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Adapted from Rolemaster (RM) and Rolemaster Companion I (RC1) Lowell R. Matthews, June 11, 1995*
(Original material copyright (c) 1995 by Lowell R. Matthews. Rolemaster and its component parts are the property of Iron Crown Enterprises
and are used in the context of a role- playing game.)

Effects and Dosage Level:

All the beneficial herbs described below have an effect based upon a fairly large standardized dose weighing 1/2
ounce (14.2 grams) for most herbs, drugs, and poisons, or 4 oz (113 g) for breads. Lesser amounts having proportionately
reduced effects or none at all (GM discretion); greater amounts have proportionately increased effects but can cause
overdoses. The effects of poisons do not change with dosage level, but their attack level varies proportionately. Generally,
only one dose of any herb can take effect in a given melee round.
Search Codes:
The three-character code given for each herb contains a description of the herb's native climate and terrain, and
a difficulty modifier applied to searching in the wild. Neither search codes nor prices were provided in the original
Rolemaster Companion I article on "Poisons and Rotten Things."
Climate Codes:
a - arid; h - hot and humid; c - cold; m - mild temperate; e - everlasting cold; s - semi-arid; f - frigid
(everlasting cold); t - temperate.
Terrain or Locale Codes:
A - alpine; O - ocean/saltwater shores; B - breaks/wadis; M - mountain; C - coniferous forest; R - rolling hills; D
- deciduous/mixed forest; S - shortgrass; F - freshwater coasts/banks; T - tallgrass; G - glacier/snowfield; U underground; H - heath/scrub/moor; V - volcanic soil; I - islands; W - waste; J - jungle/rain forest; Z - desert.
Search Difficulty Modifiers:
1 Routine (+30) 4 Medium (0) 7 Extremely Hard (-30) 2 Easy (+20) 5 Hard (-10) 8 Sheer Folly (-50) 3 Light (+10) 6
Very Hard (-20) 9 Absurd (-70)
Form and Preparation:
Herbs, breads, and drugs fall into three use categories: ingest (I), apply (A), and brew (B). Those which may be
ingested, including all the breads, are immediately usable and may be eaten, chewed, drunk, or inhaled as appropriate.
Those herbs and drugs which must be applied require 1-10 rounds of preparation time unless noted otherwise, then may
be applied directly onto the injured area; those which must be brewed (usually into teas) are effective 20 melee rounds
after the water boils.
Refined poisons have three different use categories: paste (P), liquid (L), and powder (Pd). Pastes may be put in
food or drink or be applied to tools or weapons; they remain effective up to one week or until an object or person is
struck. Liquids have the same uses as poison pastes, but are only effective for one hour. Powders may only be put in food
or drink, but often maintain their effectiveness indefinitely.
Addiction Factor (AF):
Many herbs, particularly the mind-altering drugs, are potentially addictive. Each time an herb is employed after
its initial use in any given week the GM should roll to see if the user becomes addicted, doubling the addiction factor
number with each subsequent use (after the second) in the given week; if the roll is under the adjusted addiction factor
number, addiction results. Subsequent effects can include (a) a gradual loss of effectiveness of the herb (tolerance), (b)
loss of effectiveness of the user (e.g. -50 to all actions) when not using the herb, (c) loss of user's ability to resist using the
herb when under stress, or (d) unpleasant, possibly violent, withdrawal symptoms without usage. (Also consult the section
on chemical disease in Rolemaster.)

Attack Levels and Resistance Rolls:

Poisons and diseases have attack levels based on their potency which are used to determine whether they affect
the intended victim; antidotes and cures also have attack levels which determine their efficacy against poisons or
diseases. When a poison or disease attacks a target creature, an attack roll (AR) is made on the General column of the
Base Spell Attack Table in Spell Law. This AR is generally not subject to modifiers, but the GM may allow modifiers in
special circumstances (for example, the GM might allow poisoners to add their Deadly Skills level bonus to their poison's
AR, or a set bonus for a particularly effective delivery mechanism). The target's RR is modified by the AR result, the
target's poison or disease RR bonus (Constitution and racial bonuses), Drug Tolerance skill bonus if applicable, and certain
spells or magic items. If the target fails to resist, the poison or disease takes effect; like natural poisons (venoms), some
refined poisons and diseases have varying effects depending upon the severity of the failure, but most do not. Note: All
Rolemaster Companion I poisons and diseases have full effects on RR failures of 21 or more and minimum effects on RR
failures of 1-20 and successes of 0-20. When an antidote or cure attacks its target poison or disease, the target makes an
unmodified RR. (However, the GM might allow poisoners to add their Deadly Skills level bonus to their poison's RR and
physicians to subtract their Medical Skills level bonus, or allow certain other set bonuses or penalties.) If the target fails to
resist, the antidote or cure takes effect, halting further damage to the victim. Unfortunately, most antidotes and cures
cannot reverse damage already done.

Bone Repair Agents

Healing Rate
ARFANDAS (RM 608, c-F-6, A, 2 SP, AF 1): A mildly enchanted cattail native to cool, temperate wetlands and streams.
When applied to the area of a fracture, the stem doubles the rate of healing.
Shatter Repairs
BAALAK (RM 609, h-O-8, B, 160 GP, AF 12): A rare enchanted bamboo native to humid, tropical ocean shores. It has light
green, hairy leaves about 1' long, and its flowers resemble those of corn; it frequently grows 8' or more high. A tea
brewed from young baalak stalks magically repairs shattered bones. Warning: If ingested improperly, baalak is a level 3
reduction poison.
BURSTHELAS (RM 610, t-S-8, B, 110 GP, AF 22): An enchanted grass native to cool, temperate shortgrass prairies, usually
found near willow groves. It has very dark green leaves with a golden vein. A tea brewed from its leaf stalks magically
repairs shattered bones.
Simple Fracture Repairs
EDRAM (RM 611, c-F-8, I, 31 GP, AF 10): An enchanted, bluish green moss native to cool, sheltered areas near water. It is
edible (but very bitter) and mends broken bones.
GURSAMEL (RM 612, t-S-7, A, 30 GP, AF 5): An enchanted grass native to cool, temperate shortgrass prairies, which has
light green leaves and pale yellow stalks. When applied to the area of a fracture, the stalks mend broken bones.

Burn and Exposure Remedies

Burn Remedies
ALAMBAS (RM 613, s-O-4, A, 66 SP, AF 4): A tall grass native to semiarid saltwater shores which contains a powerful burn
remedy. One dose of crushed alambas applied to a burn will heal 4 square feet of burns of any degree.
ALOE or ALOE VERA (RM 614, t-H-4, A, 5 BP, AF 0): A succulent related to the yucca and agave, native to cool, semiarid to
arid scrublands and deserts. It has a cluster of fleshy, light green leaves with rows of toothlike thorns along each edge,
which can reach 18" long. When a leaf is broken and its sap is applied (1 round), aloe doubles the healing rate for burns
and minor cuts and heals 5 hits from burn damage.
CULKAS (RM 615, a-Z-4, A, 35 GP, AF 0): An enchanted desert succulent closely related to aloe. It has a cluster of fleshy,
12" gray-green leaves with a reddish vein in the center and rows of toothlike thorns along each edge. One dose of broken
culkas leaves applied to a burn will heal 10 square feet of burns of any degree.
HIMROS (RC1 16, A, 55 GP, AF 0): An ointment made from an herb mixture, himros heals first- and second-degree burns
and relieves the effects of contact with plants such as nettle, pangwood, and thistle in one round. Its active ingredient is
the sap of himros aloe (m-F-6), a water-loving distant relative of aloe vera, native to temperate stream banks and
wetlands. It has a cluster of fleshy, dark green leaves with three yellow stripes and rows of toothlike thorns along each
edge, which can reach 24" long.
KELVENTARI (RM 617, t-T-3, A, 19 GP, AF 0): A bush related to sumac, native to cool, temperate tallgrass prairies or
steppes. When rubbed on a first- or second-degree burn, its reddish-black berries heal the burn and 1-10 heats resulting
from burn damage in one round.
VESSIN (RC1 40, m-O-5, A, 30 GP, AF 0): A small clam native to temperate shallow seas, valued as a delicacy. It is primarily
valued for its secretions, which when applied to a burn can cure first- and second-degree burns in seconds and thirddegree burns in one day.
Frostbite Remedies
JOJOJOPO (RM 616, f-M-4, A, 9 SP, AF 0): A low-growing succulent related to kathkusa, native to frigid mountains, usually
found just above and below the timber line. When its fleshy leaves are crushed and applied, jojojopo cures frostbite and
heals 2-20 hits of cold damage.
VELDURAK (RM 618, h-O-5, A, 8 SP, AF 2): A kelp native to warm ocean shallows. It grows up to 50' long and it has a single
broad greenish-brown leaf. When applied, it cures frostbite and heals 1-50 hits resulting from cold. It is also prized as a
delicacy in many coastal countries.

Circulatory Repair Agents

ANSERKE (RM 619, h-O-6, A, 75 GP, AF 7): A short bush distantly related to carneyar, native to humid, tropical ocean
shores. It grows up to 3' tall; it has dark green, glossy, round leaves about 1" long and pale yellow flowers with ten petals
about 0.5" wide which produce a small yellow berry. Its roots contain a powerful astringent which stops any bleeding 3
rounds after the root is prepared by laceration and applied to the wound.
CARNEYAR (RC1 07, h-O-7, B, 400 GP, AF 15): A medium-sized bush distantly related to anserke, native to humid, tropical
ocean shores. It grows up to 5' tall; it has dark green, oval leaves about 1.5" long and pale pink flowers with ten petals
about 1" wide which produce a small pink berry. A tea brewed from its flowers contains a powerful drug which
immediately heals all concussion hits and stops all bleeding.
FEK (RM 620, h-O-6, B, 50 GP, AF 5): A medium-sized tree native to humid, tropical ocean shores. It grows up to 60' tall as
a single straight trunk. It has dull green, narrow leaves about 3" long, and small white flowers with five petals. A viscous
tea brewed from its 0.5" nuts will stop any bleeding 1-10 rounds after application. Warning: If ingested, this tea is a level
10 reduction poison which attacks the gastrointestinal system.
HARFY (RM 621, s-S-6, A, 175 GP, AF 9): A dark gray-green barrel cactus of semiarid regions. It usually grows about 15" tall
and wide; it has 2" thorns, bright red 3" flowers with yellow centers, and delicious dark red fruit. When applied (1-3
rounds), the resin from its succulent stem immediately stops all forms of bleeding.
HUGBURTUN (RM 622, s-Z-6, A, 180 GP, AF 6): A cactus of semiarid to arid deserts, related to the prickly pear. It has large
pink flowers which produce a reddish-purple fruit. When prepared by laceration and applied to a wound, this fruit
immediately stops all forms of bleeding. Warning: If ingested, the fruit is a level 5 circulatory poison.
MIRETAR'S CROWN (RC1 24, c-S-6, A, 125 GP, AF 10): A wildflower of the composite family native to cold shortgrass
prairies. A salve made from its beautiful blue and gold flowers will immediately stop all forms of bleeding when applied to
a wound (1 round).
RUMARETH (RC1 28, B, 125 GP, AF 25): An herb mixture usually made into tea or used as seasoning in soup. Rumareth
contains a powerful drug which stops bleeding, but also makes the user drowsy (25 to actions and very likely to fall
asleep) for 1-4 hours. Its active ingredient is rumareth grass (m-T-6), originally native to temperate tallgrass plains and
steppes, now cultivated.
TULAXAR (RC1 36, c-T-6, B, 110 GP, AF 10): A wildflower of the composite family, originally native to cold tallgrass plains
or steppes, now cultivated. It resembles the chrysanthemum. A tea brewed from its leaves contains a powerful drug
which stops bleeding.

