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Northern State University

Pre-Student Teaching Experience

Teacher Work Sample
Fall 2016
Candidate Name:

Amanda Tobin

Candidate Phone Number:

(605) 216-7783

Candidate ID Number:


Name of School where data

was collected:

O. M. Tiffany

Subject/Content Area:


Grade Level:

2nd Grade

Date Submitted:

December 12, 2016

I understand that obtaining, or attempting to obtain, a passing grade on a TWS by falsification or

misrepresentation may result in a failing grade in a course or expulsion from the teacher education
I grant permission for the School of Education to use my Teacher Work Sample as an exemplary
(outstanding) model for teacher candidate and university supervisor training purposes in the future. I
understand my name will remain on the document for proper credit.

Signature of Candidate Submitting the TWS: Amanda Tobin electronic submission)

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A Teacher Work Sample (TWS) is designed to assess the impact of teacher candidates instruction on
students learning as well as provide evidence of candidates teaching performance during the PreStudent Teaching Experience. The TWS assignment includes the following tasks:

Professional Goal Setting and Reflection

Contextual Information
Instructional Design and Implementation

Ownership: Complete the cover page verifying the TWS to be your own authentic work.
References and Credits: If you refer to another persons ideas or material (such as theorists), cite
these in a separate section at the end of the TWS under References and Credits. (APA is
Font and Spacing: Use Arial size 12 font, double space all narrative portions, and print on both
Anonymity: Do not include the names of individual students, teachers, or staff as well as
participating schools in any part of the work sample in order to insure the anonymity of all involved.

An electronic copy of your completed TWS must be submitted to:


Your electronic portfolio/professional website (please remember to remove the cover page
with identifying information before posting).

A paper copy of your TWS must be submitted to the Office of Field Experiences (Gerber 111)

Task I: Professional Goal Setting

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Objective: Candidates set a professional goal, identify the action strategies they will use to achieve
that goal, and reflect on their learning and growth (as it relates to that goal) near the end of their
student teaching experience.
Resources: Candidates will use the NSU Conceptual Framework (see table below) as a guide for
determining their professional goal.
NSU Conceptual
Framework Categories
Knowledge of Self as an

Potential Category Outcomes

(You will choose one of these outcomes
as the basis for your goal)


Respect and Concern for Students

Commitment to Health and Safety

Developmental Needs

Student Diversity

Knowledge of Content

Understanding Subject Matter

Knowledge of Content implies a broad

understanding of the centrality of content
knowledge for teaching, and ability to
organize central concepts and principles of
a subject matter, and a responsibility for
acquiring new knowledge.

Knowledge of Pedagogy

Classroom Management and
Instructional Materials and Technology

Pedagogical Knowledge includes those

principles and strategies necessary for
effective teaching, including the planning,
implementation, and assessment of
instruction, classroom management and
organization, knowledge of curriculum and
instructional materials, and integration of

Parent and Community Involvement

Commitment to Teaching
Interpersonal Relations
Professional Growth and Development

Knowledge of Self as a Teacher and

Member of a Learning Community calls for
a collaboration among teachers, students
and their families and communities that
embraces diversity, promotes a positive
sense of personal identify, and enhances
the possibilities for academic success.

Knowledge of the Learner

Knowledge of Self as a
Teacher and Member of a
Learning Community

Knowledge of Self as an Individual

recognizes the educators influence in the
lives of students and emphasizes the
importance of building trust relationships,
and setting positive examples.
Knowledge of the learner focuses on an
understanding of growth and development
of learners in the contexts in which
development takes place and an
understanding of how student diversity
interacts with the learning process.

