ahmed, A text book of Analytical Geometry of two
dimensions, Wiley Eastern Ltd,1994.
P.K Jain and khalil Ahmed, A text book of Analytical Geometry of three
dimensions,Wiley Eastern Ltd,1999.
Shanti Narayan and P.K Mittal, Analytical Solid Geometry, Seventeenth Revised
Edition,2006,S.Chand and Co., New Delhi


B.Sc.(Hons. School) Second Year

Semester III
Major Papers
Paper I : Math 401S : Number Theory
[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note : 1.

The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer two questions from each part.
All questions carry equal marks

Divisibility, Greatest common divisor, fundamental theorem of arithmetic, congruences,

residue classes and reduced residue classes, Euler-Fermats Theorem. Wilsons Theorem,
linear congruences, Chinese Remainder Theorem, polynomial congruences, Arithmetical
functions, (n), (n), (n), (n) etc. Mobius Inversion Formula.
Primitive roots, indices, quadratic residues, Legendres symbol, Eulers Criterion. Gauss
Lemma, Quadratic reciprocity Law, Jacobi symbol,. The Diophantine Equations x2+y2 =
x4 +y4 = z4 . (Scope as in Elementary Number
Theory by D.M. Burton, Chapters 1-11). Farey Sequences (Scope as in Chapter 6
(Sections 6.1and 6.2) of Elementary Number Theory by Niven & Zuckerman)
Suggested Readings

Niven and Zuckerman : Introduction to Number Theory. 3rd edition Wiley

David M.Burton : Elementary Number Theory, Universal Book Store, New
Hardy and Wright : Number Theory, 5th edition, Oxford Univ. Press
H.Davenport : Higher Arithmetic. An introduction to theory of numbers.
Cambridge Univ. Press.


Paper-II:Math 402S: : Analysis -I

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.

Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be required
to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.


The real number system, least upper bound property, countable and uncountable sets, topology of real line and
Rn, metric spaces, compact sets, connected sets, arcwise connectedness, completion of a metric space, limit
superior and limit inferior of a real sequence. Series, review of various tests of convergence, Abels test and
Dirichlets test.


Absolute convergence, alternating series. Addition and multiplication of series, rearrangements, limits of
functions, continuous functions, continuity and compactness, continuity and connectedness, discontinuity,
monotone functions, infinite limits and limits at infinity, the derivative of a real function, mean value
theorems, LHospitals rule, Taylors theorem.
[Scope as in the book Principles of Mathematical Analysis by W.Rudin (3rd edition) Chapter I-V ]

Books recommended
1. Rudin, W.: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, third edition. McGraw Hill
2 .Apostol, Tom M.: Mathematical Analysis, second edition. Narosa Publishing House
3. Shirali, S. and H.L.Vasudeva, Metric Spaces, Springer.
4. Malik, S.C. and Savita Arora, Mathematical Analysis, New Age International Publishers.
5. Bartle, R.G. and D. R. Sherbert, Introduction to Real Analysis, third edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Paper-III: Math 403S: Ordinary Differential Equations

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be required to
answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Ordinary differential equations
Basic definitions: order and degree of differential equation, primitives, solutions of differential
equations, Integral curves, isoclines.
First order differential equations: Linear, non-linear differential equations, Variables separable,
homogeneous, non-homogeneous exact equations and integration factors, equations reducible to
first order, Clairauts equation and Geometrical interpretation of first order differential equation,
Successive approximations, Lipschitz condition, Statements of Existence and Uniqueness of
solution of first order differential equations.
Second order Differential Equations: Linear equations with constant coefficients. Standard Methods
for solution, Nonhomogeneous, linear with constant coefficients. Method of Variation of Parameter,
Linear Independence, Linear dependence, Wronskian. Second order linear equation with variable
Euler equation, regular singular points, ordinary points, series soultion. Method of Frobenius,
Applications, Legendres, Hermites and Bessels equation.

Suggested Reading
Differential Equations
W.E.Boyce and P.C.Diprima : Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary value problems,
John Wiley (1986).
2. Coddington, E.A. : An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations. Prenctice-Hall (India)
(1961) (Chapters I-V).
E.L.Ince : Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations. Dover (1956).
E. D. Rainville: Elementary Differential Equations, Bedient Publisher Prentice Hall.


Paper I : Math 421S : Algebra
[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will
attempt five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students
will be required to answer two questions from each part.

All questions carry equal marks


Group Theory: Definitions, examples and simple properties of groups, order of an

element, cyclic groups, connection with primitive roots, subgroups, cosets. Lagranges
Theorem, subgroups of a cyclic group, subgroup generated by a subset, conjugacy,
normal subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms, the isomorphism theorem.
Cayleys Theorem, detatiled study of Sn , simplicity of A n, n 4, Class Equations,
Cauchys Theorem, Sylows Theorems, Direct Products. Elementary properties of finite
p-groups, Fundamental Theorem of finite Abelian groups (scope as in Chapter 2 of I.N.
Herstein - Topics in Algebra, Second Edition).
Suggested Readings
1. I.N.Herstein: Topics in Algebra, 2nd edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 1988.
2. P.B.Bhattacharya, S.K.Jain and S.R.Nagpaul: Basic Abstract Algebra, 2nd
Edition, Cambridge University Press 1995.
3. J.B.Fraleigh : A first course in Abstract Algebra, 3rd Edition AddisonWesely/Narosa 1998..
4. N.S.Gopalakrishnan : University Algebra, 2nd Edition, wiley Eastern Limited,
5. N.Jacobson : Basic Algebra Vol.I, Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1982
6. Surjeet Singh and Quazi Zameeruddin : Modern Algebra, Revised Edition,
Vikas Publishing House, 1992.
7. M.Artin : Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 1994.


Paper-II:Math 422S: Analysis II

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will
attempt five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students
will be required to answer atleast two questions from each
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Functions of bounded variation, Total variation, Additive property of total variation,
functions of bounded variation expressed as the difference of increasing functions,
rectifiable curves and arc length.
The Riemann-Stieltjes integrals with emphasis on Riemann Integral, step functions as
integrators, additive and linearity properties of upper and lower integrals, Integrators
of bounded variation, Mean value theorems for Riemann-Stieltjes integrals,
Fundamental theorem of integral calculus, Mean value theorems for Riemann
Sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence,
uniform convergence and continuity, uniform convergence and integration,
uniform convergence and differentiation, The Stone-Weierstrass Theorem power
series, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions.
[Scope as in the book Mathematical Analysis by T.M. Apostol , ChapterVI(upto 6.10),
VII (upto 7.22), Principles of Mathematical Analysis by W.Rudin (3rd
edition) Chapter VII(Sections 7.1 to 7.18, 7.26). Chapter
VIII upto Theorem 8.8 ]
Books recommended
1. Rudin, W.: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, third edition. McGraw Hill
2. Apostol, Tom M.: Mathematical Analysis, second edition. Narosa Publishing
3. Shirali, S. and H.L.Vasudeva, Metric Spaces, Springer.
4. Malik, S.C. and Savita Arora, Mathematical Analysis, New Age International
5. Bartle, R.G. and D. R. Sherbert, Introduction to Real Analysis, third edition. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Paper-III:Math 423S: Mechanics

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Forces acting on a particle, parallel Forces, Couples, Moments and Coplanar forces
acting on a rigid body and their resultant. Equilibrium of concurrent and NonConcurrent coplanar forces, Friction, Virtual Work, Stable and unstable equilibrium
and the Physical situations via problems.
Motion in a straight line, Newtons law of motion, Motion on an inclined plane. Motion
under variable acceleration, Simple harmonic motion, Relative Motion, Projectiles,
Work, Power, Energy.
Suggested Reading
1. Chorlton, F.: Text Book of Dynamics, CBS New Delhi (1985).
2. A Text Book of Mechanics for TDC I, TDC II Publication Bureau, Panjab University,
3. S.L. Loney: The Elements of Statics and Dynamics , Cambridge University Press.


B.Sc. (H.S.) Third Year in Mathematics

Semester V

Math 501S



Math 502S

Calculus of Several Variables and Improper


Paper-III :

Math 503S

Some Special Functions and Integral Transforms

Paper-IV :

Math 504S

Number Theory I

Paper-V :

Math 505S

Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory

Semester VI

Math 521S

Linear Algebra

Paper-II :

Math 522S

Lebesgue Integration and Fourier Series

Paper-III :

Math 523S

Partial Differential Equations

Paper-IV :

Math 524S

Number Theory II

Paper-V :

Math 525S

Numerical Analysis


Paper I - Math 501S: Algebra
[7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)]
[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.
Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Groups and Rings

Derived subgroups, normal and subnormal series, derived series, composition
series. Solvable groups. Zassenhaus lemma and Jordan Holder theorem [Scope as in
Chapter 5 of the book Surjeet Singh and Quazi Zameeruddin: Modern Algebra, 7th
Rings, integral domains, division rings, fields. Subrings and ideals. Algebra of
ideals. Quotient rings. Prime ideals and maximal ideals. Homomorphism, fundamental
theorem of homomorphisms, the first and the second theorems of isomorphism. Field of
quotients and embedding theorems.
Polynomial rings, factorization in R [X] and in integral domains. Divisibility,
Euclidean domains, unique factorization domains. Gauss lemma and Eisensteins criteria
of irreducibility [Scope as in Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the book - Surjeet Singh and
Quazi Zameeruddin: Modern Algebra, 7th edition].
Modules, definition and examples. Fundamental theorem of finitely generated
modules over Euclidean domains [Scope as in Section 4.5 of the book I.N. Herstein:
Topics in Algebra].

Suggested Readings
1. Surjeet Singh and Quazi Zameeruddin: Modern Algebra (7th edition); Vikas
Publishing House.
2. I.N. Herstein: Topics in Algebra; Vikas Publishing House.
3. N.S. Gopalakrishnan: University algebra; Wiley eastern Ltd.


4. B. Hartley and T.O. Hawkes: Rings and Modules, Chapman and Hall.
5. J.A. Gallian: Contemporary Abstract Algebra (4th edition); Narosa publishing

Paper-II Math 502S: Calculus of Several Variables and Improper Integrals

[7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)]
[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.
Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Limit and continuity of functions between Euclidean spaces, Partial derivatives,
directional derivatives and the Jacobian matrix, Derivatives and their elementary
properties. Chain rule and its matrix form. Mean value theorem for differentiable
functions, Sufficient condition for differentiability and sufficient condition for the
equality of mixed partial derivatives, higher order derivatives, Taylor Theorem for
function of n-variables.
Inverse function theorem. Implicit function theorem. Maxima and Minima at interior
points. Criteria for local maxima and local minima. The method of Lagrange multipliers.
[Scope as in the book Mathematical Analysis by T. M. Apostol, Chapter 12(except
12.6) and Chapter 13]
The measure of a bounded interval in Rn , the Riemann integral of a bounded function
defined on a compact interval in Rn , Sets of measure zero and Lebesgues criterion for
existence of a multiple Riemann Integral , Evaluation of a multiple integral by iterated
[Scope as in the book Mathematical Analysis by T. M. Apostol, Chapter 14 (up to
Improper integrals, Cauchys criterion, absolute convergence, tests for convergence and
uniform convergence. Elementary notions of functions defined by integrals, continuity,
differentiation under the integral sign. Beta and Gamma functions.
[Scope as in the book A Course on Mathematical Analysis by Shanti Narayan, Twelfth
Edition, Chapter 9 and 15]
Suggested Reading

T. M. Apostol


E.C. Titchmarsh

Mathematical Analysis (2nd Ed.), Narosa Publishing

A Theory of Functions, Indian Edition, Published
By Oxford University Press, Delhi.