Concussion Relief Agents

ABAAS (RC1 01, h-O-3, I, 1 GP, AF 1): A small shrub, related to akbutege and draaf, native to humid, tropical saltwater
shorelines. It has fleshy, dark green, palmate leaves; pale blue, five-petaled flowers; and small dark blue berries. The
edible leaves contain a stimulant which heals 2-12 concussion hits.
AKBUTEGE (RM 623, s-O-2, I, 3 SP, AF 1): A small shrub, related to abaas and draaf, native to semiarid or arid saltwater
shorelines. It has fleshy, light green, palmate leaves; pale pink, five-petaled flowers; and small pink berries. The edible
leaves contain a stimulant which heals 1-10 concussion hits.
ARLAN (RM 624, t-T-2, A, 13 SP, AF 1): A tall, dark green grass, related to darsurion, native to cool, temperate tallgrass
prairies. The leaves of wild arlan contain a stimulant which heals 1-6 concussion hits when crushed and applied to a
wound. The potency of the domestic variety has been improved by selective breeding; it heals 4-9 concussion hits.
CAREFREE MUSTARD (RC1 06, m-C-5, A, 10 GP, AF 0): A mustard originally native to temperate coniferous forests, now
widely cultivated, although with some difficulty because it requires pine resins to thrive. A poultice made from its fragrant
leaves and applied to the skin heals all concussion hit damage proportionally over a one-hour period.
CARNEYAR (RC1 07, h-O-7, B, 400 GP, AF 15): A medium-sized bush distantly related to anserke, native to humid, tropical
ocean shores. It grows up to 5' tall; it has dark green, oval leaves about 1.5" long and pale pink flowers with ten petals
about 1" wide which produce a small pink berry. A tea brewed from its flowers contains a powerful drug which
immediately heals all concussion hits and stops all bleeding.
CUSAMAR (RM 625, c-H-7, I, 30 GP, AF 3): A small shrub, related to heather, native to cold moors and scrublands. Its
edible, bright pink flowers contain a strong stimulant which heals 15-60 (10 + 5d10) concussion hits.
DARSURION (RM 626, c-M-3, A, 35 GP, AF 1): A short, dark green grass, related to arlan, native to cold mountains. It is
most easily identified by its blood-red leaf veins. Its leaves contain a stimulant which heals 1-6 concussion hits when
crushed and applied to a wound.

DRAAF (RM 627, a-O-2, I, 7 SP, AF 1): A small shrub native to arid or semiarid saltwater shorelines, related to abaas and
akbutege. It has fleshy, blue-green, palmate leaves; pale purple, five-petaled flowers; and small purple berries. The edible
leaves contain a stimulant which heals 1-10 concussion hits for each of two consecutive rounds.
DUGMUTHUR (RM 628, t-M-3, I, 9 GP, AF 2): A thorny vine related to the blackberry and mirenna, native to cool,
temperate mountains. Its delicious royal purple berries contain a powerful stimulant which instantly heals 10 concussion
FIIS (RC1 11, s-O-2, A, 8 SP, AF 0): A dwarf pine native to semiarid ocean shores and other areas with saline soil. Its resin
contains a stimulant which heals 1-6 concussion hits when rubbed on the affected area.
GARIIG (RM 629, a-Z-3, I, 55 GP, AF 3): A desert barrel cactus with a dark green body, red thorns which grow in quartets,
large flowers with brilliant scarlet petals and yellow stamens, and yellow fruit. Large individuals may grow 1' high and
wide, but most are only one third that size. The interior pulp is edible, although extremely sour, and contains a powerful
stimulant which heals 30 concussion hits. Gariig fruit tastes like grapefruit and contains a mild hallucinogen (also AF 3).
GEFNUL (RM 630, e-V-5, I, 90 GP, AF 10): A blue-white lichen native to volcanic areas of everlasting cold, found most
frequently growing on glacier-scarred granite. It contains a powerful and potentially addictive stimulant. When properly
gathered and cleaned, gefnul is marginally edible; a half-ounce dose heals 100 concussion hits.
GRARIG (RC1 14, h-V-4, I, 50 GP, AF 8): A canopy tree of tropical rain forests with heavily volcanic soil. Its edible, though
extremely sour, young leaves contain a powerful stimulant which heals 30 concussion hits. Grarig wood is also valuable; it
is reddish brown and has a +5 enchantment value (magic column) and an alchemical inertia factor of 4.
MIRENNA (RM 631, c-M-3, I, 10 GP, AF 1): A thorny vine related to the blackberry and dugmuthur, native to cold
mountains. Its delicious brilliant crimson berries contain a powerful stimulant which instantly heals 10 concussion hits.
REGLEN (RM 632, t-M-3, B, 75 GP, AF 7): A bright green moss native to cool, temperate mountains, found most frequently
near forest springs. When properly washed and boiled, reglen tea heals 50 concussion hits.
REWK (RM 633, t-D-3, B, 9 SP, AF 1): A tuber vine related to the sweet potato, originally native to cool, temperate
deciduous forests, particularly those with abundant maples. The vine has dark green heart-shaped leaves, small orangeyellow flowers, and small orange fruit. The large root tubers, which strongly resemble those of the sweet potato, contains
a stimulant in their skin. When boiled, the tea or broth from a medium to large tuber heals 2-20 concussion hits, and the
tuber itself is highly nutritious. Rewk has therefore become one of the most widely cultivated herbs.
TELPERION (RC1 34, s-D-7, I, 100 GP, AF 1): An enchanted deciduous tree, distantly related to laurelin, originally native to
semiarid mixed forests, now cultivated. It usually grows taller than 100' with a single straight trunk. It has 3" arrowheadshaped leaves, dark green above and silver below; 0.5" silver-white night-blooming flowers which resemble those of the
apple; and small silver nuts, valued for their flavor which resembles that of the pecan. Its edible young leaves contain a
strong stimulant which heals 10-100 concussion hits. Telperion is also highly prized for its wood, which has a +15
enchantment value (mithril column) and a very low alchemical inertia factor of 1.
THURL (RM 634, t-D-1, B, 2 SP, AF 1): A clove native to cool, temperate deciduous forests, now widely cultivated and used
in cooking. Thurl tea heals 1-4 concussion hits and remains effective for 1-2 weeks.
WINCLAMIT (RM 635, c-C-7, I, 100 GP, AF 12): A rare, somewhat enchanted gooseberry native to cold coniferous forests.
Its pale yellow 0.5"-1" fruit contains a powerful, potentially addictive stimulant which heals 3-300 concussion hits.
YAVETHALION (RM 636, m-O-5, I, 45 GP, AF 4): A mildly enchanted grape, originally native to mild, temperate ocean
shores but now widely cultivated. Its fruit, sometimes called the sweetest in the world, contains a stimulant which heals 550 concussion hits when eaten raw. When cooked or made into wine, yavethalion retains its sweetness but loses most of
the stimulant. In these forms, it heals only 1 concussion hit, but its addiction factor goes down to 0.1.

KLYNYK (RC1 19, m-O-2, A, 25 BP, AF 0): A large oyster native to temperate shallow seas, prized as a delicacy. When
spread on the skin, klynyk broth removes hair for several days.
THARM (RC1 35, m-O-1, A, 0.5 CP, AF 0): A kelp native to temperate ocean shallows. It grows up to 20' long and it has a
single broad brown leaf. When applied, it protects the skin from sunburn and aids tanning. It is also prized as a delicacy in
many coastal countries.

Disease Cures and Resistance Enhancers

ARLAN (RM 638, c-M-2, I, 1 GP, AF 3): A small dandelion native to cold mountains. It has green leaves with yellowish edges
and veins, bright yellow flowers, and a root system which frequently grows 1'-2' deep. If properly cleaned, the edible
roots contain a decongestant which adds +20 to resistance versus the common cold and related respiratory illnesses for
one week and also increases the recovery rate from these illnesses by a factor of five.
ATTANAR (RM 640, t-F-4, A, 8 GP, AF 1): A dark green moss native to cool, temperate, sheltered areas near water. When
crushed and applied to the patient's chest, attanar cures fever. Warning: If ingested, attanar is a level 1 reduction poison
which attacks the gastrointestinal system.
LATHA (RM 643, t-F-4, B, 9 SP, AF 4): A rooted freshwater plant native to cool, temperate areas, usually found growing in
calm water 1-3 feet deep. A tea brewed from its fleshy stems immediately heals 1-2 concussion hits and cures the
common cold and related respiratory illnesses. It also adds +10 to disease resistance for one week.
MAIANA (RC1 22, B, 0.5 CP, AF 0): An herb mixture usually made into tea or used as seasoning in soup. Maiana is a
decongestant drug used to treat most respiratory illnesses. Its active ingredient is the needles of the maia fir (t-C- 1), a tall
conifer originally native to cool, temperate coniferous forests, now widely cultivated.
MARGATH (RC1 23, A, 1 GP, AF 0): A salve made from an herb mixture, margath is a potent anesthetic (1 round). Its active
ingredient is the berries of margath (h-J-2), a creeper native to tropical rain forests.
RED WILLOW (RC1 27, t-F-2, B, 5 SP, AF 0): A close relative of the weeping willow, native to cool, temperate stream banks
and wetlands, so named because its leaves turn bright red in the autumn (those of most other willows turn yellow). A tea
brewed from its leaves reduces fever.
TELDALION (RC1 33, m-C-3, A, 2 GP, AF 0, level 10): A medium- sized pine tree native to temperate coniferous forests. A
poultice prepared from teldalion bark (the soft inner part) reduces inflammation and cures most infections.
TRUDURS (RM 644, c-F-4, B, 12 SP, AF 8): A very dark green moss native to cool, sheltered areas near water. When
properly cleaned and brewed, trudurs tea adds +10 to disease resistance for 1-10 days.

Diseases (Biological Weapons)

ANGURTH (RC1 03, level 2): A bacterial infection carried by many species of fleas, found in all but the coldest climates.
Angurth attacks the circulatory and digestive systems, causing slow, painful death; at minimum, it causes severe fever and
nausea (2-20 days).
CYCLIC FEVER (RC1 08, level 15): A rare bacterial infection carried by several species of ticks and lice, found in warmer
climates. It causes 3-12 cycles of high fever lasting 4 days each, with a 50% chance of blindness and 25% - chance of death
each cycle; at minimum, it causes 2-3 cycles of low fever.
FRULOWG (RC1 13, level 5): A bacterial infection spread by airborne spores, found in all climates. It causes the loss of the
victim's sense of smell for several days or weeks; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
GURTH-NU-FUIN (RC1 16, level 3): A viral infection spread by casual contact, found in all climates. It attacks muscle tissue,
causing slow, painful debilitation and eventual death from heart failure or secondary infections; at minimum, it causes
severe nausea (1-100 hours).
KASKAMAK (RC1 23, level 12): An extremely rare ailment characterized by surface feeling loss; at minimum, it has no ill
effects. Its cause and transmission method are unknown, but its effects are similar to those of leprosy, a bacterial
MARSH FLUX (RC1 26, level 20): An amoebic waterborne infection found in nearly all climates, but usually in warmer
climates or those areas with sewage-contaminated water. It causes severe dehydration from diarrhea and vomiting,
resulting in coma (2-7 days) or death due to shock (20% chance); at minimum, it causes diarrhea and vomiting (1-3 days).
PAKIIK (RC1 33, level 25): An extremely rare, virulent bacterial infection spread by contact with contaminated bodily
fluids. It produces random body growths, i.e. tumors.
QUAKING FEVER (RC1 38, level 20): A rare bacterial infection carried by several species of freshwater leeches from
warmer climates. It causes fever, convulsions, and coughing (6-10 days) which can lead to loss of temporary Constitution
(30% chance, 1-20 points) or death (15% chance); at minimum, it causes swelling, fever, and trembling.
RED FEVER (RC1 39, level 25): A virulent bacterial infection spread by contaminated food or water, usually found in
warmer climates. It causes severe vomiting (10-14 days), and often (40% chance) leads to death from pneumonia,
peritonitis, meningitis, or heart failure; at minimum, it causes fever, nosebleed, and headache (7-10 days).
VAXVARNA (RC1 51, level 20): A rare viral infection spread by airborne spores and casual contact, found in all climates. It
attacks the circulatory system, causing dangerous internal bleeding; at minimum, it causes severe weakness (1- 100 days).

YELLOW RHEUM (RC1 57, level 30): A virulent bacterial infection carried by many species of mosquitoes, found in all but
the coldest climates. It attacks the digestive system, leading to severe vomiting, with death due to shock possible (20%
chance); at minimum, it causes vomiting, jaundice, and fever.