1. Conceptual Framework Goal Statement, Action Plan, and Reflection:

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a. Identify the Framework Category to which your goal aligns:

Knowledge of Pedagogy
b. Identify the specific Category Outcome you will use to determine your goal:
Classroom Management and Organization
c. Based on the outcome you selected, write a specific goal for this experience. After your goal
statement, provide a brief narrative explaining the reasons as to why you chose this goal.
My goal for this experience is to better understand and execute behavior management
strategies in order to keep the classroom organized and on task. I chose this goal because I
have never been in a classroom where there have been a lot of behavior issues. With this
second grade class, there are many behavior issues, and even a few daily behavior plans
requiring the help and daily attention and meetings with the special education teacher. I want to
be able to handle any issues like in this classroom in my future classroom properly, and I think
this experience will help me better myself in this area. In order to meet this goal, I plan to
observe and question my cooperating teacher on her strategies, and also the strategies that the
special education teacher has given her. I will also do some research on my own about effective
behavior management strategies.
d. Describe the action plan (steps/strategies and resources) required to accomplish this goal:
I have been observing how my cooperating teacher handles situations. I have
communicated extensively with her about behavior issues in her classroom and asked why/how
she handles them the way she does. I have also asked her about her meetings with the special
education teacher in regard to some of these issues. I explored the website that Mrs. Gellhaus
presented to us in the seminar to see if I could find ways to address the issues when presenting
my lesson. By combining these two resources I have been learning how to deal with certain
behaviors that have been presented during this experience.
e. Reflect on your progress/growth toward achieving this goal:
I feel as though I have made a lot of progress on this goal. I have gained valuable
strategies from this experience that I will be able to apply in my own class someday. I am
confident that if I didnt know the immediate answer on how to handle a student or situation, I
have resources that I can use to find the answer. After meeting with my supervisor post-lesson, I
feel that I have even more possible strategies to use in the future with certain behavior issues. I
am much more comfortable with handling discipline issues now, than I was before this
experience, and was able to do so in this second grade classroom.

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Task II: Contextual Information (see rubric for scoring details)

Objective: Candidates gather contextual information and discuss factors that may influence the
teaching and learning process.
Resources: Use a variety of resources to gather contextual information including Census data for the
community, School Improvement Plan, cooperating teacher, Title I/SPED teachers, principal, school
counselor, Infinite Campus, student files (with administrative approval), school data available online.
**The below information and resource is taken from Educational Testing Service Praxis Performance
Assessment for Teachers (PPAT) Candidate and Educator Handbook, copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
Contextual Information: This chart is designed to help you understand the many factors that affect teaching
and learning. Such factors include the community, classroom procedures, student demographics, and the
physical environment in which teaching takes place. Understanding these factors as they relate to your
teaching will help you determine the instructional strategies and approaches that will support your students
learning. In this chart, address any factors listed as they pertain to your teaching assignment. The
subcategories listed under each category are just suggestions; there may be other subcategories that you
would like to address, or there may be a subcategory listed that does not apply to your situation.
Categories of Contextual Factors

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Description of the Contextual Factors

General Context of Your Students

(All subcategories listed in this box are required.)
Students grade and developmental levels; the age range
of students; the content area being taught; any other
factors that are pertinent to understanding your class

Grade 2, wide range of developmental levels,

age range of 7-8 years, content area of
language arts, math and science, many students
have behavior problems

(e.g., whether the area is urban, suburban, or rural;
socioeconomic information; census data for the

Urban area, 418 total students, 346 caucasian

students, 72 students of other races, 215
females, 203 males, city population 27,333

(e.g., enrollment; percent of students receiving free or
reduced-priced lunches; graduation rates; ethnicities;
percent of students with IEPs; percent of students who are
ELLs; per-pupil expenditures)

Enrollment- 2219. ELEM 1043, MS 1264.

High school percentage of free/reduced- 36%.
Percentage of IEP's- 13%. Percentage of ELL's2%.

(e.g., enrollment; percent of students receiving free or
reduced-priced lunches; ethnicities; percent of students
with IEPs; percent of students who are ELLs; teacher-tostudent ratio)

Enrollment- 400. Percentage of students on

free/reduced lunches- 50%. Percentage of
ELL's- 5%. Percentage of IEP's- 7%. Ethnicities6. Teacher-to-student ratio- 22:1.

Classroom Demographics
(e.g., ethnicities; gender ratios; special needs, including
those of gifted students, those of students physical needs,
and those due to cultural characteristics).

