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Brittany Graveline

Unit Defense Paper

My unit plan was created to follow the unit on Collective Rights and Freedoms in
Grade nine social studies. As such, I assume that the students will know the collective
rights and individual rights of people in Canada. In terms of skills, I assume that most of
the students have grade-level literacy and communication skills, but need to work on
their critical thinking skills. Due to the recent immigration related events that have taken
place across the globe I am assuming that students are familiar with the refugee crisis,
but do not know all of the information about it. Most importantly, I think that many of the
students will believe Canada is a welcoming country. I hope to challenge that, and
maybe even re-affirm their belief in that statement.
The community of Claresholm is small, with less of a culturally diverse make-up
than larger towns and cities. The students may have less exposure to other cultures
outside of Canada, so I think I will need to provide more content knowledge about the
immigrant groups we will be discussing. I will also be teaching two classes who each
have several students with exceptionalities in them. One class has a classroom aide
with a teaching degree who can help garner feedback from the students about their
There will be many individual difference in the classroom, which I plan to deal
with on a case to case basis. The best strategy I want to use is learning contracts with
the students. These learning contracts would be based on the individual goals and
needs of the students. The most important aspect is consultation with the student and
ensuring you are on the same page as they are. This strategy can be used for both
higher level and lower level students to ensure they are meeting the outcomes they
need to.

Brittany Graveline

The students are not all highly academic, and for that reason I wanted to make
the final project as accessible as possible. Instead of students writing an essay, editorial
or making recommendations for changing immigration laws I chose a presentation on
how welcoming Canada is. The options for the project are all visual, and have small
written components that can be adapted for students who are less inclined to write. The
poster and video advertisement are both highly visual, making it more appealing for
students who dont want to (or cannot) write essays. The travel brochure option
balances out writing and visual components, allowing students who better express
themselves in writing to have that option. The components of the assignment that so
involve writing can acceptably be longer or shorter than what I have written out. I am
willing to change the assignment according to student need.
As previously mentioned, I wanted to challenge students assumptions regarding
Canada. Social Studies education is citizenship education, and I stand firmly behind the
purpose of citizenship education to be social reform. By studying immigration through
the inquiry question Is Canada welcoming? students will be encouraged to revisit
standard assumptions about their country. And by extension, their own identity as
citizens of Canada. The implications of this unit is that the student must decide not only
if their country is welcoming, but to what extent it should be a welcoming country.
The previous unit focused primarily on the collective and individual rights of
Canadians. This unit expands on rights by discussing the human rights of refugees, and
how those rights can conflict with the collective rights of people within Canada. The
class will discuss the Canada-Quebec accord in order to see how these conflicts can be
resolved through accords and policies. I have collected many resources dedicated to
showcasing the perspectives of aboriginal, immigrant and refugee perspectives. I

Brittany Graveline

address francophone perspectives through legal documents and text, but I do lack the
same voice that the other groups have. This is a weakness that is mostly due to the
geographical distance between Alberta and Quebec.
The most rigorous task that the students will engage in is expository reading, and
the creation of the performance task. Both the classes I teach have not had a lot of
exposure to legal and historical documents, so teaching them how to read with purpose
will likely pose a challenge for them. For this reason I use group work so students can
talk about the text in order to understand it better. The performance task is both
authentic and engaging because I ask students to not only formulate a position, I also
ask them to re-evaluate that position. Reflection is also an important part of my unit, and
students will repeatedly ask themselves what they have learned and what they need to
know in order to complete their final project.
There are several considerations for the day to day lesson plans that I simply
cannot predict. Once I go into the classroom I will seek out the information that students
will need based on their own reflections on their learning. I will take into consideration
the questions they ask me in their regular formative assessment, as well as what might
not be clear to them during the lessons. I admit I am assuming the students know a lot
about rights, but if they dont remember it or understand it I will have to revisit those
pieces in my lesson planning. In short, my unit plan is subject to change based on what
I encounter both within and outside of the classroom.