Food Substitutes
CRAM (RM 712, I, 14 SP per 4-oz slice or 13 GP per 10-slice loaf, AF 1): An enchanted multi-grain bread commonly known
as Dwarven Waybread; it tastes of mushrooms and pepper and keeps fresh for 7 weeks. Each slice of cram provides five
days' nutrition. Its active ingredient is the zuvar mushroom (c-U-2), originally native to cold, damp, mineral- rich caverns
but now widely cultivated. Most Dwarves (Omikhani) develop a resistance to cram's slightly addictive nature at an early
LEMBAS (I, AF 0): The famous enchanted Elven Waybread, made in secret by many of the great Elven ladies and given
away to the deserving, never sold. Each preparer has a slightly different recipe. If kept clean and dry, lembas keeps fresh
indefinitely. Each slice contains 30 small square doses; each dose heals 1-10 hits, provides a full day's nutrition, and adds
+10 to the user's Constitution bonus for that day. It is also reputed to have a number of other beneficial effects.
NELISSE (RM 807, s-V-5, B, 9 SP, AF 15): A bush native to semiarid regions with heavily volcanic soil, distantly related to
coca. A tea brewed from nelisse leaves causes euphoria (50 to all actions) for one hour and yields one day's nutrition.
Warning: A substantial overdose (more than 4 doses at once) of nelisse tea acts as a level 5 nerve poison.
UKUR (RM 645, f-H-4, I, 34 SP, AF 1): A dwarf pine related to the pion, native to frigid scrublands and moors and
frequently found near the timber line. Its delicious nuts contain a full day's nutrition.
ULGINOR (RM 716, I, 4 SP per 4-oz slice or 35 SP per 10-slice loaf, AF 0): An enchanted multi-grain bread commonly known
as Cheese Waybread; it tastes of cheese and spinach and keeps fresh for 1-2 months. Each slice of ulginor provides one
day's nutrition. Its active ingredient is ulginor spinach (c-O-1), originally native to cold ocean shores but now widely

General Healing Agents

ARKASU (RM 637, m-T-4, A, 12 GP, AF 2): A mildly enchanted milkweed originally native to mild, temperate tallgrass
prairies, now widely cultivated. When applied to a wound, its milky yellow sap heals 2-12 concussion hits and doubles the
wound's healing rate. Also, all parts of the plant are edible.
ATHELAS (RM 639, t-C-5, B, 300 GP, AF 20): A small highly enchanted shrub originally native to cool, temperate coniferous
forests, now widely cultivated. A tea brewed from its dark green leaves is potentially capable of curing any disease or
injury while the patient is still alive, although it cannot keep or give life. The magic of athelas is highly dependent upon the
status of the healer, however, only reaching full potency in the hands of an "ordained" king or similar individual. Athelas
leaves and fruit are also edible and highly nutritious, and are frequently used in the Elven Waybread lembas.
BARANIE (RC1 04, m-D-2, B, 3 BP, AF 1): A wildflower of the composite family which resembles the daisy, originally native
to temperate forests, now widely cultivated. A tea brewed from its young leaves reduces nausea.
CARANAN (RC1 05, B, 3 GP, AF 0): An herb mixture usually baked into bread or used as seasoning in soup. Caranan heals 28 concussion hits and relieves pain and swelling, frequently reducing injury penalties (GM discretion). Although caranan is
not addictive, the maximum number of effective doses is 10 per day. Its active ingredient is carano (m-F-4), an oregano
relative originally native to temperate stream banks, wetlands, and other well-watered areas, now widely cultivated.
SINDOLUIN (RC1 30, m-T-2, B, 2 SP, AF 0): A wildflower of the composite family native to temperate tallgrass plains and
steppes which resembles the daisy. When properly refined, sindoluin flowers contain an anticoagulant drug used to treat
heart disease, stroke, and related illnesses, and is also a level 5 antidote for blood-clotting poisons (GM discretion).
Sindoluin is prepared by boiling the golden flowers in water, then straining the extract. Warning: If used improperly,
sindoluin can cause a patient to bleed to death.

Insect Repellents
DELREAN (RM 641, c-C-2, A, 3 SP, AF 1): A small fir native to cold coniferous forests. It has short silvery green needles
which grow in clusters of three and short, fat golden brown cones. Its bark contains a powerful insect repellent, used by
rubbing strips of bark onto exposed skin. Unfortunately, the smell is noticeably foul, detectable by Humans at 50'.

Life Preservation Agents

Lifegiving Agents
LAURELIN (RM 648, m-O-9, I, 999 GP, AF 21): A rare enchanted deciduous tree, distantly related to telperion, originally
native to mild, temperate ocean shores, now cultivated. It usually grows taller than 50' with a single straight trunk. It has
4" arrowhead-shaped leaves, emerald green above and golden below; 0.5" golden flowers which resemble those of the
cherry, and small golden nuts. When young and undamaged, the edible leaves are Lifegiving for Elves (Eldani) if given
within 28 days of death. Laurelin is also highly prized for its wood, which has a +20 enchantment value (mithril column)
and a low alchemical inertia factor of 2.
NUR-OIOLOSSE (RM 649, f-F-8, I, 200 GP, AF 13): An enchanted clove native to frigid wetlands, closely related to oiolosse.
Its edible cloves are Lifegiving for one day for all races; however, they kill the patient one day later unless the antidote, a
sorul nut, is available.
SORUL (RM 649a, c-F-2, I, 1 SP, AF 0): A medium pine related to the pion, originally native to cold, well- watered forests,
now widely cultivated. Its delicious nuts stabilize the enchantment of nur-oiolosse, a Lifegiving herb, and are prized as a
delicacy in many cold to mild countries. The tree itself is attractive, often planted as an ornamental, and its soft wood is
dark yellow.
OIOLOSSE (RM 650, f-F-8, I, 600 GP, AF 22): An enchanted clove originally native to frigid wetlands, closely related to nuroiolosse, now cultivated. Its edible cloves are Lifegiving for Elves (Eldani) if given within 7 days of death.
TYR-FIRA (RM 653, f-A-9, A, 1,200 GP, AF 33): A small, rare, powerfully enchanted member of the lily family, native to
arctic and alpine tundra. It has dark gold 5" bladed leaves and brilliant blue and red flowers which resemble those of the
iris. When crushed and applied to the patient's forehead and chest, tyr-fira leaves are Lifegiving if given within 56 days of
death. Attempts at cultivation and cross-breeding with lilies from warmer climates have been largely unsuccessful.
VULCURAX (RM 654, h-J-9, A, 1,000 GP, AF 0): A rare enchanted creeper native to the canopies of tropical rain forests. Its
leaves closely resemble those of poison ivy, but its tiny flowers and large berries are bright purple. The berries are
Lifegiving if applied (spread on the forehead or chest) within 30 days of death.
Lifekeeping Agents
CARCATU (RM 646, h-O-7, A, 89 GP, AF 25): A short, golden green, enchanted grass native to humid, tropical ocean shores.
When crushed and applied to the patient's forehead, it is Lifekeeping for one day.
DEGIIK (RM 647, h-O-5, I, 100 GP, AF 10): A short to medium-sized enchanted bush native to humid, tropical ocean shores.
It grows up to 4' tall; it has bright green, oval leaves about 2" long, pale pink flowers with five petals about 1" wide, and
small red berries. Its young leaves are edible and Lifekeeping for one day.
OLVAR (RM 651, f-O-6, I, 200 GP, AF 20): A small enchanted perennial native to frigid ocean shores. It has round, hairy,
light green leaves about 0.5" long. Its tiny blood-red flowers and dull red fruit grow in tight clusters on 4" long spikes. The
flowers are edible and Lifekeeping for 2-20 days. Warning: If ingested, the fruit is a level 2 nerve poison. Note: A
subspecies found in alpine tundra regions (f-A-7), particularly in saline soils, has identical properties.
PATHUR (RM 652, a-H-4, B/A, 35 GP, AF 7): A small enchanted shrub related to the sage, native to arid scrublands. When
rubbed on the patient's chest, a broth brewed from its water-storing root nodules is Lifekeeping for one hour. Warning: If
ingested, this broth is a level 2 nerve poison.

Muscle, Cartilage, and Tendon Repair Agents

ARNUMINAS (RM 655, m-S-2, A, 6 GP, AF 8): A short wild rose native to mild, temperate shortgrass prairies. It has light
pink to white flowers. When crushed and applied to the wounded area, arnuminas leaves double the healing rate for
sprains, torn ligaments, damaged cartilage, and related injuries.
DAGMATHER (RM 658, s-S-5, B/A, 28 GP, AF 12): A short, enchanted, thorny bush native to semiarid to temperate
shortgrass prairies. It has light green leaves, attractive yellow flowers, and burrs. A broth or poultice brewed from either
the seed spines or the thorns and applied to a wound heals damaged cartilage.
EBUR (RM 659, m-O-4, I, 22 GP, AF 18): A short enchanted tree closely related to ebur, native to mild, temperate ocean
shores. It grows up to 25' tall with a single straight trunk. It has dark green, oval leaves about 2" long, pale yellowish-white
flowers with eight petals about 1" wide, and yellow-brown nuts. Its edible flowers repair sprains.

HEGHEG (RM 660, h-S-8, A, 25 GP, AF 5): A thorny bush native to tropical grasslands or savannas. It has small gray-green
leaves, 1.5" reddish-yellow flowers with eight petals, and 2" seed pods. When ground into paste and applied to a wound,
its younger roots heal damaged cartilage.
TARFEG (RM 661, h-O-7, I, 23 GP, AF 3): A short enchanted tree closely related to ebur, native to humid, tropical ocean
shores. It grows up to 20' tall with a single straight trunk. It has dark green, oval leaves about 2" long, pale greenish-white
flowers with eight petals about 1" wide, and yellow-brown nuts. Its edible flowers repair sprains.
ARPSUSAR (RM 656, t-F-5, B/A, 30 GP, AF 15): A mildly enchanted cattail native to cool, temperate wetlands and streams.
A broth or poultice brewed from its stalks and applied to a wound heals damaged muscles.
CURFALAKA (RM 657, h-J-7, I, 40 GP, AF 6): A rare enchanted canopy tree of tropical rain forests. Its edible orange- red,
pear-shaped fruit heals damaged muscles.

Nervous System Restoratives

BELRAMBA (RM 662, s-C-6, B, 60 GP, AF 20): A greenish-black lichen native to semiarid coniferous forests, related to
wifurwif. It thrives on pine resins, so it is found most frequently growing on rocks surrounded by pines. A tea brewed from
a properly gathered and cleaned half-ounce dose of belramba contains a powerful and potentially addictive drug which
repairs damaged nerves.
CULAN (RC1 08, B, 15 GP, AF 3): An herb mixture usually made into tea or used as seasoning in soup. Culan is an antispasmodic drug used to treat conditions like epilepsy; it also reduces the effect of certain poisons (GM discretion). Its
active ingredient is culan rye (h-T-4), a grass which closely resembles rye, originally native to tropical tallgrass plains or
savannas, now cultivated.
FELMATHER (RM 642, m-O-5, I, 105 GP, AF 15): A short enchanted bush adapted to mild, temperate regions with highly
saline and sandy soils, such as beach-front dunes. Its edible but bitter leaves have two magical properties; the first allows
the user to mentally summon one "friend" (beasts or folk) within a range of 300' times the user's level, while the second
relieves the effects of coma.
HOAK-FOER (RM 805, s-S-2, I, 67 GP, AF 30): A wildflower of the composite family native to semiarid to temperate
shortgrass prairies which resembles the daisy. Its edible, beautiful white flowers contain a powerful hallucinogenic drug
which cures mind loss and mental diseases, but prevents all movement for 1-10 weeks.
KLANDUN (RC1 18, h-B-6, I, 300 GP, AF 3): A fern native humid, tropical areas near water. Its edible leaves contain a drug
capable of curing most forms of paralysis (as the spell "Paralysis Cures," Closed Channeling list "Nerve Law"), including
thrayniis, which do not require nerve regeneration (GM discretion).
TATHARSUL (RM 715, 75 GP per 4-oz slice or 690 GP per 10-slice loaf, AF 15): An enchanted pumpkin bread which tastes
of pumpkin and lemon and keeps fresh for 1-2 months. Tatharsul is an effective remedy for many nerve diseases and
injuries (GM discretion); when effective, it restores the user's nervous system to normal in 1-10 rounds. Its active
ingredient is tathar lemon juice; the tathar lemon (t-O-3) is a short, shrubby, thorny tree native to cool, temperate ocean
shores and other saline soils.
TERBAS (RM 663, m-D-3, A, 2 GP, AF 4): A low-growing plantain relative native to mild, temperate deciduous forests.
When applied to the area of a nerve injury, its dark green, 4"-6" leaves double the rate of healing.
WIFURWIF (RM 664, t-M-7, I, 55 GP, AF 15): A dark green lichen native to cool, temperate mountain regions, related to
belramba. When properly gathered and cleaned, wifurwif is edible; a half-ounce dose contains a powerful drug which
repairs damaged nerves.
YUTH (RM 665, h-J-8, I, 29 GP, AF 8): A rare tropical orchid whose pale lavender, edible flowers are both a universal
antidote for nerve venoms and a restorative for poison- induced nerve damage.

