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A simple calculator program with functions. This program allows the user
input two numbers, then passes those two numbers into a sum func
tion, and
finally prints the returned sum.
#include <stdio.h>
/* Define a function that takes two arguments, both of type int, and returns an
int */
int sum (int n1, int n2)
int answer;
answer = n1 + n2;
/* Put the sum of the two numbers into a
nswer */
/* Exit
function and return answer */
void main (void)
int number1, number2, total;
printf ( What is the first number? );
scanf ( %d , &number1);
printf ( What is the second number? );
scanf ( %d , &number2);
total = sum (number1, number2);
umbers from


Get the sum of the two n

the return value of sum() */

printf ( The sum of %d plus %d is %d\n , number1, number2, total);

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