12 boys, 9 girls, 3 Native American,1 Korean,17

Caucasian, 2 students on specific behavior
plans, 1 ESL student

Knowledge of Students
(in terms of the whole class and individual students)

1 ESL student, 2 daily behavior plans, multiple

ADD/ADHD students and students on the
spectrum, various developmental levels

(e.g., language needs; approaches to learning; prior

learning and experiences; academic
proficiencies/behavioral differences; areas of interest).

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Teacher Candidate
Grade Level:

Amanda Tobin
2nd Grade

Task III: Instructional Design and Implementation

Objective: Candidates design, implement, and assess one lesson. (see rubric for scoring on each
To complete this task use the Common Lesson Plan Template (see below). You will complete this
template for the lesson that your university supervisor formally observes.

Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan


List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson:
1.NBT.2 Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of
tens and ones.
List the Learning Objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson. Use the following
format: Students will be able to
Students will be able to recognize that the first digit of a 2-digit number designates
the number of groups of 10, and the second digit designates the number of ones.
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Describe how the objective is relevant to students lives.

This objective is relevant to students lives because it is important for students to
recognize place value, and it is leading them into learning and understanding
List the words relevant to the content area that you will either introduce and/or
review during your lesson.
-Place Value
List the materials you will need to teach the lesson.
-Grouping by 2s, 5s, and 10s worksheet
-Numbers for Grouping by 2s, 5s, 10s worksheet
-What time is it? worksheet (if there is extra time at the end)

Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure
students level of understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching
the lesson.
Students have been learning about even and odd numbers for the past week
leading up to this lesson. They have now recently began working on place value
and grouping. We held a discussion about grouping objects different ways on Friday
and they completed a partner activity, which involved grouping their objects at
least two different ways. The cooperating teacher and I had to approve their two
ways to check for understanding.
APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson pre-assessment. (if applicable)
Is your pre-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?
Describe the timeline as to when you plan to administer the pre-assessment?
(Recommended timeline is a minimum of two days prior to teaching your lesson).
I will administer the pre-assessment on Friday, December 2nd. My lesson will be
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completed on Monday, December 5th, so this will give me plenty of time to assess
student readiness and adjust my lesson if necessary.
Create and insert a table/chart/graph that shows the pre-assessment data results.
(if applicable)

Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.

Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have
demonstrated they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction,
and post-assessment.
The results of the pre-assessment were encouraging. Most of the students seemed
to grasp the concept. There were only two students that quite obviously hadnt
grasped the concept yet. She pulled them aside at recess (because they were both
in trouble from that morning) and tried to help them grasp the concept more. There
were also a few students gone that couldve potentially struggled with this lesson,
so they may have more difficulty on Monday with my lesson since they have been
out of school for a few days. I will address this issue by assigning them lower
numbers to assess where they are at with understanding. I also plan on grouping
them with a higher level student to help them receive explanation, if needed.
Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use
to measure students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.

Is your post-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?

APPENDIX: Include a copy of a Key/Product (completed by you, the teacher) which provides a model
of the desired outcome.

Is your key included at the end of this lesson plan?

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate
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into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning.

The math book series that this school uses is called Investigations and they have
correlatative SmartBoard activities to do with each lesson. I plan on using the
charts shown in the book on the SmartBoard so we can do an example together
and they can refer to it during their worktime.

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the
needs of all learners and accommodate differences in students learning, culture,
language, etc. * Be sure that these accommodations are based on what you
identified/described in your contextual information (Task II).
Student 1: This student has many behavioral problems and cannot stay on task or
work well with others. They have tried many options with her but it has been
decided that this student needs to work on her own instead of in groups or with
partners. This will keep her better on track during the lesson. Her desk is also at
the front of the room by the teacher to better montitor her progress and behavior.
Student 2: This student is very hyperactive and is also on a behavior plan like the
previous student. His desk is separated from other studens so he cannot distract
them, and vice versa. He has been doing much better since his desk was
separated. He needs a lot of attention, but works well in groups and usually
understands material, if he can pay attention. He is on medication for ADHD and
needs to be kept on track often.
Student 3: This student is also very strong ADHD and is newly on medicine for it.
He has issues blurting out during lessons, but it very intelligent and always
understands the lessons. He needs to be reminded to raise his hand and let others
have a chance. He does well with verbal praise for acting the way his is supposed

Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student
behavioral/developmental needs in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the

Student 1 and Student 2 are both on behavior plans. When they start to misbehave
they need a verbal warning to stop, and if further misbehaving happens, it goes on
the behavior plan. If after writing it down, the behavior continues they need to visit
the principal. These behaviors happen almost daily, so that is the system in place
for those two students. Student 3 will be kept on task by verbal warnings usually.
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The students also have coin bags that they can lose money from for behavioral
issues. This is usually a good motivator for students. Also they have a class reward
system that works well to motivate students. I plan on doing various activities
throughout my lesson involving the use of manipulatives, individual work, and
group work to keep students engaged in my lessons content.

I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome of learning
Describe how you will activate student interest and present the learning objective
in an engaging way (this is your lesson opening).
I will begin the lesson by asking students to recall the group sorting, exchange
game, counting by numbers, etc. I will explain that today they are really going to
have to put their thinking caps on because we are going to use all of the
information that they learned from this lesson today. I will start this lesson by
having the Grouping by 2s, 5s, and 10s worksheet on the SmartBoard (or
document camera sometimes the SmartBoard doesnt work). I will explain to the
students that we will be working on place value today. Place value is understandint
that in a number like 38, you have 3 tens and 8 ones. I will ask them to think back
to when they did odd and even. When the number was even, there were no
leftovers in the partners. When it was odd, there was a leftover that didnt have a
partner. They did group work with pairs, and thats what they will be doing again
today. I will let them know that today I will be challenging them just a little bit
more, but that I think they can handle it. They are going to try and group by 5s and
10s, too, just like they did with their object groupings on Friday.
Describe how you will communicate (to students) how the objective is relevant to
their lives.
I will tell them that the lesson we are doing today, along with all of the lessons that
they have been doing recently will lead them into learning multiplication when they
come back from break in January. The cooperating teacher has been talking to
them a lot about learning multiplication and how these activities will help them
when it is time to learn that.
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Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate

the knowledge and skills required of the objective. (cite theories/theorists)
I will use their math books, worksheets, interactive cube work, and class question
and response methods in teaching my second graders this lesson. According to
Jean Piaget, second graders are in the concrete operational stage of development.
This means that the students are starting to eliminate egocentric thinking, and are
able to see other peoples points of view. They are beginning to use inductive
reasoning, which allows them to draw inferences from observations. My lesson will
focus a lot on drawing inferences from previous lessons that we have done to try
and work out the problems in this lesson. It also feeds into the fact that they have
to see other studetns points of view to try and help them solve the problems when
they are participating in group work. Students are likely to solve problems by trialand-error, which is what this lesson is allowing them to do.
Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on to
guided practice.
I will check for students understanding by asking students if they have questions,
and to put their thumbs up in front of their chest once they have their math book
We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the
skills and content needed to meet the learning objective(s).

Together, we will fill in the number 38 at the top of the Grouping by 2s, 5s, and
10s worksheet. I will tell them that we are going to fill in the top row first, which is
grouping by 2s. The first question we will answer is if 38 is odd or even. The answer
is even so every group will be partnered. The students will have manipulatives to
work with during this so they can make groups of 2 with cubes to visualize it. We
will fill in the chart together. There will be 19 towers, 0 leftovers (because it is
even), and 38 cubes total. Next, we will move to grouping by 5s. I will ask the
students to stack their cubes in groups of five. After stacking, we will fill in the chart
so it will show 7 towers, 3 leftovers, and 38 total cubes. I will also show this on the
100s chart. Finally, I will have them sort their cubes into towers of 10. They will
have 3 towers, 8 leftovers, and 38 cubes total. After we have completed the first
chart as a class, I will have them work in groups of four to complete the other two
Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on to independent practice.
I will check for understanding by observing the work and answers that I receive
during group instruction. If I notice that there is a part of the lesson we need to
review, I will do so, and if an individual student needs more help, I will give them
extra attention during group worktime.
You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the
lesson objectives? (this is the post-assessment)