Obstetrical Agents
HARLINDAR (RC1 15, B, 50 GP, AF 0): An herb mixture usually made into tea or used as seasoning in soup. In most
circumstances, harlindar assures safe childbirth (GM discretion) and improves the mother's nutritional balance. Its active
ingredient is harlindar grass (s-S-4), which closely resembles bluegrass, originally native to semiarid to temperate
shortgrass prairies, now widely cultivated.

Organ Repair Agents and Preservatives

GILDARION (RC1 13, A, 350 GP, AF 20): A salve made from an herb mixture, gildarion repairs damaged organs with a
recovery time of 1-10 days (subject to the racial recovery multiplier). Its active ingredient is gildar (h-J-7), an orchid native
to tropical rain forests, related to tarnas and wek-wek, which has 2" purplish-white flowers.
SIRAN (RM 671, s-S-6, I, 80 GP, AF 31): An enchanted clove native to semiarid to temperate shortgrass prairies. When
eaten, the cloves magically restore one organ or area of the body. Warning: Siran is toxic. It causes a skin rash which
reduces Presence to 10% of the normal score and which causes bleeding at 6 hits per round when afflicted skin is exposed
to full sunlight; these effects heal slowly in 4-6 weeks.
TARNAS (RM 673, h-J-6, B, 220 GP, AF 60): An orchid native to tropical rain forests, related to gildar (see gildarion) and
wek-wek. It has 2" yellowish-white flowers. A tea prepared from its root nodules repairs damaged organs, but causes
nausea for 1-10 hours (-50% to all actions) and is highly addictive.
WEK-WEK (RM 674, h-J-8, B, 220 GP, AF 50): An orchid native to tropical rain forests, related to gildar (see gildarion) and
tarnas. It has 3" pink flowers. A tea prepared from its root nodules repairs damaged organs, without the side effects of
tarnas, but it is still highly addictive.
FEBFENDU (RM 668, c-F-4, B, 90 GP, AF 24): An enchanted water plant related to and frequently mistaken for the water
lily, native to cool, temperate wetlands and streams. It has dark green rounded-heart-shaped leaves which float on the
water and beautiful large yellow flowers. When its root tubers are boiled, the tea or broth restores hearing.
KAKDURAM (RM 669, h-J-7, I, 90 GP, AF 6): A rare mid-level tree of tropical rain forests. Its edible, fig-shaped brown fruit
restores hearing.

Limb Reattachment and Regeneration

AWN (RC1 03, t-D-9, B, 1,900 GP, AF 20): A rare enchanted elm originally native to cool, temperate forests, now cultivated,
although with some difficulty. It is shorter than most elms, rarely exceeding 30' tall. Its emerald green leaves are veined
and edged in reddish gold, turning entirely red-gold in autumn. A tea brewed from awn bark (the soft inner part) can
rejoin severed limbs, acting as all the necessary "Joining True" spells (Closed Channeling healing lists) simultaneously.
Warning: Even small overdoses of awn tea are dangerous. For every ounce ingested over the recommended four, the user
must resist a level 15 circulatory poison.
KOLANDOR (RC1 20, h-D-9, A, 15,000 GP, AF 0): An extremely rare enchanted elm native to the cooler areas of tropical
rain forests (higher altitudes) and warmer areas of temperate rain forests. It is taller than most elms, often exceeding
200'. Its dark green leaves have gold veins and undersides, turning entirely gold in autumn. A poultice made from
kolandor leaves can completely regenerate severed limbs in six months, subject to racial recovery multipliers.
Unfortunately, attempts at cultivation and cross-breeding with elms from other climates have not been successful.
BERTERIN (RM 667, m-D-3, B, 19 GP, AF 20): A pale green moss native to mild, temperate deciduous forests, normally
found growing on oak trees. When properly cleaned and brewed, berterin broth preserves organic material (up to body
size) for one day. Warning: If ingested, this broth is a level 5 reduction poison which attacks the gastrointestinal system.
PASAMAR (RM 670, h-S-8, B, 75 GP, AF 40): A short, fine, dark green grass, related to siriena, native to tropical grasslands
or savannas, which grows in tight clumps. When properly cleaned and brewed, pasamar broth preserves organic material
(up to body size) indefinitely. Warning: If ingested, this broth is a level 15 reduction poison which attacks the
gastrointestinal system.
SIRIENA (RM 672, s-S-5, B, 70 GP, AF 27): A short, fine, dark green grass, related to pasamar, native to semiarid to
temperate shortgrass prairies, which grows in tight clumps. When properly cleaned and brewed, siriena broth preserves
organic material (up to body size) for one week. Warning: If ingested, this broth is a level 12 reduction poison which
attacks the gastrointestinal system.
SLAGEN (RC1 31, t-C-6, A, 120 GP, AF 24): A dark green moss native to cool, temperate coniferous forests. When cleaned
and applied to a severed limb, slagen will preserve it indefinitely.

BALDAKUR (RM 666, c-M-8, B, 102 GP, AF 7): A rare enchanted carrot, related to atigax, native to cold mountains. A stew
made from its tough (essentially inedible) central root tuber magically restores sight, short of those injuries requiring
UCASON (RC1 37, m-O-7, I, 75 GP, AF 40): An enchanted grass closely related to ul-ucason, native to temperate ocean
shores, usually found growing on dunes. When crushed and dried, its very dark green leaves may be smoked like tobacco;
the euphoric smoke cures blindness, short of those injuries requiring regeneration.
UL-UCASON (RC1 38, m-O-8, I, 250 GP, AF 80): An enchanted grass closely related to ucason, native to temperate ocean
shores, usually found growing on dunes. When crushed and dried, its dark blue-green leaves may be smoked like tobacco;
the euphoric smoke restores (regenerates) the user's eyes and cures non-genetic blindness.

Physical and Mental Ability Alteration Agents and Enhancers

Breathing Aids
AGAATH (RM 675, e-G-2, I, 5 GP, AF 3): A tiny, low-growing, enchanted plant native to glaciers and permanent snowfields,
usually found in sheltered crevices. It has pale green leaves, small yellow flowers, and wax-colored berries. The berries are
edible and enable the user to breathe normally in air with low oxygen levels (to 25% normal) for 12 hours. Agaath may be
used once every other day with no risk of addiction.
GYLVIR (RM 681, m-O-6, I, 45 GP, AF 20): An edible but slimy and utterly foul-tasting algae found on temperate saltwater
shores. It turns an air-breather into a water- breather (only) for four hours.
Mental Ability Enhancers
BRELDIAR (RM 678, m-V-4, I, 25 GP, AF 7): A climbing rose related to brorkwilb, native to temperate areas with heavily
volcanic soil. Its beautiful, edible 1" crimson flowers contain a mildly euphoric drug which gives the user +50 to cast and
overcast spells, to all perception, and to missile attacks for one hour, at the cost of -30 to physical maneuvers and melee.
BRELDIAR HIPS (AF 35): The ripe fruit of the breldiar rose contains the euphoric drug in much more concentrated form,
increasing the effects listed above to +100 and -75 for one hour, afterwards causing the user to fall into a coma-like sleep
for 2-4 hours.
BRORKWILB (RM 802, m-V-3, I, 9 GP, AF 45): A climbing rose related to breldiar, native to temperate areas with heavily
volcanic soil. Its beautiful, edible 1" pink flowers contain a powerful, fairly addictive euphoric drug which allows the user
to share the dreams of one family member who lies within the range of 100 miles times the user's level. Warning: A large
overdose (4 or more doses at once) acts as a level 9 nerve poison.
FELMATHER (RM 642, m-O-5, I, 105 GP, AF 15): A short enchanted bush, distantly related to fukavar, adapted to mild,
temperate regions with highly saline and sandy soils, such as beach-front dunes. Its edible but bitter leaves have two
magical properties; the first allows the user to mentally summon one "friend" (beasts or folk) within a range of 300' times
the user's level, while the second relieves the effects of coma.
FUKAVAR (RC1 12, t-I-6, I, 230 GP, AF 25): An enchanted bush, distantly related to felmather, native to cool, temperate
islands and other well-watered areas with saline soil. When crushed and dried, fukavar flowers may be smoked like
tobacco; the euphoric smoke allows the user to mentally summon one friendly individual within a range of 20 miles.
GRAPELEAF (RM 682, m-D-6, I, 7 GP, AF 18): A vine related to the honeysuckle, originally native to temperate forests but
now widely cultivated as an herb and ornamental. As suggested by its name, its leaves are shaped like those of wild
grapes, but its silver-white flowers are almost identical to those of honeysuckle. The flowers gain a rich, sweet, dreamy
odor from their intoxicating nectar, which when ingested in fairly large quantities (i.e. a half-ounce dose) causes
intoxication (actions at 50) and dreams (1-4 as the "Dream" spells) for two hours and also serves as one day's nutrition.
Grapeleaf is also used in cooking, perfumes, and beekeeping.
JOEF (RM 683, t-B-3, I, 35 GP, AF 23): A bush native to cool, temperate streambeds, particularly seasonally dry ones,
distantly related to coca. Joef powder, which is prepared by boiling the dark green leaves in vinegar, straining the extract,
then evaporating the extract, which may be ingested by inhalation or absorption under the tongue; it allows the user to
mentally summon one known sentient friend with a range equal to 100 feet times the user's level. If eaten raw, the bitter
leaves act as a mild stimulant like caffeine or coca.
RUD-TEKMA (RM 689, h-J-6, I, 25 GP, AF 10): A creeper of the rose family native to tropical rain forests. Its small edible
fruit gives the user +20 to cast and overcast spells for one hour, at the cost of -20 to maneuvers and melee. There is a 10%
chance any spell cast under the influence of this drug will be cast on the nearest unintended target.
SPLAYFOOT (RM 690, m-F-4, B, 23 GP, AF 16): A highly enchanted (blessed) dandelion originally native to cool, temperate
wetlands and streams, now widely cultivated. It has bright green splayed leaves with golden edges, beautiful golden

flowers, and a root system which frequently grows 4' deep. For those who are "good in heart," a tea brewed from
splayfoot seeds instills confidence and singleness of purpose (+25 to all actions) for 1-4 hours.
TUKAMUR (RM 810, s-S-4, B, 38 SP, AF 100): A bluish-green grass native to semiarid to temperate shortgrass prairies.
Tukamur contains a powerful, dangerously addictive euphoric drug which is prepared by boiling the grass, straining the
extract, and boiling again to condensing the extract into a syrup. It allows two users, both under the influence of tukamur
syrup, friendly to one another, and lying within a range of 50 miles times their average level to share dreams. If eaten
raw, tukamur grass is sweet and mildly euphoric, making the user -25 to all actions for 30 minutes (AF 10). In many areas,
tukamur has been eradicated by herders attempting to keep livestock away from it.
Physical Ability Enhancers
ELBEN'S BASKET (RM 680, t-S-7, B, 10 GP, AF 15): A sunflower native to cool, temperate shortgrass prairies which closely
resembles the common sunflower except its flowers are white, not yellow. A tea brewed from its roots contains a
powerful heart stimulant. Although it has uses in treating heart disease, it is mainly used as a combat stimulant because it
can double the user's speed for one round. Warning: If taken more than once per hour, Elben's-basket tea is a level 3
circulatory poison.
HESGURATU (RM 713, 45 GP per 4-oz slice or 350 GP per 10- slice loaf, AF 10): An enchanted whole-wheat bread which
tastes of wheat and onions and keeps fresh for one month. Hesguratu doubles the user's strength for 6 rounds, or longer
for races with recovery multipliers less than 1.0, resulting in double damage inflicted upon foes and +10 to OB. Its active
ingredient is sap from the guratu (c-M-3), a tough succulent related to jojojopo and kathkusa, native to cold mountain and
arctic regions.
KATHKUSA (RM 684, f-W-3, I, 50 GP, AF 35): A tough succulent related to jojojopo and guratu (see hesguratu), native to
frigid wastes, both alpine and arctic. Its marginally edible, dark green leaves contain a powerful combat stimulant which
doubles the user's strength for 1- 10 rounds, resulting in double damage inflicted upon foes and +10 to OB.
KIRSEMAL (RC1 17, c-I-4, B, 110 GP, AF 22): A rare spruce originally native to cold island forests, now cultivated. It is
shorter than most spruces, rarely exceeding 20' tall, and has blue-green needles which grow in clusters of five. A tea
brewed from kirsemal bark (the soft inner part) contains a powerful combat stimulant which triples the duration of all
Adrenal Moves for one hour, or longer for races with recovery multipliers less than 1.0.
ZULSENDURA (RM 692, a-U-4, I, 70 GP, AF 22): A mushroom originally native to dry limestone caverns, now cultivated,
although with a high degree of difficulty. Zulsendura mushrooms contain a powerful stimulant which Hastes the user as
the "Haste" spells for 3 rounds, beginning on the round following ingestion.
KILMAKUR (RM 685, h-S-7, B/A, 65 GP, AF 33): A small thorny tree native to tropical grasslands or savannas. A salve
brewed from its roots protects the wearer from flame and heat for 1-10 hours as the "Fire Armor" spell (Closed Essence
list "Elemental Shields").
Restoratives and Relaxants
ANKII (RM 676, s-B-7, I, 100 GP, AF 9): A thorny vine related to the blackberry, native to semiarid to temperate
streambeds, particularly seasonally dry ones. Its dark violet, delicious berries immediately restore the user as does a good
night's sleep. Warning: Ankii is toxic. It can dangerously lower temporary Constitution (1 point for the first use in a given
week, 5 points for the second, or 25 points for the third).
ARUNYA (RM 801, m-S-3, B, 2 BP, AF 50): A dandelion related to hugar, originally native to temperate shortgrass prairies,
now cultivated. It has dark green leaves, amber to burnt-orange flowers, and a root system which frequently grows 2'-4'
deep. A tea brewed from its roots causes sleep and quick unconsciousness; one hour of arunya-induced sleep is equivalent
to four hours of normal sleep. Warning: Arunya tea contains a highly addictive barbiturate. A serious overdose (3 or more
doses at once) acts as a level 10 respiratory poison.
GALENAS (RM 803, m-H-4, I, 5 SP, AF 10): A tall plant of the hemp family, related to swuth, originally native to temperate
scrublands and moors, now cultivated. When dried and slowly burned, galenas leaves produce an incense-like smoke
which fills a 20' radius volume, relaxing all persons within (75 to all actions) for 1-10 rounds.
GALENAS, SWEET (RC1 32, m-H-2, I, 5 SP, AF 5): A less potent, sweeter variety of galenas. When dried, sweet galenas
leaves may be smoked like tobacco; the smoke relaxes the user (75 to all actions) for 1-10 rounds.
HUGAR (RM 806, h-O-4, I, 1 SP, AF 33): A dandelion related to arunya, originally native to humid, tropical ocean shores,
now cultivated. It has dark green leaves, orange to red flowers, and a root system which frequently grows 2'-4' deep. Its
edible roots cause sleep and quick unconsciousness; one hour of arunya-induced sleep is equivalent to six hours of normal

