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Tahj Washington

Chapter 13 Discussion Questions

1. In your opinion, are rates of violence in the US increasing or
decreasing? Support your opinion with relevant examples from
the textbook. Be sure to include at least three factors that you
think are driving this trend.
In my opinion, rates of violence in the United States has
been decreasing. Murder, arson, and burglary have all
decreased 6.9%, 8.1%, and 15.6% respectively. Religion,
politics, and stress are things that drive violence.
2. Why has the term "acquaintance rape replaced the term "date
rape? What might the replacement say about common attitudes
toward the idea of "dating? About how our culture views
sexuality? About gender? How do you feel about the term "date
rape and about its terminological replacement?
Date rape implies a consensual interaction in an arranged
setting and may, in fact, minimize the crime of rape when it
occurs. Our cultures view on sexuality I more open now than in
previous years, meaning men and women are becoming more
sexual because society accepts the strong sexuality and in
some cases it is expected. Society uses womens sexuality to
sell products that often arent nearly as sexual as they are
made to be. I dont feel like men are as sexualized as the
women of the society are. With learning the reasons why
experts call the term date rape inappropriate I can agree
because most often rapes do occur from an acquaintance of
some sort.
3. Describe the factors that are associated with MVAs (motor
vehicle accidents). How can they be prevented?
Factors that contribute to motor vehicle accidents are
distracted driving,
impaired driving, speeding, vehicle safety issues, and driver
age. Distracted

driving can be anything that distracts the driver, such as being

distracted by a cellphone. These distractions can be handled
more carefully if the driver pulls over to the side of the road
and proceed to drive once their full attention is given to
driving. Impaired driving can occur when the driver is under the
influence of alcohol. Having a designated driver or maybe even
calling a cab if one is too impaired to drive can prevent this.
Speeding is considered dangerous because most people dont
perceive it as dangerous but speeding is a factor in 1 in 3 fatal
crashes. Speeding can be prevented by having the driver leave
5-10 minutes earlier to insure they are not running late, also
drivers should grasp the understanding that speeding is
dangerous and take it more seriously.
4. Take a self-assessment and list the types of unintentional
injuries you think you are most prone to. Consider your
recreational activities, driving, situations with high noise levels,
activity around your home, apartment, or campus housing; and
activity in your workplace as well as any other situations you can
think of which might lead to unintentional injury. What can you do
to lessen your risk?
Based on the activities that I partake in on a daily basis, I am
most at risk for a vehicular injury because thats where I am
most dangerous. Speeding and texting and driving put
myself at major risks and I should work limiting my texting
while I am driving and leave the house a few minutes earlier
to avoid speeding.
5. Describe how you can avoid becoming a victim of violence. Be
sure to keep in mind your daily activities, relationships, work
environment, and other factors that may put you at risk.
One of the best ways to protect yourself from violence is to a
situations that could lead to it. When driving always should l
eave your
phone or handheld devices down, no matter how important it
may be, it

can wait. Do not speed, always try to go the speed limit and
always where
a seat belt. Some ways to reduce dating violence are to neve
r leave a drink
or food unattended. Always be aware of your surroundings, if
feels off, then leave. You had the right to say NO. Social medi
a violence
can be avoided by not posting anything important or benefici
al to you.

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