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Drop back to the ground and help Sam open the gate to the graveyard, where Nate

will take a moment to draw a picture of the area. While this doesn't count as yo
ur first entry, if you hop the wall to your left and examine the excavated grave
s you'll get a Journal Entry and the Trophy: Jot This Down. There are a number o
f tombstones you can examine here, any with the incorrect dates or sword placeme
nt, but the tombstone you are looking for is at the back of the area.
Take the newly revealed stairs down and when you reach the crypt check the left
corner for a Journal Note for the Trophy: Take a Note. Continue through the cryp
t down another set of stairs and check the room to the left for the Scottish Ha'
penny. Exit the room and examine the crosses for another mandatory entry in the
journal and then speak with Sam for an Optional Conversation about Avery's obses
sion with Saint Dismas. Circle around the back of the crosses and examine the la
mp and then return to the from of the crosses. You need to select each of the po
rtals below each cross and align the beams with certain points on the wall to cr
eate the constellation Orion.
Dismas cross - Tilt it slightly right to align it with the second star from the
bottom and the top right star
Jesus cross - Tilt it slightly right to align it with the top and bottom stars
Getas cross - Connect it to the final two stars
Circle to the back once again and speak with Sam for another Optional Conversati
on and a Journal Entry. You can now examine the lever on the wall to unlock the
door and find your next destination.
As you exit the crypt you'll notice that the graveyard is now full of Shoreline
goons. While it is possible to just plow through them to reach the door forward,
there is a trophy for not being detected or killing any enemies. To do this you
'll need to be quick, because a certain goon will ruin the whole thing if you do
n't reach the end before he leaves his original post.
Begin by running toward the Shoreline crate with dynamite and jumping catty-corn
er onto the outer ledge. From here you can hop/shimmy along the outer wall, clim
b up to grab onto the crumbled wall, and continue right until you spot the large
cross beneath you. Drop down and roll into the tall grass when the enemy in the
tan shirt isn't looking and then head straight through the grass and grab onto
the ledge of the wall ahead.
You should see an enemy in a red cap on the right, but wait for
the stairs on the right before you pull up and quickly hide in
the way. This is where you'll need to be rather quickly so one
rom the archway doesn't walks out into the courtyard before you

him to head down

the grass across
of the enemies f
reach the door a

Pass to the grass on the left, right in front of the statue with the AK-47, and
then wait for the enemies to start walking away. The mercenaries above should st
art a conversation about Nadine throwing Nate out a window at the auction as you
run to the small section of wall, using it to jump up the wall on the right. Cl
imb up to the ledge and shimmy around the corner and wait for the conversation t
o end. If you did it right the conversation should end and you should be able to
climb up once the upper mercenary turns around just before the shotgun carrying
enemy heads back up the stairs behind you. Walk toward the pillar straight ahea
d and make sure the enemies further back aren't walking toward you and then dart
up the stairs to the right and spam like there is no tomorrow. Once you open t
he gate and sneak through undetected you'll obtain the Trophy: Ghost in the Ceme
This is where you're going to see if everything lined up perfectly to allow you

to get to the end, as sometimes no matter what you do the NPCs just won't be in
the right place at the right time. Don't be afraid to restart the encounter a nu
mber of times to change things up and give yourself another chance.
Head left and slide down the gravel to a wooden beam, circle around the large ja
gged rock and then jump across to another section of land. Jump again to reach t
he coastline and press to check your destination and then continue for a quick
chat from Sully. After you grapple across the gap you'll encounter three Shoreli
ne goons, which are pretty easy to take care of, and then make sure to enter the
tunnel on the left of the area. Instead of climbing up the tunnel shaft, look f
or another path that you can crouch under to find a hidden cave with the Slipjoi
nt Clasp Knife. You can now make your way to the top of the area and boost Sam u
p, but before you follow turn around and jump across the gap to find another cav
e with the Pewter Singing Bird Box.
After Sam places the beam on the supports, press and rappel up to the top ledge
and then latch on again and drop off the other side of the area. Swing left unt
il you have enough momentum to grab the ledges and then follow them left and upw
ard until you reach a dead end above a post. Drop down to grab the post and then
swing and jump into the gravel, pressing at the end to attach yourself to anot
her beam. Swing to the ledges and climb up to the left and then grapple another
beam, climbing up the rope until you're high enough to swing over the obstructio

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