Each group of four will receive a number from the Numbers for Grouping by 2s, 5s,
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and 10s worksheet or the 100s chart. There are various ranges of numbers on the
worksheet, so I will be able to select a number for each group based on their ability
levels and need. Each group will complete the next chart with whatever number
they received. A few of the choices are: 13, 17, 30, 40,45, 66. I will be walking
around checking on each group as they work and aiding if they need it. After
groups finish, I will check their table to make sure its correct, and if not I will talk
through it with the group. Then, after fixing potential errors, I will give them a
different number to complete the bottom chart with. After they are finished, they
will have to get a star from me to acknowledge correct completion.
APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of your post-assessment.
Is your BLANK COPY of the post-assessment included at the end of this lesson
Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective and any skills/content that
were taught in an interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
For my lesson closing, we will discuss some of the answers that groups received
and review place value. If groups finish early enough, we will work on the What
time is it? worksheet.

(This portion may only be done after the post assessment is collected/scored.)
Describe the results of the Post-Assessment and be sure to address the following:
Students progress from pre-to-post assessment. (if applicable)
Factors that may have influenced the post assessment results.
How the results of the post assessment highlight what areas of the lesson will
require re-teaching (if any).
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph (below) that shows the post-assessment data results. If you
used the same document for both the pre and post assessments, it is strongly encouraged that you
show the comparison.

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Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.


List and describe two things you feel you did well to plan, implement, or assess instruction

I feel as though I was very well organized to give my lesson. I had all of my
materials ready to go before the students came in from recess so we could
smoothly transition into the beginning of my lesson. The cubes were in the front of
the classroom, ready to be grabbed, and the SmartBoard was on and ready to be
used with the page already pulled up. I also believe that I did a good job checking
for student rediness and understanding before moving through different parts of
my lesson. I asked multiple times for students to give me a thumbs up on their
chest if they fully understood instructions or concepts. I also waited to see almost
everyones hands up for review questions before asking for answers to ensure that
I gave everyone a chance to think about the questions posed.
List and describe two things you feel were challenges during the planning, implementation and/or
assessment of the lesson.

I feel that my wait time could have been a little longer. I waited until most hands
were up in the air, but I still struggle with how long is long enough. I find it hard in a
class like hers, that has so many behavior issues, to figure out how long to wait
without the students starting to get distracted or impatient, which they so quickly
do. I also thought that I couldve varied my tone of voice to get the students
attention when they began to get off task. My supervisor suggested that
whispering is a good way to get students attention and quiet them down quickly,
because they become curious to hear what you have to say. I really liked this idea
and cant wait to try it out! I really think that this strategy would be a good way to
get the students interested and make them want to listen. I used cues such as me
saying, One, two, three, eyes on me and the students responding by saying,
One, two, eyes on you! They always respond well to this cue and usually quiet
down and look almost immediately. I also used, To infinity and they respond with,
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And beyond! I feel that I, once again, couldve increased my wait time and stood
there waiting for those that find listening more difficult. I plan to do so in my next
student teaching experience to help improve my behavior management goal even
List and describe two ideas for redesign you would make if you were to teach this lesson again.
I would redesign this lesson so that students were working in smaller groups so
they could work more with the manipulatives. My teacher had previously done the
lesson in groups of four, so I followed her previous execution style. I found that in
some groups, certain students really needed the manipulatives more than others,
so I think smaller groups wouldve allowed for more hands-on work for those that
needed it. I would also assign the groups more by ability level so that the students
were challenged by their levels and not just one person felt like they were having
to do everything. I didnt feel that it was a major issue, but something I would
maybe consider for next time. I think it would allow for upper levels to be
challenged, and lower levels to gain more practice using manipulatives and getting
extra targeted help from the instructor.