Brittany Graveline

Unit Planning Organizer

Subject Social Studies

Grade: 9

Unit/Topic: Immigration
Date and Unit Duration March 7th to March 24th
1. Unit Overview Critical Inquiry Question
Is Canada a welcoming country?
2. General Learning Outcomes for Unit
Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how Canadas
political process impact citizenship and identity in an attempt to meet the needs
of all Canadian.
3. Focusing Questions for Unit (Related Questions)
What is Immigration?
What does welcoming mean?
How do provinces impact immigration policy?
Who are refugees?
Where do immigrants and refugee come from?
Does immigration impact Aboriginal peoples? How?
What does Immigration have to do with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Does Canada benefit from immigration? How much? How little?
4. Key Concepts for Unit
Social programs
5. Specific Learning Outcomes for Unit

9.1.8 assess, critically, how legislative processes attempt to address
emerging issues of
immigration by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and
issues: What factors influence immigration policies in Canada (i.e.,
economic, political, health, security)? How are changes to Canadian policies on immigration and
refugees a reflection of world issues?

Brittany Graveline What impact does increasing immigration have on Aboriginal
peoples and communities? How are provincial governments able to influence and implement
immigration policies? How is the implementation of immigration policies in Qubec an
attempt to strengthen the French language in North America? What is the relationship between immigration policies in Canada
and the rights guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms? To what extent does Canada benefit from immigration?
9.1.2: Appreciate the various effects of government policies on citizenship
and on Canadian society.
9.S.1 develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
9.S.1.3 demonstrate the ability to analyze current affairs from multiple
9.S.1.4 re-evaluate personal opinions to broaden understanding of a topic
or an issue
9.S.1.5 generate creative ideas and strategies in individual and group
9.S.2 develop skills of historical thinking:
9.S.2.2 distinguish cause, effect, sequence and correlation in historical
events and issues, including the long- and short-term causal relations
9.S.4. demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving:
9.S.4.1 take appropriate action and initiative when required in decisionmaking and problem-solving scenarios
9.S.4.3 propose and apply strategies or options to solve problems and
deal with issues
9.S.4.4 propose and apply new ideas and strategies, supported with facts
and reasons, to contribute to problem solving and decision making
9.S.5 demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus
9.S.5.1 demonstrate leadership in groups, where appropriate, to achieve
consensus and resolve conflicts peacefully and equitably
9.S.5.2 demonstrate a positive attitude regarding the needs and
perspectives of others
9.S.7 apply the research process:
9.S.7.1. reflect on changes of perspective or opinion based on information
gathered and research conducted
9.S.7.2 integrate and synthesize concepts to provide an informed point of

Brittany Graveline
view on a research question or an issue
9.S.7.3 develop a position supported by information gathered during
9.S.7.4 draw conclusions based upon research and evidence practise
responsible and ethical use of information and technology

9.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy

Annotated List of Resources:

Becklumb, P. (2008). Immigration the Canada-Quebec Accord (Canada, Library of
Parliament, Parliamentary Information and Research Service). Ottawa:
Parliamentary Information and Research Service.
This paper summarizes the Canada-Quebec Accord that governs immigration in
Quebec. It is a short document that can be used to practice expository reading
skills, while learning about the history of immigration in Quebec. There have
been recent changes to Quebec immigration, and this paper can help students
compare and contrast the changes, and understand how and why immigration
policies have changed.
Critical Challenges. (2016). Retrieved February 28, 2016, from
The Critical Thinking Consortium provides numerous Critical Thinking challenges
related to directly to social studies outcomes. This website can offer learning
activities that will encourage students to think critically about their research, as
well as build the skills needed to do research. This is valuable to my unit because
I can adapt the activities to suit my students, and give the skills needed to
complete the performance task.
Hopes and Dreams: Stories from Young Refugees. (n.d.). Retrieved February 29,
2016, from
Pamela and Augustine in their Hopes and Dreams: Stories from Young
Refugees session will share the experiences of young refugees in Canada over
the past thirty years. This is a valuable resource because it provides a personal
perspective and an opportunity for students to ask questions about refugees that
I would not be able to answer.
Immigration and Citizenship. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2016, from
This is the government of Canada website that contains all of the current policies
and laws regarding immigration in Canada. This is an important research tool for
me, as it provides information that is more up to date than the textbook offers.
The website also offers descriptions of terms, and can be used by the students
for further research for the inquiry project.