W. Rudin


T.J.IA Bromwich :

5. Shanti Narayan


Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3 Ed.),

McGraw Hill.
An introduction to theory of infinite series
(Appendix II)
A course of Mathematical Analysis (12th Ed.)

Paper III Math-503S : Some Special Functions and



7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)]

[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.
Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Legendre Polynomials Recurrence relations, Rodrigues formula, generating function,
Orthogonal and Orthonormal functions, Orthogonal property of Legendre polynomials,
Fourier-Legendre series.
Chebyshev Differential Equation, Chebyshev polynomials of first and second kind and
relation between them, Generating function, orthogonal property, Recurrence formulae,
Fourier Chebyshev Series.
Bessels functions. Strum-Liouville Problem Orthogonality of Bessel functions,
Reccurence formulae, Generating function, Fourier-Bessel Series.
Laplace Transforms, Inverse Laplace transform, Solution of initial value problems using
Laplace transforms, Translation theorems, Laplace transform of Dirac-Delta function,
Differentiation and Integration of Laplace transform, Convolution theorems, Laplace
transform of periodic functions, Laplace transform method to solve some ordinary
differential equations.
Review of Fourier series, Fourier integrals, Applications of Fourier series, Fourier
transforms, [Scope as in the book Advanced Engineering Mathematics by R. K. Jain
and S. R. K. Iyengar, Chapter 7, 8, 9]
Books recommended

R. K. Jain and

Advanced Engineering Mathematics (2nd

Edition), Narosa.


E. D. Rainville

Special Functions


[7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)]
[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.
Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Continued fractions, approximations of irrationals by rationals, Pells equation. (Scope as
in Introduction to Number Theory by Niven & Zuckerman, Chapter 7).
Partitions, Representations of Numbers as sums of two and four squares (Scope as in
Chapters 18 and Chapter 20, Sections 1-5, of Number Theory by Hardy and Wright).
Binary Quadratic forms (Scope as in Sections 5.13, 5.14 of Introduction to Number
Theory by Niven & Zuckerman). Hermites estimate on the minima of positive definite
quadratic forms and its application to representations of numbers as sum of three squares.
(Scope as in Elementary Number Theory by E.Landau,Part III, Chapter IV).
Minkowskis Theorem in Geometry of Numbers and its applications to diophantine
inequalities. (Scope as in Number Theory by Hardy & Wright, Chapter 24, Section 1-5).
Introduction to Number Theory, Wiley Eastern by Niven & Zuckerman).
Suggested Readings

Niven & Zuckerman: Introduction to Number Theory, Wiley Eastern.

Hardy & Wright : Number Theory. Oxford University Press.
H.Davenport : Higher Arithmetic. Cambridge Univ. Press.
E.Landau : Elementary Number Theory. Chelsea.


PAPER V Math 505S: Discrete Mathematics and Graph Analysis

[7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)]
[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.
Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Pigeonhole principle, Basic counting principles, permutations and combinations of sets
and multisets, Binomial and multinomial theorems, Combinatorial identities, inclusion
and exclusion principle, Recurance relations, Generating functions solution of recurrence
relations using difference equations and generating functions, Catalan numbers,
Difference sequences and Sterling numbers. Partitions as associated to distribution
identical objects in identical boxes.
Elements of Graph Theory, Euclerian and Hamiltonian trails and cycles. Bipartite
multigraphs, Trees, Spaning Trees, Algorithams for BFS and DFS trees weighted Graphs,
Greedy algorithm and Prims Algorithm for generating minimum weight spanning
graphs, Digraphs, Planer graphs, Euler formula and Chromatic numbers. (Scope as in
Introductory Combinatorics, 3rd edition by Brualdi , Chapters 1-3,5-8,11 (except 11.6),
12 .1, 13.1,13.2)
Suggested Readings
1. Brualdi: Introductory Combinatorics, 3rd Edition.
2. Malt, Kandal and Baker: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and


Paper I - Math 521S: Linear Algebra
[7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)]
[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.

Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Vector spaces, definition and elementary properties. Subspaces, linear
dependence and independence, basis and dimension. Quotient spaces. Direct sums and
complements. Matrices and change of basis. Inner product spaces, Cauchy-Schwarz
inequality, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process [Scope as in Chapter 11 of the book
Surjeet Singh and Quazi Zameeruddin: Modern Algebra, 7th edition].
Linear transformations, algebra of linear transformations. Dual spaces, matrices
and linear transformations.
Characteristic polynomials and characteristic roots, minimal polynomials.
Primary decomposition theorem, Jordan Canonical Form and Rational Canonical Form.
Unitary and Normal Operators. Spectral decomposition theorem [Scope as in Chapters 12
and 16 of the book Surjeet Singh and Quazi Zameeruddin: Modern Algebra, 7th
Suggested Readings
1. Surjeet Singh and Quazi Zameeruddin: Modern Algebra (7th edition); Vikas
Publishing House.
2. I.N. Herstein: Topics in Algebra; Vikas Publishing House.
3. P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain and S.R. Nagpaul: First Course in Linear Algebra;
Wiley Eastern Ltd.


Paper II Math-522S:

Lebesgue Integration and Fourier Series

[7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)
[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.

Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Lebesgue outer measure, measurable sets and Lebesgue measure, Construction of a nonmeasurable set, measurable functions, Littlewood three principles.
[Scope as in Chapter 2 of the book Real Analysis, 3rd Edition, 2000 by H. L. Royden]
Lebesgue integral of a bounded function over a set of finite measure, the integral of a
non-negative function, the general Lebesgue Integral
[Scope as in the relevant sections from Chapter 4 of the book Real Analysis, 3rd Edition,
2000 by H. L. Royden]
Differentiation of monotone functions, functions of bounded variation, differentiation of
an integral, absolute continuity.
[Scope as in the relevant sections from Chapter 5 of the book Real Analysis, 3rd Edition,
2000 by H. L. Royden]
The set L2 [a,b] of square integrable real valued functions on [a,b].
Orthogonal/orthonormal system of functions, the theorem of best approximation, the
Fourier Series of a function relative to an orthonormal set, Bessels inequality, the
Riemann-Lebesgue lemma, the Dirichlet integrals, Riemanns Localization theorem,
sufficient conditions for convergence of a Fourier Series at a particular point.
[Scope as in 10.22, 11.1-11.5, 11.7-11.12 of the book Mathematical Analysis 2nd
Edition, by T. M. Apostol]
Suggested Reading:

T. M. Apostol



E.C. Titchmarsh

Real Analysis (3rd Ed.), Prentice Hall of India.

Mathematical Analysis (2nd Ed.), Narosa Publishing
A Theory of Functions, Indian Edition, Published
By Oxford University Press, Delhi.


Paper III

Math-523S: Partial Differential Equations

[7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)]
[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.

Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Ordinary differential equations in more than two variables : Simultaneous Differential
equations of the first order and the first degree in three variables, Methods of their
solution and applications, Pfaffian Differential forms and equations, solutions of Pfaffian
Differential equations in three variables.
Partial differential equations of the first order: Partial differential equations, solution of
Partial differential equations in three variables. Partial differential equations of the first
order. Cauchys Problem for first order equations, Linear Partial differential equations of
the first order, Integral surfaces passing through a given curve, surfaces orthogonal to a
given system of surfaces.
Part II
Partial differential equations of the first order: Nonlinear Partial differential equations of
the first order, compatible system of first order equations, Charpit method, Jacobi
Method, Cauchys method of characteristics.
Partial differential equations of the second order and their classification into hyperbolic,
elliptic and parabolic types, canonical forms. Linear partial differential equations with
constant coefficients. Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Laplace, Diffusion
and Wave equations and their solutions in Cartesian, Spherical polar and cylindrical polar
coordinates by Separation of Variables.
[Scope as in the book Differential Equations by I. N. Sneddon, Chapter 1, Chapter 2,
Chapter 3(4, 5, 9)]
Books recommended

R. K. Jain and
I. N. Sneddon


Advanced Engineering Mathematics (2nd ed.)

Elements of Partial Differential Equations,
McBRAW-HILL Book CO., Inc, New York


Paper IV: Math 524S : Number Theory II

[7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)]
[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.
Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Chevalley-Warning Theorem, the congruence a1 x1r + a 2 x r2 + + a n x rn 0 (mod p), padic numbers, Ostrowksis Theorem; p-adic quadratic forms, Witts Lemma, Hasse Minkowskis theorem (Scope as in Chapter I of Number Theory by Borevich &
Orders of magnitude and average order of arithmetical functions. Elementary results on
distribution of primes. Finite Abelian groups and their characters, Dirichlets Theorem on
primes in Arithmetical progression. (Scope as in Chapters 3,4,6,7 of Analytic Number
Theory by T.M.Apostal).

Suggested Readings
1. Niven & Zuckerman: Introduction to Number Theory, Wiley Eastern.
2. Hardy & Wright : Number Theory. Oxford University Press.
3. Borevich & Schafarevich, I.R : Number Theory. Academic Press.
4. H.Davenport : Multiplicative Number Theory. 2nd edition Springer Verlag.
5. T.M.Apostal : Introduction to Analytic Number Theory. Springer Verlag.

Paper-V: Math 525S: Numerical Analysis

[7 hrs/per week (including Tutorials)]
[Max. Marks: 100]
(Final-80+Internal Assessment-20)
Time : 3hrs.

Note 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Error: Sources, Propogation and Analysis. [Ref.2 Chap 1]


Non-Linear Equations: Bisection, Regula-Falsi, Secant, Newton-Raphson, Muller,

Chebshev and General Iteration Methods and their convergence, Aitken Method for
acceleration of the Convergence, Methods for multiple roots, Newton-Raphson and
General iteration Methods for System of Non-Linear Equations, Methods for Complex
roots and Methods for finding roots of Polynomial Equations. [Ref.1 Chap 2]
Linear System of Equations:
Direct Methods: Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Jordan Elimination methods,
Decomposition methods (Doolittle, Crout and Cholskey), Partition method and their error
Iterative Methods: Jacobi iterative method, Gauss-Seidel iterative method, Successive
over relaxation iterative method, iterative method to determine A-1, Convergence
Analysis matrix.
Eigen Value Problems: Gerschgirun Theorem, Jacobi, Givens methods Householders
method for Symmetric matrices, Ruthishauser, Power and Inverse Power method. [Ref.1,
Chap 3]
Interpolation and Approximation of Functions:
Lagranges interpolation, Newton Interpolation, Finite Difference Operators, Piecewise
and Spline Interpolation, Interpolating Polynomials using Finite Differences and Hermite
Least square approximation, Uniform approximation, Rational
approximation [Ref.1 Chap 4]
Numerical Integration: Numerical Differentiation, Error in Numerical Differentiation,
Cubic Spline method, Maximum and Minimum values of a tabulated function, Numerical
Integration: Trapezoidal Rule, Simpsons 1/3-Rule, Simpsons 3/8-Rule, Booles and
Weddles Rule, Integration using Cubic Splines, Romberg Integration, Newton Cotes
formulae, Adaptive Quadrature, Gaussian Integration, Euler-Maclaurin Sum Formula,
Numerical Integration of Singular and Fourier Integrals, Numerical Doule Integration,
[Ref. 3 Chap 5, Ref.4 Chap 5.8].
Numerical solutions to first order ordinary differential equations: Taylors Series
method, Picards Method, Eulers and modified Eulers methods, Runge Kutta methods
[Ref. 3 Chap 7.1-7.5]

Suggested Readings
1. MK Jain, SRK lyenger and RK Jain: Numerical Methods for Scientific and
Engineering computations 5th Editioin, New Age Intenational (P) Limited,
Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Kendall E Atkinson: An introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd Edition John
Wiley & Sons, Printed in India by Replika Pvt. Ltd.
3. S.S.Sastry: Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, 3rd edition(2000),
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. FB Hilderbrand : Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd Edition, Dover
Publication Inc, New York.