ELED/SPED/SEED 496 Teacher Work Sample Scoring Rubric

Pre-Student Teaching Experience
Teacher Candidate Name:_________________________________________________________________
Semester: Spring Fall Year 20____
Grade/Subject Area______________________________________________________________________
Task I: Professional Goal Setting

Professional Goal
Setting and Reflection




Below Basic/
Needs Work

Candidate identifies one

well-planned goal and
effectively communicates
reasons/justifications for why
s/he chose the goal.

Candidate identifies one

goal and communicates
reasons/justifications for why
s/he chose the goal.

Candidates identifies one

goal but does not
adequately provide
reasons/justifications for
the selection of the goal.

Candidate does not

identify a well-planned
goal nor provide a reason
for the selection of the

Candidate provides an
action plan for the
achievement of the goal
but needs to work to
develop a more specific
list of resources to be
used for achievement of
that goal.

Candidate does not

provide an action plan for
the achievement of the

Candidate provides a
detailed action plan for the
achievement of the goal and
cites any specific resources
s/he will use to enhance goal
achievement efforts.
Candidate is highly effective
at communicating any
progress/growth made
toward the goal in the

Candidate provides an
action plan for the
achievement of the goal and
cites resources s/he will use
to enhance goal
achievement efforts.
Candidate effectively
communicates any
progress/growth made
toward the goal in the

Candidates reflection on
goal achievement is
minimal and needs

Candidate is not clearly

able to reflect on his/her
performance in the area
of goal

Task II: Contextual Information


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Below Basic/
Needs Work

Contextual Factors

Candidate clearly identifies

numerous contextual factors
which may impact the
instructional strategies,
approaches, and
assessments used to support
their students learning.

Candidate identifies several

contextual factors contextual
factors which may impact
the strategies, approaches,
and assessments used to
support their students

Candidate identifies very

few contextual factors
which prohibits his/her
ability to fully recognize
any impact those factors
would have had on
potential strategies,
approaches, and
assessments used to
support their students

Candidate does not

identify the contextual

Task III: Instructional Design and Implementation





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All lessons contains

evidence of setting
measurable objectives that
are clearly aligned with
specific state and/or national

Most lessons contains

evidence of setting
measurable objectives that
are aligned with specific
state and/or national

Lessons allow for numerous

connections across the
curriculum which serve to
build understanding, and
encourage application to real
world issues.

Lessons allow for

connections across the
curriculum which serve to
build understanding, and
encourage application to real
world issues.

Incorporates a well-aligned
pre-assessment to measure
students prior knowledge of
the learning objective and
purposefully utilizes the
results to inform
planning/instruction for the
lesson and post assessment.
Includes copies of the Preand Post-Assessments used.
Includes a copy of a high
quality key/product to show
desired outcome.

Incorporates a preassessment to measure

students prior knowledge of
the learning objective and
somewhat utilizes the results
to inform planning/instruction
for the lesson and post
Includes copies of the Preand Post-Assessments
Includes a copy of a
key/product to show desired

Purposefully and consistently

incorporates the use of
available technology to
further enhance instruction in
ways that authentically
engage all students in the
learning experience. For
cases where technology is
not utilized, candidate
provides a logical

Incorporates the use of

available technology to
somewhat enhance
instruction in ways that
engage most of the students
in the learning experience.
For cases where technology
is not utilized, candidate
provides an explanation.

Lessons contain minimal
evidence of setting
measurable objectives
that are only somewhat
aligned with specific
state and/or national
Lessons allow for very
few connections across
the curriculum which do
not build understanding,
nor encourage
application to real world
Incorporates a preassessment which
partially measures
students prior
knowledge of the
learning objective but
fails to adequately utilize
the results to inform
planning/instruction for
the lesson and post
Includes copies of the
Pre- and PostAssessments used.
Includes a copy of a
key/product to show
desired outcome.
Is still developing the
ability to incorporate the
use of available
technology to enhance
instruction in ways that
engage the students in
the learning experience.
For cases where
technology is not utilized,
candidate provides an

Below Basic/
Needs Work
Lessons contain no
evidence of setting
measurable objectives
and are not aligned with
specific state and/or
national standard(s).
Lessons allow for no
apparent connections
across the curriculum;
students are not able to
build an understanding or
apply to real world issues.