Brittany Graveline

K. (2015, September 17). The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained.
Retrieved March 01, 2016, from
This video summarizes the conflicts in and around Syria that have lead to the
recent refugee crisis. This will help students understand how global issues can
have a direct impact on Canada. The video is both easy to understand and
engaging for the students. It is valuable to my unit because it spark discussion,
and encourage a deeper understanding of immigration.
Local Community Members:
Community members from Claresholm will no doubt be helpful in discussing
contemporary immigration issues. Chris, a Foreign Worker Program participant,
is one guest speaker who will share his experiences of immigration with the
students. He can provide important insight on how the Foreign Worker program
works, and why and how he came to Canada.
Oberg, R. (n.d.). Taking Cornell Notes as a Learning Strategy. Retrieved February
26, 2016, from
I plan to have the students use the Cornell note taking strategy during the guest
lecturers. This website provides an excellent tutorial on how to use the Cornell
note taking strategy as a high school student. This will be available for students
to look at should they forget how it works after I show them in class. The value of
this to my unit is keeping students meaningfully engaged during the guest
speakers, and a way for me to assess their understanding of the guest speakers.
Trier, J. (1994). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Organizations
that Help the World). Watford: Exley.
This is a small text that was provided by my TA that contains images and detailed
accounts on refugee crisiss from twenty years ago. This text deals mainly with
the United Nations connections and obligation to refugees, and provides some
historic examples of how nations responded to refugees. This in useful to my unit
because we can compare the reaction of Canada with the reactions of others
nations and further develop an answer to the inquiry question.
Hunka, R., Rajotte, C., Odele, C., & Ondaatje, G. (2015). CBC - 8th Fire - TV Indigenous in the City. Retrieved March 01, 2016, from
In this 45 minute long video, FNMI peoples share their experiences with
immigration, and the showcase the generational effects. This video showcases
the way that FNMI people have integrated their culture into the boarder culture of
Canada. This video will be useful in discussing integration, and the effects of
historical immigration has (and still does) impact indigenous peoples.

Brittany Graveline
March 7th/8th

Is Canada a
welcoming country?
What is
What does
welcoming mean?

Carton Analysis (5
Learner profiles
Q and A get to know
me session.

Vocabulary Sheet
Pre-assessment in the
Learning Profiles.
Anecdotal Notes.

What is Immigration?
Introduction to
Inquiry Question.
Welcoming someone
to the classroom
Vocabulary activity
March 9th/10th

How do provinces
impact immigration
(Quebec as a case

Cartoon Analysis (5

Questions I still
have Exit slip.
Observational notes
on students.

Review last class.


Jigsaw activity on
[Prep questions for
guest speaker.]

March 14th/15th (Tentative)


Who are refugees?

Where did they come
How does the
Canadian government
respond to them?

Exit slip
Guest Speaker Pam
Notes will be taken
during presentation,
and students will
check off what
questions are

Cornell Notes.
Observational notes
on class.

Brittany Graveline
March 16th/17th

Does immigration
impact Aboriginal
peoples? How?

Cartoon Analysis (5
Video 8th Fire:
Indigenous in the City


Think Pair Share on

the positive and
negative impacts of
immigration on
Aboriginal peoples.

Written Vocabulary
Questions I still
have Exit slip.
Focused observational
assessment during

Exit Slip
March 18th/21st

What does
immigration have to
do with the Charter of
Rights and Freedoms?


Cartoon Analysis (5

Written Vocab Sheet

Formative quiz on
material covered so


Questions I still
have Exit slip.

Students will engage

in a problem solving
activity by taking on
the perspective of a
group in Canada.
They will present
their perspective and
decide yes or no to
(Will create a chart in
a group)
Vocabulary and Exit

March 22 /23



Does Canada benefit

from immigration?
How much? How

Guest Speaker prep.

Guest Speaker Chris

Cornell Notes

Notes will be taken

during presentation,

Observational notes
on class.

Brittany Graveline

March 24



and students will
check off what
questions are
Is Canada a
welcoming country?
Can I get some work

End of period review.

Cartoon Analysis (5
Work period for

Do final vocabulary

Brittany Graveline


Subject: Social Studies
Date: March 7th/March 8th
Critical Inquiry Question: Is Canada a welcoming country?
Time: 90min
SLOs: From the Program of Studies
9.1.8 Assess, critically, how legislative processes attempt to address emerging issues of
immigration by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: What factors influence immigration policies in Canada (i.e., economic, political,
health, security)?
Instructional Objectives: (Not outcomes, but lesson objectives. Not a description of lesson
procedure, but an indication of what students will know or be able to do by the end of the
Students will know the meaning of the words immigration and welcoming.
Students will know what critical inquiry is.
Students will communicate clearly and appropriately during discussions.