Mathematics Subsidiary Courses for students of other Science

Departments[SESSION 2011-2012]
B.Sc.(Hons. School)1st Year
(For students without background in Mathematics)
MATH 105S: Algebra and Geometry
(6 hrs./week)
Max. Marks - 100

Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Review of trigonometric functions, sum and product formulae for trigonometric
functions, Trigonometric Equations .
[Scope as in Chapters 3 of a Textbook Mathematics for Class XI, NCERT.]
Complex Numbersand Quadratic Equations Permutations and combinations Binomial
Theorem sequences and series.,. Exponential and Logarithmic series. [Scope as in
Chapters 5,7,8, 9, Appendix 1 of a Textbook - Mathematics for Class XI, NCERT.]
Matrices, Operations on Matrices, Determinants, singular and non-singular matrices,
Adjoint and inverse of a matrix [Scope as in Chapters 3 , 4 of a Text book-Mathematics
for Class XII, NCERT.Part I]
Co-ordinate Geometry: Rectangular Coordinate system. Straight lines. Circles and family
of circles. Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola-their equations in standard form, .[Scope as in
Chapters 10, 11 of a Textbook- Mathematics for Class XI, NCERT.]
Three dimensional space, Coordinates of a point in three dimensional space.Distance
between two points. Section Formula[Scope as in Chapter 12 of a Text book Mathematics for Class XI, NCERT.]
Suggested Readings
Scope as in the relevant chapters of the books:
1. Mathematics, A Text book for Class XI and XII, NCERT, New Delhi.
2. Calculus by Thomas & Finney, 9th Edition, Pearson Education.


(For Students with background in Mathematics)

MATH 115S: Advanced Calculus and Geometry
(6 hrs/week)
(Marks: 100)
Note : The paper will consist of two parts. Each part will have five questions. The
candidate will be required to attempt 6 questions selecting 3 questions from each part.
Advanced Calculus and Geometry
Multivariable Functions and partial derivatives: Vector-valued function and space
curves. Arc length and unit tangent vector. Limit and continuity of multivariable
function. Partial derivatives. Directional derivatives, gradiant vectors and tangent planes
(Chapters 11 Secs. 11.1, 11.3, Chapter 12.1-12.3 and 12.7 of Calculus and Analytic
Geometry by Thomas and Finney, Ninth Edition).
Multiple Integrals and Integral in vector fields: Double and triple integrals. Fubinis
Theorem without proof, Change of order of integration in double integrals, volume of a
region in space, Triple integrals in spherical and cylinderical coordinates, substitution in
multiple integrals.
[Scope as in Sections 13.1 to 13.4, 13.6, 13.7 of Chapter 13 in the book Calculus and
Analytical Geometry by G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, 9th Edition.]
Line integrals vector fields. Path independence and surface integrals. Divergence and
Stokes theorem (Applications only).
[Scope as in Sections 14.1, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.7 of Chapter 14 of the book Calculus
and Analytic Geometry by G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, 9th Edition.]
Plane Geometry :Transformation of axes, shifting of origin, reflection and rotation of
axes, reduction of the equation S=Ax2+Bxy+Cy2 +Dx+Ey+f=O into simpler forms by
transformation of coordinate axes(without proof). Identification of curves represented by
S=0. Invariance of discriminant and trace t. Condition that a second degree equation
should represent a pair of straight lines. Polar coordinates, polar equation of a conic.
[Scope as in Chapters 1, 6(Sections 6.1-6.4), 7(Sections 7.1-7.8, 7.11-7.15) from Plane
Geometry of New Pattern Vector Algebra and Geometry by J. P. Mohindru, Mrs. Usha
Gupta and A. S. Dogra, International Publishers, Edition 2004.]
Solid Geometry: Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, Equation of paraboloid, ellipsoid and
hyperboloid in standard forms. Simple properties of these surfaces. Equation of tangent
planes to the above surfaces.
[Scope as in Chapters 1(Sections 1.1-1.6, 1.11-1.14), 2(Sections 2.1-2.5, 2.12, 2.13),
3(Sections 3.1-3.3), 4(Sections 4.6, 4.7, 4.10, 4.11) from Solid Geometry of New
Pattern Vector Algebra and Geometry by J. P. Mohindru, Mrs. Usha Gupta and A. S.
Dogra, International Publishers, Edition 2004.]
Suggested Readings
1. Thomas and Finney: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Ninth Edition.
2. Shanti Narayan: Analytic Geometry.
3. J. P. Mohindru, Mrs. Usha Gupta & A. S. Dogra : New Pattern Vector Algebra and
Geometry, International Publishers, New Edition(2004).


(For students without background in Mathematics)
MATH 125S: Calculus
(5 hrs./week)
Max. Marks - 100
Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Continuityand Differentiability : Introduction. Limits. Continuity. Differentiability.
Exponential and Logrithmic Differentiation. Derivative of a function in parameter
Second order derivative . Mean Value Theorem [Scope as in Chapter 13 of a text book of
Mathematics of XI & Chapter 5 of a text book- Mathematics for class XII Part- I
Application of derivative : increasing and decreasing functions. Maxima and Minima.
Rolles Theorem (without proof). Mean Value Theorem. Tangents and Normals. [Scope
as in Chapters 6 of a Text book -Mathematics for Class XII, NCERT.]
Indeterminate forms, LHopitals Rule. Taylor and Maclaurin series(without proofs).
[Scope as in Section 6.6 of Chapter 6 and Section 8.9 & 8.10 of Chapter 8 of a book
Calculus by Thomas & Finney, 9th Edition.]
Integral Calculus: Integral as antiderivative. Integration by substitution, by partial
fractions and by parts. Definite integral and its properties. Areas of bounded regions. The
definition of integral of a real valued function of real variable as limit of sum motivated
by the determination of area. Fundamental theorem of integral calculus.[Scope as in
Chapters 7 &8 of a Text book- Mathematics for Class XII, NCERT.Part II]
Differential Equations : Introduction & basic concepts. General and particular solutions
of a differential Equation. Formation of differential equation.Metheds of solving First
order, First degree Differential equations [Scope as in Ch 9 of a text book-Mathematics
for class XII Part II ]
Suggested Readings
Scope as in the relevant chapters of the books:
1. Mathematics, A Text book for Class XI and XII (Parts I & II), NCERT, New
2. Calculus by Thomas & Finney, 9th Edition, Pearson Education.


(For Students with background in Mathematics)

MATH 135S: Linear Algebra
(6 hrs/week)
(Marks: 100)

Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Vector spaces over R and C, subspaces, linear span of vectors, linear
independence and dependence, basis and dimension. Row rank, Column rank and
determinantal rank of a matrix. Elementary row and column operations. Elemetary
matrices. Row echelon form of a matrix. Equivalence of matrices. Reduction to normal
form under equivalence(method only). The equality of three ranks(statement only).
Methods of solving a system of equations with special reference to Gauss method, Matrix
Inversion. Linear transformations. Rank and Nullity of a linear transformation, Inverse of
a Linear Transformation. Rank and Nullity Theorem and its consequences. Matrix of a
linear transformation with respect to a given basis.
[Scope as in Chapters 3(Sections 3.1-3.6), 4(Sections 4.1-4.5), 5(Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.75.9) of the book Introduction to Linear Algebra by V. Krishnamurthy, V.P.Mainra and
J. L. Arora, East-West Press Pvt. Ltd.]
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. Characteristic roots and characteristic vectors of a
square matrix. Nature of roots of different types of matrices, Minimal polynomial of a
Similarity of matrices, similarity reduction to a diagonal form, diagonalizable
matrix, orthogonal reduction of real symmetric matrices. Unitary reduction of a
Hermitian matrix (for these three reductions only the methods are expected to be taught.
No proofs are expected to be taught).
[Scope as in Chapters 2(Sections 2.16-2.19), 11(Sections 11.1-11.4, 11.7, 11.8),
12(Sections 12.1-12.3), 13(Sections 13.1-13.4) of the book A Text Book of Matrices by
Shanti Narayan and P. K. Mittal, 10th edition, S. Chand & Co.]
Suggested Readings

V. Krishnamurty, V.P. Mainra and J. L. Arora : Introduction to Linear

Algebra, East-West Press Pvt. Ltd.
Shanti Narayan and P. K. Mittal : A textbook of Matrices, 10th edition, S.
Chand & Co.


(For students without background in Mathematics)
MATH 205 S : Matrices
[6 hrs per week]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Symmetric and Skew symmetric, Hermitian and Skew Hermitian, Orthogonal and
unitary matrices (Definitions and examples only).
Rank of a matrix, elementary transformations, reduction to normal form(methods
only), elementary matrices, equivalence of matrices.
[Scope as in Chapter 4 of A Text Book of Matrices by Shanti Narayan and P. K. Mittal,
S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint 2002].
Vector as n-tuples . Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Rank of a
matrix. Row rank, Column Rank and Determinental Rank of a matrix.
[Scope as in Chapter 5(Sections 5.1-5.8) of A Text Book of Matrices by Shanti Narayan
and P. K. Mittal, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint 2002.]
System of linear equations, consistency and inconsistency. Homogeneous and nonhomogeneous equations. Gauss method of solving a system of equations.
[Scope as in Chapter 6(Sections 6.1-6.7) of A Text Book of Matrices by Shanti Narayan
and P. K. Mittal, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint 2002.]
Characteristic equation of a square matrix. Characteristic roots and characteristic vectors.
Nature of characteristics roots of special matrices. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (statement
[Scope as in Chapters 11(Sections 11.1-11.4) of A Text Book of Matrices by Shanti
Narayan and P. K. Mittal, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint 2002.]
Orthogonal reduction of real symmetric matrices. Unitary reduction of Hermitian
matrices (methods only).
[Scope as in Chapter 12(Sections 12.1-12.3, 12.6) of A Text Book of Matrices by
Shanti Narayan and P. K. Mittal, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint 2002.]
Similarity of matrices. Reduction to Diagonal form, diagonalizable matrices.
[Scope as in Chapters 13(Sections 13.1-13.4) of A Text Book of Matrices by Shanti
Narayan and P. K. Mittal, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint 2002.]
Suggested Readings
Shanti Narayan & P. K. Mittal, A Text Book of Matrices, S. Chand & Co.
Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint 2002.


(For students with background in Mathematics)

MATH 215S :Differential Equations and Fourier Series
[6 hrs per week]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.

Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
PART I: Ordinary Differential Equations
Exact First Order Differential Equations, Linear second order equations.
Homogeneous equation with constant coefficients, Characteristic equation and their
roots. Non-homogeneous equations of second order. Particular integrals, method of
variation of parameters.
Solution in series of second order linear differential equations with variable
coefficients (in particular, solutions of Legendres and Bessels equations.)
Bessel functions, Legendre functions, their recurrence and orthogonal relations,
Gamma and Beta functions.
PART II: Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations
Fourier Series; Periodic functions. Fourier series and Fourier coefficients. Functions
having arbitrary period. Sine and Cosine series. Half-range expansions. Exponential
and complex form of Fourier series. Differentiation and integration of Fourier series.
Fourier integrals.
Formation of first and second order of partial differential equations and their
classification, solution of first order equation, Lagranges equation. Solution of Laplace,
diffusion and wave equations by method of separation of variables. DAlemberts
solution of wave equation.
[Scope as in Sections 1.5.4, 4.6, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.4, 5.4.1, 5.5, 6.1-6.4, 7.2, 7.4, 7.4.1,
7.5.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5.4, 8.6 of Ref.1.]
Suggested Readings
1. R. K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyengar: Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Narosa
Publishing House), 2nd edition.
2. Sokolnikoff and Redheffer : Mathematics for Physics and Engineering.
3. Erwin Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematic (Wiley Eastern Limited), 8th
4. R. V. Churchill & J. W. Brown : Complex Variables and Application (fourth


(For students without background in Mathematics)
MATH 225S : Vector Analysis, Differential Equations and Transforms
[6 hrs per week]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.

Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Vector valued functions. Limit and continuity of vector functions. Differentiation of
vector functions. Arc length. Line, Surface and Volume integrals. The gradient,
divergence and curl. The del operator. Greens, Gauss and Stokes theorems (statements
only). Applications to physical problems. [Scope as in Chapters 9-11 of A Text Book of
Vector Analysis by Shanti Narayan and P. K. Mittal, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi,
Revised Edition 2003.]
Differential Equations and their solutions. Equations with variables separable.
Homogeneous equations. First order linear equations.
Homogeneous and nonhomogeneous ordinary differential equations of second
order with constant co-efficients. Wronskian and Linear independence and dependence
of solution, particular integral, D-operator method, method of variation of parameters.
The Laplace transforms, shifting theorem. The convolution theorem. Inverse
transform. Applications to ordinary differential equations.
Legendre polynomials. Their recurrence and orthogonal relations.
Formation of first and second order partial differential equations, solutions of first
order equation, classification of linear second order equations, separation of variables,
solution of one-dimensional wave and heat equations, solution of Laplac equation.
[Scope as in Sections 4.5-4.7, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.4.1, 5.5, 8.1-8.4, 8.5.4, 7.2, 16.2,
16.3.1, 9.5.1, 9.5.2, 9.5.3, 9.5.4, 9.5.5 of Ref.5.]
Suggested Readings
1. H. F. Davis & A. D. Snider, Introduction to Vector Analysis, Allyn and Bacon,
Inc., Boston, USA.
2. Shanti Narayan & P. K. Mittal, A Text Book of Vector Analysis, S. Chand &
Co.Ltd., New Delhi.


3. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,

N. Delhi.Revised Edition 2003..
4. R.K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyengar: Advanced Engineering Mathematics(Narosa
Publishing House), 2nd edition.

(For students with background in Mathematics)

MATH 235S : Integral Transforms and Complex Analysis
[6 hrs per week]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.

Note : 1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt five
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
PART I: Laplace Transforms
Laplace Transforms : definition, elementary transforms. Transforms of derivatives
and integrals. Transforms of periodic functions. Convolution theorem. Inverse Laplace
transforms. Application to ordinary differential equations.
PART II: Complex Analysis
Complex numbers, absolute value, argument. Functions ez, sin z, cos z, log z and
hyperbolic functions. Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations. Harmonic
functions and their conjugates.
Integration of complex functions, Cauchys theorem (statement only), Cauchys
theorem for multiply connected domains (statement only). Cauchys integral formula
(statement only) and simple consequences.
Expansion into Laurent series, singularities, Residues, Cauchy residue theorem
(statement only). Evaluation of definite integrals using contour integration .
[Scope as in relevant sections of Chapter 1-6 of Ref. 4.]
Suggested Readings

R. K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyengar: Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Narosa

Publishing House), 2nd edition.
2 Sokolnikoff and Redheffer : Mathematics for Physics and Engineering.
3 Erwin Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematic (Wiley Eastern Limited), 8th
4 R. V. Churchill & J. W. Brown : Complex Variables and Application(fourth





Every student will have to take five papers.

Each paper/course shall carry 100 marks.
The duration of the examination shall be of three hours.
The question paper will have two parts each having four questions.
Candidates will attempt five questions in all choosing atleast two from
each part.
All questions carry equal marks

Semester I
Every student will have to take five papers given below:
Paper I :

Paper II:


Paper IV:
Paper V:

Math 701S Topology

Math 702S Real Analysis
Math 703S - Topics in Algebra-I
Math 704S Groups and Rings
Math 705S - Linear Programming and Game Theory
Math 706S - Number Theory-I
Math 707S Complex Analysis-I
Math 708S - Classical Mechanics-I

The above mentioned courses will be offered to the students depending upon their

Paper I:

Paper II:

Paper III:

Paper IV:
Paper V:

Math 721S OR
Math 722S Math 723S OR
Math 724S Math 725S OR
Math 726S Math 727S Math 728S -

Functional Analysis
Measure Theory
Topics in Algebra-II
Modules & Fields
Non-Linear Programming
Number Theory-II
Complex Analysis-II
Classical Mechanics-II

The students who have studied Courses MATH 701S, MATH 703S, MATH 705S
in Semester I will have to take MATH 721S, MATH 723S, MATH 725S in
Semester II.
Students who have studied MATH 702S, MATH 704S, MATH 706S in Semester I
will have to take MATH 722S, MATH 724S, MATH 726S in Semester II


MATH-701S: Topology
[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Topological Spaces, bases for a topology, the order topology, the product topology on
X Y , the subspace topology, closed sets and limit points, continuous functions, the
product topology, the metric topology, the quotient topology.
[Scope as in the relevant sections in Chapter 2 of the book Topology, second edition
2002, by James R. Munkres.]
Connected spaces, connected subspaces of the real line, components and local
Compact spaces, compact space of the real line, limit point compactness, local
compactness, nets.
[Scope as in the relevant sections in Chapter 3 of the book Topology, second edition
2002, by James R. Munkres.]
The countability axioms, the separation axioms, normal spaces, the Urysohn Lemma, the
Urysohn Metrization Theorem, the Tietze Extension Theorem, the Tychonoff Theorem.
[Scope as in the relevant sections in Chapters 4 and 5 of the book Topology, second
edition 2002, by James R. Munkres.]

James R. Munkers : Topology(Second Edition 2002), Prentice Hall of India.

James Dugundji : Topology, UBS Publishers .
John L. Kelley : General Topology (Van Nostrand)
Bourbaki - General Topology (Reading, Addison-Wesley).
G.G. Simmons - Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis Tokyo, McGraw
Hill, Kongakusha).
6. W.J. Thron, - Topological structures (N.Y.Holt) (Scope as in Chapters IV to XV,
Chapter XVI: def. 16.4 and results including Tychonoff's theorem and Chapter
XVIII of the reference 4).
7. E.T. Copson - Metric Spaces (Cambridge University Press).
8. S. Willord - General Topology (Addison Wesley Publishing Company).



MATH 702S : Real Analysis

[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will

attempt five questions.

There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
(i) Basic Topology: Finite, countable and uncountable sets, metric spaces, compact sets,
perfect sets, connected sets.
(ii) Sequences and series: Convergent sequences, subsequences, Cauchy sequences(in
metric spaces), completion of a metric space, absolute convergence, addition and
multiplication of series, rearrangements of series of real and complex numbers.
(iii) Continuity: Limits of functions (in metric spaces), continuous functions, continuity
and compactness, continuity and connectedness, monotonic functions.
(iv) The Riemann-Stieltjes integral: Definition and existence of the Riemann-Stieltjes
integral, properties of the integral, integration of vector-valued functions, rectifiable
(v) Sequences and series of functions: Problem of interchange of limit processes for
sequences of functions, Uniform convergence, Uniform convergence and continuity,
Uniform convergence and integration, Uniform convergence and differentiation,
equicontinuous families of functions, Stone Weierstrass Theorem.
(vi) Differentiation: Differentiation of vector-valued functions.
(vii) Functions of several variables: The space of linear transformations on Rn to Rm as a
metric space. Differentiation of a vector-valued function of several variables. The Inverse
function theorem. The implicit function theorem
For items (i) to (vii) as in relevant sections of Chapters 2 to 7 and Chapter 9 of
the book at Sr. No. 6 in the list of references.
1. Apostol, Tom. 'Mathematical Analysis - a modern approach to Advanced Calculus,
Addison - Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1957. (Indian Edition by Narosa
Publishing House New Delhi also available).


2. Bromwich, T.J.I.A., 'An introduction to the theory of infinite series. Second edition
(Revised with the assistance of T.M.Mac Robert). Macmillan and Co. Ltd., New
York, 1955.
3. Goldberg, R.R.: Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IHB Publishing Company,
New Delhi.
4. Knopp, K.: 'Theory and Applications of Infinite series', Blackie and Sons Ltd. London
and Glasgow Second Edition 1951 (Reprinted 1957).
5. Malik, S.C., Savita Arora: Mathematical Analysis, New Age International (P) Ltd,
New Delhi, 2008 IIIrd Edition.
6. Rudin, Walter: 'Principles of Mathematical Analysis'. Third edition (International
Student Edition) McGraw-Hill Inc. 1976.
7. Shanti Narayan, 'A Course of Mathematical Analysis', S.Chand and Co. Ltd., New
Delhi, Twelfth Revised Edition 1986.
8. Titchmarsh, E.C.: The Theory of functions, Second edition, The English Language Book
Society and Oxford University Press 1961.

MATH 703S : Topics in Algebra-I
[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Field Theory:
Fields, Examples, Algebraic and Transcedental elements. The degree of a field extension.
Adjunction of roots. Splitting fields. Finite fields. Algebraically closed fields, Separable
and purely inseparable extensions. Perfect fields, primitive elements, Lagranges theorem
on primitive elements. Normal extensions, Galois extensions, The fundamental theorem
of Galois Theory.
Symmetric functions. Cyclotomic extensions. Cyclic extensions, Norms and traces.
Quintic Equations and solvability by radicals.
Review of Rings and ring homomorphism, ideals, quotient rings, zero divisors,
nilpotent elements, units, prime ideals and maximal ideals, Nilradical and Jacobson
radical, operation on ideals, extension and contraction of ideals, Modules and module
homomorphisms, submodule and quotient module, operation on submodules, direct sum
and product, finitely generated modules, exact sequences, tensor product of modules,
restriction and extension of scalars, exactness property of the tensor product, Algebras,
tensor product of algebras. (Scope as in Chapters I-II of M.F.Atiyah and I.G.Macdonald).


1. M.Artin : Algebra, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 1994.
2. Macrathy, P.I.: Algebraic Extensions of Fields (Chelsea).
3. Nagata, M : Field Theory. Matrcel Dekker N.Y. (1977).
4. Winter : Structure of Fields. GTM. V. 16 (Springer Verlag).
5. Stewart-I : Galois Theory (Capman & Hall (1973).
6. J.-P. Escofier : Galois Theory, Graduate texts in Mathematics, 204, Springer Verlag
7. Atiyah, M.F. and Macdonald, I.G. : Introduction to Commutative Algebra (AddisonWesley, Reading Massachusetts).
8 Surjeet Singh & Qazi Zameeruddin : Modern Algebra (Vikas Publisher).
9. I.N.Herstein : Topics in Algebra, Asian Edition, Hindustan.

MATH-704S: Groups and Rings
[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Review of Permutation Groups, Simplicity of An (n 5) , Sylow Theorems, Direct

Products, finite Abelian Groups, Fundamental Theorem on Finite Abelian Groups,

Normal and Subnormal Series, Derived Series, Composition Series, Solvable Groups,
Zassenhaus Lemma and Jordan-Holder Theorem.

