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Informal Reflections


Standards Addressed

(3-5 Sentences)

Strategies (2+)

1. Unit 1 Portfolio

Write stories to
develop experiences
using different
techniques and event

The Unit 1 Portfolio

was kind of a lot of
work. I tried my
hardest to go above
and beyond in all that
was asked of us for it.
I think I deserved the
grade that I got. I
tried my best to do
the correct formatting
for my letter of
introduction, thought
of helpful questions
for the FAQs, and
went into detail for
my quickwrites.

One improvement
strategy would be
looking more into
how to structure my
Letter of Introduction
Another improvement
strategy is to have
someone else read
what I write and make
sure everything flows
well and doesnt just
sound good because
I know what I want to

2. Animals Bill of

Develop claims and

counterclaims and
supply evidence.
Point out a works
strengths and
limitations. Anticipate
the audience.

I was excited to write

this paper because
this is an important
topic to address. I
strongly believe that
we should have an
Animal Bill of Rights.
This paper was
easier to write
because of the fact
that I had a strong
opinion on it. I
actually enjoyed
writing it and
supporting my stance
with all the examples
I found.

One improvement
strategy would be to
map out more of an
outline for my paper
first. I started off
strong and my
paragraphs got
shorted at the end
because I started
having less to say in
support of my stance.
It would be good to
outline what is being
said in each
paragraph and have
many details and
factual examples
Another improvement
strategy would be to
think of some more
synonyms for some
of the keywords I
discussed in my
paper such as
animals, harm, and
cruel. I felt that it
became hard to vary

the vocabulary that I

used as I consistently
talked about the
same topic. Looking
up synonyms and
expanding my
vocabulary would
help that.
3. Senior Project
Research Paper

Writing: Gather
relevant information
from multiple
authoritative print and
digital sources, using
advanced searches
effectively; assess
the strengths and
limitations of each
source in terms of the
task, purpose, and
audience; integrate
information into the
text selectively to
maintain the flow of
ideas, avoiding
plagiarism and
overreliance on any
one source and
following a standard
format for citation.

The senior project

research paper went
really well for me. I
worked hard on it to
make sure that I
followed each and
every little guideline
that was required for
it. I think that I did
really well on it. I felt
really good about the
content when I
submitted it. It wasnt
too hard because we
got to write about
something that were
passionate about
because we chose it
for our senior project.

One improvement
strategy that this
paper helped me
realize that I need to
apply is go deeper
into the description of
what I am actually
doing for my senior
project. I could have
delved a little deeper
into the explanation
of the process.
Another improvement
strategy could have
been to gain
information from a
wider variety of
sources and source
types for more
variation of
information and

4. Speech- The Value

of life

Present information,
findings, and
supporting evidence,
conveying a clear and
distinct perspective,
such that listeners
can follow the line of
reasoning, alternative
or opposing
perspectives are
addressed, and the
substance, and style
are appropriate to
purpose, audience,
and a range of formal

This assignment went

better than expected.
I missed school for a
field trip when it was
first assigned and
then I think I might
have missed another
day when I was sick
so it was something
that me and my
partner pulled
together quickly. We
worked very
efficiently in class to
get our work done
and make it look
presentable. We sort
of split the work

One improvement
strategy would be to
be present at school
because it is crucial
to getting
assignments done. If
I miss I need to make
sure I catch up
without putting work
off until the last
minute. Another
improvement strategy
for this particular
assignment would be
to memorize the
speech more
because I felt like I
was reading too

and informal tasks.

where Jaselle made

the powerpoint and I
did a lot of the writing.
I think our speech
went well in class
because I used to be
bad at public
speaking but now I
enjoy it more.

much instead of
speaking from my
knowledge. One
more improvement
strategy would be to
bring up
counteracting views
for my argument and
explain why my point
is more valid than the
opposing view. Doing
this in more detail
than I actually did
would make for a
stronger argument.

5. The Value of Life

Online Debate

Reading: Determine
an author's point of
view or purpose in a
text in which the
rhetoric is particularly
effective, analyzing
how style and content
contribute to the
persuasiveness or
beauty of the text
Present information,
findings, and
supporting evidence,
conveying a clear and
distinct perspective,
such that listeners
can follow the line of
reasoning, alternative
or opposing
perspectives are
addressed, and the
substance, and style
are appropriate to
purpose, audience,
and a range of formal
and informal tasks

This assignment was

pretty simple. We just
had to argue whether
or not its okay to put
a value on a life and
then comment on
other peoples
opinions. It was
interesting to see that
most people believed
that you cannot put a
value on a life. I kind
of expected possible
arguments with this
assignment but
everyone was civil.

One improvement
strategy for this
assignment would be
to work on making
my argument more
persuasive. I stated
what I believed but I
could have gone
further into detail for
why my opinion was
what it was.
Another improvement
strategy would be to
also give more
support for the
opinions that I
commented on other
peoples arguments.
Next time I will state a
more resolute opinion
so that people know
exactly where I stand.

6. Into the Wild


Reading: Analyze the This assignment was

authors choice on
a tough and stressful
how they develop and one. For some

One improvement
strategy for this would
be getting it done

relate elements of a
Be prepared to refer
to evidence from
other texts about a
topic to stimulate
thoughtful ideas.

7. Into the Wild Essay Reading: Analyze the

authors choice on
how they develop and
relate elements of a
Be prepared to refer
to evidence from
other texts about a
topic to stimulate
thoughtful ideas.

reason it was very

tough for me because
I felt unorganized with
it. I felt all over the
place trying to
remember that for
each chapter we
needed to annotate,
analyze, and discuss
epigraphs and maps.
It wasnt all laid out in
one place but once I
put it all together for
myself and got a
system going for
doing each chapter it
was better. I felt like
my answers were
well thought out and
that I designed the
final product of my
printer journal nicely.

early by reading the

book every night.
Some days I would
be too busy with
dance and college
applications so I
would skip a night or
two of reading and
getting behind on one
section of reading
made it hard to catch
up to the right
chapter again
because of all the
questions and
Another improvement
strategy for this
assignment would be
to think of the
questions being
asked as I read. I sort
of read the book for
the information and
then when I was
answering the
questions I had to go
back and analyze the
text again to answer
the questions. I need
to break down the
text as I am reading
and think deeper into
it in that moment.

This assignment went

very well for me. I felt
like it was pretty easy
to get it done quickly
because by this point
I was very familiar
with the book from
reading it and
analyzing it with the
journal. I feel that my
essay turned out to
be very well-thought
out and Im content
with what I wrote. I
think that I analyzed

One improvement
strategy would have
been to make a
better outline before
writing my essay and
putting quotes on it. I
didnt pick out quotes
until after I started
writing and I learned
that this is a harder
way of doing it.
Another improvement
strategy would be to
paraphrase the book
more. I used quotes

the book very well.

but it would also be

effective to restate
information from
throughout the book
to make it a stronger

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