Key Questions:
What is the focus question for this lesson? What are some related questions?
Who is this person who is teaching you?
What is immigration? What does welcoming mean?
What is Critical Inquiry?
Is Canada a welcoming country?
50 Who Am I? Sheets.
Vocabulary Exemplar
USB Device Contains presentation
Photo copy Who Am I
Have Worldle page open in advance.
Have PowerPoint up and ready.
Double check for new current event stories.
Prepare the classroom aide by telling them where we will need to assist students.
As this is the first lesson of the unit, I will be creating learner profiles about the students in order
to inform future adaptations to the lessons.

Brittany Graveline


One student will not write anything down, so I plan to ask the classroom aide to scribe for him. I
will talk to the aide before class and explain the activity for the day. They have worked with the
student for a while, so the student will be comfortable enough to speak to the aide
I plan to have an increased wait time so that students will have plenty of time to think of answers
and questions.
Lesson Procedure:
(Use numbered or bulleted steps. Indicate lesson introduction, development and conclusion to
clarify the flow of the lesson. Write it with enough detail that a substitute teacher could teach the
Introduction 20 min
Begin the lesson with a recent event related to migration. I will talk about the recent
spike of searches in the US for How to immigrate to Canada after the Super Tuesday
results. Currents events are a part of the routine, so I expect students to bring up any
events they have read about recently in the news.
I will ask the students: Why might there be a connection between these searches and
the preliminaries? Why would they pick Canada? Is this related to other recent
Students will then be welcomed to discuss the events they have seen.
o Ask: Why might this be news worthy?
After that I will introduce the political cartoons, and the Five Ws that I plan to do with
them each day. I will explain that this is something that will be on their PATs, and it is
good to practice the skill.
o Who is in the photo?
o What might this be about?
o Where is this taking place?
o When was it drawn?
o Why was this drawn?
Part 1 Get to know me. 20 min
Ask student to complete the handouts at their desks. They will have about 10 minutes to
complete them.
After they complete it, students may think about questions to ask and I will then answer
about 10 to 15 questions depending on the time. Explain that they can write down the
question if we dont have time and I will answer it in writing later.
o Stress that the questions must be appropriate. I will not answer is if it highly
personal in nature.
Once the students are satisfied (or we run out of time) I will move on to the next part of
the lesson.
Part 2 Unit Introduction 20 min
Brainstorm Activity: 8-10 min
o Have students think of one or two words they associate with immigration. I will
type those words into the wordle webpage and we will create a word cloud.
o Reminder: repeated words are great!
o Discuss with students which words were the biggest and most common.

Brittany Graveline


Why might some associations be stronger than others?

o Save the word cloud to put it up on the board in the back.
Keep it so you can create a second one at the end of the unit
Preliminary Judgment on Inquiry Question 8-10 min
o Explain what a critical inquiry question is.
A type of question that doesnt have a strict yes or no answer. You must
spend a lot of time to answer it!
Let students ask clarifying questions.
o Explain that Is Canada a welcoming country? will be the focus of the unit.
Keep this question in the back of your mind as we progress
o Ask students to come up with an initial response to the question.
Yes or no? One reason why you think that.
Students may write it down, or simply remember the answer for later.
Think/Pair/Share on Welcoming 8-10 min
o Students will be given 1 to 2 minutes to think to themselves. Then they will be
given 5 minutes to talk with a partner about their thoughts.
o They will share what their partner said, in order to ensure students are listening
actively to their partners.
Conclusion Vocab 10 min
Vocabulary Sheets
o Introduce the weekly vocabulary to the students.
This will be filled out weekly, and I will look at them over the weekends.
They will create the chart with their own paper and keep it in their binders.
o The vocabulary will be structured in a t-chart with 3 columns. Word / Definition/
Some students may only draw the symbol is they need to.
o Vocab words for that day: Welcoming and Immigration.
How will you know if students met your lesson objectives? What assessment tool or strategy are
you using? What are you looking for in this formative assessment?
Written Vocabulary Sheets and Learner Profiles
Observation Anecdotal notes on 4-5 students. (Begin with group closest to the door)
Look for participation, and jot down the questions they have. This will help inform what
background information they may need.
Are they repeating what others have said, or are they coming up with own answers?
Main questions for student with writing difficulties: Do you think Canada is
welcoming? Emphasize that they dont need to know everything, just their own feelings.
Discussion during the class. Focus questions are bolded previously.

Brittany Graveline


Lesson Reflection:
This is a space for notes after youve taught the lesson.