sleep. Warning: Hugar roots contain an addictive barbiturate. A serious overdose (3 or more doses at once) acts as a level
12 respiratory poison.
MIRUVOR (I, AF 1): The famous enchanted Elven Brandy, made in secret by many of the great Elven lords and given away
to the deserving, never sold. Each preparer has a slightly different recipe. Miruvor renews the user's Endurance up to
three times per day and adds +30 to the user's resistance rolls against fatigue and mental attacks for three hours. It is also
reputed to have a number of other beneficial effects, but like all stimulants, the user cannot benefit from it indefinitely.
SILRAEN (RC1 29, s-H-2, B, 1 BP, AF 3): A small shrub related to heather, native to semiarid and temperate scrublands.
When properly refined, silraen leaves contain an analgesic and sleep-inducing drug. Silraen is prepared by boiling its tiny
gray-green leaves in water, then straining the extract. It may be used in this form, but in normal practice the extract is
allowed to evaporate into powder, which has a much longer shelf life and can be measured much more accurately. The
powder is then dissolved into water and ingested. Warning: Overdoses of silraen can be dangerous. For every ounce
ingested over the recommended four, the user must resist a level 1 nerve poison.
SWIGMAKRIL (RM 808, a-Z-6, I, 50 GP, AF 25): A desert cactus related to the euphorbia. Its edible, night- blooming white
flowers contain a powerful relaxant (30 to all actions) which also allows the user to take twice the usual amount of
concussion hits before passing out, although death due to hits occurs at the normal total; the effects last 1-2 hours.
SWUTH (RM 809, h-O-4, I, 4 SP, AF 3): A tall plant of the hemp family, related to galenas, originally native to humid,
tropical ocean shores, now cultivated. When dried, swuth leaves may be smoked like tobacco. The invisible swuth smoke
relaxes (75 to all actions) the user for 1-10 rounds.
Sense Enhancers
ALSHANA (RM 701, 35 GP per 4-oz slice or 290 GP per 10-slice loaf, AF 5): An enchanted wheat bread which tastes of
raisins and carrots and keeps fresh for 1-2 months. Alshana gives the user Infravision (minimum 300') for one hour, or
longer for races with recovery multipliers less than 1.0. Its active ingredient is shanku-nut flour; shanku (t-T-2) is a tall
shrub related to hazelnut and klagullu (see klagul), native to cool, temperate tallgrass prairies and steppes.
ATIGAX (RM 677, f-H-4, B/A, 40 GP, AF 12): A dwarf carrot, related to baldakur, native to frigid scrublands and moors,
usually found in well-watered sandy soil. Atigax root tubers may be boiled into a thick broth, which when applied to the
eyes will protect them from intense or glaring light, allowing sight despite sudden or blinding light. The effect lasts for 9
hours, or longer for users with recovery multipliers less than 1.0. In addition, once boiled, the root tubers are edible.
BLUE EYES (RM 679, m-S-7, B, 15 GP, AF 25): A wildflower of the composite family native to temperate plains which
resembles the marigold. Its beautiful royal blue flowers contain a powerful drug, which when brewed into a tea and
ingested enhances the user's vision, both extending perception range (3x) and giving mild Infravision capabilities
(minimum 50' range). The effects last for 3 hours, or longer for users with recovery multipliers less than 1.0. Warning: If
taken a second time during a single day, blue eyes is a level 5 conversion poison causing blindness.
KLAGUL (RM 686, s-S-3, B, 27 GP, AF 7): The buds of the klagullu, a tall shrub related to hazelnut and shanku (see alshana),
native to semiarid to temperate scrublands and shortgrass prairies. Both its late winter buds (called klagul), which must be
brewed into a tea, and its edible autumn nuts (called marku) contain an enchantment which gives the user Infravision for
6 hours, or longer for races with recovery multipliers less than 1.0.
KYKYKYL (RM 714, 50 GP per 4-oz slice or 440 GP per 10-slice loaf, AF 6): An enchanted ginger bread which tastes of garlic,
carrots, and ginger and keeps fresh for 2-20 weeks. Kykykyl allows the user to see with complete clarity (as on a cloudless
day) for one hour, or longer for races with recovery multipliers less than 1.0, regardless of weather, lighting conditions, or
eye injuries (unless the eye is destroyed). Its active ingredient is kykykyl powder; kykykyl (m-D-2) is a garlic relative
originally native to temperate forests, now cultivated.
MARKU (RM 687, s-H-6, I, 30 GP, AF 5): The nuts of the klagullu (see klagul). Although more useful than the buds (klagul),
good nuts (marku) are harder to find.
MEGILLOS (RM 688, c-M-3, I, 12 SP, AF 19): A willow native to cold mountain regions, usually found growing near water or
in aspen groves. Its long, narrow, dark green leaves have silver veins and white undersides, making them resemble the
"white swords" of the tree's Elven name. These leaves are edible, though sour, and contain a drug which doubles the
user's visual perception range for 10 minutes, or longer for races with recovery multipliers less than 1.0. Megillos is also
prized for its hard white wood, which has a +10 enchantment value (magic column) and a reasonably low alchemical
inertia factor of 3.
YARAN (RM 691, t-S-2, I, 9 SP, AF 7): A wildflower of the lily family originally native to cool, temperate shortgrass prairies,
now cultivated, primarily as an ornamental. Its attractive red-orange flowers closely resemble those of the tiger lily, with
which it is often confused. Yaran pollen is edible and enhances the user's senses of taste and smell by +50 for one hour, or
longer for races with recovery multipliers less than 1.0.

ZUR (RM 693, c-U-4, B, 12 GP, AF 8): A fungus distantly related to corn rust, native to cold caverns, most frequently found
near water. When properly cleaned and brewed, zur enhances the user's senses of smell, taste, and hearing by +50 and
triples their range for one hour, or longer for races with recovery multipliers less than 1.0.
Statistic Modifiers
GORT (RM 804, h-J-5, I, 10 GP, AF 20): An orchid native to tropical rain forests. It has 1" purplish-white flowers. Its dark
green, edible leaves contain an euphoric hallucinogen which adds 10 to the user's Presence for 2 hours, but afterwards
the user acts at 50 for 1-10 hours.
LESTAGII (RM 694, a-Z-9, I, 520 GP, AF 45): The amber- colored hexagonal crystal of auropyrinine, a complex, possibly
enchanted amino acid secreted by several species of golden fire ants (genus Auropyrica), all native to hot, dry deserts or
dune seas. Lestagii crystals are so rare because they are highly water-soluble; any exposure to water destroys them.
Lestagii is edible and extremely sweet, but is valuable primarily because it can restore any statistic losses other than those
due to age; however, it affects only one statistic at a time, the one most heavily damaged.
MERRIG (RM 695, s-S-8, B, 90 GP, AF 50): A small, very thorny wild rose bush native to semiarid to temperate shortgrass
prairies. Its leaves look like those of other roses; its flowers have five red-veined and red-edged white petals and yellow
centers. A tea brewed from merrig thorns contains a drug which can increase the user's Presence score by 5 points for
one day, so it is particularly prized by Mentalism spell-users. Unfortunately, merrig tea is highly addictive, and withdrawal
causes the loss of 10 points from Constitution and 15 points each from Reasoning and Memory; these losses heal naturally
at one point per month.

Poison Antidotes
MENELAR (RM 603, f-C-5, B, 65 GP, AF 4, level 7): A rare dwarf spruce of frigid coniferous forests, found most frequently
near the timber line. It has dark blue-green needles which grow in clusters of five and long, tapering, dark brown cones. A
tea brewed from the mature but unopened cones contains an antidote for circulatory poisons.
SINDOLUIN (RC1 30, m-T-2, B, 2 SP, AF 0, level 5): A wildflower of the composite family native to temperate tallgrass plains
and steppes which resembles the daisy. When properly refined, sindoluin flowers contain an anticoagulant drug used to
treat heart disease, stroke, and related illnesses, and is also an antidote for blood- clotting poisons (GM discretion).
Sindoluin is prepared by boiling the golden flowers in water, then straining the extract. Warning: If used improperly,
sindoluin can cause a patient to bleed to death.
VALANAR (RC1 39, h-O-9, I, 1,000 GP, AF 0, level 10): A bush native to tropical ocean shores and rain forests, related to
coca. Its edible, dark green leaves contain a powerful drug which cures the effects of the circulatory poison karfar (no RR)
and acts as an antidote for most other circulatory poisons (GM discretion).

QUILMUFUR (RM 605, m-C-7, B, 49 GP, AF 1, level 8): A rare floor plant of temperate coniferous forests, found most
frequently near clearings or aspen groves. It has dark green leaves with five leaflets, a large night-blooming white flower,
and a cluster of white berries. A tea brewed from its roots contains an antidote for conversion poisons. Warning: If
ingested, the leaves, flowers, and fruit contain a reduction poison which attacks the gastrointestinal system at level 2, 4,
or 8, respectively.
ARGSBARGIES (RM 601, a-Z-5, I, 38 GP, AF 7, level 4): A desert daisy adapted to rapid growth and reproduction within the
week following a rain. Its bright yellow, edible 1" flowers contain an antidote for muscle poisons.
DURAD (RC1 09, h-O-8, I, 2,000 GP, AF 0, level 30): A bush native to humid, tropical ocean shores and other warm areas
with saline soil. It has emerald green 2" pointed oval leaves and small red flowers which produce small brown nuts. Its
edible roots contain a powerful drug which slows the deadly nerve reduction poison morgurth by 50%-85% (no RR) and
acts as an antidote for most other nerve and reduction poisons (GM discretion).