Review of Rings, Zero Divisors, Nilpotent Elements and Idempotents, Matrices,

Quaternions, Ring of endomorphisms, polynomial rings in many variables, Factorization
of polynomials in one variables over a field. Unique factorization domains. Gauss
Lemma, Eisensteins Irreducibility Criterion, Unique Factorization in R[x] where R is a
Unique Factorization Domain. Euclidean and Principal ideal domains ( scope as in
chapters 1, 2,4,8,9 of Luthar & Passi).

I. N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra(Second Edition), Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi.

1. C. Musili, Rings and Modules (Second Revised Edition), Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi, 1994.
2. M. Artin, Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994.
3. W. Burnside, The theory of groups of finite order (2nd Ed.), Dover, New York, 1955.


4. P.B. Bhattacharya; S.K. Jain; and S.R. Nagpal, Basic Abstract Algebra,
Cambridge University Press, New Delhi.
5. J. B. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, New
6. J. A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
7. B. Hartley and T. O. Hawkes, Rings, Modulesand Linear Algebra, Chapman and Hall.
8. T. W. Hungerford, Algebra, Springer 1974.
9. D. S. Malik, J. N. Mordeson and M. K. Sen, Fundamentals of Abstract Algebra,
McGraw-Hill, New York 1997.
10. Surjeet Singh and Q. Zameeruddin, Modern Algebra, Vikas Publishing House, New
Delhi(7th Edition).
11. I.S.Luthar and I.B.S.Passi, Algebra, Vol 2: Rings, Narosa Publishing House.

MATH 705S :

Linear Programming and Game Theory

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.



The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will

attempt five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Linear Programming and examples, Convex Sets, Hyperplane, Open and Closed halfspaces, Feasible, Basic Feasible and Optimal Solutions, Extreme Point & graphical
methods. Simplex method, Charnes-M method, Two phase method, Determination of
Optimal solutions, unrestricted variables, Duality theory, Dual linear Programming
Problems, fundamental properties of dual Problems, Complementary slackness,
Unbounded solution in Primal. Dual Simplex Algorithm, Sensitivity analysis.

Parametric Programming, Revised Simplex method, Transportation Problems, Balanced

Transportation Problem, U-V method, Paradox in Transportation Problem, Unbalanced
Transportation Problem, Assignment problems, Travelling Salesman Problem, Integer
Programming:Pure and mixed Integer Programming Problems,Cutting plane techniques
,Branch and Bound Technique.
Game theory - Two-person, Zero-sum Games with Pure and mixed strategies, graphical
solution, solution by Linear Programming.

G.Hadley,Linear Programming,Narosa Publishing House,6th edition,1995.

N.S Kambo,Mathematical Programming Techniques,Affiliated East-West Press
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Madras.
3. S.M Sinha,Mathematical Programming,Theory and Methods,Elsevier,1st



4. Kanti Swarup,PKGupta and Manmohan,Operations Research,Sultan Chand and

Sons,New Delhi,9th Edition,2001.
5. Katta G Murty,Linear and Combinatorial Programming,John Wiley and
Sons,Inc.1976(New Delhi,London,Toronto).


MATH 706S:

Number Theory-I
[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will consist of two parts containing four questions
each. Candidates will attempt five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Divisibility, Greatest common divisor, Euclidean algorithm, The Fundamental theorem of

arithmetic, Congruences, Residue classes and reduced residue classes, Chinese remainder
theorem, Fermats little theorem, Wilsons theorem, Eulers theorem and its application
to a cryptography, Arithmetic functions (n), d(n), (n), (n), Mobius inversion
formula, Greatest integer function.

Primitive roots and indices. Quadratic residues, Legendre symbol, Eulers criterion,
Gausss lemma, Quadratic reciprocity law, Jacobi symbol. Representation of an integer
as a sum of two and four squares. Diophantine equations ax + by = c , x2+y2=z2, x4+y4=z2.
Binary quadratic forms and equivalence of quadratic Forms. Perfect numbers, Mersenne
primes and Fermat numbers, Farey fractions.
1. David. M. Burton



Niven, Zuckerman & :

Hardy & Wright


G. E. Andrews

Elementary Number Theory. (Tata McGraw

An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers,
(John Wiley & Sons)
An Introduction of the Theory of Numbers
(Oxford Univ. Press).
Number Theory (Hindustan Publishing
Corporation, Delhi)



MATH 707S:

Complex Analysis-I
[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

The complex plane, stereographic projection and the spherical representation. Power
series, exponential and trigonometric functions, arg z, log z, their continuous branches.

Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations. Harmonic functions and Harmonic

Complex integration, Analytic function defined by integrals (proper and improper).
Cauchys theorem. Fundamental theorem of Algebra,

Maximum Modulus Principle. Schwarz lemma.Laurent series in an annulus, singularities,

Meromorphic functions. Cauchys theorem on residues. Application to evaluation of
definite integrals.
Bilinear transformations, Definition and examples of conformal mappings.
[Scope as in relevant sections of Chapters 1, 2, 5-9, 10.4, 11,12,14(except 11.1, 14.7 ) of
the book Complex Analysis by J. V. Deshpande, McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., 1989.
Deshpande, J.V.: Complex Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., 1989.
Ahlfors, D.V.: Complex Analysis, third edition (International student edition)
McGraw-Hill International Book Company.
Conway, J.B.: Function of one complex variable second edition, 1978. Corr
4th print 1986 Graduate texts, Springer-verlag. Indian edition by Narosa
Publising House, New Delhi.
Copson, E. T. : An Introduction to the theory of functions of a Complex
Variable, The English Language Book Society and Oxford University Press,
Knopp, K: Theory of functions (translated by F Bagemite) in two volumes,
Dover Publications, Inc.New York 1945, 1947.
Pati, T: Functions of a complex variable Allahabad Pothishala 1971.
Saks S and Zygmund, A: Analytic functions (Translated by E. J.Scott) Poland,
Warszawa. 1952.
Silverman R: Introductory complex analysis Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood
Cliffs N.J. 1967.


MATH 708: Classical Mechanics-I
[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
3. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
4. All questions carry equal marks.

Calculus of variations: Functional and their properties, Motivating problems of Calculus

of variations, Shortest distance, minimum surface of revolution, Brachistochrone
problem, Isoperimetric problems, Geodesics, Fundamental lemma of Calculus of
Variations, Eulers equation for one dependent function and its generalization to (i) n
dependent functions, (ii) higher order derivatives, Variational problems with moving
boundaries, Variation under constraints, Variational methods of Rayleigh-Ritz and
Lagrangian Mechanics: Generalized coordinates, Constraints, Holonomic and nonholonomic systems, Scleronomic and Rheonomic systems, Generalized potential,
DAlemberts principle, Lagranges equation, Velocity dependent Potentials and
Dissipation function.
Lagrangian Mechanics: Hamiltons principle, Principle of Least action, Derivation of
Lagranges equations from Hamiltons principle, Cyclic co-ordinates
Hamiltonian Mechanics: Legendres transformation, Hamiltons equations,
Conservation theorems, Routhian, Poisson Bracket, Poisson identity, Canonical
Transformation, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Method of Separation of variables, Action
Angle variables, Lagrange Bracket. Invariance of Lagrange Bracket under canonical

1. L. Elsgolts: Differential equations and the calculus of variations, Mir Publication

2. H. Goldstein, C. Poole and J. Safko: Classical Mechanics, 3rd Edition, Addition
Wesley (2002)
3. F. Chorlton: Text book of Dynamics, CBS Publishers
4. F. Grantmacher: Lecture in analytical Mechanics, Mir Publication


MATH 721S: Functional Analysis
[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Baire Category theorem and its applications.

[Scope as in relevant topics of Chapter I from Ref.2]
Nomed Spaces, with examples of Function spaces LP( [a,b] ) ,C( [a,b] ) and C1( [a,b] ),
Sequence Spaces lp , c , c0 , c00 Banach Spaces Hahn Banach theorem, open mapping
theorem, closed graph theorem, Banach Steinhauns theorem (uniform boundedness
principle), [Scope as in relevant topics from Chapter 2 & 3 of Ref.6.]

Geometry of Hilbert spaces: Inner product spaces, orthonormal sets, Approximation and
optimization, Projections and Riesz Representation theorem.
Bounded Operators on Hilbert spaces: Bounded operators and adjoints; normal, unitary
and self adjoint operators, Spectrum and Numerical Range.
[Scope as in Ch.VI & VII (25-27.7) of the book Functional Analysis by B.V.Limaye,

1. S.K. Berberian - Introduction to Hilbert Spaces, (N.Y. O.W.P.).

2. C. Goffman and G. Pedrick - First course in Functional Analysis, N.Delhi
Prentice Hall of India).
3. F.K. Riesz and Bela Sz Nagy - Functional Analysis, (N.Y., Wingar).
4. A.H.Siddiqui - Functional Analysis (Tata-McGraw Hill).
5. Walter Rudin Real and Complex Analysis(McGraw-Hill) 3rd Edition.
6. B.V. Limaye Functional Analysis (New Age International (P) Ltd.), 1996
IInd Edition.
7. Royden, H.L.: Real Analysis, Pearson Prentice Hall, Dorling Kindersley (P)
Ltd India, Third Edition 1988.



MATH 722S:

Measure Theory
[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.


(i) Lebesgue measure: Introduction, outer measure, measurable sets and Lebesgue
measure, a non-measurable set, measurable functions, Littlewood's three principles.
(ii) The Lebesgue Integral: The Lebesgue integral of a bounded function over a set of
finite measure, the integral of a non-negative function, the general Lebesgue integral,
convergence in measure.

(iii) Differentiation and Integration: Differentiation of monotone

differentiation of an integral, absolute continuity, convex functions .


(iv) The Classical Banach spaces: The Lp spaces, Minkowskis and Holders inequality,
convergence and completeness.
For items (i) to (iv) as in relevant sections of Chapters 3 to 6 of the book at Sr.No. 3 of


Goldberg, R.R.: Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IHB Publishing Company,
New Delhi.
Malik, S.C., Savita Arora: Mathematical Analysis, New Age International (P) Ltd,
New Delhi, 2008 IIIrd Edition.
Royden, H.L.: Real Analysis, Pearson Prentice Hall, Dorling Kindersley (P) Ltd
India, Third Edition 1988.


MATH 723S: Topics in Algebra-II
Note :

[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]

Time: 3hrs.
1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Rings and Modules of fractions, local properties, extended and contracted ideals in ring
of fractions, Primary Decomposition, Integral dependence, The going up theorem,
Integrally closed domains, The going down theorem, valuations rings, (Scope as in
Chapters III - V of M.F.Atiyah and I.G.Macdonald).

Chain conditions, Noetherian rings, Primary decomposition in Noetherian rings, Artin

rings (Scope as in Chapters VI-VIII of M.F.Atiyah and I.G.Macdonald).


M.Artin : Algebra, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 1994.

Atiyah, M.F. and Macdonald, I.G. : Introduction to Commutative Algebra (AddisonWesley, Reading Massachusetts).

MATH 724S : Modules and Fields

[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Modules, Submodules, Quotient Modules, Free Modules, Difference between Modules

and Vector Spaces, Homomorphisms, Simple Modules, Structure Theorem for
submodules of a f.g. free module over a P.I.D., Invariance theorem for elementary
divisors of a f.g. module over a P.I.D, Artirian and Noetherian Modules
Fields, examples, characteristic of a field. Algebraic extensions, The degree of a field
extension, Adjunction of roots, splitting fields, finite fields, Algebraically closed fields,



Separable and purely inseparable extensions. Perfect fields, primitive elements.