Who am I?
Full name: _____________________________________________________________
Nicknames: ____________________________________________________________
My hobbies/extra-curricular activities:
Place I was born:
Places I have lived:
Someone I look up to:
An accomplishment I am proud of:
I have never

Brittany Graveline


Where I spend my free time:


Pets: (Name, type of animal/breed and age)

Class/subject movie:
TV Show:
Memorable recent event:
Qualities of a Good teacher:

Brittany Graveline


Favourite childhood memory:

Subject: Social Studies
Date: March 9th/March 10th
Critical Inquiry Question:
Is Canada a welcoming country?
Time: 90min
SLOs: From the Program of Studies How are provincial governments able to influence and implement immigration policies? How is the implementation of immigration policies in Qubec an attempt to strengthen
the French language in North America?

Instructional Objectives: (Not outcomes, but lesson objectives. Not a description of lesson
procedure, but an indication of what students will know or be able to do by the end of the
Students will know what the Canada-Quebec Accord is.
Students will know how Provincial governments influence immigration policies.
Students will demonstrate the ability to cooperate with others to find answers.
Students will demonstrate communication skills by making comments related to the topic of
discussion, clarify and respond to questions and ideas, and listen to others.

Key Questions:
What is the focus question for this lesson? What are some related questions?
How do provinces impact immigration policy?
What is the difference between a policy and a law?
What is the Canada-Quebec Accord?
How does this relate to collective rights?
USB drive
5 Copies of the Immigration: The Canada-[Quebec Accord
Extra textbook just in case

Brittany Graveline


Set up PowerPoint
Make sure Jigsaw groups will work. (Double check with TA is some students shouldnt be
grouped together)
Find current event relevant to topic.
Prep aide by telling them what the lesson will be and ask for advice on what I may need to do
differently for certain students.
As per the previous class, I will be assessing one student through mostly conversational
assessment and listening to them while they work in groups. I will ask the classroom aide to help
the student share their thoughts with the groups they work in.
Higher level students who complete the concept formation very quickly will be asked ahead of
time to brainstorm other words they can associate with each word.
The time for the activity will vary depending on the students
Lesson Procedure:
(Use numbered or bulleted steps. Indicate lesson introduction, development and conclusion to
clarify the flow of the lesson. Write it with enough detail that a substitute teacher could teach the
Introduction 15 min
Start with the current event of the day. [Subject to change: too far ahead to find an event
that would be relevant enough]
Write down any related questions to the current event here:

Give students the opportunity to bring up their own news stories, and share their thoughts
and feelings about it.
o Why might these stories be new worthy?
o Are there any topics you have found related to immigration in Canada?
Political Cartoon Analysis:
o Who is in the image?
o What is happening in the image?
o Where is this taking place?
o When might this have been drawn?
o Why what this made? [What does it mean?]
Review of the previous class
o What did we talk about? (Besides about me)
o Ask about the critical inquiry question and the vocabulary.
Part 1 Policy and Law
What is a law and what is a policy? (For me to remember Define after activity)

Brittany Graveline


o A policy outlines what a govt ministry hopes to achieve and the methods and
principle it hopes to use to achieve them. It states the goal of the ministry. A
policy doc is not a law, but it will often identify laws need to reach goal.
o A law sets out standards, procedures and principals that must be followed. If a law
is not followed those responsible for breaking can then be prosecuted in court.

Concept Formation Activity

o Students will be given a jumble of words that are either laws or policies, or are
related to laws or policies.
o They will be asked to sort the words into two separate groups, and will be doing
this in groups of four to five.
Tell students not to blurt out the answer when/if they get it!
o I will go around the room to each group listening to their conversations.
Why did you place that there?
What do these words have in common?
o Once each group has completed placing the words, ask for a spokesperson to
explain why they put certain words in certain categories.
o After each has said their piece, show which one goes with which.
o Ask about the both section:
Why are they under both?
What other words might you add to the list?