SHEN (RM 606, t-F-6, I, 27 GP, AF 3, level 4): An ivy native to cool, temperate river and creek banks and wetlands. Its dark
green, three-fingered leaves are edible and contain an antidote for nerve poisons.
VIPERSWEED (RC1 41, m-H-4, B, 15 GP, AF 0, level 3): A wildflower of the composite family which resembles the marigold,
native to temperate scrublands. A tea brewed from its roots contains a powerful drug which cures the effects of the nerve
poison asgurash or asgurath (no RR) and acts as an antidote for most other nerve poisons (GM discretion).
DURAD (RC1 09, h-O-8, I, 2,000 GP, AF 0, level 30): A bush native to humid, tropical ocean shores and other warm areas
with saline soil. It has emerald green 2" pointed oval leaves and small red flowers which produce small brown nuts. Its
edible roots contain a powerful drug which slows the deadly nerve reduction poison morgurth by 50%-85% (no RR) and
acts as an antidote for most other nerve and reduction poisons (GM discretion).
ELDAANA (RM 602, c-O-4, B, 99 GP, AF 2, level 9): A mildly enchanted creeper native to cold ocean shores. It has dark
green, arrow-shaped leaves, white five-petaled flowers with blue centers, and dark blue berries. A tea brewed from its
leaves contains an antidote for reduction poisons which also reverses the effect of the curse "Ugliness of Orn."
MOOK (RM 604, t-M-3, I, 30 GP, AF 5, level 3): A shrub native to cool, temperate mountains. It has light green leaves
which resemble those of the silver maple, small pink flowers, and pink berries. The berries are edible, considered a
delicacy in some cultures, and contain an antidote for respiratory poisons.
ARDUVAAR (RC1 02, s-Z-9, B, 5,000 GP, AF 0, level 100): A shrub related to mesquite, native to deserts (but not dune seas)
and semiarid regions. When properly refined, arduvaar leaves contain an extremely powerful universal antidote. Arduvaar
is prepared by boiling its tiny gray- green leaves in strong alcohol, then straining the extract. It may be used in this form,
but in normal practice the extract is allowed to evaporate into powder, which has a much longer shelf life and can be
measured much more accurately. The powder is then dissolved into wine or spirits and ingested. Warning: Even small
overdoses of arduvaar are dangerous. For every ounce ingested over the recommended four, the user must resist a level
20 poison or lose 1-10 points each of temporary Constitution and Strength; furthermore, for every tenth temporary point
lost, the user loses one point from the potential.
ELENDIL'S BASKET (RC1 10, f-H-3, B, 8 GP, AF 0): A sunflower native to frigid scrublands which closely resembles the
common sunflower except it is much shorter, rarely exceeding 1' tall. A tea or broth brewed from its roots purifies water
(permanently) and slows the progress of poisons by a factor of 10 for 12 hours (no RR). Although Elendil's-basket tea is not
addictive, the maximum number of effective doses is one per day.
LAURRE (RC1 21, f-V-9, I, 29,500 GP, AF 0, level 120): A small, rare, powerfully enchanted member of the lily family, native
to arctic and alpine tundra with heavily volcanic soil. It has dark green 3" bladed leaves and brilliant gold and purple
flowers which resemble those of the Easter lily in miniature. Its edible but bitter flowers contain an extremely powerful
drug which cures the effects of the deadly nerve reduction poison morgurth (no RR) and acts as an antidote for most
other poisons (GM discretion). Attempts at cultivation and cross-breeding with lilies from warmer climates have not been
NAZA (RC1 25, e-W-9, I, 6,800 GP, AF 3, level 100): A small, highly enchanted dandelion, related to ul-naza, native to arctic
and alpine frozen wastes. It has pale green leaves with reddish edges, red-tinged golden flowers, and a root system which
frequently grows more than 6' deep. Its edible leaves contain an extremely powerful, immediately effective universal
NELTHANDON (RC1 26, s-R-1, I, 1 BP, AF 0): A wildflower of the composite family native to semiarid rolling hills which
resembles the marigold. When eaten, its light green leaves are an emetic, inducing vomiting in 20 minutes or less.
(Vomiting is an effective treatment for many ingested poisons, GM discretion.)
UL-NAZA (RM 607, s-W-8, I, 430 GP, AF 9, level 50): A small, highly enchanted dandelion, related to naza, native to
semiarid wastes and scrublands. It has dark green leaves with reddish edges, red-tinged golden flowers, and a root system
which frequently grows 6' deep. If eaten raw within one day of a poisoning, its leaves contain a potent universal antidote.

Poisons (Refined)

ATHANAR (RC1 01, m-T-5, L, 600 GP, level 15): A gray condensed venom obtained from the athanar viper, a large (6'-8')
gray and black snake of the pit viper family Crotalidae, native to temperate tallgrass plains or steppes. Athanar attacks the
victim's entire circulatory system, weakening Constitution by 5-50 temporary points per dose and 1 permanent point for
every 10 temporary points; at minimum, has no ill effects. Note: Raw athanar has the same effects but is level 5.
CARNEGURTH (RM 901, a-Z-4, L, 53 GP, level 1): A reddish juice prepared by pressing the beautiful, brilliant crimson
flowers of carnegurth, a barrel cactus native to fertile deserts (not dune seas). Carnegurth causes massive blood clotting
and death in 1-100 hours. Note: The unpressed flowers and fruit are also somewhat toxic, acting as a generic level 0
circulatory poison.
DAXAMAS (RC1 10, m-F-7, Pd, 400 GP, level 15): A yellowish- white powder refined from the leaves of the daxa, a waterloving plant related to the cattail. Daxamas is refined by boiling daxa leaves, straining the extract, then allowing it to
evaporate. Daxamas damages the heart, causing natural-seeming heart disease; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
ETARKA (RC1 12, m-F-5, P, 120 GP, level 2): A white paste prepared from the roots of the vandar, a potato relative native
to temperate freshwater coasts and wetlands. Etarka is prepared by boiling vandar roots to soften them, then grinding
them into paste with a mortar and pestle. Etarka causes slow death by destroying the circulatory system, beginning at its
point of entry. Note: Raw vandar roots have the same effect.
GARTAAN (RC1 14, h-J-8, L, 350 GP, level 15): A clear liquid obtained from the sap of the ky, a large water- storing vine
native to tropical rain forests. Gartaan causes severe hemophilia; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
JEGGARUKH (RM 902, m-U-5, Pd, 71 GP, level 6): A black powder refined from the guano of the jegga bat (see jegga)
which inflicts 10-100 hits. It is prepared by leaching jegga guano with strong lye, boiling the extract with flowers of sulfur,
filtering, then allowing the water to evaporate.
KARFAR (RM 903, h-J-4, P, 142 GP, level 7): Leaf/paste. A reddish paste prepared from the young leaves of karfar, a canopy
tree of tropical rain forests, related to teak. Karfar causes the victim's heart to shut down, resulting in massive shock and
death in 2-12 rounds. Note: The raw leaves, flowers, and fruit are also toxic, acting as a circulatory poison of level 1, 4, or
2, respectively.
KLYTUN (RM 904, s-B-4, P, 53 GP, level 5): Root/paste. A golden paste prepared from the roots of klytun, a wildflower of
the composite family native to semiarid to temperate streambeds, particularly seasonally dry ones. Klytun causes a coma
lasting 1-10 days, modified by the victim's racial recovery multiplier. Note: All parts of the plant are toxic, acting as a level
1 circulatory poison.
SHARDUVAAK (RM 906, a-Z-7, L, 36 GP, level 3): A brown juice pressed from the berries of sharduvaak, a rare desert
juniper. Sharduvaak slows the victim's blood flow; the victim is sluggish, at -50 for all activity, and needs twice the normal
amount of sleep. These effects can last several weeks or months. Note: The raw berries have same effect but are level 0.
SHARKASAR (RM 905, m-C-6, P, 2 GP, level 10): A brown paste prepared from the roots of sharkasar, a floor plant of
temperate coniferous forests, found most frequently near clearings or aspen groves. It has dark green splayed leaves, a 1"
purple and white flower, and a single white fruit. Sharkasar inflicts 1-10 hits. Note: The fruit is also toxic, acting as a level 2
circulatory poison.
BRAGOLITH (RM 907, c-C-8, L, 120 GP, level 5): A bluish liquid extracted with wood alcohol (methanol) from the green
phosphorescence-producing glands of the bragolith firefly, an enchanted species native to cold coniferous forests.
Bragolith is a powerful oxidizer which causes most substances (excluding quartz and glass) to spontaneously combust.
BRITHAGURTH (RM 908, f-F-8, L, 25 GP, level 2): A black condensed venom obtained from the spines of several species of
stickleback fish native to frigid, rapid fresh water. Brithagurth causes the tendons in 1-4 appendages (one per 25% RR
failure) to harden, making them useless. Note: The raw venom has the same effect but is level -2.
HENUIAL (RM 909, c-C-8, L, 80 GP, level 6): A yellow concentrated venom obtained from the henuial honey bee, a mildly
enchanted species originally native to cold coniferous forests, now domesticated and prized for its honey and beeswax.
Henuial converts the optic fluids of one or both eyes to honey (one for RR failures of 25 or less, both for RR failures over
25), causing permanent blindness. Note: The raw venom is also level 6 but only causes temporary blindness, lasting one
hour per 10% RR failure.
MUILFANA (RM 911, t-C-4, L, 52 GP, level 2): An orange liquid concentrated from the sap of the muilfana pine, a species
native to cool, temperate coniferous forests with acidic soils. Muilfana reacts with certain enzymes present in mucus,
producing a powerful acid which destroys mucous membrane tissue. Target organs include the eyes, the respiratory
system (particularly the windpipe or trachea), the digestive system (particularly the esophagus), the urinary tract, and the
ONDOKAMBA (RM 910, c-U-3, L, 29 GP, level 2): A green condensed venom obtained from the saliva of the ondokamba
bat, an enchanted species native to cold, dry caves. Ondokamba turns 1-4 hands and/or feet (one per 25% RR failure) to

stone, making each affected area operate at -75. Note: The raw saliva is also level 2 but only causes a mild, temporary loss
of dexterity in the hands and/or feet (-15 to actions for 1-4 hours).
TAYNAGA (RM 912, c-C-5, Pd, 27 GP, level 8): A brownish powder refined from the soft inner bark of the taynaga fir, a
species native to cold coniferous forests. The powder is prepared by boiling the shredded bark in water, filtering the
extract, then evaporating the extract, which may be then be ingested orally or by inhalation. Taynaga sterilizes the victim
and inflicts 5-50 hits.
WUCHYGA (RC1 54, a-Z-5, Pd, 100 GP, level 10): A white powder obtained by grinding the bones of the wuchyga sand
lizard, a desert species of dune seas. Wuchyga alters the victim's retina, causing extreme light sensitivity, effectively giving
him/her Darkvision but making him/her act at -50 in bright light or -75 in direct sunlight; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
DYNALLCA (RM 913, h-F-3, P, 14 GP, level 3): A tan paste prepared from the seven-fingered leaves of dynallca, a creeper
native to tropical river banks and wetlands. Dynallca destroys the victim's hearing and inflicts 1-10 hits. Note: If eaten raw,
dynallca leaves have the same effect but are level 0.
JADARAS (RC1 21, h-T-5, L, 750 GP, level 15): A clear oil extracted from janar, a medium-sized blue-green grass native to
tropical grasslands (both tall- and shortgrass) or savannas. Jadaras is prepared by boiling janar in soda water or weak lye.
The oil floats to the surface, where it is collected and filtered. Jadaras causes loss of coordination and dexterity, leading to
losses of 5-50 points each from temporary Agility and Quickness and one point from potential for every 10 temporary
points lost; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
KAKTU (RM 914, s-S-7, L, 29 GP, level 1): A clear oil refined from the flowers of kaktu, a member of the composite family
native to semiarid to temperate shortgrass prairies. Kaktu oil is extracted by boiling the flowers for several hours in a large
container. The oil floats to the surface, where it is collected and filtered. Kaktu affects 1-4 appendages (one per 25% RR
failure); the resulting dexterity loss in each affected area reduces associated maneuver rolls by 1-100 (average the rolls if
more than one area is used). Note: If eaten raw, the flowers have the same effect but are level -5.
TRUSA (RM 915, h-J-8, P, 31 GP, level 4): A clear paste refined from the venom of the trusa tree frog, one of a number of
related "poison arrow frogs" native to tropical forests. The trusa is a small emerald-green frog, rarely exceeding 1.5",
easily recognized by its brilliant red and yellow vertical stripes and royal blue eyes. The raw venom may be collected from
the frog's back after irritating or frightening the frog. The venom may be used raw at attack level 1, or refined to level 4;
in either case, trusa acts in 1-10 rounds, killing the victim on RR failures of 21+, causing coma and blindness on failures of
11-20, or causing blindness in 1-2 eyes on failures of 1- 10.
ACAANA (RM 916, f-M-7, P, 600 GP, level 10): A black paste prepared from the flower of the acanloth rose, a close relative
of the ul-acanloth rose (see ul-acaana) native to frigid mountains, particularly the alpine tundra just above the timber line.
Acaana kills instantly by destroying the nervous system. Note: If eaten raw, the flowers act as a generic level 5 nerve
ADDER VENOM (RC1 01, m-D-5, P, 500 GP, level 10): A black paste condensed from the venom of several species of adder,
all small to medium snakes of the viper family Viperidae, most native to temperate forests. Adder-venom paste kills in 5
rounds by destroying the nervous system; at minimum, it causes paralysis for 1-100 rounds. Note: Raw adder venoms are
generic nerve poisons of varying level.
AJKARA (RC1 02, h-J-5, I, 750 GP, AF 25, level 10): A beautiful blue and white orchid native to tropical forests. When the
flowers are dried, powdered, and burned with incense, the smoke acts as a "truth serum," causing its victim to freely
reveal secrets; at minimum, it disorients the victim (-10 to actions for 1-10 hours).
ASGURASH or ASGURATH (RM 917, c-T-7, P, 31 GP, level 3). A brownish-red condensed venom obtained from the asgur, a
small (12"-15") green and brown snake of the cobra family Elapidae, native to cold tallgrass plains or steppes. Asgurash
causes complete paralysis of portions of the body in man-sized targets or total paralysis in targets less than 3' tall. It is
usually applied by cuts to the torso, causing upper body paralysis. Notes: The raw venom has the same effect but is level 1.Vipersweed is a specific antidote.
ASP VENOM (RC1 04, a-Z-2, P, 50 GP, level 5): A white paste condensed from the venom of several species of asp, all small
snakes of the cobra family Elapidae, most native to tropical deserts near water (rivers or oases). Asp-venom paste
destroying the nerves in the target limb; at minimum, it damages the nerves, causing partial paralysis (-50 to actions).
Note: Raw asp venoms are generic nerve poisons of varying level.
CATHAANA (I) (RM 917a, m-D-6, Pd, 36 GP, level 1): A white powder prepared from cathan, the nut of the cathantaur, a
medium tree of the hickory family native to mild, temperate deciduous and mixed forests. The cathantaur grows to about
60' tall, frequently in multiple trunks, and has dark green leaves with nine leaflets which resemble those of the pecan.