Does not incorporate

evidence of a preassessment to measure
students prior knowledge
of the learning objective.
Does not include copies
of the Pre- and PostAssessments used.
Does not include a copy
of a key/product to show
desired outcome.

Does not incorporate the

use of available
technology to enhance
instruction nor provide an
explanation for why
technology is not utilized.

and Modifications


Purposefully adjusts
instruction during lesson
planning and implementation
in order to significantly meet
all of the identified needs of
individuals, small groups or
the class by including
specific methods of
accommodations and
strategies are clearly
identified and rationale
provided for how these
strategies serve to
significantly enhance both
student engagement and
Purposefully activates
student interest by
consistently including a
introduction and closing.
Effectively introduces and
repeatedly reinforces the
learning objective(s) so that
students are cognizant of
expected outcomes.
Presents all content in a
sequential manner and
provides numerous
opportunities for modeling
and practicing the skills and
content needed to meet the
learning objective(s).

(I Do/We Do/You Do)

Consistently checks for

student understanding
throughout the entire lesson
cycle and provides detailed
evidence of reteaching/remediation where
Includes numerous detailed
reasons for why the
instructional strategies and
learning activities chosen for
the lessons are
developmentally appropriate
(claims are supported by
relevant theory/research that
is clearly cited).


17 | P a g e

Includes professional-quality
table/charts/graphs which
clearly show post
assessment results (and prepost comparison if

Adjusts instruction during

lesson planning and
implementation in order to
meet some of the identified
needs of individuals, small
groups or the class by
including general methods of
accommodations and
Management and
motivational strategies are
identified and rationale is
provided for how these
strategies enhance student
engagement and learning.

Activates student interest by

including an
introduction and closing.
Introduces and reinforces
the learning objective(s) so
that students are cognizant
of expected outcomes.
Presents all content in a
sequential manner and
provides opportunities for
modeling and practicing the
skills and content needed to
meet the learning
Checks for student
understanding throughout
most of the lesson cycle and
provides evidence of reteaching/remediation where
Includes reasons for why the
instructional strategies and
learning activities chosen for
the lessons are
developmentally appropriate
(claims are somewhat
supported by relevant
theory/research that is

Includes average-quality
table/charts/graphs which
show post assessment
results (and pre-post
comparison if applicable)
Provides a description of the

Attempts to adjust
instruction during lesson
planning and
implementation but the
differentiated instruction,
accommodations and
modifications used do
not fully meet the
identified needs of
individuals, small groups
or the class.
Management and
motivational strategies
are not clearly identified
and rational is lacking
evidence of how these
strategies fully serve to
enhance student
engagement and/or
Attempts to activate
student interest but
needs to work to develop
a more effective lesson
opening and closing.
Needs to be more
purposeful about
introducing and
reinforcing the learning
objective so that the
students are cognizant of
expected outcomes.
Content is not always
presented in a sequential
manner and candidate
needs to provide more
opportunities for
modeling and practicing
the skills and content
needed to meet the
learning objective(s).
Checks for student
throughout most of the
lesson cycle and
provides little evidence of
where necessary.
Includes reasons for why
the instructional
strategies and learning
activities chosen for the
lessons are
appropriate (claims are
not sufficiently supported
by relevant
theory/research nor
sufficiently cited).
Includes poor-quality
which do not clearly
show post assessment
results (or pre-post
comparison if applicable)

Does not adjust

instruction during lesson
planning and
implementation in order to
meet the identified needs
of individuals, small
groups or the class. No
accommodations and
modifications present.
Management and
motivational strategies to
enhance student
engagement and learning
are not identified.

There are no clear

attempts to activate
student interest.
Candidate does not
include evidence of an
effective opening and/or
Learning objective is not
reinforced throughout the
Content is not presented
in a sequential manner
and candidate does not
provide evidence of
allowing opportunities for
modeling and practicing
the skills and content
needed to meet the
learning objective(s).
Candidate does not check
for student understanding
throughout the lesson
cycle and there is no
evidence of re-teaching
Does not includes
reasons for why the
instructional strategies
and learning activities
chosen for the lessons
are developmentally
appropriate (claims are
not at all supported by
relevant theory/research
nor sufficiently cited).

