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Book Chat Reflection

Jen Swansburg
1. How does the book help you to become a leader?
This book helps us develop our leadership identity of agents of change. When reading
this book, it was easy to see who the great leaders were and are in this world and the
characteristics they have that make them agents of change.
In reading this book, it also shows who those people are who would most likely
participate in managed dissent and other thought provoking behaviors and discussions.
Originals are people who are willing to step out of line and do the innovative and
forward-thinking to make change.
2. What are the three most important messages of the book?

Originals are agents of change. They may not be the first, but they are doing
something no one else has done, or doing something in a way no other has before.
Originals must rely on others to make change and in doing so, they must
sometimes adjust their ideas to make them more welcoming.
Originals must be accepting of others. Doves, not hawks. (chapter 6 and
reinforced in chapter 8)

3. What are two arguments that you disagree with in the book?

Who the original is determines how accepted the idea becomes. I believe if the
idea is a truly good idea, no matter who is presenting the idea, it will be accepted.
I do not think it is so much about the original as it is the audience.
Downplaying or identifying the negative or less favorable parts of an idea make it
more accepted by others. I do think how you present your idea can have an
impact, but I do not think that presenting negative aspects of it is beneficial. I
want to know what makes it good see the positive in it. As we work through the
idea, then we can discuss what could go wrong, but use it as a problem solving,
positive session.

4. Is the book a contribution to the field or discipline?

With everything that comes into the day-to-day of education, originality is hard to come
by. However, when looking at the bigger picture, with all of the fads and innovations
brought into education and packaged and sold as best practice, clearly there are some
originals in the field. Does this mean that all originals bring good, quality ideas to the
table? No.
Being able to identify who the originals are in our field and who they are in our buildings
and districts will help us to see who the agents of change are. These are the people who
are willing to get uncomfortable to make positive changes that will impact our students.
In a way, this book also helps us identify who the originals are sitting in our classrooms

and how to better meet their needs as learners. It opens our eyes to differences and
diversity around us. These may be the students who are misunderstood because their
ideas are not what we would identify as typical of their age.
Yes, this book is a contribution to education.
5. Does the book relate to a current debate or trend in the field and if so, how?
In all of the discussion about differentiation, STEM, flipped classrooms, etc., these are
ideas and concepts about thinking outside the box and bucking the system. Originals are
ones who are risk takers and go against status quo. This means that most likely, the
innovative ideas that are coming to light and gaining momentum in education are ideas of
originals. An original is not going to accept the traditional, chalk and talk presentation of
the classroom, or rote memorization of information. So, I think originals are all around
us and most likely creating the change we are seeing in education.
6. What is the theoretical lineage (or school of thought) out of which the book rises?
Non-conformity. Those who break the rules and go against the grain are the ones who
are most likely to change the world. Managed dissent, as I stated before, would fit
perfectly into the personality of an original.
7. How did you benefit from reading this book?
The biggest take away I got from this book is who an original is, how they think, and how
to best foster and support their ideas and thinking. As a leader, I have to recognize who
these people are and either help add fuel to their passions or temper their ideas to make
them more welcoming to others. I need to know who these people are, because they are
the ones I can go to to most likely help me see outside the box and think differently about
issues and events.
Going back to my leadership shadow and interview, these originals are going to be the
people who will potentially be the strengths to my weaknesses. To ensure that I have a
strong support surrounding me, I need to recognize their strengths and how those
strengths are only assets to me to help balance my weaknesses.

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