Langranges theorem on primitive elements, normal extensions, Galois extensions, the
fundamental theorem of Galois theory. Cyclotomic extensions. Cyclic extensions, Quintic
equations and solvability by radicals.

1. I. N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra(Second Edition), Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi.

2. C. Musili, Rings and Modules (Second Revised Edition), Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi, 1994.
3. M. Artin, Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994.
4. P.B. Bhattacharya; S.K. Jain; and S.R. Nagpal, Basic Abstract Algebra, Cambridge
University Press, New Delhi.
5. J. B. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
6. J. A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
7. B. Hartley and T. O. Hawkes, Rings, Modules and Linear Algebra, Chapman and Hall.
8. T. W. Hungerford, Algebra, Springer 1974.
9. D. S. Malik, J. N. Mordeson and M. K. Sen, Fundamentals of Abstract Algebra,
McGraw-Hill, New York 1997.
10. Surjeet Singh and Q. Zameeruddin, Modern Algebra, Vikas Publishing House, New
Delhi(7th Edition).
11. Macrathy, P.I.: Algebraic Extensions of Fields (Chelsea).
12. Nagata, M : Field Theory. Matrcel Dekker N.Y. (1977).
13. Winter : Structure of Fields. GTM. V. 16 (Springer Verlag).
14. Stewart-I : Galois Theory (Capman & Hall (1973).
15. J.-P. Escofier : Galois Theory, Graduate texts in Mathematics, 204, Springer Verlag

MATH 725S:

Non-Linear Programming
[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Nonlinear Programming: Convex functions, Definition & Basic Properties, Sub gradients
of convex functions, Differentiable convex functions, Minima and Maxima of convex
functions and concave functions. Generalizations of convex function and their properties.
Unconstrained problems,Necessary and sufficient optimality criterias of first and second
order. Fritz John & Kuhn Tucker first order necessary and sufficient optimality
conditions for constrained programming problems with inequality constraints,with


inequality and equality constraints,Kuhn Tucker conditions and linear programming


Quadratic Programming, methods due to Beale, Wolfe.

Wolfes Duality in Nonlinear Programming, Weak Duality Theorem, Wolfes Duality
Theorem, Hanson-Huard strict converse duality theorem(without proof), Dorns duality
theorem, strict converse duality theorem, Dorns Converse duality theorem(without
proof), Unbounded dual theorem, theorem on no primal minimum.Duality in quadratic
Linear and non linear Fractional Programming, Dinkelbachs Algorithm .


O. L. Mangasarian, Nonlinear Programming, TATA McGraw Hill Company

Ltd.(Bombay, New Delhi), 2006.
Mokhtar S.Bazaraa & C.M. Shetty, Nonlinear Programming,Theory of
Algorithms, Wiley, New-York,1979.
S.M Sinha, Mathematical Programming, Theory and Methods,Elsevier,1st
H.A. Taha, Operations Research - An Introduction, MacMillan Publishing
Co.Inc.New York.


MATH 726S:

Number Theory-II
[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will consist of two parts containing four questions
each. Candidates will attempt five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Continued fractions, Approximation of reals by rationals, Pells equations, Partititions,

Ferrers graphs, Jacobis triple product identity, Congruence properties of p (n) , RogersRamanujan identities, Minkowskis theorem in geometry of numbers and its applications
to Diophantine inequalities.
Order of magnitude and average order of arithmetic functions, Eulers summation
formula, Abels identity, Elementary results on distribution of primes. Characters of
finite Abelian groups, Dirichlets theorem on primes in arithmetical progression.




H. Davenpart
Niven & Zuckerman :


Hardy & Wright


T. M. Apostol


G. E. Andrews


J.B.Dence &


David. M. Burton

Higher Arithmetic (Camb.Univ. Press)

An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers,
(John Wiley & Sons).
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers
(Oxford Univ. Press).
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
Number Theory (Hindustan Publishing
Corporation, Delhi)
Elements of the Theory of Numbers
(Academic T.P. Dence Press)
Elementary Number Theory(Tata McGraw

MATH 727S:

Complex Analysis-II
[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Review of branches of many valued functions, Zeros and poles of meromorphic
functions, Rouches theorem, Argument Principle.

Infinite products, Weierstrass theorem. Mittagleffers theorem Cauchys method of

expansion of a meromorphic function. Canonical product.

Analytic continuation through power series (basic ideas). Natural boundary.

The Gamma function and Riemann zeta function. Elliptic functions
[Scope as in relevant sections of Chapters 13,15,16 (except 15.1) of the book Complex
Analysis by J. V. Deshpande, McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1989, and as in
sections 4.6, 7.1, 7.5, 10.4 of the book Introduction to the Theory of Functions of a
Complex Variable by E.T.Copson, The English Language Book Society and Oxford
Univ. Press, 1985.]


1. Deshpande, J.V.: Complex Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., 1989.
2. Ahlfors, D.V.: Complex Analysis, third edition (International student edition)
McGraw-Hill International Book Company.
3. Conway, J.B.: Function of one complex variable second edition, 1978. Corr
4th print 1986 Graduate texts, Springer-verlag. Indian edition by Narosa
Publising House, New Delhi.
4. Copson, E. T. : An Introduction to the theory of functions of a Complex
Variable, The English Language Book Society and Oxford University Press,
5. Knopp, K: Theory of functions (translated by F Bagemite) in two volumes,
Dover Publications, Inc.New York 1945, 1947.
6. Pati, T: Functions of a complex variable Allahabad Pothishala 1971.
7. Saks S and Zygmund, A: Analytic functions (Translated by E. J.Scott) Poland,
Warszawa. 1952.
8. Silverman R: Introductory complex analysis Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood
Cliffs N.J. 1967.

MATH 728S:

Classical Mechanics-II
[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Central force motion: Equivalent one-body problem, Motion in a central force field,
General features of the motion: Motion in arbitrary potential field, Motion in a inverse
square law, Differential equation of orbit, Classification of orbits, Bertrands theorem.
Rigid Body Dynamics: Moments and product of inertia, Theorems of parallel and
perpendicular axes, Principal axis, Kinetic energy of body rotating about a fixed point.
Rigid Body Dynamics: Eulers dynamical equations for motion of rigid body, Eularian
Elastodynamics: Analysis of Deformation tensor, Stresses and condition of equilibrium,
Hookes Law and Strain energy function, Simple cases of strain and stress and equation


of motion, Waves in isotropic elastic medium, Waves of dilatation and distortion, Plane
waves, Surface waves-Rayleigh and Love waves.


H. Goldstein, C. Poole and J. Safko: Classical Mechanics, 3rd Edition, Addition

Wesley (2002).
F. Chorlton: Text book of Dynamics, CBS Publishers


F. Grantmacher: Lecture in analytical Mechanics, Mir Publication


I.S. Sokolnikoff: Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Tata McGraw Hill

Publishing Co., New Delhi(1977)




Outlines of Tests
Every student will have to take five papers from the following list depending upon
his/her background. Students who have studied Math-702S & 722S, Math-704S & 724S
and Math-706S & 726S in M.Sc.(Hons. School) 1st Year will have to take Math-705S &
725S, Math-751S & 770S and Math-752S & 769S as compulsory papers and any two
from Math-761S & 781S, Math-771S & 791S, Math-772S & 792S, Math-773S & 793S,
Math-774S & 794S, Math-776S & 797S & Math-777S & 797S(except Paper:Math-775S
& 795S). Students who have studied Math-701S & 721S, Math-703S & 723S and Math705S & 725S in M.Sc.(Hons. School) 1st Year will have to choose any five papers from
Math-771S & 791S, Math-772S & 792S, Math-773S & 793S, Math-774S & 794S, Math775S & 795S, Math-776S & 796S and Math-777S & 797S.
Semester III

1. Math 705S:
2. Math 751S:
3. Math 752S:
4. Math 761S:
5. Math 771S:
6. Math 772S:
7. Math 773S:
8. Math 774S:
9. Math 775S:
10. Math 776S:
11. Math 777S:

Linear Programming and Game Theory

Linear Algebra and Commutative Algebra-I
Computational Techniques-I
Algebraic Number Theory-I
Topics in Number Theory-I
Fluid Mechanics-I
Algebraic Coding Theory-I
Non-Commutative Ring Theory
Partial Differential Equations-I
Continuum Mechanics-I
Semester IV

1. Math 725S:
2. Math 770S:
3. Math 769S:
4. Math 781S:
5. Math 791S:
6. Math 792S:
7. Math 793S:
8. Math 794S:
9. Math 795S:
10. Math 796S:
11. Math 797S:

Non-Linear Programming
Functional Analysis
Commutative Algebra-II
Computational Techniques-II
Algebraic Number Theory-II
Topics in Number Theory-II
Fluid Mechanics-II
Algebraic Coding Theory-II
Representation Theory of Finite Groups
Partial Differential Equations-II
Continuum Mechanics-II


MATH 705S :Linear Programming and Game Theory
[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.


The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Linear Programming and examples, Convex Sets, Hyperplane, Open and Closed halfspaces, Feasible, Basic Feasible and Optimal Solutions, Extreme Point & graphical
methods. Simplex method, Charnes-M method, Two phase method, Determination of
Optimal solutions, unrestricted variables, Duality theory, Dual linear Programming
Problems, fundamental properties of dual Problems, Complementary slackness,
Unbounded solution in Primal. Dual Simplex Algorithm, Sensitivity analysis.

Parametric Programming, Revised Simplex method, Transportation Problems, Balanced

Transportation Problem, U-V method, Paradox in Transportation Problem, Unbalanced
Transportation Problem, Assignment problems, Travelling Salesman Problem, Integer
Programming:Pure and mixed Integer Programming Problems,Cutting plane techniques
,Branch and Bound Technique.
Game theory - Two-person, Zero-sum Games with Pure and mixed strategies, graphical
solution, solution by Linear Programming.

G.Hadley,Linear Programming,Narosa Publishing House,6th edition,1995.

N.S Kambo,Mathematical Programming Techniques,Affiliated East-West Press
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Madras.
3. S.M Sinha,Mathematical Programming,Theory and Methods,Elsevier,1st
4. Kanti Swarup,PKGupta and Manmohan,Operations Research,Sultan Chand and
Sons,New Delhi,9th Edition,2001.
5. Katta G Murty,Linear and Combinatorial Programming,John Wiley and
Sons,Inc.1976(New Delhi, London, Toronto).



MATH-751S: Topology
[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Topological Spaces, bases for a topology, the order topology, the product topology on
X Y , the subspace topology, closed sets and limit points, continuous functions, the
product topology, the metric topology, the quotient topology, Sequence, Nets and Filters
Connected spaces, connected subspaces of the real line, components and local
[Scope as in the relevant sections in Chapter 2 & 3 of the book Topology, second
edition 2002, by James R. Munkres.]

Part II
Compact spaces, compact space of the real line, limit point compactness, local
compactness, nets.
The countability axioms, the separation axioms, normal spaces, the Urysohn Lemma, the
Urysohn Metrization Theorem, the Tietze Extension Theorem, the Tychonoff Theorem.
[Scope as in the relevant sections in Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of the book Topology, second
edition 2002, by James R. Munkres.]


James R. Munkers : Topology(Second Edition 2002), Pearson Education(LPE).

James Dugundji : Topology, UBS Publishers .
John L. Kelley : General Topology (Van Nostrand)
Bourbaki - General Topology (Reading, Addison-Wesley).
G.G. Simmons - Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis Tokyo, McGraw
Hill, Kongakusha).


