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Work Cited

"Invention of the Radar." Invention of the Radar. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.

Hind, Angela. "BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Briefcase 'that Changed the World'" BBC
News. BBC, 2007. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.

"American Meteorological Society." N.p., Dec. 1945. Web. 09

Dec. 2016.

"Department of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences | Iowa State University."

Department of Geological Atmospheric Sciences. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.

"The Cavity Magnetron: Not Just a British Invention." IEEE Xplore Full-Text PDF:.
N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.

"Robert Watson-Watt Invents the Radar." Timeline Outline View : N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.

"Radar." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.

A Short History of Radar" YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016

The presenter, professor Chris Budd of the University of Bath, explains in sections the
beginning of British radars and how information has diffused to different parts of the
world during World War II involving radars. During the presentation essential equations
for the creation and use of radio waves created by scientist and mathematicians were
given in order to understand the basis of research that had been done. With the radars
essential presence during World War II it is explained how at the time countries such as
England and Germany were quickly developing new and better radar systems to protect
and defend their countries. Professor Budd talks about the Tizard Mission, it was an
effort to bring America to join the war by bating America with new technology, from this
mission America began developing Radars and essentially joined the war and
technological race of improving the Radar.

HistoryTVAU. "RADAR First Demonstrated | History Channel." History

Channel. N.p., 21 June 2016. Web. 16 Nov. 2016
This article describes how student Sir Robert Watts was curios with radio waves. His
fascination led him to develop one of the most significant innovations of the 20th
century. Scottish physicist and engineer worked as a meteorologist, where he developed
systems to detect thunderstorms, and in 1935 demonstrated Radio Technician And
Ranging, better known as radar. This remarkable invention could detect airplanes, ships
as well as other war craft. The invention of the radar made an immense contribution to
the allied efforts in World War II, and ultimately allowed helped gain their victory in

Invention of the Radar." Invention of the Radar. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov.
This article contains information about how many famous physicists and inventors had
their share in defining electromagnetic waves behavior and how they could work together
to make up a radar. This article contains information that will be helpful towards our
project because it give us the background information as to what a radar is made up of
and the elements that define its function and purpose.

Jain, Preeti. "Classification of RADARs." EngineersGarage. N.p., n.d 2012.

Web. 15 Nov. 2016.
Essentially the article talks about how radar classification can be divided into primary
and secondary radar mechanics. A primary radar transmits high-frequency signals toward
the targets. A secondary radar has units that work with active answer signals. In addition
to a primary radar, this type of radar uses a transponder on the airborne object or target.
The article also explains that a pulsed radar transmits high power, high-frequency pulses
toward the target.

N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2016

In this article the observation of certain trials are explained and evaluated.The
explanations show in forms of graphs and detailed paragraphs that the microscopic
structure of the radar is very important so the radar can recognize small precipitate
particles.This information is explained by the steps taken for the trail and the elements
and objects being used to test their hypothesis.This will help us with the understanding of
the new developments of an invention made to recognize bigger objects such as ships,
tanks,and submarines but how by making small modifications it could have a new

Service, National Weather. Radar Advancement. US Department of

Commerce, NOAA, National Weather Service. NOAAs National
Weather Service, n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 16
The articles details advancement made to the radar throughout the history of its use. A
timeline of the radars most significant and noteworthy breakthroughs is also provided.
Specific examples, dates, and locations of its improved use and innovation are given, as
well as the importance in historical events, including the first modern use of the radar
for tracking hurricanes and tornados. This information will be helpful towards our project
in giving examples of the newest models of the radar and its historical importance, as
well as the historical context.

Service, National Weather. "How Radar Works." NWS JetStream. N.p., n.d.
Web. 16 Nov. 2016.
This article essentially explains the basics of how radars function as a beam of energy
called radio waves. The radio waves are emitted from an antenna. As they strike objects
in the atmosphere, the energy is scattered in all directions with some of the energy
reflected directly back to the radar. The article also briefly explains another type of radar

used, a Doppler radar. Instead of a continuous transmission of energy a Doppler radar

emits extremely short bursts of radio waves, called pulses. Then "listens" for energy to be
sent back.
"This Month in Physics History." This Month in Physics History. N.p., n.d.
Web. 16 Nov. 2016.
This article recognizes the people and the process by which the radar was invented.
Although Sir Robert Watt invented the first practical radar system aiding in the Allies
triumph over victory during World War II, it was the basic principles proposed by
Heinrich Hertz during 1880s. When the german physicist transmitted electromagnetic
waves in his laboratory he established that these waves had similar qualities to those of
light and heat waves. These electromagnetic waves would later be known as radio waves.
These waves contributed to the inventions of numerous devices throughout the 20th
century. For example, Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi development sent the first
wireless radio message across the Atlantic in 1901; as well as Christian Hulsmeyers
invention of the Crude System in 1904, using radio waves to prevent boats and trains
from colliding.

"5.3 The Science and Technology of World War II." The Science and Technology of
World War II - North Carolina Digital History. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2016.
This article goes into detail about the technology and science during world war II. The
radar was just starting to be used during the beginning of the war but quickly made its
way to the forefront. This made the idea of surprise attack virtually incapable. After
using it for gps technology the military realized they could even track weather.

Vieweger, Arthur and White, Albert . Development of Radar SCR-270. U.S. Army
Communications-Electronics Command. 14 Nov. 2016
The article is an unclassified document from the U.S. army explaining the early testing
and use of radar SCR-270. The authors talk about how small groups of scientist worked
to improve the SCR-268 radar family into the mobile SCR-270 and stationary SCR-271
Radars. The development of SCR-270/271 was pushed on the need to obtain long range
information for the early warnings. The article provides a table explaining the technical
and physical characteristics of the SCR-270/271 radars, these characteristics are
important in understanding the capabilities of the originally tested 270/271 radars and
their final developments.
World War II Technology That Changed Warfare - Radar and ..." N.p., n.d.
Web. 16 Nov. 2016.
This article consists of an academic PowerPoint describing significant war technologies,
including the radar. Along with detailed accounts of the early uses of the radar, diagrams
explaining the basic functions of it and an example of how it was used in battle. An
understanding of why it was invented in the first place and background knowledge on the
people behind the technology is crucial to discuss the impact of this innovation, and will
help in presenting our topic. Diagrams of the radar being used in battle will also aide in

our understanding of the math and science aspects of the radar, as having real life
application reinforces a grasp of such subject matter.

"5.3 The Science and Technology of World War II." The Science and
Technology of World War II - North Carolina Digital History. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov.
This article goes into detail about the technology and science during world war II. The
radar was just starting to be used during the beginning of the war but quickly made its
way to the forefront. This made the idea of surprise attack virtually incapable. After
using it for gps technology the military realized they could even track weather.

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