No quality
table/charts/graphs which
show post assessment
(and/or pre) results.
Does not provide a
description of the post

Provides detailed description

of the post assessment
results which thoroughly
addresses all of the following
items :
students progress toward
mastery of the objectives
from pre-to-post
factors that may have
affected the post assessment
how the results of the post
assessment highlight what
areas of the lesson will

post assessment results

which somewhat addresses
most of the following items:
students progress toward
mastery of the objectives
from pre-to-post
factors that may have
affected the post
assessment results
how the results of the post
assessment highlight what
areas of the lesson will
require re-teaching (if any)

require re-teaching (if any)

Lesson Reflection:

Lesson Reflection:

Lesson Reflection:

Identifies, describes, and

explains more than two
relevant successful teaching
strategies and provides
detailed supporting evidence
for why they were effective.

Identifies, describes, and

explains two successful
teaching strategies and/or
provides supporting
evidence for why they were

Identifies and describes

more than two challenges
encountered throughout

Identifies and describes two

challenges encountered
throughout the lesson.

Identifies and describes

more than two significant
ideas for redesigning the
lesson and provides full
details to support the

Identifies and describes two

ideas for redesigning the
lesson and provides details
to support the redesign.

Provides a weak
description of the post
assessment results
which does not
adequately address the
following items:
students progress
toward mastery of the
objectives from pre-topost
factors that may have
affected the post
assessment results
how the results of the
post assessment
highlight what areas of
the lesson will require reteaching (if any)
Identifies, describes, and
explains only one
successful teaching
strategy and/or provides
only minimal supporting
evidence for why it was
Identifies and describes
only one challenge
encountered throughout
the lesson.

Identifies and describes

one idea for redesigning
the lesson and provides
very minimal details to
support the redesign.

assessment results is
weak and illogical and
does not address all of
the following items:
students progress toward
mastery of the objectives
from pre-to-post
factors that may have
affected the post
assessment results
how the results of the
post assessment highlight
what areas of the lesson
will require re-

Fails to adequately
identify, describe, or
explain successful
teaching strategies and
provides no supporting
Fails to adequately
identify, describe, or
explain challenges
encountered throughout
Fails to identify and
describe an idea for
redesigning the lesson
and/or provides no details
to support the redesign.

Overall Professional Quality of Teacher Work Sample


Writing Skills

18 | P a g e




Below Basic/
Needs Work

Content Organization:

Content Organization:

Content Organization:

Content Organization:

All formatting requirements

followed: (Cover page,
references/credits, font and
spacing, anonymity)

All formatting requirements

followed: (Cover page,
references/credits, font and
spacing, anonymity)

Most formatting
requirements followed:
(Cover page,
references/credits, font
and spacing, anonymity)

Few formatting
requirements were
followed: (Cover page,
references/credits, font
and spacing, anonymity)

Paper is well organized with

clarity of thought and

Paper is organized.
Paper is somewhat
organized but candidate
needs to continue to
develop communicating
thought and purpose.




Paper requires much

better organization of
content and candidate
needs to significantly
develop in the area of
communicating thought
and purpose.

Writing has very few errors in

spelling, grammar,
punctuation, and/or sentence

Writing has only occasional

errors in spelling, grammar,
punctuation, and/or
sentence structure, but does
not significantly detract from
overall quality.

Overall Quality:

Overall Quality:

Writing has frequent

errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation,
and/or sentence
structure, and this
somewhat detracts from
overall quality.
Overall Quality:

Writing has numerous

errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation,
and/or sentence
structure, errors which
significantly detract from
overall quality.
Overall Quality:

Professionally written, high-

Adequately written, average

Writing and quality of

Poorly written, low-quality

quality paper.

19 | P a g e

quality paper.

paper are in
development but
resubmission is not

paper. Resubmission

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