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American Red Cross

240 South Main Street # 200

Blacksburg, VA 24060
December 6, 2016
Dr. Brandi Watkins
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
Shanks Hall, Room 110 (0311)
1811 Turner St NW
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Dear Dr. Watkins,
Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. Every eight minutes, the American Red Cross
responds to an emergency. Volunteers help a family that has lost everything in a disaster over 185 times a day.
The Red Cross is comprised of supporters and volunteers who serve the needs of children and families across the
world. Consistent emergency relief would not be possible without the help of generous donations, since 91 cents of
every dollar spent is invested in our humanitarian services and programs.
A potential donation can impact any of our five services. The services the American Red Cross provides include
disaster relief as well as service to the armed forces. Disaster relief services involve American Red Cross volunteers
working with families that have lost everything in a disaster. These people lose their homes and have nowhere else
to turn to as a result. The American Red Cross is an organization there to help people who have lost hope after
enduring a natural disaster. Any donation can contribute to this service and benefit those that are suffering.
Within the American Red Cross, there is the Clara Barton Society. Named after the organizations founder, this
society is made up of members who donate an annual gift of $1,000 or more to the cause. Generous and continuous
donations ensure that the Red Cross will continue to exist and help millions of families worldwide. The Clara Barton
society realizes that not everyone can be that generous, but encourages everyone to contribute however they can.
It is my hope that you take the time to look at our website to find out more regarding the American Red Cross. The
easiest way to donate is online, and you can specify which area you want to direct your support. There is a $10
minimum donation, but any amount is encouraged. A donation of $50 is suggested and can be donated at our
organizations website. All donations go to the five services offered by the American Red Cross. Furthermore, you
can also dedicate your donation to a friend or loved one in need. People who are impacted by disasters have nobody
to turn to once the dust has settled. Homes are destroyed and families fall apart as a result. Our organization
provides these people with the hope they so desperately need. Any donation to the Red Cross makes a difference,
regardless of the size.
Thank you so much in advance for your support. I hope you take the time to consider a donation to the American
Red Cross.

Logan Nowicki
Representative, American Red Cross Organization

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