Part 2 Jigsaw Reading Activity

Groups students
o Count the students off from 1 to 5, and then designate which part of the room
corresponds to each number.
o Students will group up, wait for their attention then explain the next steps.
Group 1 will read Intro and Section A,
Group 2 will read Section B
Group 3 will read Sections C - E
Group 4 will read Section F
Group 5 will read Section G
Reading Instructions:
o Read through the section(s) and be able to summarize it in a few sentences.
o What is it about? Does your section relate to Francophone rights? Why or why
After reading Instructions
o To regroup the students, have each member of Group 1 move to a different part of
the room. Separate each group in the same manner.
o Instruct students to appoint a writer and a speaker. Together, they will summarize
the document and each group will share their version of the summary.
Exit Slip

Brittany Graveline


o The weekly exit slip is for Questions I still have. Students will ask any
questions they still have about what we learned this week. And I will include a
one suggestion I have section for the first week.
o This will be written on their own lined paper and given to me before they leave

o They will add in the words from today and define them or create an image and
because it is the end of the week they will also give that to me at the door along
with the exit slip.

How will you know if students met your lesson objectives? What assessment tool or strategy are
you using? What are you looking for in this formative assessment?
Vocabulary (Shows depth of understanding, and if I am not getting across what I meant
Exit Slips Shows me what was unclear, and what I can do to improve student learning.
This day I plan to focus on the students in the middle row close to the front. This is about
4-5 students.
I will listen to their conversations during the Concept formation activity and look for
communication skills, and how well they can distinguish between policy and law.
Lesson Reflection:
This is a space for notes after youve taught the lesson.







Voting Age








Brittany Graveline








Brittany Graveline


Performance Task

Is Canada a welcoming country?

The purpose of this assignment is to show provide an answer to the main question for the
unit. Your options for this advertisement include (1) video advertisement (2) poster or (3) a travel
*Note: I am open to other ideas, but they will require approval before hand.
What do we do?
The assignment will be split into two parts, but will be worked on throughout the unit of study.
Part One: Reasoning Map
Complete a reasoning map that answers the inquiry question: Is Canada a welcoming
This map will have three main pieces of evidence supporting your position. One of your
supporting arguments must have a counter argument and one rebuttal to the position. The
purpose of this section is for you to formulate your position, and show me your thought process.
You may change your mind throughout the process, but make sure you have a firm position
before beginning the project.

Brittany Graveline


Part Two: Creating the Advertisement

Based on the reasoned judgement you have come to on the question, you will create an
advertisement for immigration to Canada. This advertisement must reflect the degree to which
you believe Canada to be welcoming. The criteria for this assignment are:
-Clearly provides and answer to the question: The overall tone of the advertisement is
welcoming or unwelcoming.
-Includes information relevant to the topic: Reasoning for accepting or not accepting
immigrants is supported with evidence.
-Relevant imagery: The visuals are related to immigration, and are audience appropriate.
-Correct use of Language: The language used for the advertisement makes sense and
follows the conventions of the language used.
-The advertisement is appealing to viewers: The advertisement is eye catching, and
keeps the audience interest. It is important to remember that the intent of an
advertisement is to be eye catching.
Make sure you attend to the following questions while creating the advertisement:
Who are you welcoming?
Why do you want them in Canada?
What will they do in Canada?
Where will they be allowed within Canada?
Part Three: Reflection
The final piece of this project is a self-reflection on the work you have completed. You
will provide a 1 to 2 paragraph response to the following questions:
Did I change my mind from my initial judgment on this topic? Why or why not?
If I were to do this again, what would I do differently?

Brittany Graveline

Provides an
answer to the
(9.S.1, 9.S.7)
Information is
relevant to the


The answer
The Answer
provided is
provided is
and pertinent. and relevant.
provided is
relevant. It
helps the
reader make
sense of the
Imagery is
The images
included go
beyond the
Use of
language is
logical. The
makes sense.

Needs Work
The answer
provided is
simplistic and

Information is
provided is
trivial. It isnt
general. It is
important and
correct, but
doesnt help
needs to be
understand the
focused more
Use of
Imagery is
Imagery is
Imagery is
predictable. simplistic. The
The images
The images
images are
are unique and
are what most
simple and
provide fresh
people would
lack in-depth
think of.
Correct use of
Use is
Use of
Use of
language is
language is
language is
skillful. It is
awkward. It
easy to
takes work to
The message
understand the
understand the doesnt make
Product is
The product is The product is The product is The product is
appealing to
engaging to
interesting to simplistic for
viewers. It
viewers. It
viewers. It is
appealing to
captures the
keeps the
only mildly
viewers. It
attention of
attention of
interesting to
does not hold
the viewers.
the viewers.
the attention of
the viewers at
Student: ____________________________________________________

provided is
pertinent. It is
specific and

The answer
provided is
and general.

No score is
there is a
lack of

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