Cathaana is prepared by roasting and crushing the cathan nuts. It is deceptively deadly, instantly causing mild euphoria (50 to actions for 1-10 rounds), then destroying the brain after 1-10 minutes. Note: If eaten raw, cathan nuts are mildly
euphoric (-10 to actions for 1-10 minutes, addiction factor 5) but nontoxic. (See also cathaana nolgurth.)
CATHAANA NOLGURTH (CATHAANA II) (RC1 09, m-D-6, Pd, 1,000 GP, level 15): A white flaky powder refined from
cathaana, prepared by boiling cathaana in strong lye, then cooling the mixture as quickly as possible to precipitate
cathaana nolgurth, the powerfully euphoric, relatively nontoxic essence of cathaana. Whereas cathaana is relatively weak
but nevertheless destroys the brain, cathaana nolgurth destroys the mind without damaging the brain; at minimum, it is
powerfully euphoric (-75 to actions for 1-10 hours).
DIN FUINEN (RC1 11, t-F-4, L, 320 GP, level 8): A green oil pressed from din fuinen, a bright green moss native to cool,
temperate, well-watered shady areas. Din fuinen causes total amnesia (1-100 days); at minimum, it causes disorientation
(-30 to actions) for 1-10 hours.
GRELNIXAR (RC1 15, m-T-9, special, 3,000 GP, level 45): A powerful, deadly hallucinogen produced by the vrel, a nettle
relative native to temperate tallgrass plains or steppes, and emitted through its leaf hairs. causes its victims to run until
they die of exhaustion, as does the "Running Death" curse; at minimum, it causes severe hallucinations for 1-10 days.
HEMLOCK, BLADE (RC1 06, m-F-3, P, 90 GP, level 6): A white paste prepared by mixing water hemlock oil with cream.
Hemlock kills in 6-10 rounds by destroying the nervous system; at minimum, it causes complete incapacity for 1-10 hours.
HEMLOCK, WATER (RC1 53, m-F-3, L, 45 GP, level 3): A clear amber liquid pressed from the leaves and stalks of water
hemlock, a member of the parsley family native to temperate, well-watered areas. Hemlock kills in 6-10 rounds by
destroying the nervous system; at minimum, it causes complete incapacity for 1-10 hours.
HEVIK (RC1 18, h-J-6, Pd, 900 GP, level 30): A gray powder refined from the leaves of orn-hevik, a canopy tree native to
tropical forests, particularly "cloud forests." Hevik is prepared by boiling orn-hevik leaves in strong alcohol, filtering the
extract, then evaporating the extract. Hevik induces deep sleep (11-20 hours); at minimum, it has no ill effects.
HULMIIKAK (RC1 19, m-D-8, L, 800 GP, level 15): The venom of the hulmiis ant, a large (1/2") black carpenter ant native to
temperate forests. To most arthropods and other invertebrates, hulmiikak is a lethal nerve poison, but in vertebrates, it
attacks the optic nerves, causing blindness; at minimum, it impairs vision (-30 to perception).
IGTURFAS (RC1 20, m-J-9, Pd, 1,800 GP, level 25): A brown powder prepared from the blood of the iguri, a rare gold and
brown tree viper (family Viperidae) native to temperate rain forests and tropical rain forests at high elevations. Igturfas is
prepared by straining iguri blood and evaporating the plasma. Igturfas causes feeblemindedness (GM discretion); at
minimum, it causes disorientation (-50 to actions for 10-100 hours). Note: Iguri venom is a generic level 5 nerve poison.
JUTH (RM 918, a-Z-5, L, 41 GP, level 2): A clear liquid extracted from the venom of the painted scorpion, a fairly large (2")
desert species, glossy black with red stripes. Juth is prepared by distilling the venom with wood alcohol (methanol), saving
the first fraction (10% or so from each batch) to emerge from the condenser. Juth causes gradual insanity over a period of
1-100 weeks. Note: The raw venom is a generic level 2 nerve poison.
KLABAS (RC1 24, m-H-5, Pd, 400 GP, level 10): A white powder refined from the buds of the klane, a shrub distantly
related to the hazelnut, native to temperate scrublands. Klabas is prepared by boiling klane buds in water, straining the
extract, and allowing the extract to cool and evaporate slowly into powder. Klabas causes nervous breakdowns (GM
discretion); at minimum, it causes depression (-25 to most activities, GM discretion).
MURNAN (RC1 31, h-J-7, L, 500 GP, level 10): A canopy tree of tropical rain forests which frequently grows taller than 150'.
It has long, fleshy, dark green leaves like those of the rubber tree and a tall, straight trunk. Its yellow sap causes paralysis;
at minimum, it causes fever and delirium (4 days).
PENTANOTH (RC1 36, h-O-5, L, 4,000 GP, level 40): A clear oil pressed from the pentanoth, a kelp native to warm ocean
shallows. It grows up to 20' long and it has a cluster of five broad blue leaves. Pentanoth causes coma (1-4 days); at
minimum, it causes loss of will (6-12 hours). Note: As the minimum effect is frequently more desirable, many users cut the
dosage level. Note: Raw pentanoth has the same effects, but is level 5. Boiling alters the toxin, making pentanoth a
flavorful, slightly intoxicating delicacy in some cultures.
PHOROZ (RC1 37, m-T-1, L, 48 GP, level 4): A clear liquid extracted from the pollen of the phoroz lily, native to temperate
tallgrass plains and steppes. Phoroz is prepared by steeping the pollen in vinegar for 7-10 days, straining the extract, then
allowing the extract to evaporate to half its former volume. Phoroz causes slow paralysis (1-10 hours) and death (1-4
days); at minimum, it numbs the limbs (-40 to actions for 1-10 hours).
RUTH-I-IAUR (RM 919, s-U-7, L, 56 GP, level 4): A brownish liquid which can be refined from the saliva of most species of
drakes and their relatives, usually by extracting the saliva with vegetable oils, then distilling the extract. Ruth-i-iaur causes
rapid (1-20 rounds) erosion of the nervous system, leaving the victim at -50 to -100 activity (-50 for RR failures of 1-25, -75
for failures of 26-50, or -100 for failures of 51 or more).

SARNUMEN (RC1 41, m-O-8, L, GP, level 30): A blue concentrated venom obtained from the spines of the numen eel, a
large bluish-black eel which lives in temperate shallow seas for most of its life but migrates to fresh water to spawn.
Sarnumen causes a nervous disorder which causes the victim to act at -50; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
SHIROLOS (RC1 42, m-T-3, L, 300 GP, level 10): A clear yellow brandy distilled from shira, a grass, originally native to
temperate tallgrass plains or steppes, now cultivated, which closely resembles rye. Shira beer, called shirale, is only
slightly more intoxicating than normal beer; however, shirolos immobilizes the victim and causes a suggestive trance; at
minimum, it causes severe drowsiness (-100 to actions).
SHUTINIS (RC1 43, h-J-7, L, 600 GP, level 13): A brown concentrated venom obtained from the hultif, a large beetle related
to the stag beetle, native to tropical rain forests. It has a jade-green back with brown scale-like patternings. Shutinis
causes insanity; at minimum, it causes distraction (1-100 hours). Note: Hultif venom has the same effects but is only level
SLIRD (RM 920, h-J-8, P, 13 GP, level 2): A white paste prepared from the crushed fruit of slird, a creeper native to tropical
forests which resembles English ivy. Slird acts in 1-2 rounds; the victim loses the feeling in 1-6 extremities (head, genitals,
hands, feet) for 1-100 days. Note: If eaten raw, slird fruit has the same effects.
THRAYNIIS (RC1 48, h-S-5, P, 300 GP, level 10): A brown paste prepared from the ayniic flea, a fairly large (1/8") flea native
to tropical plains (both tall- and shortgrass) or savannas, where it feeds on most mammals, particularly large herbivores
like cattle and antelopes. The ayniic flea itself is quite common, but the knowledge of its preparation into thrayniis is
much less common. Ayniic fleas are captured by coating a cowhide with a sticky mixture which usually contains five parts
honey, five parts glue, and one part cow urine, then stretching the coated cowhide in the sun on a tree near ground level.
The captured fleas are then ground into thrayniis paste with a mortar and pestle. Thrayniis causes paralysis; at minimum,
it has no ill effects.
THURVIIK (RC1 49, a-U-6, gas, 600 GP, level 20): A pinkish natural gas occasionally found in dry caves of volcanic origin,
encountered more often as a natural hazard than as a weapon. Thurviik causes the victim to sleep for 3 hours, modified
by the victim's recovery multiplier; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
UL-ACAANA (RM 921, e-M-8, P, 1,200 GP, level 20): A white paste prepared from the flower of the ul-acanloth rose, a
close relative of the acanloth rose (see acaana) native to the coldest mountains, usually found near glaciers or snowfields.
Ul-acaana paralyzes instantly and kills in 1- 10 minutes by destroying the nervous system. Note: If eaten raw, the flowers
act as a generic level 10 nerve poison.
UMAKILIS (RC1 50, h-J-6, L, 5,000 GP, level 10/60): A red concentrated venom obtained from the umakil, a "poison arrow
frog" native to tropical forests. The umakil is a small frog, rarely exceeding 1", easily recognized by its brilliant golden
color with red and purple vertical stripes and purple eyes. Umakilis may be ingested or absorbed through the skin, but is
far more dangerous if directly injected into the victim's bloodstream. Raw umakilis is collected from the umakil's back
after irritating or frightening it. The venom may be used raw at attack levels 3 or 15, or concentrated to levels 10 or 60; in
any case, umakilis kills instantly by destroying the victim's brain; at minimum, it causes coma (1-10 days).
UNGOLLOS (SPIDER VENOM I) (RC1 44a, _-_-5, P, 400 GP, level 10): A white concentrated venom obtained from most
species of "greater great" spiders, which produce both nerve and reduction venoms. Ungollos is concentrated from the
nerve poison. It causes paralysis; at minimum, it causes fever and delirium (10-100 hours).
WEK-BAAS (RM 922, h-O-9, L, 70 GP, level 5): A clear condensed venom obtained from the spines of several species of
lionfish native to warm ocean shallows, particularly coral reefs. Wek-baas acts in 1-100 rounds, causing sleep on any RR
failure plus degeneration of balance and hearing in 1-10 days on failures of 16-30 or total paralysis on failures of 31 or
more. Note: The raw venom has the same effects but is level 1.
YAVIN GIRITH (RC1 56, h-O-5, L, 400 GP, level 10): A fig native to tropical ocean shores, despised as a dangerous pest by
farmers. Yavin girith fruit looks, smells, and tastes like that of the sweet fig, but its clear golden juice contains a nerve
poison which causes mild coma and memory loss; at minimum, it causes dizziness (-25 to actions for 1-10 days).
HEEN (RC1 17, t-S-8, Pd, 800 GP, level 20): A black powder prepared from the seeds of the geen, a sunflower native to
cool, temperate shortgrass prairies which closely resembles the common sunflower except it is shorter, rarely exceeding
2' tall, and has orange flowers. Heen is prepared by roasting geen seeds, then grinding them to powder. Heen attacks the
mucous membranes lining the digestive system, causing ulceration; at minimum, it inflicts 5-50 hits. Note: Raw geen seeds
have the same effect but are only level 4.
LHUGRUTH (RM 923, e-U-6, L, 300 GP, level 10): The gray or black blood of several species of cold-dwelling drakes, which
rapidly (1-10 rounds) dissolves metals and organic materials, but not glass, sand, or pottery.