Math 752S: Linear Algebra and Commutative Algebra I

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.


Linear Algebra: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Eigenspaces and similarity,

Representation by a Diagonal matrix; Linear functionals, real quadratic forms, orthogonal
matrices, reduction of real quadratic forms, classification of real quadratic forms, bilinear
forms, symmetric bilinear forms, Hermitian forms; Inner product spaces, norms and
distances, orthonormal bases, orthogonal complements, isometries, normal matrices,
normal linear operators.

Projections and direct sums, Spectral decompositions, minimal polynomials and spectral
decompositions, nilpotent transformations, the Jordan canonical form.
Commutative Algebra: Rings and ideals, modules, tensor products of modules.
[Scope as in Chapters 7-10 of the book Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory by J. Lilbert
and Linder Lilbert(Academic Press) and as in Chapters 1-2 of the book Introduction to
Commutative Algebra by Atiyah & Macdonald.]


M. F. Atiyah and
I. G. Macdonald




J. Gilbert and L. Gilbert

Introduction to Commutative
Algebra (Addison-Wesley, Reading
Topics in Algebra, Asian Edition, Hindustan.
Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
(Academic Press)


MATH 761S: Computational Techniques I


Note :


[4 hrs per week (including tutorials)]

Max.Marks : 75
[Final-60+Internal Assessment-15]
Time: 3hrs.
The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
All questions carry equal marks.
Use of scientific calculator is allowed for numerical work.

FORTRAN77: Character set, constants, variables, Arithmetic expressions, Library

functions, Arithmetic statements, Structure of a FORTRAN Program, FORMAT
specifications, READ and WRITE statements, Simple programs, Control statements: GO
TO, IF, IF-THEN-ELSE and ELSE-IF-THEN statements, DO loop, Nested DO loop,
CONTINUE statement, DATA statement, DOUBLE precision, LOGICAL data, WHILE
structure, Arrays and Subscripted variables, Implied DO loop, One and multidimensional arrays, Sub programs: Function subprogram and Subroutine subprogram,
OPEN a file, Read from a file , Write in a file.
Solution of non-linear equations: Bisection, Regula-falsi, Secant, Newton-Raphson,
Generalized Newtons method, Chebyshev Formula of third order, Halleys methods,
Functional iteration, Mullers methods, Convergence analysis of these methods,
Comparison of these methods, Simultaneous non-linear equations by Newton-Raphson
method, Lin- Bairstows and Newtons method for complex roots.
Interpolation: Finite differences, Newtons formulae for interpolation, Lagrange and
Hermite interpolation, Cubic Spline interpolation.
Numerical integration-Trapezoidal, Simpsons, Booles, Weddles rule, Error in
Integration formulae
Computational Techniques (Practical)-I
[ 3 hrs per week, Max. Marks: 25(Final-20+Int.Assess.-5)]

Writing programs in FORTRAN for the problems based on the method studied in theory
paper and run them on PC.
Practical shall be conducted by the department as per the following distribution of marks:
Writing program in FORTRAN and running it on PC=10 Marks
Practical record=5 Marks
Viva-Voice=5 Marks



1. C. Xavier: FORTRAN 77 and Numerical Methods, New Age Int. Ltd.

2. S. S. Shastry: Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI
3. C. F. Gerald and P. O. Wheatley: Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson
Education, Asia.

MATH: 771S: Algebraic Number Theory-I

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.


Algebraic number fields and their rings of integers, Integral bases, Discriminant, Explicit
consideration of quadratic, cyclotomic and special cubic fields. Properties of norm of
ideals in the ring of algebraic integers, Factorization of ideals into prime ideals.

Dirichlet's Theorem on units, Dedekind's theorem for decomposition of rational prime in

algebraic number fields, splitting of rational primes in cyclotomic fields.

1. E.Hecke: Lectures on theory of Algebraic Numbers.

2. H.B.Mann: Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory.
3. H.Pollard: Theory of Algebraic Numbers.
4. P. Ribenboim: Algebraic Numbers.
5. E.Weyl: Algebraic Theory of Numbers.
6. Sunder LaL, Raghavan and Rangachari: TIFR pamphlet on Algebraic Number Theory.


MATH: 772S Topics in Number Theory I

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.

Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.


Basic hypergeometric series, q-binomial theorem, Heine's transformation, q-Gauss

theorem, Restricted partitions, Gaussian polynomials, q-Saalschutz's theorem, Bailey's
lemma (weak version), Rogers lemma, Rogers-Ramanujan identities, Schur's theorem,
Gordon-Gollnitz identities, Generalization and various analogues of Rogers-Ramanujan


Bailey's lemma (strong version), Watson's q-analogue of Whipple's theorem and its
applications in deriving Rogers-Ramanujan identities and Gordon-Gollnitz identities. 6phi-5 identity and its applications to representations of numbers as sum of two squares,
four squares and four triangular numbers. Frobenius partitions, coloured Frobenius
partitions. Plane partitions.
Suggested Readings

1. A.K. Agarwal, Padmavathamma and M.V. Subbarao, Partition Theory, Atma Ram &
Sons, Chandigarh, 2005.
2. G.E. Andrews, The Theory of Partitions, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its
Applications (Addison-Wesley), 1976, Re-issued: Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1988.
3. G.Gasper and M. Rahman, Basic Hypergeometric Series, Encyclopedia of
Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 35 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
4. R.P. Agarwal, Resonance of Ramanujan Mathematics, Vol.1 (New Age
International), 1996.
5. H. Gupta, Selected Topics in Number Theory, ABACUS Press, 1980.
6. G.E. Andrews, Generalized Frobenius Partitions, Memoirs of the American
Mathematical Society, Vol.49,No.301, 1984.


MATH-773S: Fluid Mechanics-I

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Real fluids and ideal fluids, velocity of fluid at a point, streamlines, pathlines, streaklines,
velocity potential, vorticity vector, local and particle rate of change, equation of
continuity, irrotational and rotational motion, acceleration of fluid, conditions at rigid
Eulers equation of motion, Bernoullis equation, their applications, Potential theorems,
axially symmetric flows, impulsive motion, Kelvins Theorem of circulation, equation
of vorticity.

Some three dimensional flows: sources, sinks and doublets, images in rigid planes,
images in solid sphere, Stokes stream function.
Two dimensional flows: complex velocity potential, Milne Thomson Circle Theorem and
applications, Theorem of Blasius, vortex rows, Karman vortex street.


Chorlton, F. (Text Book of Fluid Dynamics).

L.D.Landau & E. N. Lipschitz (Fluid Mechanics)
G. K. Batchelor (An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics)
Kundu and Cohen (Fluid Mechanics)


Math 774S: Algebraic Coding Theory-I

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.


Error detecting and error correcting codes, maximum likelihood decoding, Hamming
distance, Finite Fields, Linear Codes, Generator matrix and parity check matrix, Dual
Codes, Syndrome Decoding, Weight Enumerator of a Code, Macwilliams Identity, ISBN

Sphere covering bound, Sphere packing bound, Gilbert Varshamov bound, perfect codes,
Hamming Codes, Golay codes, Singleton bound and MDS codes, Plotkin bound,
Hadamand matrix codes, Nordstrom-Robinson code, Griesmer bound, Construction of
linear codes using propagation rules, Reed-Muller codes.
[Scope as in Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6(Sections 6.1, 6.2) of the book A First Course in
Coding Theory by S.Ling and C. Xing.]


San Ling & Chaoping Xing


Raymond Hill
F.J.Macwilliams &



Vera Pless

Coding Theory, Cambridge University

Introduction to Error Correcting Codes.
Theory of Error Correcting Codes Part I & II
NJA Sloane
Introduction to the Theory of Error
Correcting Codes


Math 775S-Non Commutative Ring Theory

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.


Non-commutative rings and left/right Modules over them, Modules of finite length,
Artinian and Noetherian Modules, Artinian and Noetherian Rings, Triangular Rings,
Semi-simple Modules, Isotypical Components, Endomorphism Rings, Semi-simple Rings
and Wedderburn- Artins Theorem.

The Jacobson Radical, Radical of an Artinian Ring, J-simplicity of Rings, Tensor Product
of Modules over Non-Commutative rings, Tensor Product of Algebras, Central Simple
Algebras, Skolem-Noethers Theorem, Double-Centralizer theorem, Brauer Groups,
Brauer Groups of R, Relative Brauer Groups and splitting fields of Central Simple
The Group Algebras and their augmentation ideals.

I. N. Herstein
C. Musili


Non-Commutative Rings-Carus Monograph.

Representations of Finite Groups (Hindustan
Book Agency(1993).


J. Serre

Linear Representations of Finite Groups

(Sprinder Verlag).


T. Y. Lam

A First Course in Non-commutative Rings

(Springer Verlag).


MATH 776S: Partial Differential Equations I

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Partial Differential equations of 2nd and Higher order, Classification, Examples of PDE,
Solutions of Elliptic, Hyperbolic and Parabolic equations. Transport equation-Initial
value problem, Non-homogeneous equations, Laplaces equation-Fundamental solution,
Mean value Formulas, Properties of harmonic functions, Green functions, Energy
Methods, Heat equation- Fundamental solution, Mean value formulas, Properties of

Energy Methods, Wave equation- Solution by spherical means, non-homogeneous

problem, Energy methods. Non-Linear first order PDE: Complete Integrals, Envelopes,
Characteristics, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Hamiltons ODE, Legengre transform, Hopf
Lax formula,

L. C. Evans: Partial Differential equations, Graduate Studies in Mathematics Vol 19,

American Mathematical Society, (1998)

MATH 777S: Continuum Mechanics-I

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Tensors: Summation convention, coordinate transformation, Cartesian tensor of various

orders, algebra of tensors, contraction, symmetric and skew-symmetric tensor. Kronecker
delta, Alternating tensor, Gradient, Divergence, Curl in tensor notations, Gauss-


divergence theorem, partial derivatives, contravariant and covariant tensors, metric

tensor, physical components.
Strain Analysis: Affine transformation, infinitesimal affine transformation, geometrical
interpretation of components of strain, strain quadric of Cauchy, strain-displacement
Strain Analysis (continued): Strain invariants, compatibility, principal direction and
principal strain, homogeneous deformation.
Stress Analysis: Stress vector and stress tensor, symmetry of stress tensor, stress quadric
of Cauchy, equation of equilibrium and motion, principal direction of stress, Mohrs

1. Shanti Narayan: Cartesian Tensor

2. Young, E. C.: Vectors and Tensor Analysis.
3. Sokolnikoff, I. S.: Mathematical theory of elasticity, Mc-Graw-Hill, (1982).


Semester IV
MATH 725S: Non-Linear Programming
[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Nonlinear Programming: Convex functions, Definition & Basic Properties, Sub gradients
of convex functions, Differentiable convex functions, Minima and Maxima of convex
functions and concave functions. Generalizations of convex function and their properties.
Unconstrained problems,Necessary and sufficient optimality criterias of first and second
order. Fritz John & Kuhn Tucker first order necessary and sufficient optimality
conditions for constrained programming problems with inequality constraints,with
inequality and equality constraints,Kuhn Tucker conditions and linear programming

Quadratic Programming, methods due to Beale, Wolfe.

Wolfes Duality in Nonlinear Programming, Weak Duality Theorem, Wolfes Duality
Theorem, Hanson-Huard strict converse duality theorem(without proof), Dorns duality
theorem, strict converse duality theorem, Dorns Converse duality theorem(without
proof), Unbounded dual theorem, theorem on no primal minimum.Duality in quadratic
Linear and non linear Fractional Programming, Dinkelbachs Algorithm .