MOOURARK (RC1 29, f-U-9, L, 250 GP, level 5): A blue condensed venom obtained from the saliva of the rark bat, an
enchanted white species native to frigid caves, often ice caves. Moourark dissolves bone; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
Note: The raw saliva has the same effects but is only level 1.
NIMNAUR (RM 925, t-D-5, L, 23 GP, level 3): A milky white concentrated venom obtained from the whitefiddle, a species
of "lesser great" spider native to cool, temperate deciduous and mixed forests named for the distinctive white mark on its
back. Nimnaur slowly (over 1-10 minutes) liquifies one organ per dose (usually the one closest to the entry point). Note:
The raw venom is a generic level 3 reduction poison (variability class A).
ONDOHITHUI (RM 924, e-A-5, P, 60 GP, level 3): A blue-gray paste prepared from ondohithui, a lichen native to the coldest
mountains, found most frequently growing between the highest peak rocks. Ondohithui is prepared by carefully
collecting, washing, and grinding the lichen into powder, then mixing the powder with lard. It causes fatal dehydration in
1-10 minutes.
ORN (RC1 32, m-T-3, L, 10 GP, level 5): The yellow sap of the turid, a parsley relative native to temperate tallgrass prairies
and steppes. Orn causes warts and scars; at minimum, it inflicts 1-10 hits.
PANGWOOD (RC1 34, m-D-2, special, 10 GP, level 2): A medium-sized tree native to temperate forests. The fine hairs on
its dark green, five-fingered leaves contain an acid-like reduction poison which causes contact burns; at minimum, it has
no ill effects. Himros is a specific antidote.
PAWLUN (RC1 35, h-F-5, L, 1 SP, level 1): The sap of the pawf vine, a large creeper native to tropical forests, found most
often near rivers. Pawlun causes the victim to lose his/her teeth; at minimum, it has no ill effects. It is encountered far
more often as a natural hazard than as a weapon.
RORKANDIS (RC1 40, m-M-7, P, 200 GP, level 5): A white paste prepared from the saliva of the uster, a black and white
hawk originally native to temperate mountains, now sometimes domesticated, which usually feeds on fish. When fed salty
foods, the hawk salivates excessively; the saliva may be carefully collected and mixed with lard to form a paste. Rorkandis
dissolves cartilage; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
SILMAANA (RM 926, m-T-2, Pd, 4 GP, level 9): A silver powder refined from the stalks of silmanar, a plant related to
parsley and water hemlock, native to temperate tallgrass prairies and steppes. Silmaana is prepared by boiling silmanar
stalks in water, then filtering and boiling the extract to dryness. Silmaana scars the skin and gives 2-20 hits; it and similar
toxins are used by a number of cultures for personal decoration (scarification) or identification of slaves.
SLOTA (RM 927, t-D-7, P, 36 GP, level 5): A white paste refined from the venom of the lightning spider, a tarantula-sized
trapdoor spider named for its lightning- swift hunting strike. It was originally native to cool, temperate deciduous and
mixed forests, but is now bred in captivity, if not truly domesticated. Slota is prepared by extracting the venom of at least
a dozen lightning spiders, then allowing it to dry slowly in a warm, dark container (usually an earthenware pot kept near a
fireplace). Slota causes slow paralysis (1 day) and death 1-10 days afterwards. Note: The raw venom has the same effects,
but is not generally dangerous to humans (effective level -5).
SURLOK (RC1 45, m-F-5, L, 200 GP, level 10): A clear condensed venom obtained from the spines of the surn, a catfish
native to temperate, slow fresh water. In mammals, surlok dissolves the nerve receptors in the victim's fingers and toes,
destroying the sense of touch and ultimately leading to gangrene; at minimum, it causes loss of sensitivity. Note: The raw
venom has the same effect but is level 2.
SYMK-ARG-WY (RC1 46, h-O-3, L, level 10): The spine venom of the wyg, a flatfish native to warm ocean shallows. Symkarg-wy causes the victim to lose all of his/her hair; at minimum, it has no ill effects. It is encountered far more often as a
natural hazard than as a weapon.
THRANG (RC1 47, m-D-5, L, 150 GP, level 10): An oil secreted from special scent glands by the thorf panther, a species
native to temperate forests, particularly near hills or mountains. Thrang attacks the victim's retina, causing loss of color
vision; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
UNGOLGALEN (SPIDER VENOM II) (RC1 44b, _-_-5, P, 400 GP, level 10): A greenish-white concentrated venom obtained
from most species of "greater great" spiders, which produce both nerve and reduction venoms. Ungolgalen is
concentrated from the reduction poison. It kills by slowly (1-10 minutes) reducing the victim's organs to liquid; at
minimum, it causes fever and delirium (10-100 hours).
VEMAAK (RC1 52, m-T-5, Pd, 1 GP, level 1): A yellow powder obtained by grinding the venom glands of the larn, a hornet
native to temperate tallgrass plains or steppes. Vemaak dissolves the victim's auditory nerves, causing permanent hearing
YAKE (RC1 55, t-F-6, L, 1,200 GP, level 30): A fern native to cool, well-watered, shady areas. Its pale green sap attacks
mucous membranes like acid, causing the victim's tongue to rot; at minimum, it causes second-degree mouth burns.
ZAGANZAR (RM 928, t-M-6, L, 139 GP, level 5): A bluish oil extracted from the roots of the zagan, a columbine relative
native to cool, temperate mountains, found most frequently near, but not actually in, clearings. Zaganzar is extracted
from zagan roots by boiling them in vinegar, filtering the extract, then adding soda, lye, or some other base to separate

the oil, which floats to the surface where it is collected and filtered again. Zaganzar causes permanent blindness by
reducing the victim's optic nerves to water, and also inflicts 1-10 hits.
BUKANDAS BULCH (RC1 07, t-C-7, L, 800 GP, level 20): An oil secreted from special scent glands by the bukandas wolf, a
species native to cool, temperate coniferous forests. Bukandas bulch damages the victim's lungs, causing permanent
severe asthma; at minimum, it causes mild asthma.
GALENAANA (RM 929, c-A-6, Pd, 179 GP, level 9): A bright green powder refined from the leaves of the galendur, a dwarf
willow native to alpine and arctic tundras near the timber line. Galenaana is refined by boiling galendur leaves in water,
filtering, then boiling the extract to dryness. Galenaana kills Elves (Eldani), but leaves others in a coma for 1-100 weeks.
HITH-I-GIRITH (RM 930, f-M-5, L, 12 GP, level 4): A dwarf pine native to frigid mountains near the timber line. During the
short alpine growing season, its leaves emit a fragrant oil which acts as a depressant, causing immediate and continuing
JEGGA (RM 931, m-U-5, P, 92 GP, level 7): A brown paste refined from the guano of the jegga bat (see also jeggarukh), a
vampire bat native to mild climates which usually feeds upon cattle. It is prepared by leaching jegga guano with strong
lye, filtering, then allowing most of the water to evaporate. Jegga inflicts 1-100 hits.
JITSU (RM 932, m-O-4, L, 34 GP, level 5): A yellow concentrated venom obtained from the jitsu, a large clam native to
temperate shallow seas, closely related to the jitsukar and jitsutyr, despised as a dangerous pest by fishermen. Jitsu is
prepared by immersing the clams in cold fresh water, inducing them to secrete the oily venom as a protective measure.
Some of the oil floats to the surface, where it is collected and heated until its color darkens from pale straw to bright
canary yellow. Refined jitsu inflicts 5-50 hits; raw jitsu is level 2 and inflicts 2-20 hits.
JITSUKAR (RC1 22, t-F-8, P, 4,000 GP, level 40): A brown paste refined from the venom of the jitsukar, a large clam native
to cool freshwater lakes, closely related to the jitsu and jitsutyr, despised as a dangerous pest by fishermen. Jitsukar is
prepared by immersing the clams in cold salt water, inducing them to secrete the oily venom as a protective measure.
Some of the oil floats to the surface, where it is collected and mixed with flowers of sulfur and finely ground charcoal to
form the sticky paste. Jitsukar kills in 1-100 rounds by destroying the victim's lungs; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
JITSUTYR (RM 933, c-F-6, P, 145 GP, level 2): A tan paste refined from the venom of the jitsutyr, a large clam native to cold
freshwater lakes, closely related to the jitsu, despised as a dangerous pest by fishermen. Jitsutyr is prepared by immersing
the clams in hot salt water, inducing them to secrete the oily venom as a protective measure. Some of the oil floats to the
surface, where it is collected. The oil is then boiled in vegetable oil with flowers of sulfur and finely ground charcoal. The
sticky jitsutyr paste collects on the container's walls. Jitsutyr kills in 1-100 rounds by destroying the victim's lungs.
KLY (RM 934, s-H-5, P, 154 GP, level 3): A brown paste made from the crushed berries of kly, a member of the nightshade
family native to semiarid to temperate scrublands. Kly inflicts 3-300 hits. Note: Intact berries have the same effects.
KUWURN YORF (RC1 25, c-C-6, Pd, 80 GP, level 5): A golden mold native to cold coniferous forests near water, where it
grows on dead wood. Its spores cause death in 3 days by gradually destroying the lungs; at minimum, it has no ill effects.
URAANA (RM 935, t-S-3, P, 12 GP, level 6): A creamy paste refined from the leaves or flowers of uranil, a wildflower of the
composite family closely related to vuranar, native to cool, temperate shortgrass prairies. Its leaves and flowers resemble
those of the chrysanthemum in miniature. Uraana is prepared by boiling uranil in salt water containing finely ground
flour, which collects on the container's walls as uraana paste. Uraana inflicts 3-30 hits. Note: If eaten raw, uranil is a
generic level 1 respiratory poison.
VURAANA (RM 936, h-T-4, P, 42 GP, level 2): A pinkish paste refined from the leaves or flowers of vuranar, a wildflower of
the composite family closely related to uranil, native to tropical tallgrass plains or savannas. Its leaves and flowers
resemble those of the chrysanthemum. Vuraana is prepared by boiling vuranar in salt water containing finely ground
flour, which collects on the container's walls as vuraana paste. Vuraana inflicts 1-100 hits. Note: If eaten raw, vuranar is a
generic level 1 respiratory poison.
Special or Combination
MORGURTH (RC1 30, s-U-9, L, 12,000 GP, level 60): Probably the most potent poison known, morgurth is a black liquid
refined from the venom and/or blood of greater drakes by an alchemical ritual which usually includes distillation with
strong alcohol in the presence of powdered gold or platinum; it must then be protected from sunlight in a glass or
ceramic container. Morgurth dissolves the victim's brain; at minimum, it causes a long coma (1-100 years). Note:
Morgurth is both a nerve poison and a reduction poison, requiring two separate antidotes. Durad slows the effects of
morgurth; laurre is a specific antidote.

Stun Relief Agents

JANUK-TY (RM 696, s-S-6, B, 110 SP, AF 2): A medium-sized dark green grass, related to vinuk, native to semiarid to
temperate shortgrass prairies. A tea brewed from its roots relieves three rounds of stun.
SURANIE (RM 697, t-F-3, I, 2 GP, AF 3): A thorny bush related to the blueberry, native to cool, temperate areas near water.
Its dark blue, delicious berries relieve one round of stun. VINUK (RM 698, s-S-4, B, 12 SP, AF 4): A medium-sized emerald
green grass, related to januk-ty, native to semiarid to temperate shortgrass prairies. A tea brewed from its roots relieves
1-10 rounds of stun.
WELWAL (RM 699, h-J-7, I, 12 GP, AF 3): A bush native to tropical rain forests, related to coca and witav. Its edible, dark
green leaves relieve three rounds of stun.
WITAV (RM 700, h-J-6, I, 12 GP, AF 5): A bush native to tropical rain forests, related to coca and welwal. Its edible, jade
green leaves relieve two rounds of stun.

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