O. L. Mangasarian, Nonlinear Programming, TATA McGraw Hill Company

Ltd.(Bombay, New Delhi), 2006.
Mokhtar S.Bazaraa & C.M. Shetty, Nonlinear Programming,Theory of
Algorithms, Wiley, New-York,1979.
S.M Sinha, Mathematical Programming, Theory and Methods,Elsevier,1st
H.A. Taha, Operations Research - An Introduction, MacMillan Publishing
Co.Inc.New York.


MATH 770S: Functional Analysis

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer at least two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Baire Category theorem and its applications.

[Scope as in relevant topics of Chapter I from Ref.2]
Nomed Spaces, with examples of Function spaces LP( [a,b] ) ,C( [a,b] ) and C1( [a,b] ),
Sequence Spaces lp , c , c0 , c00 Banach Spaces Hahn Banach theorem, open mapping
theorem, closed graph theorem, Banach Steinhauns theorem (uniform boundedness
principle), [Scope as in relevant topics from Chapter 2 & 3 of Ref.6.]

Geometry of Hilbert spaces: Inner product spaces, orthonormal sets, Approximation and
optimization, Projections and Riesz Representation theorem.
Bounded Operators on Hilbert spaces: Bounded operators and adjoints; normal, unitary
and self adjoint operators, Spectrum and Numerical Range.
[Scope as in Ch.VI & VII (25-27.7) of the book Functional Analysis by B.V.Limaye,


S.K. Berberian - Introduction to Hilbert Spaces, (N.Y. O.W.P.).

C. Goffman and G. Pedrick - First course in Functional Analysis, N.Delhi
Prentice Hall of India).
F.K. Riesz and Bela Sz Nagy - Functional Analysis, (N.Y., Wingar).
A.H.Siddiqui - Functional Analysis (Tata-McGraw Hill).
Walter Rudin Real and Complex Analysis(McGraw-Hill) 3rd Edition.
B.V. Limaye Functional Analysis (New Age International (P) Ltd.),
1996 IInd Edition.
Royden, H.L.: Real Analysis, Pearson Prentice Hall, Dorling Kindersley
(P) Ltd India, Third Edition 1988.


Math 769S: Commutative Algebra II

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Rings and modules of fractions, local properties, extended and contracted ideals in rings
of fraction, primary decompositions, integral dependence, the going up theorem,
Integrally closed domains, the going down theorem, valuation rings.

Chain conditions, Noetherian and Artinian modules, Noetherian rings, primary

decomposition I Noetherian rings.
[Scope as in Chapters III-VII of the book Introduction to Commutative Algebra by
M.F.Atijah and I.G. Macdonald.]


M. F. Atiyah and
I. G. Macdonald

Introduction to Commutative
Algebra (Addison-Wesley, Reading Massachusetts).

MATH 781S: Computational Techniques II

[4 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 75
[Final-60+Internal Assessment-15]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Use of scientific calculator is allowed for numerical work.

Programming in C: Historical development of C, Character set, constants, variables, Ckey words, Instructions, Hierarchy of operations, Operators, Simple C programs, Control


structures: The if, if-else, nested if-else, unconditional goto, switch structure, Logical
and conditional operators, while, do-while and for loops, Break and continue statements,
Arrays, Functions, recursion, Introduction to pointers.
Curve fitting: Linear and non-linear curve fitting, curve fitting by sum of exponentials,
fitting of exponential and trigonometrical functions.
Solution of Linear system of equations: Matrix inversion, Gauss-elimination and
Gauss-Jorden method, LU decomposition method, Gauss Seidal method.
Solution of differential equations: Taylors series, Eulers, Modified Eulers, Runge Kutta and Predictor Corrector methods, Finite Difference and Shooting methods to solve
BVP, FDM for Laplace and Heat equations.
Computational Techniques (Practical)-II
[ 3 hrs per week, Max. Marks: 25(Final-20+Int.Assess.-5)]

Writing programs in C for the problems based on the method studied in theory paper and
run them on PC.
Practical shall be conducted by the department as per the following distribution of marks:
Writing program in FORTRAN and running it on PC=10 Marks
Practical record=5 Marks
Viva-Voice=5 Marks


C. Xavier:C Language and Numerical Methods, New Age Int. Ltd.

Y. Kanetkar: Let us C, BPB Publications.
V Raja Raman: Computer oriented Numerical Methods, PHI.
S. S. Shastry: Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI
C. F. Gerald and P. O. Wheatley: Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson
Education, Asia.

MATH: 791S: Algebraic Number Theory-II

Note :

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]

Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Relative extensions, index of ramification, residual degree, Fundamental equality.

Different and relative discriminant, Dedekind's theorem on ramified primes.



Finiteness of class number, Determination of class numbers in special cases, Dirichlets

class number formula and simple applications.

1. E.Hecke: Lectures on theory of Algebraic Numbers.

2. H.B.Mann: Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory.
3. H.Pollard: Theory of Algebraic Numbers.
4. P. Ribenboim: Algebraic Numbers.
5. E.Weyl: Algebraic Theory of Numbers.
6. Sunder LaL, Raghavan and Rangachari: TIFR pamphlet on Algebraic Number Theory.

MATH: 792S Topics in Number Theory II

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Fibonacci numbers and their connection with partitions, Andrews' polynomial identity
which implies Rogers-Ramanujan identities, r-Fibonacci sets and their applications in
combinatorics, q-Fibonacci numbers. Recurrence relations, generating functions and
other combinatorial properties of Stirling and q-Stirling numbers of the First and Second
kinds. Bernoulli numbers and their connection with Reimann zeta function.

Properties and applications of Catalan and q-Catalan numbers in combinatorics. 'Rank'

and 'Crank' of a partition and their applications in providing combinatorial interpretations
of the Ramanujan congruences. Mock theta functions and their combinatorial
interpretations. n-Colour partitions, Conjugate and self-conjugate n-colour partitions,
Restricted n-colour partitions, Rogers-Ramanujan type identities for n-colour partitions.
Suggested Readings
1. A.K. Agarwal, Padmavathamma and M.V. Subbarao, Partition Theory, Atma Ram &
Sons, Chandigarh, 2005.
2. R.P. Agarwal, Resonance of Ramanujan Mathematics, Vol.2 (New Age International), 1996.
3. H. Gupta, Selected Topics in Number Theory, ABACUS Press, 1980.
4. N.J. Fine, Basic Hypergeometric Series and Applications, Mathematical Surveys and
Monographs, No. 27, American Mathematical Society,1988.
5. J. Riordan, An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis, Princeton University Press, 1978.
6. L. Comtet, Advanced Combinatorics, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1974.


MATH-793S: Fluid Mechanics II

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Viscous Flows: Stress components, Stress and strain terror, coefficient of viscosity and
Laminar flow, plane Poiseuille flows and Couette flow. Flow through tubes of uniform
cross section in the form of circle, Ellipse, equilateral triangle, annulus, under constant
pressure gradient.
Diffusion of vorticity. Energy dissipation due to viscosity, steady flow past a fixed
sphere, dimensional analysis, Reynold numbers, Prandtls boundary layer. Boundary
layer equation in two dimensions, Karman integral equation.

Elements of wave motion, waves in fluids, Surface gravity waves, standing waves, group
velocity, energy of propagations, path of particles, waves at interface of two liquids.


Chorlton, F. (Text Book of Fluid Dynamics).

L.D.Landau & E. N. Lipschitz (Fluid Mechanics)
G. K. Batchelor (An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics)
Kundu and Cohen (Fluid Mechanics)

Math 794S: Algebraic Coding Theory-II

[7 hrs per week (including tutorials)]
Max.Marks : 100
[Final-80+Internal Assessment-20]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Review of finite fields, Factorization of

over finite fields.

Subfield codes, Concatenated Codes, Trace Codes, Cyclic codes, decoding of cyclic
codes, minimal cyclic codes, Burst-error-correcting codes, BCH codes.



Reed-Soloman codes, Quadratic Residue codes, Generalized Reed Soloman codes,

Alternant codes, Goppa codes.
[Scope as in Chapters 3, 6(Sections 6.3), 7, 8, 9 of the book A First Course in Coding
Theory by S.Ling and C. Xing.]


San Ling & Chaoping Xing :

Raymond Hill
F.J.Macwilliams &


Vera Pless

Coding Theory, Cambridge University Press.

Introduction to Error Correcting Codes.
Theory of Error Correcting Codes Part I & II
NJA Sloane
Introduction to the Theory of Error
Correcting Codes

Math 795S-Representation Theory of Finite Groups

[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

The Semisimplicity of Group Algebras, Maschkes Theorem, Examples of

Decompositions of Group Algebras, Simple Modules over K [G ] , Cyclic Modules
over K [G ] , Representations, Characters of Representations, Group Characters,
Orthogonality relations, Ordinary and Modular Representations, Examples of

Some more examples of rational group representations, Integrity of Complex Characters,

Burn Burnsides p a q b -Theorem, Tensor product of representations, Induced
representations, Restriction and induction, Fobenius reciprocity theorems, Conjugate
representations, Cliffords decomposition theorem, Mackeys irreducibility criteria,
1. I. N. Herstein
2. C. Musili


Non-Commutative Rings-Carus Monograph.

Representations of Finite Groups (Hindustan
Book Agency(1993).

3. J. Serre

Linear Representations of Finite Groups

(Sprinder Verlag).

4. T. Y. Lam

A First Course in Non-commutative Rings

(Springer Verlag).


MATH 796S: Partial Differential Equations II

[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Weak solutions, Uniqueness, Conservation Laws: Shocks, entropy condition, Lax-Oleinik

formula, Weak solutions, Uniqueness, Riemanns Problem, Long time behavior.
Representation of solution-Separation of variables, Similarity solutions Plane and
traveling waves, Solitons, Similarity under scaling.

Transform Methods- Laplace and Fourier transform, Hopf-Cole Transformation, Potential

functions, Hodograph and Legendre transform, Asymptotics- Singular perturbations,
Laplace Method, Geometric optics, Stationary Phase, Homogenization, Power SeriesNon-Characteristic surfaces, Real Analytic functions, Cauchy-Kovalevskaya Theorem

L. C. Evans: Partial Differential equations, Graduate Studies in Mathematics Vol 19,

American Mathematical Society, (1998)

MATH 797S: Continuum Mechanics-II

[7 hrs per week(including tutorials)/Max.Marks:100]
Time: 3hrs.
Note :

1. The question paper will have eight questions. Candidates will attempt
five questions.
2. There will be four questions from each part and the students will be
required to answer atleast two questions from each part.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

Equations of Elasticity: Strain energy density function, generalized Hookes law, Elastic
constants and their significance, Homogeneous isotropic media, Displacement equation
of motion for uniform media, uniqueness of solution, Beltrami-Michel compatibility
Thermo-elasticity: Thermal stresses, Duhamel-Numann law, Dynamical equations of
thermoelastic problems.



Thermal stresses in spherical bodies.

Two dimensional propagation of elastic waves in isotropic solid, waves of dilatational
and waves of distortion, Reflection of P, SV and SH waves from free surface of an elastic
half-space, Reflection and refraction of these waves from solid-solid interface, Surface
waves-Rayleigh and Love waves.

1. Sokolnikoff, I. S.: Mathematical theory of elasticity, Mc-Graw-Hill, (1982).

2. Ewing W. M. Jardetzky W. S. Press F. 1957. Elastic Waves in Layered Media.
McGraw-Hill Book Co.

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